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1、Module 1 Europe復(fù)可3步曲/NO川 發(fā)端于教材/L2教材為經(jīng)線深度掌握核心點(diǎn)、課前基礎(chǔ)自查(一)分類記單詞省時(shí)高效I .閱讀單詞(知其意)1. boot n .長統(tǒng)靴;皮靴2 . Ian dmark n.標(biāo)志性建筑3 . gallery n.美術(shù)館;畫廊4 . scu Ip ture n.雕刻;泥塑5 . birth place n.發(fā)源地6 . civilisation n.文明7 . whereabouts adv. 在哪里8 . p arliame nt n.國會(huì):議會(huì)9 . regi on n. 地區(qū);區(qū)域10. geographical adj.地理的n .重點(diǎn)單詞(寫

2、其形)across prep. 橫過;穿過face vt. 面向;面對range n. 山脈;范圍symbol n. 象征;符號architect n.建筑師project n.計(jì)劃;項(xiàng)目;工程ancient adj.古代的head n.領(lǐng)袖;領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人representative n.代表11. feature n.特點(diǎn)川.拓展單詞(通其變)1.Continental adj.大陸的;大洲的宀 continent n.大陸;大洲2 . situated adj .坐落(某處)的;位于(某處)的7 situation n .形勢;情況;位置7 situate vt.使位于;使處于3. locate

3、d adj .位于location n. 位置locate vt.使坐落于vi.定位;定居4 . opposite prep.在對面 adj.相反的7 opposevt.反對語境活用1. Situated at the foot of the mountain, thesmall village enjoys a good situation _and due to the fast deve lopment of tourism, it hasbecome a holiday resort. (situate)2. The committee members opposed the bill

4、and gave some opposite ideas. (oppose)3. Our new office is located within thecentre of the tow n, and the location isconvenient for me. (locate)4. They were in disagreement with us at5. sign vt.簽署7 signature n.簽字;署名first, but after many talks with each other,6. agreement n. 協(xié)議; 契約7 disagreementn. 不同

5、意;分歧7. govern vt.統(tǒng)治; 治理7 government n .政府we sig ned an agreement. (agreeme nt)5. In our country, railways are governed bythe government,_not by any individuals.1.of all time有史以來2. be known as 作為而出名聞名ever since自從一直3. I would like a job which pays more, butbecause of因?yàn)?;由于on_theotherhand,_l enjoy the w

6、ork I m doing at thein terms of據(jù);依照mome nt.而言4. Follow the doctor s advice after operation and youwill pick up little_by_little.6. Iittle_by_little 一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)地;逐漸地5. Ever_sinee they moved to this apartment, Mary and7. on_the_other_hand 另一方面;過來說Alice have bee n good partners.6. Michael Jordan is the greates

7、t basketball player8. work_on 從事;努力做of_all_time.9. be famous for 以而聞名7. About three decades ago, China was_known_as the“ Bicycle Kingdom”(三)仿寫明句式以用為本8. produce n. 產(chǎn)品; 農(nóng)產(chǎn)品宀 product n. 產(chǎn)品; 制品T production n.生產(chǎn); 產(chǎn)量(gover n)(二)練中記短語 一一記牢用活寫準(zhǔn)記牢語境活用(選用左欄短語填空)I.The job is great in terms of salary, but it ha

8、s its disadva ntages.2. He was forced to drop out of school because of hisill ness.教材原句句式解讀句式仿寫1. Between France and Sp ain is another mountain range the Pyren ees.在法國和西班牙之間是另一座山脈 比利牛斯山脈。表示地點(diǎn)的介詞短語位于句首,需 用完全倒裝結(jié)構(gòu)。窗戶邊坐著一位年輕人,手里拿著一本雜志。By the window sat a young man with a magaz ine in his hand.2.Their wo

9、rk has influenced other writers ever since他們的作品影響了后世的作家。ever since 常與現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)連用。她五年前畢業(yè),從那時(shí)起便一直當(dāng) 護(hù)士。She left school five years ago and has_worked_as_a_nurse_ever_si nee3.The expan ded European Union has a popu lati on of more tha n half a billio n“倍數(shù)+ as+杰西卡付出的是以前三倍的時(shí)間peop le, twice as big as the popu l

10、ati on of the Uni ted States.adj ./adv.的原級和精力,所以我相信她這次能成+ as .” 結(jié)構(gòu)。功。擴(kuò)展后的歐盟人口超過五億,是美國Jessica devoted人口的兩倍。three times as much time and energy as she did before, so I believe she will succeed this time.二、課堂重點(diǎn)深化A重點(diǎn)I單詞另一邊;在各處;遍及adv.從一邊到另1. across prep橫過;穿過;交叉;在一邊;寬;交叉地自主體驗(yàn)單句語法填空 (2018 匕京高考)Companies ha

11、ve been testing their vehicles in cities across the country. Could you p redict how many audie nee your sp eech will get across to the reas ons for then eed to raise in terest rates?系統(tǒng)歸納come across(偶然)遇見;發(fā)現(xiàn);被理解get across (to)使被理解;向,講清楚重點(diǎn)強(qiáng)化用法條條清(across/through/ over)The Great Wall winds its way from

12、west to east, across the desert, over the mountains, through the valleys, till at last it reaches the sea.佳句時(shí)時(shí)寫在我們的日常生活中,我們不可避免地不時(shí)地遇到各種各樣的挑戰(zhàn)。In our daily life, we un avoidably_come_across_various_challen ges_now_a nd_the n2. face vt面向;面對 n.面孔;表情;正面自主體驗(yàn)單句語法填空 They have talked with each other through

13、video but they have n ever actually talked to eachother face to face.句型轉(zhuǎn)換Faci ng these difficulties, many stude nts find themselves un able to pay full atte nti on to theirstudies.T When_facing these difficulties, many students find themselves unable to pay fullattention to their studies.(狀語從句的省略)T

14、Faced_with these difficulties, many students find themselves unable to pay full attentionto their studies.(過去分詞短語作狀語 )T In_the_face_of these difficulties, many students find themselves unable to pay fullattention to their studies,介詞短語作狀語)系統(tǒng)歸納(1)be faced with面臨,面對face up to勇敢面對(2)make a face/ make fa

15、ces做鬼臉face to face面對面in the face of面對;在面前重點(diǎn)強(qiáng)化易錯(cuò)處處防 The buildi ng which faces to the big riveris likely to be destroyed by the flood. 去掉第一個(gè)to佳句時(shí)時(shí)寫必須指出的是,我們中國人很堅(jiān)強(qiáng),能勇敢地面對前方的困難。It must be poin ted out that we Chin ese arestrong eno ugh to face up to the difficultiesahead of us.3. range n.山脈;幅度;范圍;種類V.排列

16、;(在一定范圍內(nèi))變化,變動(dòng)自主體驗(yàn)單句語法填空(2017 匕京咼考)The national park has a large collection of wildlife, ranging (range) frombutterflies to ele phan ts.The price of the house is so high that it is well beyond our range.系統(tǒng)歸納(1)i n/with in range (of sth.)在范圍內(nèi)bey on d/out of ra nge (of sth.)在范圍外a wide range of .范圍廣泛的;

17、各種各樣的(2)ra nge from . to .在范圍內(nèi)變動(dòng)range betwee n . and .在和范圍內(nèi)變動(dòng)重點(diǎn)強(qiáng)化易錯(cuò)處處防the range of When drivi ng on highways, the driver must con trol his or her sp eed with in60 km/h and 120km/ h.去掉 range前的the_佳句時(shí)時(shí)寫(2018全國卷川書面表達(dá))而且,隨著體育館的建立,各種各樣的體育項(xiàng)目得以舉行。Moreover, with the stadium set up, a_wide_ra nge_oL spo rts_

18、eve nts_are_able_to_be_held.4. opposite prep在 對面adj.對面的;相反的;對立的adv.在對面n.對立面;對立的人;反義詞自主體驗(yàn)單句語法填空 Only 18 percent of those surveyed were oppo sed to the idea. The p ost office is oppo site (oppo se) to the first teachi ng build ing.系統(tǒng)歸納(1)be oppo site to與相反;在對面just the oppo site恰恰相反(2) opp ose vt.反對;與對

19、抗oppose doing sth.反對做某事(3) opp osed adj.反對的;相反的be oppo sed to (do ing) sth.反對(做)某事重點(diǎn)強(qiáng)化易錯(cuò)處處防 Our members are definitely opposed to make concessions (讓步)on the safetyquestio n.makei mak ing佳句時(shí)時(shí)寫很多教育家強(qiáng)烈反對過度保護(hù)孩子。Many educators stron gly_oppose_ protect ing childre n too much. (oppose)5. sign vt.簽署;簽名;打手

20、勢;示意n.符號;記號;手勢;跡象自主體驗(yàn)單句語法填空 I was driving around the corner when a policeman signed to me to stop (stop). In com muni catio n, a smile is usually a strong sig n of_a frien dly and open attitude. For safety reas ons, pl ease sig n in_ whe n you arrive at the buildi ng, and sig n out whe n youleave.示意

21、某人做某事系統(tǒng)歸納(1) sig n to sb. to do sth.sign in /out簽到/簽退sig n up報(bào)名參加;注冊(2)a sig n of .的標(biāo)志/跡象重點(diǎn)強(qiáng)化易錯(cuò)處處防 He signed her to lower her voice so as not to wake up the sleeping baby.signed 后力口 to佳句時(shí)時(shí)寫如果你感興趣,請?jiān)谙轮芩南挛?點(diǎn)前到辦公室報(bào)名,以便于我們做些必要的安排。If you are in terested, please sig nup at the office before 5 : 00 p. m. n

22、ext Thursday so thatwe will make n ecessary arran geme nts. P重點(diǎn)1魁語、句成1. in terms of 據(jù);依照;就而言系統(tǒng)歸納in the long /short term從長遠(yuǎn)/短期來看be on good/bad terms with sb.與某人關(guān)系好/不好come to terms with sb.與某人達(dá)成協(xié)議;與某人和解重點(diǎn)強(qiáng)化單句語法填空 The agreeme nt should have very po sitive results in_the long term. He fin ally came to_t

23、erms with that company. To kee p up good relati onships with your teachers and classmates, you should lear n to be ongood terms with them.佳句時(shí)時(shí)寫人們普遍認(rèn)為應(yīng)該根據(jù)綜合素質(zhì)來評價(jià)學(xué)生。It is gen erallyack no wledgedthat stude nts should_be_evaluatedin terms oj overall quality.2. on the other hand (可是)另一方面;反過來說系統(tǒng)歸納(1)on (

24、the) one hand .; on the other hand . 一方面 ;另一方面(去卩)(2) for one thing .; for ano ther .首先;其次/一則;二則(3) first(ly) .; seco nd(ly) .重點(diǎn)強(qiáng)化易錯(cuò)處處防On one hand I want to sell the house, but on other hand I cant bear the thought ofmoving.other 前力口 the佳句時(shí)時(shí)寫(2018全國卷I書面表達(dá))通常來講,一方面,你到達(dá)時(shí)間不要晚于規(guī)定時(shí)間,早幾分鐘最好;另一方面,你最好帶一些小禮物

25、,例如你們國家的特產(chǎn)食品或飲料。Gen erally sp eak ing, on _the_ on e_ha nd,_your arrival should n t be later tha n the fixed time,and a few minutes earlier is the best; on the other hand, you d better bring some little gifts, suchas a sp ecial food or drink from your coun try.一則,我能幫助照看孩子;二則,我能提高我的英語、交更多的朋友并豐富我在暑假期間

26、的生活。Forone thing,_l can help take care of the children. For_another,_l can improve my English,make more frien ds, and en rich my life duri ng the summer vacati on.3.介詞短語置于句首的倒裝句式教 材原句Between_France_and_Spain_is_another_mountain_rangethePy renees.自主體驗(yàn)There stood_a_desk against the wall in my room.在我房

27、間里靠墻放著一張書桌。 Present at the evening party was our English teacher yesterday.昨天我們的英語老師出席了晚會(huì)。歸納點(diǎn)撥(1)表示地點(diǎn)、方位或時(shí)間的副詞(如 here, there, in, out, up, down, away, now,then等)以及介詞短語(如in front of, at the foot of等)位于句首時(shí),句子要用用法規(guī)則全部倒裝。此時(shí)謂語動(dòng)詞一般為 be動(dòng)詞或lie, come, go, stand等動(dòng)詞,且句子的主語為名詞。(2)形容詞或分詞位于句首也可用全部倒裝。如果句子的主語為人稱代詞,

28、則不用倒裝語序。如:注意事項(xiàng)Look at the little dog! Here it runs .看這條小狗!它跑過來了。佳句背誦(增分要點(diǎn)句 )(2018江蘇高考書面表達(dá))For example, there are huge amounts ofreference books which I am often con fused to choose from.(增分要點(diǎn)句 )Just in the center of our city stands a tall tree with a history of more than100 years.本單元語篇話題與新課程主題語境“人與自

29、然”中的“主要國家地理概況”子話題相對應(yīng)一、話題語素積累多一點(diǎn)話題詞匯記一記子話題(一)大洲、行政區(qū)溫故淺易詞匯 Asia Euro pe Africa Lati n America South America North America province statezone n.地帶;地區(qū) district n.區(qū)域;地方;行政區(qū) border n.識記生疏 boun daryn.邊界;界限;分界線詞匯fron tier n.前沿;邊界;國境 county n. 郡,# Ocea nia n. 大洋洲An tarctica n.南極洲子話題(二)人口溫故淺易詞匯 population cit

30、izen peasant worker male female識記生疏詞匯 reside nt n.居民 rural adj.農(nóng)村的,鄉(xiāng)下的;田園的 urban adj.城市的 poverty n. 貧困 immigrant adj. 移民的;遷入的n. 移民,僑民子話題(三)自然地貌溫故淺易 beach shore coast harbor isla nd wave mountain詞匯 lake ocean cavestream n.溪流pond n. 池塘識記生疏bay n.海灣port n. 港口,口岸詞匯 straitn.海峽wetla nd n. 濕地 rangen.山脈steep

31、 adj.陡峭的 valleyn.山谷jun gle n. 叢林,密林常用詞塊憶一憶 bring . un der control把控制起來 age group年齡組 floati ng popu lati on流動(dòng)人口 birth rate出生率 death rate死亡率 age ing popu lati on老齡化人口 culture atmos phere文化氛圍 an intern atio nal fashi on cen ter國際時(shí)尚中心 the most famous Ian dmark最著名的地標(biāo) the graceful river bridge優(yōu)美的江橋? all t

32、he year around一年到頭? be made up of/consist of由組成? places of interest名勝? tourist attract ion旅游景點(diǎn)寫作佳句背一背 As we all know, the Eiffel Tower, which is situated in Paris, is the famous symbol of P aris,the cap ital of France. Built in the 16th cen tury, the castle has wit nessed too much coming and going i

33、n history. Can ada, which is the sec ond largest country in the world, covers an area of 9.98 milli onsquare kilometers.二、話題書面表達(dá)亮一點(diǎn)題目要求假定你是李華,你所在的城市正在參加大型文化旅游節(jié)目“魅力中國城”的評選活動(dòng)。你計(jì)劃在英文網(wǎng)站寫封公開信,宣傳你的家鄉(xiāng)并號召更多的人為你的家鄉(xiāng)投票。內(nèi)容包括:1.歷史和文化;2.環(huán)境特點(diǎn);3.人民生活和城市狀況。注意:1.詞數(shù)100左右;2可以適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),以使行文連貫。參考詞匯:魅力中國城Charmi ng Cities in

34、Chi na大型的 large-scale寫作4步走第一步:句寫對給詞寫句(用方框內(nèi)的詞匯翻譯句子)comp ete in, culture tourist TV p rogramme, get ones support, vote for, tourist attract ion.culture atmos phere, deve lop1. 我是李華,我的家鄉(xiāng)正在參加大型文化旅游電視節(jié)目“魅力中國城”的評選活動(dòng)。r m_Li_Hua.My hometown_is competing in the_large- scaleculture_touristTVprogram me_ “ Char

35、minqCitiesJn_ China ”2. 我寫信想得到你們的支持,為我的家鄉(xiāng)投票。r m_writing_to_get_your_support_by_voting_for_my_hometown.3. 我的家鄉(xiāng)在河南省。My_hometow n_i s_in_He nan_Province.4. 這里有許多旅游景點(diǎn)。There_are一ma ny_tourist_attracti ons.5.在這座城市散步,你能感覺到很濃的文化氛圍。Waiki ng_in_the_city,_you_ca n_feel_the_stro ng_culture_atmos phere6城市發(fā)展迅速。Th

36、e city is developing fast.7.我非常感激如果你能為我的家鄉(xiāng)投票。r m_grateful_if_you_can_vote_for_my_hometown.第二步:量寫夠語句擴(kuò)充&在第3句中增加簡單句“它是個(gè)具有悠久歷史的美麗城市”。My_hometown_is_in_Henan_Province.lt_is_a beautiful_city_with_a_long_history.9在第4句中“旅游景點(diǎn)”前增加修飾語“值得參觀的”,并增加并列句“許多名人曾經(jīng)在這里生活過”。There are many tourist attractions worth visitin

37、g and_many famous people once lived here10.第5句和第6句之間增加“這里的人既友好又熱心腸”。The people here are not only friendly but also warm- hearted.11在第6句中增加簡單句“每天吸引數(shù)以萬計(jì)的游客”。The_city_is_develo ping_fast.lt_a 卄racts_hundreds_of_thousands_of_visitors_every_day.and+陳述句”結(jié)構(gòu)。12在第7句中增加“歡迎來我的家鄉(xiāng)”,并使用“祈使句+Welcome to my hometown

38、 and I will be grateful if you can vote for it.第三步:語寫美一一詞句升格1 .第8句用be located in非謂語動(dòng)詞作狀語合并升級。Located一 in_Henan_P rov in ce,_my_hometow n_is_a_beautiful_city_with_a_ Ion g_history.2.第11句合并升級為非謂語動(dòng)詞作狀語。The city is developing fast, attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors every day.第四步:篇連順 一一銜接成文用 t

39、herefore, whats more, nowadays 連句成文。Dear friends,r m_Li二Hua.My_hometown_is_competing_in_the_large- scale_culture_tounsm_TV_progra mme Charming Cities in China ”. Therefore, Im writing to get your support by voting fo_ r my hometow n.Located in Henan Province, my hometow n is a beautiful city with a

40、long history-Ther e_are_ many _tourist_ attract ions _ worth_ visit ing_ an d_ma ny_famous_ people_ on ce_lived_here.Wal king_in _ the一 city,_ you一 can一 feel_ the一 strong_ culture_atmosphere.What s_more,_the_people_ here _are_not_only_friendly_but_also_warm- hearted.Nowadays_it_is_developing_fast,_a

41、ttracting_hun dreds_of_thousands_of_visitors_every_day.Welcometo my hometow n. a nd I will be grateful if you can vote_for it.Yours_sincerely ,Li HuaI .單詞拼寫g下作業(yè)單元語基扎根練1. I felt lucky to have been chosen as a representative ( 代表)of Canada and joined in thecultural tour to Pomp eii and Loula n.2. The

42、concept of intelligent robots, as friends or enemies, dates back to ancient ( 古代的)times.3. For generations cars have been a symbol (象征)of freedom and America s most importantp astime.4. Most young architects (建筑師)particularly those in big cities can only dream aboutwork ing in a buildi ng of their o

43、wn.5.Facing (面對)the difficulty, I kept calm and tried to think of a way to solve it.6.The countries are independent and are governed (治理)in different ways.7.Running from Christmas Eve, the Kuoni sale includes a wide range ( 范圍)of offers.Lying across (橫過)the river is a bridge built two hundred years

44、ago.9.Only after her mother came to help her for the first few mon ths was she allowed to begi nher project (計(jì)劃).10. Youd never know they re sisters they are compietely opposite (相反的)to each other in many ways.n .語境語法填空1. Our school is known ? as “ our second home ? ”. terms of teaching quality, our

45、 school is second to none. Because ? of this, our school is the most popular in our city.2. He ? has been working (work) on digging coal for several years. The job was very hard, but ? on the other hand it was well- paid. And little ? by little he has paid off all his debts.3. Shanghai, Chinas bigge

46、st and the most dynamic city, which is ? situated (situate) in theYangtze River Delta, is playing a leading role in the countrys economy. Its reported that an important commercial con tract ? was_signed (sig n) in Shan ghai last month.4. A friend of mine, who worked in the ? government (govern), rec

47、ently told me that she hadnt spoken to her son in almost three years. She said that she and her son had had a ?disagreement (agree) about his wife and that she would n t sp eak to him aga in uni ess he called first. When I suggested that she be the one to reach out, she was opposed to ? doing (do) t

48、hat and insisted that her son was the one who should apologize face ? to face.川.語境改錯(cuò)文中共有5處錯(cuò)誤, 每句中最多有一處,請找出并改正。Li Hua, who has wide range of in terests, is always ready to hel p others. However, he was facing with a p roblem the other day. That day, he was going across the road while he found that on

49、 the road lay an old lady. She sig ned to him for help. He did so and have exp ected her to say tha nks.But just the opposite, she said he shouldn t have knocked her down, which made him very angry.Fortun ate, he p roved to be innocent at last.答案:第一句:wide前加a第二句:facing T faced第三句:while T when第五句:have

50、T had第七句:Fort un ate t Fort un atelyW .根據(jù)提示進(jìn)行句式升級1. They entered the classroom, and a naughty boy sat in the front of it.( 介詞短語位于句首的 倒裝句式)TThey entered the classroom, in.the_frontof which sata naughty boy.2. She didnt go to school because she was ill, which made her mother worried. (because of)TShe

51、didnt go to school becauseof herillness,_which made her mother worried.3. The new planet discovered recently is almost three times as large as Earth, and hopefully itcan support human life.(其他倍數(shù)表達(dá)法 )f The new planet discovered recently is almost three_times_larger_than/the_size_of Earth,and hop eful

52、ly it can support huma n life.V .短文填空(I )根據(jù)提示填空Europes busy seas ons are in summer and win ter. Crowdi ng is the main p roblem in thewarmest mon ths of June, July and ? particularly (p articular) August, so you d better not go in thebusy mon ths. In some coun tries, ? such as (例女 0) France and Italy

53、, many shops and restaura ntsclose in August while locals take their own holidays, ? meaning (mean) that some cities can feelrather dead. December is always busy in P aris, P rague and any Austria n or Germa n city with agolden (gold) Christmas market. Easter is ano ther busy time. You can find barg

54、a ins by visit ingtraditional (traditi on)“ summerdesti nati ons such as Greece in win ter, but be aware that p ublictransport might be less frequent. In some northern locations such as Scotland, Sweden, Icelandand Norway, it might not run at all ? because-Of (因?yàn)?heavy snow and ice. For all the abovereas ons, by far the best mon ths to travel to Europe ? are (be) May, Sep tember and October. Apartfrom transport costs, you may need about 50 to 80 euros a day ? to_get (get) by in WesternEurope.(n )片段選詞填空be surrounded by,cover, centre, more than,as early as


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