



1、非謂語動詞之動詞不定式被動語態(tài)形一、復習各種時態(tài)的被動語態(tài) 被動語態(tài)的基本結構 :be+ done(以 the book , publish 為例)一般現(xiàn)在/過去時:The book is/ was published .一般/過去將來時:The book will/would be published .The book is/was going to be published .現(xiàn)在/過去進行時:The book is/was being published .現(xiàn)在/過去完成時:The book has/had been published .情態(tài)動詞:The book can/could

2、/may/might be published .二、不定式的被動式的基礎知識:語態(tài)時態(tài)主動語態(tài)被動語態(tài)一般式to doto be done完成式to have doneto have bee n done進行式to be doing沒有被動語態(tài)完成進行式to have bee n doing沒有被動語態(tài)1 )一般式:(not/never ) to be done2)完成式:(n ot/ never) to have been done (表示不定式動作發(fā)生在謂語動詞之前)三、通常在believe, suppose, say, report等動詞構成的句子中可以進行主動語態(tài)到被 動語態(tài)以及被動

3、語態(tài)和動詞不定式的轉換.如:They say that Mike is sick in bed.=lt is said that Mike is sick in bed.=Mike is said to be sick in bed.據(jù)說麥克臥床不起People believe that he was killed.=lt is believed that he was killed.=He is believed to have bee n killed.大家相信他被殺了 .四、當不定式的邏輯主語是不定式所表示的動作的承受者而非發(fā)出者時,不定式一般 要采用被動形式(to be done).語

4、法功能:1 作主語:It is an honour for me to be asked to speak here.2. 作賓語:She asked to be sent to work in Xinjia ng.3 構成復合賓語:He wan ted the letter to be typed at once.She didn ' t like herstrifbe praised like that.4構成復合謂語:The books are not allowed to be taken out of the room .5作定語:Are you going to the m

5、eeting to be held in the teachers ' office?6作狀語:She was too young to be assigned such work.五、 不定式有時還可以有完成式的被動式 to have been done (表示該動作是發(fā)生在主句 之前的一個被動動作) ,在句中作主語、賓語、定語,或者構成復合賓語、復合謂語等, 如:It is a good thing for him to have been criticized. (主語)She preferred to have been given heavier work to do. (

6、賓語 )He thought it an honour to have been invited to the party. (復合賓語)The book is said to have been translated into many languages. (復合謂語)She was the first woman to have been elected to such a post. (定語)六、不定式的主動形式表示被動1 There be 結構中,用不定式的主動和被動式來修飾主語,區(qū)別不大。(多用主動形式 )例如: There is a lot of work to do / to

7、be done .There is no time to lose /to be lost .譯: 沒有什么可擔心的。There is nothing to worry about. 注意以下兩點:(1)如果不定式結構加了 "for sb ."表示的邏輯主語時There are still many questions for us to discuss. (us 與 discuss 主謂關系,用主動 to discuss) There are a lot of reasons for the book to be published.(the book 與 publish

8、 是動賓關系,用被動 to be published)(2)某些動詞(do, see)的不定式特殊用法時,兩種形式所表示的意思不同。比較:There is nothing to do now. (We have nothing to do now.)There is nothing to be done now. (We can do nothing now.)There is nothing to see. (Nothing is worth seeing.)There is nothing to be seen. (Nothing is there at all.)2 在“主語 + be+

9、 adj+ to do ”句型中: 常見的 adj 有 hard , amusing , interesting , cheap, difficult , dangerous , easy, nice, important , pleasant.etc.That question is difficult to answer.He is an impossible person to work with 但若要強調句中的受事者,也可用不定式的被動式:The handwriting is difficult to be read.注意: 如果動詞為不及物動詞,則要注意介詞的搭配。John is

10、difficult to deal with.分析: (動 ) ( 賓)譯:這扶手椅坐起來很舒服。這題目很難算出來。The armchair is comfortable to sit inThe questi on is difficult to work out3. 當上述第2題中形容詞在句中作賓語補足語,后接不定式:I found him easy to get along with.They don ' t think the game interesting to play.I find the lecture difficult to un dersta nd.4. 在 “

11、too to do; enought結構中。如:The problem is too difficult to work out (to be worked out)The house is big enough to live in.(不及物動詞要補出相應的介詞)但若要強調句中的受事者,也可用被動式:This box is too heavy to be lifted.5. 在“with+n+to do結構中。(和邏輯主語是主動關系) 例如: With nothing to do , he lay in bed .With so many exercises to do , I can t

12、go to the cinema6. 當不定式的邏輯主語在句中出現(xiàn)時。例如:I have a meeting to attend.。 (to attend與I有主謂關系,即I是邏輯主語)Give him some books to read. (to read 與 him 有主謂關系,即 him 是邏輯主語 )如果不屬于上述情況,則表示被動意義時仍需要用被動形式。試比較下面兩句:1. Have you any thi ng to do this after noon?2. Have you any thi ng to be take n to the city (by me or some o

13、ne else) ?(to take與you沒有主謂關系,即you不是邏輯主語)練習:填寫括號中動詞的適當形式1.1 have a meet ing(atte nd) today.2. He gave me some books(read).3.1' m going to Beijing next week. Do you have anything (take) to your parents?7. 些作表語用的不定式的主動形式。常見的這類動詞有l(wèi)et(出租),rent, hire, blame等。例如: The house is to rent. Nobody was to bla

14、me for the accident.但是,具有對比意義時,仍用被動形式。例如:The room is to be rented, not to be sold. 。 She is to be praised, not to be blamed.Exercise1. Havi ng a trip abroad is certa in ly good for the old couple, but it remainswhether they will enjoy it.A. to see B. to be see n C. see ing D. see n2. I hurried to th

15、e meeti ng hall, onlythat the meet ing had bee n put off.A. to tellB. to be told C. telli ng D. told3. Do let your mother know all the truth, she appearseveryth ing.A. to tell B. to be told C. to be telli ng D. to have bee n told4. Little Tom should loveto the theater this evening.A. to be take n B.

16、 to take C. being take nD. tak ing5. With a lot of problems, the n ewly-elected preside nt is havi ng a hard time.A. settled B. settli ngC. to settle D. bei ng settled6. Heand was made to repeat it.A. didn ' t understandB. didn ' t be understooC. wasn ' t understand D. wasn ' t under

17、stood7. The pupils hereall kinds of exercises every day in the past four weeks.A. kept busy doingB. keep on doing C. have kept busy doing D. have bee n kept busy doing語法檢測根據(jù)括號內的動詞填入正確形式。1. It will take several weeks for your computer to (repair).2. I knew him (catch) by the police.3. A vote is requi

18、red (take) in our company at once.4. When some money went missing from the bank, Thomas was believed (steal) it.7. I hope (admit) to Zhongshan University.8. The book is said to (translate) into several languages.9.I feel greatly honored (welcome) into their society .10.Come on! It is an easy sentenc

19、e (translate).11.When I came in, he pretended to .(read)13.Mrs Smith warned her daughter (not drive) after drinking.14.I don 't know whether you happen (hear), but I ' m going to study in the U.S.A thisSeptember.15. He seems ( punish) by his teacher yesterday.16. The school ordered all the c

20、lassroom( clean ).17. My grandmother seems to have a lot (worry) about.18.I am going to the post office.Do you have any letter (post)?19. You are lucky enough (not catch) in the rain.20. I ' ll go to New York. Have you anything (take) to your wife there?21. Have you any clothes (wash), sir? ” asked the maid.22. I cannot go out now as I have a lot of clothes(wash)二、翻譯練習1.據(jù)說這會議已經(jīng)被取消了 .2.這個學生似乎已經(jīng)對政治失去了興趣。3. 殘疾人不喜歡被別人嘲笑。4. 沒有可以可以浪費的時間


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