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1、八下Unit 1-5單項選擇專項訓(xùn)練C. will happe n; haveD. happe n; have第X次月考XX試卷第3頁共10頁第X次月考XX試卷第4頁共10頁2()10. Therean En glish party this Sun day.A. is going to haveB. will have C. is going to beD. will is()11. Don t food to the party or the teacherit away.A. bring; take B. take; will bring C. bring; will take D. t

2、ake; bring()12. -Jane went to Korea for vacation last year. -.A. So was Michael B. So Michael was C. So Michael did D. So did Michael()13. -join the chess club?That' s a great idea.A. Why notB. Why not to C. Why don 't D. Why you don 't()14. If you become a famous soccer player, you '

3、; ll makmoney.A. many B. a lot of C. lot ofD. little()15. My lovely pet dog ' s death made me .A. happyB. sadC. happilyD. sadly()16. There arein the school library.A. millio ns of books B. millio ns books C. millio ns of book D. millio ns book()17. I th ink childre n in poor areas are we.A. as l

4、ucky as B. not as lucky as C. as luck as D. not as luck as()18. Some of us want to go to the party, don' t.A. othersB. the other C. otherD. ano ther()19. If I a teacher, I ' ll work outside.t come.A. become; able to B. become; be able toC. will become; able toD. will become; be able to()20.

5、you able to speak both English and Russian?)1. I don ' t know what to do. Could you please give meadvice?A. someB. anyC. manyD. few)2. Tomorrow is Mary ' s birthday. Can y some music CDs to the party?-Sure, I will. A. borrowB. takeC. bringD. give)3. If the rain , we ' ll have to stay at

6、home.A. doesn ' t stopB. won ' t stop C. hasn 'to pped D. don ' t stop)4. Look at Lana ' s report card.MathEn glishGeographycan do bettergood at liste ningnot hard-work ing-What did Lana ' s geography teacher-s?aid Lana was.A. hard-work ingB. athleticC. uglyD. lazy)5. The stu

7、dents an English class when the visitors came.A. hadB. were hav ing C. will haveD. are hav ing)6. Don t worry. I canyour dog when you go out.A. get along with B. say sorry to C. turn dow n D. take care of)7. This idea isn ' t . Let ' s think a funnier one.A. in terest ing eno ughB. awful eno

8、 ugh C. eno ugh badD. eno ugh useful)8. Tony bought a pair of shoes again because he likesvery much.A. going hik ing B. going bike riding C. going for a drive D. going fish ing)9. -Whatif we the party tomorrow ?-I th ink half the class won 'A. will happe n; will haveB. happe n; will haveA. AreB.

9、 BeC. DoD. Did()21. Please write a story with your group on a.A. paper B. some paper C. piece paper D. piece of paper()22. What you when the teacher came into the class?A. did; do B. were; doing C. do; do D. are; doing()23. -When did John the sports team?- don ' t know.A. joi nB. joi nedC. take

10、part in D. took part inA. spe ndB. takeC. payD. cost()31. Read the article and the answer the questions.A. look for ; of B. look for; to C. fin d; ofD. find; to()32. Whatyoudo to join the program?A. do; must B. do; have to C. must; must D. must; have to()33. This isbuildings in the city.A. the most

11、beautiful B. a most beautiful C. most beautiful D. one of the most beautiful()24. -What in the future?-! think people will only use cards for money.()A. you thi nk will happe nB. you thi nk happe nsC. do you think will happe nD. do you think happe ns()25. Now many soccer players realize that they ca

12、nvery .A. hurt; bad B. be hurt; badly C. hurt; badly D. be hurt; bad()26. -I can speak three Ianguages.-What did she say?(-She said that she three Ianguages.A. spokeB. could spokeC. couldD. could speak()27. Mary my umbrella and she didn' t it yet.A. borrow, return B. borrowed, retur nC. borrow,

13、retur n back D. borrowed, retur n back()28. The teacher asked meI could come earlier the next morning.A. thatB. whe nC. ifD. who()29. I don 'know if she tomorrow. If shetomorrow, I ' ll call you.A. comes; comes B. comes; will come C. will come; comeD. will come; is coming()30. I like writing

14、 to my pen pal, but I can too much time on it.34. Linda said sheat this time yesterday.A. is cook ing B. cooksC. was cook ingD. cooked)35. A: Father goes to beach every day. A: Pardon?B: I said my father to beach every day.A. wentB. goC. goesD. was going)36. -I ' m better at reading than listeni

15、nlgcan do maths.A. good inB. well inC. better inD. better at)37. a librarian, what do you have to do every day?A. LikeB. AsC. BecauseD. Since)38. It wascold daywe all had a cold.A. such a; that B. so a; that C. such; that D. so; that)39. Intime, those mountains will be covered with trees.A. a few ye

16、ar B. a few years' C. a few year ' D. a few years)40. Do you know ? A. whe n beg ins the meet ing B.whe n does the meet ing beg inC. whe n the meet ing will begi n D. whe n will the meet ing begi nD. has in it.D. beforeC. havem veryB. in terested, in terest ingD. i nterest, i nteresti ng wai

17、t.D. will have tot here. I ' B. should room to store teddy bears.B. ran outC. run out ofmoney for charity.m sorry to say youC. have toD. ran out fromD. didn ' t runC.tYes, no problemD. Not at allA. anno yedB. were anno yed C. anno yed)16. What happe nedA. with)17.Could youA. please makingD.

18、some helpD. not to lear nD. on lineD. movedC. i n lineC. moving()41. Yesterday theyback home until the teacher left school.A. wentB. didn ' t go C. weren ' t going! won ' t go()42. Please go to tell Mr. Hun ter that he is wanted the phone.A. onB. inC. byD. through()43. The twins are alwa

19、ys friendly to. They ' regood students.A. one another; all B. one another; bothC. each other; all D. each other; both()44. -How is she with her neighbors?-Quite well.A. gett ing offB. gett ing alongC. gett ing upD. gett ing over()45. We must what we eat in the restaura nt.A. pay inB. pay forC. p

20、ay toD. pay about()46. If children are badly, they behave badly.A. raiseB. raisedC. riseD. rose()47. Her hair is the same color as.A . her mother B . IC. her mother ' D. my()48. My grandpa is usedin the countryside.A. to liveB. liveC. livi ngD. to livi ng()49. The naughty boy is afraid of nobody

21、his father.A. besideB. besidesC. exceptD. expect()50. Nothing but grass and trees the hill.A. coverB. is coveri ngC. covers D. coveri ng新目標(biāo)英語八年級下冊Units 6-10單項選擇題練習(xí)卷()1.1En glish in 2001, and IEn glish for 3 years.第X次月考XX試卷第5頁共10頁A. lear n, have lear ntB. lear nt, have bee n lear ningC. have lear nt,

22、 have lear ntD. lear nt, have lear ning)2. We have bee n skati ngtwo years ago.A. si neeB. forC. i n)3. Therea pair of shoes un der this big tree.A. isB. are)4. This is anbook. IA. in terest ing, in terestedC. in terest ing, in terest)5. Li Lei isn 'A. must)6. I' veA. run out)7. The boys are

23、 skat ingA. ofB. withC.inD. about)9.the way, how is your father?A. InB. OnC.ByD. Ask ing)10. Pan das eatA. bambooesB. grassC.bambooD. bamboos)11. My hair is too long, so I n eed aA. clerkB. waitressC.haircutD. libraria n)12. Li Lei ' s fatherim h new bike from a big store last week.A. boughtB. b

24、roughtC.has boughtD. buyedD. to raise()13. What' s wrong with your bike? It.A. isn ' t goingB. doesn ' t work C. won ' t move)14. Would you mi nd helpi ng me? A. Yes, I would B. No, I would n)15.Whatyou yesterday?A. gett ingB. collecti ngC. to collect)8. Kari particularly likes globe

25、sani mals.D. annoys you yesterday morning? I had an accide nt.B. aboutC. toD. on_ any noise? It' s time for rest.B. not please mak ing C. please not makeD. please not to make)18.This little boy lost his way, so he n eeded.A. some helps B. some help ingC. a help)19.E nglish is very importa nt. We

26、 should tryit well.A. lear nB. to lear nC. lear ning)20.Whe n we get on the bus, we should wait.A. i n a lineB. with a line)21.Would you mi ndyour bike?A. moveB. to move)22.Could you please pass me the book?第X次月考XX試卷第6頁共10頁4A. after a minuteB. just a momentC.for a momentD.in a minute)24.1 don '

27、t likejeans at all.A. ThisB. theseC.these pair ofD.this pairs of)25.Could youcut in line?A. not pleaseB. no pleaseC.please notD.please noA. Yes, I could B. No, I couldnC. No, that ' s no problenD. Sure. Here you are)23.Could you please clean up your bedroom? OK, I ' II do jt.A. annoyB. be an

28、noyC. get annoyedD. annoyed)27.While I,he said hello to me.A. readB. was readingC. am readingD.readed)28.Please turnthe liqht before you leave.A. onB. offC. upD.dow n)29.Every day this happensme in the school library.A. toB. inC. onD.with)30.This baq is too heavy.you qive me a hand?A. willB. couldC.

29、 DoD.May)31.Tomorrow is Lucy" s birthday. WhatI qet for her?A. shouldB. willC. mustD.n eed)32.Whvgive him some help?A.don ' tB. not youC. don ' t youD.haven ' t)33.Mr Wanq is very friendlvhis students.A. atB. toC. withD.for)26.Whe n some one cut in line, other people will)34.Goldfis

30、h are very easy.A. for taking care B. to take care)35.Coco is one of the most popular sin gersA. all dayB. this dayC. these days)36.He ' sa neWdofor three weeks.A. buyB. buyingC. had)37.Please rememberyour things everywhere.A. throwB. to not throwC. throwing)38.Love me, love my.A. catB. dogC. pi

31、g)39.We spend lots of timenovels.A. withB. readingC. to read)40.Eatingis bad for your health.A. too manyB. too moreC. too much)41. How long have youC. with taking care of D. to take care ofD. in the daysD. boughtD. not to throwD. rabbitD. inD. much too from school? For about 10 years.D. been leftA.

32、leaveB. leftC. been away)42haven ' t seen such interesting fish,.A. so is TomB. so isn ' t Tor. neither has Tom D. neither hasn' t Tom)43.They haveto China many times. They know a lot about China.(A. comeB. cameC. goD. went)44.We enjoyfootball very much.第X次月考XX試卷第8頁共10頁A. playB. playingC

33、. playsD. to play)45ta lot of time to go to Beijing by train.A. costB. spendsC. paysD. take.)46t ' s importa nteno ugh rest.A. haveB. hasC. havingD. to have)47.Which is not an English-speaking country? .A. AustraliaB. AmericaC. CanadaD. FranceLanguage School. D. finished lessonsD. to repaid ng)4

34、8wanted to improve my English, so Iat HendersonA. start lessonsB. gave lessons C. took lessons)49.We prefer to buy a new bike rather thanit.A. repairB. to repair C. repaid ng)50.After my mother got up, she gotbreakfast.A. readyB. to cookC. ready for cooking D. to cooking)51 .He lookshis father, does

35、n' t he?A. atB. upC. likeD. for)52.Please stop. It ' s time for rest.A. writeB. to writeC. in writingD. writing)53.There ' s no time left. He had to lookhis paper before handioiit.A. upB. atC. overD. through)54.Be careful when youa busy street.A. go crossB. acrossC. crossD. crossing)55.There is a white house standing on the hillside all _A. alongB. aloneC. alonely)56.


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