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1、2018-2019年上海民辦打一外國(guó)語(yǔ)小學(xué)三年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語(yǔ)期末復(fù)習(xí)題無(wú)答案一、我會(huì)選一選(選擇題)1. a brown dogA.2. - Let's go to school.A. OK.B. No.3. () Nice _meet you, _.A.to,too B.too,to C.to,to4. 一 Look! A yellow monkey.A. OK!5.選擇正確的譯文。B. What's this?C. Great! I like it.1. I'm a white and black panda.A.我是一只黑色的貓。2. What's your

2、name?()A.你家住在哪里?3. Now , it's blue.()A.現(xiàn)在它是黃色的。4. The toy is green.()A.那個(gè)玩具是紅色的。6.補(bǔ)全單詞,并匹配。)B.我是一只黑白相間的熊貓。B.你叫什么名字?B,現(xiàn)在它是藍(lán)色的。oo ()-ray ()egetables ()7. I have some rice?A. HowB. AmC. Can第12頁(yè),共9頁(yè)8 . 一 Who is?-My brother.A . he B . she C. you9 .把下面的英語(yǔ)和所給的漢語(yǔ)對(duì)應(yīng)起來(lái),將其序號(hào)填入括號(hào)內(nèi)。(1) pen ()A.鋼筆B.鉛筆C.書(shū)包 ear

3、 ()A.眼睛B.嘴C.耳朵(3) apple ()A.蘋(píng)果B.香蕉C.葡萄(4) red ()A.紅色B.黃色C.綠色(5) Chinese ()A.日語(yǔ)B.英語(yǔ)C.漢語(yǔ)10. What' s name-My name is Dabing .A. your B. you C, it11. 一I ' m fine, thank you.C. Here you are.A. How are you? B. Here are you.12. 13. Here are eggs.A.HelloXiteE.Goodbyrate.B. threeA. one14 . What's

4、 this?A、It's a cake.B、I'm six.C、That is a cake.15 .根據(jù)句意,選擇正確的詞語(yǔ)填空,將其序號(hào)填在括號(hào)內(nèi)。A. watering B. watching C. eating D. swimming E. doingIt ' s Sunday today.Look,my grandma is TVy grandpa is.My mother is the flowers.Mysister is an ice cream.And I ' m my homework.二、想一想,填一填(填空題),每條橫線上填一個(gè)字母。)1

5、6 .根據(jù)圖片提示補(bǔ)全句子。(單詞的首字母已給出3. This is my lleg.What are?They' re cars17 .寫(xiě)出下列字母相應(yīng)的小寫(xiě)形式。(1) DCB(4) A18. egg翻譯:19.看圖表達(dá)What are those?books.birds.4.What is this?is a bird.20.winter. It's.We.We go skating. Wewinter.(1) A(4) IN21 .根據(jù)句意寫(xiě)單詞。1. I ' m from china. Our lucky number is.2. I ' m from

6、 Canada. Our lucky number is22.寫(xiě)出下列大寫(xiě)字母的小寫(xiě)字母。(2) G (3)H(5)J(6) M(8) Q(9) P23 .小朋友快來(lái)試試吧!(根據(jù)給出的圖片把下面的單詞補(bǔ)充完整)W: Here you are.25.鴨媽媽正在數(shù)有幾只鴨寶寶,讓我們來(lái)幫助她吧!Three!How many ducks ?Five!K Let s gol、手牽手,找朋友(連線題)26.將下列單詞分類(lèi)(連線即可)水果類(lèi)cartippledog27.請(qǐng)連線。What小鹿Deer花豹Leopard什么Lovely可愛(ài)的28.連線題1. greenA.農(nóng)民2. blackboardB.熊

7、貓3. pandaC.司機(jī)4. driverD.黑板6.armF.生日7.presentG警察8.birthdayH.救命9.helpJ.胳膊10. policemanK.禮物5. .farmerE.綠色29.單詞、短語(yǔ)連線,先選后連線。11)badA忘記(2) OKB不好的,壞的(3) familyC好吧(4) happyD家庭(5) forgetE快樂(lè)的30 .快來(lái)猜猜我是誰(shuí)。連線A. Wu YifanB. MikeC. SarahD. Chen JieE.JohnF. Mr JonesG. Miss WhiteH.Liu Xin四、我是翻譯家(英漢互譯)31.翻譯下列句子(1)讓我們做個(gè)

8、木偶。(2)首先,做一個(gè)頭。(3)讓我們和木偶一起玩。(4)這是耳朵。32 .根據(jù)中文提示寫(xiě)出相對(duì)應(yīng)的單詞。(1)氣球 b 1100n九n ne(3)松鼠 sq irr 133 .根據(jù)給出的中文寫(xiě)出英文句子。1、這是叔叔的手表嗎?234、那是湯姆的直尺嗎?34 .秋天來(lái)了,樹(shù)葉變成了黃色。(根據(jù)漢語(yǔ)意思完成句子)When autumn comes,.35 .大地被雪覆蓋了。(根據(jù)漢語(yǔ)意思完成句子)All over the earth white snow.五、我是小法官(判斷題)36 .閱讀短文,判斷,相符的寫(xiě)T,不符白勺寫(xiě)F。My name is Jo hn. I ' m 12 ye

9、ars old. I study in Green School. We have a new computer teacher. His name is Wu Jun . He' s tall and active. His class is very funny. My favourtie day is Monday because we have computer class that day. I like English, art and P.E, too. But I d on' t like math.Today is Friday. We have Chines

10、e, math, English and P.E. We have lunch at school. Our Lunch is tasty. We have tomato, green beans, beef and soup. Beef is my favourite food. I like today' s food.(1) Mr. Wu is our new computer teacher.()(2) Monday is my favourite day.()(3) I like English, art , P.E and math.()(4) We have Chines

11、e, math, English and computer on Fridays.()(5) We have tomato, green beans, beef and soup for lunch on Fridays.()(6) Tomato is my favourite food.()37 .找出與其它不同類(lèi)的一項(xiàng),圈出來(lái)。 A. eyeB. ear C. hello A. legB. schoolC. nose A. bodyB. fingerC. crayon A. bookB. handC. arm A. rulerB. ear C. sharpener38 .判斷下列單詞畫(huà)線部

12、分發(fā)音是( 否(X)相同。39.圈出單詞中所缺的字母。1.tw2.thrA. oA. ooB. eB. aoC. aC. eeD. uD. oe3.eitA. ghB. ihC. gnD. oh4.birthdA. eyB. oyC. ayD. iy5.fridA. anB. enC. onD. in六、閱讀理解40.閱讀理解(我是小裁判)。Hello. My name is Amy. I have some food: cake, rice, fish and bread. I like cake and bread. I don't like rice and fish. What

13、 do you like?(1) Amy has some food.(2) Amy likes fish.(( 3) Amy doesn't like (不喜歡)rice.()( 4) Amy likes cake. ()( 5) Amy has some food: cake, rice and eggs. ()41. Read and judge true or false.閱讀短文,用 "T或"F判斷正誤。We have two new friends in our school. They are Mike and Tim. Mike is American. He is twelve. He is in Class Four. He has a little sister. Tim is Canadian. He is twelve, too. He is in Class One. He likes football. He often plays football with Mike. Mike and Tim are good


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