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1、一、 單詞拼寫并背誦1. Have you ever wanted to be part of a band as a famous singer or m_(音樂家)?2. Do you sing Karaoke and p_ (假裝)you are a famous singer like Song Zuying or Liu Huan?3. But just how do people f_(組成) a band?4. Sometimes they may play to p_ (過路人)in the street or subway so that they can e_ (賺)som

2、e e_ (額外的)money for themselves or to pay for their i_(樂器,工具).5. Later they may give p_(表演) in p_(酒吧) or clubs, for which they are paid in cash.6. They hope to make records in a s_(錄音棚,演播室) and sell millions of copies to become m_(百萬富翁)!7. They had to use a_ (男演員)for the other three members of the ba

3、nd.8. So during the b_ (廣播)they just p_(假裝)to sing.9. Anyhow their performances were h_ (幽默的)enough to be copied by other groups.10. Not long after Freddy and the band became famous, they visited Britain on a b_ (簡(jiǎn)短的)tour.11. Fans showed their d_ (熱愛,投入)by waiting for hours to get tickets for their

4、concerts.12. He enjoyed singing and all the congratulations a_(后來,然后)!13. His most exciting i_ (邀請(qǐng))was to p_(表演) on a TV programme called “Top of pops “.14. Even when they wore sunglasses or b_(胡須)people recognized them.15. At last feeling very upset and s_(敏感的), Freddy and his band realized that th

5、ey must leave the country before it became too p_ (痛苦的)for them.16. The band broke up about 1970, but happily they r_(重聚)in the mid-1980s.二、 短語填空并背誦part of dream of to be honest attachto pay for in cash play jokes on rely on or so break up in addition sort out above all get familiar with1. Have you

6、ever wanted to be _ a band as a famous singer or musicians?2. Have you ever _ playing in front of thousands of people at a concert, at which everyone is clapping and appreciating your music?3. We _great importance _learning English well.4. _, a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich

7、and famous.5. Sometimes they may play to passers-by in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money for themselves or to _ their instruments.6. Later they may give performances in pubs or clubs, for which they are paid _.7. You can _your friends on April 1st.8. They were so popular th

8、at their fans formed club in order to _ more_ them.9. As some of these actors could not sing well enough, they had to _ other musicians to help them.10. He works hard and can earn 100,000 yuan _ every year.11. The band _ about 1970, but happily they reunited in the mid-1980s.12. They are _the studyi

9、ng materials.13. We must make use of everything, and _we must make use of time.14. You need money and time, _, you need hard-working to do the work well.其他搭配并背誦:Thousands of At a concertForm a bandStart/begin asFirst step to fameEarn some extra moneyGive performancesIn pubsMake recordsIn a studioMil

10、lions of Become millionairesIn a different wayAs well as Most ofBe based on Put an advertisementLook forGood enoughUse actors forPretend to do Humorous enoughIn order toWritten by other musiciansBecome more serious aboutA real bandProduce their own recordsStarted touringEven more popular三、句子翻譯并背誦1.

11、你曾經(jīng)想過要成為一個(gè)樂隊(duì)里有名的歌手或音樂家嗎?2. 你是否曾夢(mèng)想過在音樂會(huì)上面對(duì)成千上萬的觀眾演唱,觀眾欣賞你的歌唱為你鼓掌嗎?3. 你唱卡拉OK時(shí)是否假裝自己就是像宋祖英或劉歡一樣著名的歌星嗎?4. 說實(shí)在的,很多人把名和利看得很重。5. 那么,人們又是怎樣一起組成樂隊(duì)的呢?6. 他們開始可能是一組中學(xué)生,在某個(gè)人家里排練音樂是成名的第一步。7. 有時(shí)他們可能在街上或地鐵里為過路人演奏,這樣他們可以為自己或自己要買的樂器掙一些額外的錢。8. 后來,他們可能在酒吧或者俱樂部里演出,這樣他們可以得到現(xiàn)金。9. 當(dāng)然,他們希望在錄音棚里錄音,然后賣掉上百萬張碟,從而成為百萬富翁。10. 然而,也有一個(gè)用不同方式組建起來的樂隊(duì)。11. 組成樂隊(duì)的音樂人演奏音樂,還彼此打趣都笑。這些玩笑和音樂大多都在模仿“甲殼蟲”樂隊(duì)。12. 電視整理人原計(jì)劃想尋找四位會(huì)唱又會(huì)表演的樂手。13. 他們?cè)趫?bào)紙上登了一則廣告,想招搖滾樂手,但他們只招到一個(gè)滿意的。14. 樂隊(duì)的其他三人只能用演員來代替。15. 因?yàn)檫@些演員中有些人唱得不是很好,他們不得不依靠隊(duì)里的其他人幫助。16. 所以在演出的時(shí)候他們只是假唱。17. 不管怎樣,他們的表演非常幽默以至于其他的樂隊(duì)也開始模仿。18. 他們非常走紅使得歌迷們?yōu)榱烁邮煜に麄兌闪⒘司銟凡俊?9. 然而,經(jīng)過大約一年以后,門基樂隊(duì)逐漸對(duì)自己的工作認(rèn)真起來,他們


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