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1、仁愛(ài)版九年級(jí)上冊(cè)u(píng)nit 3單元測(cè)試卷一、單項(xiàng)選擇(每題1分,共15分)1. In Cuba, Spanish is language.A. the officialB. the firstC. the unofficial D. a foreign2. The students are clever. They have no problems out the mathproblem.A. workB. workingC. worksD.to work3. English in Canada, Australia and New Zealand as well as America and

2、Britain.A. speaksB. is speakingC. is spokenD. spoke4. We are always ready others.A. to helpingB. to helpC. helpD. helping5. The novel by many people today.A. is readB. are readC. readsD. were read6. The studentsfour groups to discuss the topic.A. divide toB. divided intoC. divide intoD. are divided

3、into7. If you have any difficulty here, you can help.A. ask forB. ask toC. would like D. want to8. Are you your birthday party? Yes. Everything is ready.A. ready toB. ready forC. be ready to D. be ready for9. I' mso lucky becauseI see more cartoon characters nextmonth.A. is able to B. will be ab

4、le toC. be able to C. was able to10. Mary the song at a party.A. heard singC. heard to sing11. Your bike canA. be putC. be putted8. was heard singD. was heard to sing 't there.8. is putD. putted12. Do you know where Tom is? Yes. He his hometown.A. went to B. goes to9. has gone to D. has been to1

5、3. you dive into the water; you breathe.A. Deeper, harderB. The deeper the harderC. The deep the hardD. Deep, hard14. Look! A big modern building in our city.A. is builtB. is being builtC. has been builtD. is building15. Some eggs and a glass of milk the Frenchman.A. have been brought toB. has been

6、brought toC. have been broughtD. has been brought二、完形填空(每空1分,共10分)When learning new vocabulary, don ' t just memorize a list of words.1, try to make five sentences using each new word. Then use the new word as often as you can the first day you learn it. This way you will remember new words 2 lo

7、nger.Practising sounds, you know, is difficult-the "th ” sound for example. Choose words that3"th and repeat them over and over until youare comfortable with them. Let's try! This, that, those, them, think, thought, through, thin .Read, read, read-in English, of course! Reading is one

8、of4ways to increase your vocabulary and 5 your grammar in a natural and fun way. Be sure to choose topics or books you are interested in.When someone 6 in English, listen to the main point. If you7_a word you don ' t understand, ignore and go on listening. If you stop and think about the word, y

9、ou will miss 9 the person is saying.Always remember-practice 10 perfect.1. A. Instead of B. Instead C. Rather than D. and2. A. muchB. many C. more D. most3. A. end up with B. begin C. begin with D. end up4. A. best B. the best C. better D. good5. A. encourage B. change C. improveD. turn6. A. is talk

10、ing B. talk C. are talking D. talked7. A. listen B. hearC. listen to D. will hear8. A. one B. them C. it D. they9. A. nothing else B. everything elseC. everything other D. else everything10. A. makes B. making C. make D. is making三、閱讀理解(每題2分,共20分)AMy Plan for Learning EnglishMany students and teache

11、rs always ask this question “Whaf tse best way to learn English well? ” Different people have different answers Here is my plan for learning English . It is based on(根據(jù))my own experience in learning languages It helped me when I learned English. I hope that it can help you, too.Speak to Americans as

12、 much as possib leWrite, write, write-letters, emails, notes, etc.Make phone calls to practise your EnglishWatch TV and movies.Listen to the radio.Read as much as possibleIt is important to believe that you will improve your English Sometimes when you make plans , they seem very difficult Progress c

13、omes little by little Think about where you are today, and where you were last week or last month Maybe it doesn t seem you have come very far But if you stop and think about where you were six months ago, or even a year ago, then you will see your progress That progress gives you hope Keep on study

14、ing, and you will reach your goal sooner or later!1 What do students and teachers often ask?A How to speak English well B How to write English well C How to read English well D How to learn English well2 The plan for learning English is based on _A a student s teaching story B a student s learning s

15、tory C an English teacher s experienceD the writer s experience3 Which of the following is NOT true about the writer?A He reads aloud in the morningB He watches English moviesC He often writes English notesD He sometimes speaks English with friends on the phon e4 What is important for an English lea

16、rner?A To study English every dayB To speak with AmericansC To listen to the radioD To believe that he will improve his English5 The underlined word “ progress ” probably means “ _” in ChineseA.經(jīng)歷 B.錯(cuò)誤C.進(jìn)步 D.失敗BDo you remember the first word that you spoke? If you can, you are unusual. Suppose what

17、your life was like during the first few months. I sure that it took your most time to eat, sleep and cry. As you grew older you slept less. Your parents would spend more time playing with you and talking to you. You watched and listened. You got to know that people make some sounds to go with some t

18、hings.Then you began to cry and to make sounds you heard. And little by little you could make right sound for one thing.Then you got to understand the secret of the language. It is that a certain sound means a certain thing. One sound could be as good as another. But it is not so good as a word if e

19、verybody doesn n its' t agreemeaning. Only when a group of people make and use the same set of sounds of things they can understand each other. Their own language comes into being.After you knew the “ secret ” you learned words. Some of the words meant things such as cars, books, birds and store

20、s. Some of the words meant movements such as come, fly and swim. And other words express things such as “I would like to make friends with you.” This is langthat people can communicate by the way of language. That is to say, languages mean communication.6 can remember the day when we spoke out first

21、 word.A. Few of usB. Many peopleC. Most peopleD. Someone7. When you were a little baby you.A. made sound to let people know that you want to eatB. spent most of your time eating, crying and sleepingC. could not hear any sound around youD. spent most of your time playing with your parents8. The secre

22、t of language is that.A. one sound might be as good as anotherB. a certain sound is for a certain thingC. people can understand each otherD. there is a special sound for each other9. The phrase “ make sounds " mean .A.制造聲音 B.發(fā)音C.哭鬧D.表達(dá)10. The best title of this passage is.A. The Language B. Lea

23、rn LanguageC. Make SoundsD. The Secret of Language四、詞匯運(yùn)用(每空1分,共10分)1. Can you t this Chinese sentence into English?2. It is important for you to buy a g book when you learn aforeign language.3. Tom is an English boy, he comes from B.4. We know several m of English learning from thispassage. Remember

24、 to choose one that fits you best.5. The English l is becoming more and more important.6. There are (difference) between British English and Australian English.7. If you want to make yourself(understand), you should speak clearly and slowly.8. Speech is the fastest method of(communicate) between peo

25、ple.9. The place of interest is visited by millions of(tourist).10. With(who) do you often practice your English?五、按要求完成句子(每題2分,共20分)1 .我們不把英語(yǔ)當(dāng)作第一語(yǔ)言使用。2 .這些電視機(jī)是1990年日本出產(chǎn)的。3 .法國(guó)人說(shuō)英語(yǔ)還是法語(yǔ)?4 .中國(guó)的制造業(yè)取得了長(zhǎng)足進(jìn)步。Chinain manufacturingindustry. 5.結(jié)果,英語(yǔ)變得越來(lái)越流行。 , English becomespopular.6. 20世紀(jì)80年代起,搖滾樂(lè)在中國(guó)流行起來(lái)。ro

26、ck music has become popular in China.7. We can ' t see many of the stars為被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài))8. China has sent up man-made satellites into spac e改為被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài))9. The machine is used for keeping the room wet by us.(變?yōu)橹鲃?dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài))the machine for keeping the room wet.10. He is often seen to play football by our teacher.(改為主動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài)

27、)Our teacher often football.六、情景交際(每空2分,共10分)A: Hi, everybody. I ' nBecky. Welcome back to “The°roblem Line ” .Today, we ' re going to talk about problems with parents. Okay, it for another call. 1B: Hello. My name ' s David.A: Hi, David. Welcome to “The Problem L2ne ” .B: Well, I &

28、#39; m having problems my mom. Every time we talk about something, we argue.A: 3 It ' s impolite.B: I know. But she always arranges (5排)everything for me. I can ' t even decide what to wear on weekends.A: That ' s too bad4B: I tried, but she never listened to me. She thinks I should list

29、en to herbecause Im her child.A: Well, that ' s a difficult problem.C: Hello, I ' m Vera. I think David should ask his teacher for help. Perhaps his mother will listen to his teacher.8: OK. I ' ll have a try. Thank you.A. Hi, where are you from?B. Hello, who ' s calling?C. You should learn from them.D. Dear listeners, who can give him some advice?E. Why not have a good talk with her?F. You should


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