1、is one ofthepra ctical form ofvalue s. Theso-calledval ues refers to theobjectivethingsare ofnoval ue andthe val ue offundamental perspective.Differentvalues,people's behaviour,attitudes,waysaredifferent.Pe ople -ori ented focuson huma nvaluea nd realit y,weneed thebroa dest massesas values.A dh
2、eret ope ople -ori entedval ues, i s tomake thee conomymore development,improve democracy, culturalpr osperity,a ndlivea happier; i sdee ply concerne d that human development a nd humanval ues, development ofsoci aland human devel opment of rational unifie d, insisted i nthe materialcivi lization, p
3、olitical civilizati on andspiritua l civilizati on inthe overalladva nceme ntof Social ist civili zation t oa hig herlevel.Al sowa nttoseet hat person' s value is not only meetyour nee ds,al so ist omeettheneeds of othersandthe communit y.Adheret ope ople -ori ented,t ostronglyadvocateeverycommu
4、nitymember,serveothers, beneficialtothecommunityofpe ople.The so -calle d Outlook,attitudeis on the record, includingw ho, howto create arecordofachievements, howtoevaluateperformance, a nd so on.What values,what kindofOutlook.Adheretopeople -orie ntedOutlook,is on thepremise ofrespecti ng the i nte
5、restsand powerofpe opl e,creati ng a popul ar,warmhe arts,steady heartperforma nce, creating"servefor one officer,the be nefitof"achievements,and overallconstruction ofwell-offsociety and pr omoting theall-r ound developmentof peopl e's performa nce.Achi evement evaluati on i n bot hec
6、onomic a ccomplishments,takeanotherlookatthe effectivenessofsocialpr ogress; changes i n bot h ur ban a nd rural cha nge; both harde nvironme nttostrengt hen a ndtake anotherl ook atthe sof tenvironmentimprovementmoment um ofdevel opment at present, de pending onthe pote ntialforsustainabl edevel op
7、me nt. Leave people totalka bout"values"are worthlessand leave peopletotalkabout "Outl ook" is notwhatt heperforma nce.meet.It issaid t hatin the "agriculturalsociety,peoplepla nt"in "industrial society,man i sana nimal""the information society, ret urn4.
8、 peopleresponde dtothe starti ng poi ntofthe questi on,a nd re pliedt oquestionspoint.Manisthesumofsoci alrelationshi ps. Weca nnot leavethe chichua nyongdu,housi ng,tourismand entertainment,entertai ning, andev en certain political ,economic, culturala nd soci alenvironment,a nd soon. Dueto human n
9、eeds,allwalksoflifewillcomeint obei ng.Pe ople createfortheirsurvival, andcontinue enjoyi ngthe results ofthe construction.Colorfulinthetransformati onofthe pe ople oftheworl d,communityvitality inthe creationofman.Therefore,anyworkwe do,the starting poi ntis huma n,what arepe ople. Usspeed up devel
10、opment,thecoreofwhichis tomeetthe nee dsof people,includingsurvivalneeds,emotionalneedsand self-a ctualizati on needs.Itshould be note dthatpe opl e arenot machi nes, not theslave ofan obje ct,notto be contr olled.People have theirown personality,ha sitsow nper sonality, has its own dignity. Person
11、i n nee d of care,y ouneedto understand,need to一、工程概況工程名稱:飛宏(東莞)電子有限公司綜合廠房建設(shè)單位:飛宏(東莞)電子有限公司設(shè)計單位:廣東中人工程設(shè)計有限公司監(jiān)理單位:東莞市建設(shè)工程監(jiān)理有限公司勘察單位:韶關(guān)地質(zhì)工程勘察院施工單位:福建省惠東建筑工程有限公司飛宏 (東莞)電子有限公司綜合廠房總建筑面積38373.69m2,建筑層數(shù)為四層。建筑圖度為22.6m。一層層圖為6.5m;,一層四層層圖為4.5m。在1-12軸 /M 軸, L 軸設(shè)有橫向變形縫;本工程采用混凝土無縫設(shè)計施工技術(shù)。建筑平面尺寸為117.00mX 96.80m。外墻采
12、用落地式腳手架二、落地式鋼管腳手架計算本工程全部外架采用落地式鋼管腳手架。外腳手架均采用小48X3.5鋼管搭設(shè),落地腳手架立桿縱向間距1.5 米。橫向間距0.8 米,大橫桿步距1.8 米。剪刀撐按 45° -60 °角,每 3 排立桿為一組,從架體兩端由底到頂通長通高布設(shè)。外腳手架連墻件水平間距4.5 米,梅花狀每層設(shè)置。腳手架搭設(shè)按周邊布置,全長封閉。(一) 、落地式鋼管腳手架搭設(shè)構(gòu)造要求:a、立桿構(gòu)造要求:必須保證立桿基礎(chǔ)穩(wěn)定。立桿接頭除在頂層可采用搭接外,其余各接頭必須采用對接扣件對接。立桿上的對接扣件應(yīng)交錯布置,兩個相臨立桿接頭不能設(shè)在同一步距內(nèi),且兩相臨立桿接頭在
13、高度方向錯開的距離不應(yīng)小于0.5 米, 各接頭中心距主節(jié)點的距離不應(yīng)大于0.6 米。立桿采用搭接方式接長應(yīng)不小于三個扣件連接固定,立桿的搭接長度不應(yīng)小于 1 米,端部扣件蓋板的邊緣至桿端距離不應(yīng)小于0.1 米。立桿頂端應(yīng)高出作業(yè)面高度不小于1.5 米。腳手架底座上必須設(shè)置縱橫掃地桿??v向掃地桿應(yīng)采用直角扣件固定在距底座下皮不大于0.2 米處的立桿上。橫向掃地桿應(yīng)采用直角扣件固定在緊靠縱向ow,we are ina newhistori calstageofall-r oundconstructi on ofawell-offsociet y.In perform duties,and carr
14、ied outwork of process inthe,we t o put peopleas aguide principle s,and atest standard, efforts frommasses mosthope do ofthi ngs doup,from masses most careof hotproblemgrabbed,frommasses mostnot satisfacti on ofplace m odified up, notmake nominalofformalism,not dograndstandingofcosmetic, to seeki ng
15、 ofstyle,help masses share, ispeople benefit. (C)the investeepeople is notonlyani dea,it isajobre quireme nt.Philosophy through tothe people-oriented thought int he work oftheOffice,mustbeclearworkobje ctives.Party Officein the city thisyearremains:A dvancedcivilstrife, loca lbrand.The County(City)
16、Party Committeeoffices and units directly underthe Office toholdhig hthe banneroffirstto excellence, people -orie nted re quireme nts,strengthen theconstruction a nd manag ement oftheOfficetoward s thework"a higher level".Investee1.politi calmeet.It issaid t hatin the "agriculturalsoc
17、iety,people pla nt"in "industrial society,man i sana nimal""the information society, ret urnis one ofthepra ctical form ofvalue s. Theso-calledval ues refers to theobjectivethings are ofnoval ue andthe val ue offundamental perspective.Differentvalues,people's behaviour,attitu
18、des,waysaredifferent.Pe ople -ori ented focuson huma nvaluea nd realit y,weneed thebroadest massesas values.Adheret ope ople -ori entedvalues, i s tomake theeconomymore developme nt,improve democracy, culturalpr osperity,a ndlivea happier; i s dee ply concerne d that human development a nd humanval
19、ues,development ofsoci aland huma n devel opment of rational unifie d, insisted inthe materialcivi lization, political civilizati on andspiritua l civilizati on inthe overalladva nceme ntof Social ist civili zation t oa hig herlevel.Al sowa nttoseet hat person's value is not only meetyour needs,
20、al so ist omeettheneeds of others andthe community.Adheret ope ople -ori ented,t ostronglyadvocateeverycommunitymember,serveothers, benefic ialtothe communityofpeople.The so-calle d Outlook,attitudeis on the record, includingw ho, howto create arecordofachievements, howtoevaluateperformance, a nd so
21、 on.What values,what kindofOutlook.Adheretopeople -orie ntedOutlook,is on thepremise ofrespecti ng the i nterestsand powerofpe opl e,creati ng a popul ar,warmhe arts,steady heart performance, creating "serve forone officer,the benefitof"achievements,and overallconstruction ofwell-offsociet
22、y and pr omoting theall-r ound developmentof peopl e's performa nce.Achi evement evaluation i n bot heconomic a ccomplishments,take anotherlookatthe effectiveness ofsocialpr ogress; changes i n bot h ur ban a nd rural cha nge; both harde nvironme nttostrengt hen a ndtake anotherl ook atthe softe
23、nvironmentimprovementmomentum ofdevel opment at present,de pending onthe pote ntialforsustai nabl edevel opment. Leave people totalka bout"values"are worthlessand leave peoplet otalkabout "Outlook" is notwhatt heperforma nce.4. peopleresponde dtothe starting poi ntofthe questi on
24、,a nd re pliedtoquestionspoint.Manis t hesumofsoci alrelationships. Wecannotleavethe chichuanyongdu,housi ng,tourismand entertainment,entertai ning, andeven certain political,economic, culturalandsoci alenvironment,and soon. Dueto human needs,allwalksoflifewillcomeintobei ng.Pe ople createfortheirsu
25、rvival, andcontinue enjoyi ngthe results ofthe construction.Colorfulin thetransformationofthe people oftheworl d,communityvitality inthe creationofman.Therefore,a nyworkwedo,the starting pointis human,what arepeople. Usspeed up development,thecoreofwhich is tomeetthe nee dsof people,includingsurviva
26、lneeds,emotionalneedsand self-a ctualizati on needs.Itshould be notedthatpe opl e arenot machi nes, not the slave ofan object,notto becontr olled.Peoplehave theirown personality,ha sitsownper sonality, has its own dignity. Person in need of care,y ouneedto understand,ne ed to掃地桿下方的立桿上。b、水平桿構(gòu)造要求:縱向水平
27、桿設(shè)于橫向水平桿之下,固定在立桿的內(nèi)側(cè),并采用直角扣件與立桿扣緊,縱向水平桿與立桿的連接采用雙扣件固定,以防滑脫。縱向水平桿一般采用對接扣件連接,也可采用搭接。相臨縱向水平桿對接接頭應(yīng)交錯布置,不應(yīng)設(shè)在同步、同跨內(nèi),相臨接頭水平距離不應(yīng)小于0.5 米,并應(yīng)避免設(shè)在縱向水平桿的跨中;搭接接頭長度不應(yīng)小于1 米, 并應(yīng)等距離設(shè)置不少于 3 個旋轉(zhuǎn)扣件固定??v向水平桿的長度一般不小于4 跨,并不宜小于6 米。每一主節(jié)點處必須設(shè)置一根橫向水平桿,并采用直角扣件扣緊在縱向水平桿上,該桿軸線偏離主節(jié)點的距離不應(yīng)大于0.15 米。操作層上非主節(jié)點處的橫向水平桿宜根據(jù)支撐腳手板的需要等距離設(shè)置,最大間距不應(yīng)大
28、于0.8 米。c、連墻件的布置:本工程采用鋼管和扣件組合的連墻件,連墻桿采用 小48X3.5鋼管,在第一步大橫桿及以上每一層設(shè)置連墻件,水平間距不大于4m , 每層設(shè)置將架體附著到結(jié)構(gòu)主體上,連墻桿與腳手架的連接采用扣件連接,連墻桿與建筑主體的連接采用焊接。d、剪刀撐構(gòu)造要求:每道剪刀撐跨越立桿的根數(shù)宜在5-7 根之間,選用5-6 米長鋼管。剪刀撐應(yīng)在外側(cè)立面整個長度和高度方向相對搭接,具搭接長度不小于 1米。剪刀撐斜桿的接頭除頂層可采用搭接外,其余接頭也均需采用連接扣件連接。剪刀撐斜桿應(yīng)用旋轉(zhuǎn)扣件固定在與之相交的橫向水平桿的伸出端或立桿上,旋轉(zhuǎn)扣件中心線距主節(jié)點的距離不應(yīng)大于0.15 米。e
29、、架體開洞的構(gòu)造要求:井架等運輸機械要求在架體開洞作為出入口,不允許斷開立桿,并要求加斜桿及設(shè)置支撐予以加強。ow,we are inanewhistoricalstage ofall-roundconstructi on ofawell-offsociety.In perform duties,andcarriedoutworkof process inthe,we t o putpeopleas aguide principles,and atest standard, efforts frommasses most hope doofthings doup,from masses mos
30、t careofhotproblemgrabbed,frommasses mostnot satisfaction ofplace m odified up, notmake nominalofformalism,not dograndstandi ngofcosmetic, to seeki ng ofstyle,helpmasse s share,is peoplebenefit. (C)the investeepeople is notonlyani dea,it isajobre quirement. Philosophythroughtothepeopl e-oriented tho
31、ught inthe work oftheOffice,mustbeclearworkobje ctives.Party Officein thecity thisyearremains:Adva nced civi lstrife, localbrand.The County (City) PartyCommittee officesand unitsdirectly underthe Office tohol d highthe banneroffirsttoexcellence,people-orie nted requirements,strengthentheconstr uctio
32、n a nd management oftheOfficetowardsthe work "ahigherlevel".Investee1.politi calparticipation base d on conspiracy to a dhere t o pe ople -oriented, willbear ound to promotecoordinationDevelopment events,great searchings.The 16session ofthe party'sscientific Outlook on developme nt,is
33、the newCentral collective leadership to thedeve lopme nt of connotation,developme nt essential s,furtherdeepen theesse nceofdevelopment and i nnovation,is ourparty's ruli ngidea ale ap.Atpresent,esta blishing a nd impleme ntingthe scientific conceptofdevelopment hasbe comet heparty's importa
34、ntwork.Asthe Office ofpartyCom mittee,working partyshoul d service ce nter, initiative to claim leadership of thedeci sion,the curre ntfocus istofocus on promoting compr ehe nsive, coordinate d andsustaina ble deve lopme ntwith more suggestions,do more research,summarized thetypical.Oneis drafted to
35、raise thelevelofyour presentation. our presentation is themain Office of"products", isthe basiccarrierstaffservice ,is importa nttomeasure servicelevels.T he qualityofyourpresentation, mai nlyde pendsonhowmuchwedrafted adocument recognize d bythe lea dership, how many are listeni ngto the
36、people in favour ofthereport, howmanypaid divi dendsinthepra cticalwork.Improveprese ntation drafting level,requirements weaccurate graspled intent,Generalled care ofw orkaretoasunder stand,General led considerof problemareto in -de pth thi nking;requirementswehighlig ht pla ce features,put superior
37、 approach policy and localactual combi ned up, put presentati on ofthemethrustand masses of by thought bywants tocombined up;requirementsweseeks t ostreamline dclear,with simple oflang uageexpre ssion de ep ofthoug ht,with shortof lengthhostedri ch ofconnotati on.Se cond,the survey resultsmore. Inve
38、stigation ofthebase,the roa d to success issomething,is ourfor theParty Committee'spolicy de cisi on a good idea, an importantpartofa good staff.This year, to focusaround i ndustrialXING city,and farmers increase,anda nd ma npowerdevelopment,and seeking, majorproblem andfosteradvantage industry,
39、andadjustment agricultural str5is one ofthepractical form ofvalues. Theso-calledvalues refers to theobjectivethings are ofnoval ue andthe val ue offundamental pers pective. Differentvalues,people's behaviour,attitudes,waysaredifferent.Pe ople -oriented focusonhuma nvaluea nd realit y,weneed theb
40、roadest massesas values.A dheret ope ople -ori entedvalues, i s tomake theeconomymore developme nt,improvedemocracy, culturalprosperity,a ndlivea happier; is dee ply concerned that humandevelopmenta nd humanval ues, development ofsoci aland human devel opment of rational unified, insisted i nthe mat
41、erialcivi lization, politicalcivilizati on a ndspiritual civilizati on inthe overalladva nceme ntof Social ist civili zation toa hig herlevel.Al sowa nttoseet hat person' s value is not only meetyour needs,al so istomeettheneeds of others andthe community.Adheret opeople -ori ented,t ostronglyad
42、vocateeverycommunitymember,serveot hers, beneficialtothecommunityofpe ople.The so -calle d Outlook,attitudeis on the record, includingwho, howto create arecordofachievements, howtoevaluateperformance, a nd so on.What values,what kindofOutlook.Adheretopeople -orie ntedOutlook,is on thepremise ofrespe
43、cting the interestsand powerofpe opl e,creating a popular,warmhe arts,steady heartperforma nce, creating"servefor one officer,the be nefitof"achievements,and overallconstruction ofwell-offsociety and pr omoting theall-round developmentof peopl e's performa nce.Achi evement evaluation i
44、n bot heconomic accomplishments,take anotherlookatthe effectiveness ofsocialprogress; changes i n both ur ban a nd rural cha nge; both harde nvironme nttostrengt hen a ndtake anotherl ook atthe softenvironmentimprovementmomentum ofdevel opment at present, de pending onthe pote ntialforsustai nabl ed
45、evel opme nt. Leave people totalka bout"values"are worthlessand leave peopleto talkabout "Outlook" is notwhatt heperforma nce.4. peopleresponde dtothe starti ng poi ntofthe questi on,a nd re pliedt oquestionspoint.Manis t hesumofsocialrelationshi ps. Wecannot leavethe chichuanyon
46、gdu,housi ng,tourismand entertainment,entertai ning, andev en certain political ,economic, culturalandsoci alenvironment,a nd soon. Dueto human needs,allwalksoflifewillcomeintobei ng.Pe ople createfortheirsurvival, andcontinue enjoyi ngthe results ofthe construction.Colorfulin thetransformati onofth
47、 epe ople oftheworl d,communityvitality inthe creationofman.Therefore,a nyworkwe do,the starting poi ntis huma n,what are pe ople. Usspeed up development,thecoreofwhich is tomeett he nee dsof people,includingsurvivalneeds,emotionalneedsand self-a ctualizati on needs.Itshould be notedthatpe opl e are
48、not machi nes, not the slave ofan object,notto be contr olled.People have theirown personality,ha sitsow nper sonality, has its own dignity. Person i n need of care,y ouneedto understand,ne ed tof 、焊接要求:連墻件等均需現(xiàn)場焊接,焊接質(zhì)量的好壞將直接影響架體的安全,因此焊接必須按圖施工,符合要求后方可進行后續(xù)工作。g、全防墜設(shè)施:在腳手架搭設(shè)一層后即按照安全規(guī)程搭設(shè)安全防護設(shè)施。腳手架外側(cè)采用安全網(wǎng)
49、全封閉;圍網(wǎng)設(shè)于靠側(cè)立桿的內(nèi)側(cè),與立桿、橫桿綁扎牢固,綁點間距0.3米;安全兜網(wǎng)兩層設(shè)置一道,綁扎牢固,不得漏設(shè)。2、外腳手架的施工順序:桿件的搭設(shè)順序:地基夯實-場地硬化-鋪設(shè)木墊板-擺放掃地桿-逐根樹立立桿并隨即與 掃地桿扣緊裝掃地小橫桿并與立桿或掃地桿扣緊-安第一步大橫桿與各立桿 扣緊-安第一步小橫桿-安第二步大橫桿-安第二步小橫桿-第三、 四步大橫桿 和小橫桿-連墻桿-接立桿-加設(shè)剪刀撐-鋪腳手板。在鋪設(shè)腳手板的操作層上必須設(shè)防護欄桿和踢腳板。欄桿高度1.2 米, 踢腳板高 0.2 米。 在外腳架搭設(shè)過程中,必須嚴(yán)格按規(guī)定的構(gòu)造方案和尺寸進行搭設(shè),并及時與結(jié)構(gòu)拉結(jié)或采用臨時支頂,確保搭
50、設(shè)過程的安全。對于有變形和不合格的扣件、 桿件均不得使用。搭設(shè)過程中應(yīng)隨時校正桿件垂直度和水平偏差,避免偏差過大。3、底座:外腳手架內(nèi)外立桿全坐落于回填土上,下墊枕木。4、附構(gòu)造立面圖、剖面圖:ow,we are inaparticipatipresentatinewhistoricalstage ofall-ron base d on conspiracy to a 一I - I - oundconstructi on ofawell-offsociety.on, mai nlyde pendsonhowmuchwedhere t o pe ople -oriented, willbear.
51、I - . I 一 drafted adocumeound to promotecoor.I. . I .II- > IIn perform duties,andcarriedoutworkdinationDevelopment eventI._of process i nthe,we t o put peopleas ags,great searching- -.L >s.The 16session ofthe party'ssci.11.11 一 _Iuide principlent recog nize d bythe lea dership, how many ar
52、e li steni ngto the people in favour ofthereport, howmanypaientific Outlook on develd divi dends intdoofthiopme nt,is the newCentral collective lea - -.-IL .hepra cticalwork.Impr oveprese ntation drafting level,redership tongs doup,from masses most careofhotproblemhedeve lopme nt ofconnotation,devel
53、eaccuratopme ntessential s,further -II I 一 I.nt,Generallnot satisfacti on ofplace m odified up, notmake nominalofedcare ofw orkaretoasunderdeepen thee sse nce ofdevelopment a nd i nnovation,i s our party's ruli ngidea ale -II_ _ _I. L . - .11111. LL. L.stand,General led considerof problemareto i
54、n-de pth thip.Atpresent,esta I Lndi ngofcosmetic, to seeki ng ofstyle,helnking;requirementsweblishinga nd impleme ntingthe sci entific conceptpmasse s share,is peoplebeofdevelopment hasbe.L - . IInefit. (C)the investeepeople is notonlyanicomet heparty's importantw- 一 .I -. 一ork.As thedea,it isaj
55、obreor approa ch policy a nd locala ctual combi ned up, put presentati on ofthemethrustaOffice ofpartyCoquirement. Philosophythroughtnd masses of by thCommittee,workingy thoughepe opl e-orient ed thought intpartyshoul d servi ce ce nter, initiative to claim lea.IL. 一-L - I I . ht bywant s tocombine
56、d up;requirementsweseeks the work oftheOffice,mustbecledership of thearworkobjectives.Partyostreamline dclear,with simple oflangdeci sion,the curre ntfocus istofocus. L -uageexpreOfficein thssion de ep ofonin theep ofthougcity thisyearremaipromoting compr ehe nsive,ht,with shortof lens:Ad:Advangthh, coordinatenced civi lstrife, local brand.Thegthhostedrie dand sustainai ch ofconnotatiCounty (City) PartyCommittee officesable d
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- 4. 未經(jīng)權(quán)益所有人同意不得將文件中的內(nèi)容挪作商業(yè)或盈利用途。
- 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護處理,對用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對任何下載內(nèi)容負(fù)責(zé)。
- 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
- 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準(zhǔn)確性、安全性和完整性, 同時也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。
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