



1、Doc NameAS01 Create Asset Master RecordPrepared byMeeili ng TsaiDate2021/06/11ModuleFIVersio n1.0Work In structio nCreate Asset Master RecordPurposeThe "acquisiti on of a leased asset" is con sidered for our purposes to be the entry of the leased asset in the FI-AA System. This does not ne

2、cessarily mean that the leased asset must be capitalized. You can enter a leased asset simply in order to man age purely statistical data. You han dle the asset as a master record, with no values in the book or tax depreciati on areas.Posti ng the acquisiti on of a leased asset may be n ecessary for

3、 one of the follow ing reas ons:You have received a new leased asset (goods receipt).You n eed to cha nge the way bookkeep ing is han dled for a leased asset due to a cha nge in the con diti ons of the lease. You n eed to post a leased asset to a new asset master record due to a tran sfer.Prerequisi

4、tesNAMe nu PathTo go to the Asset Create screen, use the following menu path:Acco un ti ng Finan cial Acco un ti ng Fixed Assets Asset Create AssetTran sacti on CodeAS01, AS11Work Steps1. Update the follow ing R equired, Opti on al, and C on diti onal fields, as n eeded:FieldR/O/CDescriptio n/Actio

5、nAsset ClassRCompa ny CodeRNumber of similar assetsONumber of similar assets that you want the system to create when you save an asset master record.In put qua ntity of similar assets available.Update the following R equired, Opti Fieldon al, and R/O/CC onditional fields, as needed:Descriptio n/Acti

6、o nDescripti onRDescripti on2OUse for additi on in formati on (Model No.)Serial No.OYou can enter the manufacturer's serial number in this field.Inven tory NumberOA unique asset identifier.Quan tityOast Inven tory DateOInven tory NoteOOld asset nu mberIn clude asset in Inven tory IistOSet this i

7、n dicator if you want the asset to begIIgOAutomatically populated from acquisiti on tran sfer.Capitalized On?Deactivati on On?2.The system en ters the asset value date of the retireme nt posting for a full retirement in this field. Once an asset has bee n deactivated, you can no Ion ger post to the

8、asset (with one exceptio n: post ing a reversal of the last retireme nt). In order for you to be able to make correction postings after an asset has bee n deactivated, you can also manu ally cha nge the deactivati on date in the asset master record.FieldR/O/CDescriptio n/Actio nRefere nce AssetOUse

9、whe n creati ng a leased asset by copy ing an existi ng asset.Refere nce Sub #ORefere nce Compa ny CodeOPost Capitalizati onO1.1 Press ENTER to adva nce to the n ext scree n.2.1 Press ENTER to adva nce to the n ext scree n.3.Update the follow ing R equired, Opti on al, and C on diti onal fields, as

10、n eeded:Doc NameAS01 Create Asset Master RecordPrepared byMeeili ng TsaiDate2021/06/11ModuleFIVersio n1.0FieldR/O/CDescriptio n/Actio nBusin ess AreaOOn ly required if compa ny is using Busin ess Areas. If compa ny is using Busin ess Areas and this is a required field, thew ill ?st ill not show.Cost

11、 Cen terRRequired if Controlling Module is active.Resp Cost Cen terOPla ntOLocati onORoomOCannot sort on this field.Asset Shutdow n?OUsed if Pla nt Maintenance is impleme nted.3.1 Press ENTER to advanee to the next screen.4. On the scree ns that follow, all field in formati on is gen erally opti ona

12、l uni ess con figured as required through the Asset Class:?Create Asset: Origin Data?Create Asset: Net Worth TaxCreate Asset: Allocati onsCreate Asset: In sura nee4.1 Press ENTER to adva nce to the n ext scree n.5. Update the follow ing Required, Opti on al, and C on diti onal fields, as n eeded:Fie

13、ldR/O/CDescriptio n/Actio nVendorOCapital inv. OrderOEn ter a in ter nal order here, if the system should also automatically post tran sacti ons on the asset statistically to this order.5.1 Press ENTER to adva nce to the n ext scree n.6. Update the follow ing R equired, Opti on al, and C on diti ona

14、l fields, as n eeded:FieldR/O/CDescriptio n/Actio n_eas ing Compa nyRCompa ny the asset is leased fromAgreeme nt nu mberRAgreeme nt dateR.ease Start DateRStart date of the leaseNotice DateREnd date of the leaseease LengthRLength of the lease in years and periods_ease TypeRType of lease (capital leas

15、e type must be prec on figured)Base value newREstimated market price of the lease.Purchase priceRThe purchase price of the leased asset at the end of the lease.Suppleme ntary textONo of Lease Payme ntsRTotal number of lease payments (through the life of the lease)Adva nee payme ntCPayme nt CycleRFre

16、quency of lease payments (1 二 monthly)eas ing Payme ntRPeriodic lease payme nt7JYear in terest rateR1JAnnual leasing interest ratePrese nt valueCCalculates present value based on above in put.Doc NameAS01 Create Asset Master RecordPrepared byMeeili ng TsaiDate2021/06/11ModuleFIVersio n1.05.1 Press E

17、NTER to adva nee to the n ext scree n.6.Update the follow ing R equired, Opti on al, and C on diti onal fields, as n eeded:FieldR/O/CDescriptio n/Actio nDepreciatio n KeyRDepreciatio n MethodWill default from Asset Class but may be overridde n.Useful LifeRLen gth of the life of the lease.Will default from Asset Class but may be overridde n.Depreciatio n Start DtCDate depreciation is start.Will default from Asset Class but may be overridde n.7. Press the yellow SAVE icon o


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