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1、九年級英語第1頁(共 13 頁)2016 年初中學(xué)業(yè)水平考試階段性調(diào)研檢測英語試題(一)第 I 卷(選擇題共 85 分)I .聽力測試A)聽錄音,在每組句子中選出一個你所聽到的句子。每個句子聽一遍。(5 分)1. A. He looks like his father.B. He likes play ing basketball.C. He is looking for his father.2. A. What about going shopp ing today?B. What about clea ning the win dows today?C. What about doing

2、 some clea ning today?3. A. I hope to go to Beiji ng n ext mon th.B. I hope you ll have a good, dayC. I hopeyou will feel better soon.4. A. I mustsay sorry to you becauseI didn t finish myhomework.B. I mustsay sorry to you becauseI broke your glasses.C. I mustsay sorry to him becauseI hit himyesterd

3、ay.5. A. We will n ever forget the pleasa nt smell.B. We will tell you the secret if you keep it to yourself.C. We will n ever forget you because you are so kind.B)聽錄音,從每題 A、B、C 三幅圖畫中選出與聽到的對話內(nèi)容相符的一項。每段對話聽兩遍。九年級英語第2頁(共 13 頁)7. A .8. A.九年級英語第3頁(共 13 頁)D)在錄音中,你將聽到一篇短文及五個問題。請根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容及問題選擇正確答案。短文及問題聽兩遍。(5

4、分)16. A. By pla ne.B. By car.C. By train.17. A. To Paris.B. To New York.C. To San Fran cisco.18. A. 1.B. 2.C. 3.19. A. Exercis ing.B. Smok ing.C. drinking wine.20. A. Her son is a good young man.B. Her daughter is six years oldC. Her son is a baby.II.讀音選詞根據(jù)所給句子的句意及音標(biāo)選擇正確答案。(5 分)21. Many people like

5、flying_ / in this seas on of year.A. kiteB. kitesC. pla neD. pla nes22.“_/-k/ you on Mon day ” means See you on Mon day ”.A. SeeB. CatchesC. CatchD. Cash23. I don care if my friend is_ / k 亠匸-亠 / to me.A. sameB. differe ntC. comfortableD. similar24. To fight bad people, the Monkey King uses a_ / sti

6、ck.A. magicB. steadC. magicalD. hard25. It_ / ?mp?la?t/ to talk loudly in public places.川.選擇填空 從每題 A、B、C、D 四個選項中,選出一個最佳答案(25 分)26. -Jim, I want to be_engin eer whe n I grow up.-So unds good.A. aB. anC. theD. /11.A. Paris.B. Tokyo.C.Toro nto.12.A. In May.B. In June.C.In July.13 A. Educatio n.B. Chin

7、ese history.C.Chin ese culture.A. importa ntB. impoliteC. improveD. impossible問題聽兩遍。(5 分)C)在錄音中,你將聽到一段對話及五個問題。請根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容及問題選擇正確答案。對話及九年級英語第4頁(共 13 頁)27. -I think the Internet is really useful.-1 agree with you, we can get lots of _ from it.A. thingB. messageC. idea28. -I don t know these new words. Wha

8、t should I do?-You can_in the dictio nary.A. give it upB. give them upC. look them up九年級英語第5頁(共 13 頁)29. Remember this, childre n._careful you are ,_mistakes you will make.D. i nformationD. look it upA. The more; the moreC. The more; the fewerB. Thefewer;the30. -Ca n you stay here Ionger?-_ . But I

9、have to prepare for my exam.A. I dlove to.B. I mafraidD.Nb. I m not available.A. WhenB. HowC. WhereD. What32. - Is Victor crazy about basketball?-No. He is only_ football.A. sure aboutB. proud ofC. in terested in33. -I missed the first bus this morning.-Sorry, it s my fault. I forgot to_earlier.A. c

10、heer you up B. wake you upC. wait for you34. - What s the weather like today?D. worried aboutD. care for youA. It sTuesday B. IdontmindC. It s very dryD. I don t like it36. Nancy doesn t think fast food is good for health, so she_ eats it.A. hardlyB. oftenC. nearly37. -Did they have fun visit ing th

11、e Summer Palace?-Yes. They really enjoyed_there.A. theirsB. theirC. them38. Uni uckily, the old lady kn ocked her head_the wall as she fell.D. althoughD. themselvesD. withoutA. dow nB. intoC. aga inst39. - I called you at 8:00 last ni ght, but n obody an swered the phone.-Oh, I_ my dog in the park.A

12、. walkedB. was walk ingC. will walk九年級英語第6頁(共 13 頁)41. If it_n ext Sun day, we will pla nt trees on the hill.A. isn t raining B. hasn t rainC. doesn t rainD. won t rain42. -Your son got five “ A” this term, con gratulati ons!-Than ks! He_watch TV in his spare time, but now he_study ing in the librar

13、y.A. used to; is used toB. is used to; used toC. used to; used toD. is used to; is used to43. - Matt, how do you study En glish grammar?-_ tak ing no tes and doing lots of exercises.A. ForB. WithC. ByD. About44. -_ great actress Sun Li is!-Yes, She acted very well in the TV drama series The Lege nd

14、of Miyue.A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How a45. -Kevi n has gone to New Zeala nd.-Oh, can you tell me_ ?A. whe n did he leaveB. whe n he is leavingC. whe n he left46. - What are you going to do after you retire?D. whe n is he leaving-1 am going to live_.A. somewhere beautifulB. quiet somewhereC. any wher

15、e in teresti ngD. everywhere no isy47. - Could I try to drive out with my friend tomorrow, mum?-_ . You are not serious eno ugh, I am afraid.A. Yes, you can.B. No, you mustn tC. Sure, you can.D. Of course, you will.48. - Would you mind _ this book for a mon th?- _ . I m glad you like it so much.A. m

16、y keep ing; Of course notB. le nding; Not at allC. keep ing; All rightD. my borrow ing; Certainly not49. -Which sweater do you like best, Katie?-The sweaters are_ too bigA. n either; nor B. both; and50. Karen enjoys_photos a lot. She thi nks itA. takeB. tookC. to take.She thinks itC. to cut51.Tomorr

17、ow Kare n will get her hair_A. cutsB. cut52. - Do you miss your pare nts far away?-Yes, very much. They_ the hometow n for over two years.too small . I don t like them.C. not only; but also D. either; ors exciting.D. tak ing.s a little Ion gerD. cutt ingA. leftB. have leftC. was away fromD. have bee

18、 n away from53._about the connection betwee n words may help you to remember them.A. Thi nkB. Thi nkingC. thoughtD. bee n thought九年級英語第7頁(共 13 頁)九年級英語第8頁(共 13 頁)54. -Did they have fun yesterday?-No. Tina didn t . This drove Amy crazy.A. put upB. take upC. show upD. clea n up55. -What did Lana say?-S

19、he asked me_ .A. if I could help her with her math.B. how long it takes me to complete the taskC. whose paper lantern was itD. if I have see n the TV playIV .完形填空 閱讀短文,從每題 A、B、C、D 四個選項中,選出一個能填入文章中相應(yīng)空白 處的最佳答案。(10分)Mr. Cli nto n and his son To ny were both basketball fans. On Tonythbirthday, Mr. Clint

20、o356_to drive him to New York to watch the first game of the World Series. They had no57_But hoped to buy a pair from scalpers(票販子)After they arrived, they walked on the street for two hours, carrying a 58_ that read, “ Wen eed two tickets.” There were many scalpers around, but the cheapest tickets$

21、we00. They wereabout to leave when suddenly a man 59_ them. He took out two tickets and gave them to Mr.Cli nto n.60_ do you want ”“ Just a present, ” said the man. “ Enjoy the game. ”Mr. Cli nton would n t accept, so the man I Jacks on. Hans is my boss. He and hiswife haven t missWorld Series in 18

22、years. But he is ill and 62_ watch the game this time. Sohe told me to give the two tickets to people who I thought would 63_ enjoy the game. A lot ofpeople looked as if they might just take the tickets and sell them. Then I saw you and followed you for a while. Youseemed very 64_ . You made me thi

23、nk of my dad and me whe n I was a child. Idreamed of going to a World Series game with my father. But my dream n ever 65_ _Mr. Cli nton said,“ This is the most won derful things ther happe ned to us. We will n everforget you and Hans. ”56. A. hatedB. decidedC. failedD. refused57. A. ticketB. moneyC.

24、 frie ndD. time58. A. bookB. chalkC. sig nD. basketball59. A. warnedB. men ti onedC. stoppedD. in troduced60. A. How longB. How farC. How oftenD. how much61. A. agreedB. shoutedC. suggestedD. expla ined62. A. canB. cantC. mustD. mustnt63. A. actuallyB. latelyC. n earlyD. n ormally64. A. excitedB. lo

25、 nelyC.happyD. disappo inted65. A. en ded upB. came trueC. passed byD. took placeV.補全對話 閱讀對話,從每題 A、B、C、D 四個選項中,選出一個最佳答案完成對話。(5)A: Hey, Judy. Dont forget to turn off the lights. 66._B: Sorry, I was just in a hurry. How come (怎么會)youre in terested in the environment, Jack?A: I always have bee n. I jus

26、t read a book about it, and there are so many things we can do.九年級英語第9頁(共 13 頁)B: Like what?九年級英語第10頁(共 13 頁)A: Well, you should tur n of the shower whe n youre wash ing your hair.B: Oh, 67._A: You would nt?B: No, I have very short hair. Im only in the shower for a few mi nu tes.A: 68._B: What else

27、does it say?A: It says you should take your own bags whe n you go food shopp ing.B: Oh, thats not difficult. 69._ What else?A: Hmmm. Heres a good one. It says people should stop riding in cars and start riding bikes.B: Oh, Ill never do that! Can you see me riding forty minutes to and from school eve

28、ry day?A: Well, I thi nk the environment is really importa nt. 70._B: Yes, and you also live close to school!B. Its too weakD. Youd better call your pare nts.B. You can come with me .D. I wash my hair everyday.B. Well, every minute helps.D. Its getting hot in the summer.B. If you go shopp ing with a

29、 bag, its not convenientD. I can do that.70. A. Besides, I like ridi ng my bike.B. You can come to my house tomorrow.C. Its every on es resp on sibility to protect the environment.D. I would not love to do it.VI.閱讀理解閱讀下列短文,從每題A、B、C、D 四個選項中,選出一個能完成所給句子或回答所提問題的最佳答案。(15 分)AWhen I was 12, my family live

30、d in the countryside. There was a big tree behind my house. Every evening some mock in gbirds ( 嘲 鶇)would come and restin it_a nd sing. That was the most beautiful sound that I had ever heard.I decided that I would catch a baby mock in gbird and keep it in a cage(籠子).Thatway I would have my own song

31、bird.I fin ally caught one and put it in a cage. At first, the baby bird was scared and tried to get out of the cage, but finally it became quiet in its new home. I felt very pleased with myself and looked forward to heari ng beautiful songsfrom my own son gbird.I left the cage out in our backyard.

32、On the second day my new pet s mother flew to th foodin its mouth. The baby bird ate everyth ing its mother brought to it. I was pleased to see this. Certainly the motherknew better than I how to feed its baby.The follow ing morning whe n I went to see hoe my pet was doin g, I discovered it on the f

33、loor of the cage, dead.I was shocked! What had happe ned? I had take n good care of my little bird.66. A. It saves electricity.C. Im afraid you will be late67.A. I will visit my uncle.C. Id never do that!68. A. The water is very expe nsive.C. My shower does nt work well.69. A. The bags are made of p

34、aper.C. I dont like using paper bags.九年級英語第 11 頁(共 13 頁)when a mother mockingbird finds its baby in a cage, itwill bring the baby poisonous( 有毒的 ) food. It thinks it s betteirldfotor idtsiecthhan to live in the cage. ”Since then I have never caught another bird.71. What does the underlined word “ it

35、 ” in Paragra?ph 1 refer toA. The countryside. B. The house. C. The tree. D. The cage.72. Why did the writer catch the baby mockingbird?A. To play with it. B. To hear its beautiful songs.C. To keep it safe from danger. D. To learn about mockingbird.73. What was the baby mockingbird like when it was

36、first put in the cage?A. It was excited. B. It was afraid.C. It was quiet. D. It was happy.74. What happened to the baby mockingbird at last?A. It was saved by its motherB. It made friends with the writer.C. It ate poisonous food and died.D. It sang beautiful songs to the writer.75. What does the wr

37、iter learn from his or her experience with the mockingbird?A. Birds shouldn t be kept in a cage. B. Baby birds should live with their mothers.C. Mockingbirds are not easy to take care of. D. People should feed birds with the fight food.BNowadays, many children spend many hours a day looking at compu

38、ter screens or other digital products(數(shù)碼產(chǎn)品).Some eye care professionals(專業(yè)人士 ) say all the screen time has caused more children to have eyeproblems.Nathan Warford is an optometrist( 驗光師 ) in Florida, USA. He says he has seen an increase in problems inchildren.“ Some children come into the office bec

39、ause their parents have found that they have red eyes. Others comebecause their degree(度數(shù))of short-sighted ness is in creas ing very fast and pare nts are worried. ”he said.Part of the problem is that even if their eyes start to feel uncomfortable or they start to get a headache, somechildren don t

40、tell their parents. These chialdrereanfraid that their parents would take their games or the computeraway.Another part of the problem is that people blink( 眨眼睛 )less often when they look at the screen. When aperson uses a computer or other digital products, he or she blinks about a third as much as

41、we normally do ineveryday life. If we blink less often, our eyes cant stay wet or are too tiwill not be protected like normal.76. According to Nathan, how many kinds of eye problems may too much screen time cause?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.77. Some Children dont tell their parents their eye pro

42、blems because_._A. they think theyre not serious B. they don t want their parents to worryC. they want to go to hospital themselves D. they want to continue playing computer games78. People normally blink about 20 times a minute. How many times do they blink if they use a computer?A. About 4.B. Abou

43、t 7.C. About 11.D. About 15.Later, A friend of my father told me,九年級英語第12頁(共 13 頁)79. From the passage, we can lear n that_.A. bli nking is good for eyes.B. sleep ing late is bad for eyes.C. we should bli nk as much as possible. D. we should n t look at the scree ns in a dark room80. What the passag

44、e mainly about?A. Some ways of protecting c hildren s eyes.B. Some in formati on about the latest digital products.C. Nathan s experienee of working out eye problems.D. Eye problems in childre n caused by using digital products.CA gift card is a card that is issued ( 發(fā)行) by a store. These cards areb

45、ig money makers for stores. One reas on is that whe n gift-card holders go to the store, they ofte n seeother things to buy, and they spend more money than the gift card is worth. Unused cards are another reason.Stores make millions of dollars because large numbers of people never use their cards. T

46、hey either lose them,forget about them, or decide that it s not worth the effort.Gift card are becoming very popular in many countries around the world. In the US, they are one of the mostpopular kinds of gifts. Why? People love the convenience- gift cards are easy to buy and easy to use, either in

47、thestore or on li ne. The recipient ca n choose his or her own gift and the giver does not have to worry about finding justthe right thing.Receiving a gift card, however, is not the same as receiving a gift. A real gift is a better reminder of the pers onwho gave it. The message of a real gift is mo

48、re likely to be,I spe ndto find the right gift for you because I care about you.” Often a gift card does not send the same message as a realgift. It may seem to say, I was in a hurry. I didn t have time to thiyou would really like.”In today s world, gift cards are certainly convenient. However, they

49、 can make us forgetthe real purpose ofgiving gifts, which is to build a closer connection between the gift-giver and the gift-recipie nt.81. How many reas ons are give n to expla in why gift cards are big money makers for stores ?A . OneB. TwoC. ThreeD . Four82. What does the un derl ine word“ recip

50、ie nt ” mean in Chin ese?A .商家B .顧客C.發(fā)行者D .接受者83. What is the sec ond paragraph mainly about?A. Why gift cards are popular in the US. B. Different kinds of gift cards.C. Where to buy gift cards.D. How to use gift cards.84. What message does a gift card send according to the writer?A. I care about yo

51、u.B. I know you like the gift cards.C. I couldn t find the right gift for youD. I didn t have time to buy you a real g ift85. Which of the following is the writer s opinionA. It s easy for people to lose gift cardsB. Gift cards are better than real gifts.C. Gift cards help people save mon ey.D. Real

52、 gifts can bring people closer.Thank You九年級英語第13頁(共 13 頁)第口卷(非選擇題共35分)vn.選詞填空(10 分)A閱讀短文,從方框中選擇適當(dāng)?shù)脑~填空(每詞限用一次)taught about write us successfulDear Mary,Thank you for your last letter. Now let me tell you something 86_ my Englishteacher, Miss White .Miss White is from America . She has 87_ us English

53、for two years. She likesreading when she is free. She is kind and helpful . As a teacher, she is 88_ . She teachesso well that she won the first prize in the teaching competition last year .She stays with 89_every day and she is regarded as our most popular teacher.Please 90_ back soon and tell me s

54、ometh ing about your teachers.Yours,EmmaB.閱讀短文,從方框中選擇適當(dāng)?shù)膭釉~,并用其適當(dāng)形式填空。Have knock happe n call workLast weeke nd, Jim went to see a film. It was about a boy 91 _ Bob. Bob lived withhis parents in a small town. They were very poor. Bobs father 92_ in a market for a longtime. Bob wan ted 93_ a bike very

55、 much.One day, an old man 94_ dow n by some boys, and they ran away. Bob went to helpthe old man. The old man gave him a magic book and told Bob to make a wish before opening it.Can you guess what 95_in the end? Please watch the film and find out!得分評卷人九年級英語第14頁(共 13 頁)Tu Youyou discovered Artemis in

56、in,it is a drug that has sharplylowered the_people who die from malaria.座號按括號中的要求完成改寫后的句子,每個空格填一個單詞。96. The lions are from Africa. 改為否定句)The lions_ from Africa.97. They have a big sports meeting every two years.(就戈 U 線部分提問 )_ do they have a big sports meeti ng?98. Kate said to us, “ I hmppy to see y

57、ou again. 改寫句子,句意不變 )Kate told us that_happy to see us aga in.99. The n ewspaper says,“ The gover nment will build the CBD to make Jinan develop faster.(改寫句子,句意不變)It is reported in the n ewspaper that Jinan CBD will_up to speed up itsdevelopme nt.100. He is very kind, so the poor children can go to

58、school.( 改寫句子,句意不變 )The poor childre n can go to school_ his kindn ess.101. 如果我想推遲我的航班怎么辦???What if I want to_ my flight?102. 我們正在盡全力肅清貪官污吏,建立廉潔政治。We are tryi ng our best to_ all corrupt officials and establish clea ngover nment.103. 回絕了他的邀請如何?What abouthis in vitati on?104. 一些年輕人非常仰慕一些明星,并且想變成他們那樣的人

59、。Many young people _ _ to many famous stars and want tobecome the people like them.105. 屠呦呦發(fā)現(xiàn)了青蒿素,它是一種藥物,大幅降低了死于瘧疾的人數(shù)。得分評卷人得分評卷人IX .完成句子根據(jù)漢語意思完成英語句子,每個空格填一個單詞。5分)vrn.改寫句子(5 分)九年級英語第15頁(共 13 頁)X.閱讀填句 閱讀短文,從短文后邊的選項中選出能填入空白處得最佳選項。選項中有兩項為多余選項(5 分)We ofte n meet people from differe nt cultures. For succe

60、ssful com muni cati on, it importa nt toknow how con versatio nal styles are differe nt around the world.Opening and closing conversationDifferent cultures have different ways of greeting people. 106_ For example, whenNorth America ns end a con versati on, they often say, We must get together aga in


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