



1、Book 8 Unit 2 CloningPeriod 3 Revising the Appositive Clauses (同位語從句)戴明 2014年5月15日Learning aims:1. Review the importa nt phrases and structures in the last period2. Review the Appositive Clauses and compare the Attributive Clauses with themImportant and difficult points:1. Master the importa nt phra

2、ses and structures2. Use the Appositive Clauses correctly and properlyLearning procedure:Step1 Review the importa nt phrases and structuresPart1 Importa nt phrases1. qua ntities of 2. pay off3. cast dow n4. a storm of object ions 5. ope n one's eyes to 6. accumulate evidenee 7. 一方面,另一方面 8. 贊成,支持

3、9. 治愈重病10. 實(shí)現(xiàn)某人的野心/抱負(fù) 11. 以失敗告終12. 下定決心Part 2 Importa nt structures1. The fact is that these are both examples of n atural clones. 這是一個(gè)從句。仿寫:問題是我們可以向誰求助。(turn)2. Cloning plants is straightforward while cloning animals is very complicated.翻譯:連詞 while 在這里意為 ,表示。仿寫:她喜歡唱歌而她的姐姐喜歡跳舞。3. The whole scientifi

4、c world followed the progress of the first successful clone, Dolly the sheep.Altogether Dolly lived six and a half years, half the length of the life of the original sheep.戈U線部分 Dolly the sheep 禾口 half the length of the life of the original sheep者E是 ,用作解釋說明。4. The fact that she seemed to develop no

5、rmally was very en couragi ng. 翻譯:這是一個(gè) 從句,修飾 ,說明其具體內(nèi)容。仿寫:她撒謊的事實(shí)令人吃驚。5. Then came the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill.Then came the disturbing news 是 結(jié)構(gòu),表示 地點(diǎn),方向和時(shí)間的副詞或是介詞短語(there, here, in front of , in the middle of, up, down, out, away, now, then 等)位于 句首, 句子的謂語是表示位置的動(dòng)詞,如:go, co

6、me, run等,句子使用全部倒裝結(jié)構(gòu)。如:Here comes the bus! 公汽來了。In the middle of the moun ta in lies a temple. 半山腰有座廟。 仿寫:房子的前面坐著一位老人。Step 2 Revise the Appositive Clauses一. 概念及引導(dǎo)詞例:1. Xio ngyu, our mo nitor, is a han dsome boy.我們的班長熊宇很帥。2. Smith, our new teacher, is very kind to us.我們的新老師史密斯先生對我們很好。3. Yesterday I me

7、t Tom, a friend of my brother's.昨天我遇到了弟弟的朋友湯姆。4. Beiji ng, the capital of Chin a, has a long history .北京,中國的首都,歷史悠久??偨Y(jié):同位語主要是對一些名詞或代詞做進(jìn)一步 ,它可以是單詞,短語或從句。在復(fù)合句中用作同位語的從句稱為同位語從句。同位語從句是名詞性從句的一種,置于某些名詞之后。這些名詞包括:fact, news, word (消息),idea, thought, hope, decision,suggestion, question, possibility 等。例:1.

8、 The news that our team won the game is exciting.我們隊(duì)贏得這場比賽的消息令人激動(dòng)。2. I have some doubt whether we can finish the task on time.我懷疑我們是否能按時(shí)完成任務(wù)。3. The questi on who should do the work n eeds con siderati on.誰該做這項(xiàng)工作,這個(gè)問題需要考慮。4. I have no idea what I can do to help him.我不知道做些什么來幫助他。5. I have no idea when

9、 he will come back.我不知道他什么時(shí)候回來??偨Y(jié):觀察上述例句,我們得知,同位語從句可以由從屬連詞(如that, whether),(如who, what, whose, which) , (女口 when, where, why, how)來弓丨導(dǎo)。咼考鏈接:1. Along with the letter was his promisehe would visit me this coming Christmas.A. whichB. that C. whatD. whether2. Some researchers believe that there is no do

10、ubta cure for AIDS will be found.A. whichB. thatC. whatD. whether3. David left word with my secretaryhe would call aga in in the after noon.B. thatC. asD. which4. Do you have any ideais actually going on in the classroom?A. thatB. what C. asD. which5. Doris' success lies in the factshe is cooper

11、ative and eager to learn from others.A. whichB. that C. whe nD. why二. 語氣在 suggesti on, advice, proposal; dema nd, request, requireme nt; order, comma nd, recomme ndati on 等表示建議,要求,命令等意義的名詞后, 同位語從句需使用 語氣,即例:1. The suggestion that the plan should be delayed will be discussed at the meeting tomorrow.計(jì)劃

12、該延遲的建議將在明天的會(huì)議上討論。3. They received the order that the food and water should be sent to the earthquake-struck area as soon as possible.他們接到命令,要將那些食物和水盡快送往地震災(zāi)區(qū)。練習(xí):翻譯下面的句子1. 他請求爸爸不要懲罰他。(pu ni sh)He made a request.2. 這位醫(yī)生給她提出了一些如何減肥的建議。(weight)The doctor gave her some advice.三. 分隔式同位語從句同位語從句沒有緊跟在它解釋說明的名詞

13、后面,而是被其他成分隔開,在語法上叫做分隔式同位語從句或是間隔式同位語從句。例: 1. Word comes that the preside nt will in spect our school.消息傳來,主席要來我們學(xué)校視察。2. News came from the school office that Wang Lin had bee n admitted to Beiji ng Uni versity.消息從學(xué)校辦公室傳來,王林被北京大學(xué)錄取了。3. The truth came out that he was a wolf in sheep ' s clothing. 真

14、相大白了,他是一匹披著羊皮的狼。練習(xí):1. An idea occurred to him.他突然想到,他可以請Tom幫忙。 (ask)2. The rumor spread.謠傳她和經(jīng)理有曖昧關(guān)系。(affair)四. 同位語從句與定語從句的區(qū)別同位語從句與定語從句主要是 不同,同位語從句與被修飾的名詞之間是 同位關(guān)系,解釋說明所修飾名詞的具體內(nèi)容,而定語從句與與被修飾的詞之間是 所屬關(guān)系,修飾限定它的。例: 1. The news that our school team has won the football match excites us. 從句(that在從句中不充當(dāng)任何成分)2

15、. The news (that) you told me yesterday is not true. 從句 (that 在從句中充當(dāng)賓語 )填入適當(dāng)?shù)倪B接詞,并判斷是定語從句還是同位語從句。1) The fact he used to be a thief is known to all.2) We were surprised by the fact she told us.3) Word came our army had won the battle.4) We've just heard a warning on the radio a hurricane is likel

16、y to come.5) There is no doubt he has told a lie.6) You have no idea anxious I was!當(dāng)堂檢測1. An idea I could use my pocket money to buy some flowersfor my mother. (occur) 我突然有了個(gè)主意,我可以用零花錢給媽媽買些花。2. The question tonight is being discussed now. (set)我們今晚何時(shí)出發(fā)的問題正在被討論。3. Bob put forward a suggestion to meet the exchangedst


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