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1、大學(xué)英語六級(jí)-199(總分:100.00,做題時(shí)間:90 分鐘)一、 Listening Comprehension (總題數(shù):0,分?jǐn)?shù):0.00)二、 Section A (總題數(shù):2,分?jǐn)?shù):32.00)(分?jǐn)?shù):16.00 )A. She attended one of their meetings.B. Her roommate is a member.C. She read about them in the newspaper.VD. She saw them protesting.解析:聽力原文W: Hmm, hi.M: Hi, I am going door to door ton

2、ight to tell people about the student action coalition. Do you have a few minutes?W: Sure. I read something in the newspaper last week.M: Yeah, there was an article about us since the last issue. See, we are trying to protect and conserve some of the openspaces on campus.W: Thats right. You are the

3、group thats opposing the extension of the parking lot next to Smith Hall, right?M: Thats us. We just feel it is important to save some of the natural beauty of the campus, like Over-by Swing. Some ofthose trees are hundreds of years old.W: It is a pretty spot. My friends and I had picnics over there

4、 by the creek.M: Then you understand how we feel. We are organizing a rally on Thursday afternoon to get the administration toreconsider the parking lot plan.W: Well, I have a class on Thursday afternoon.M: But maybe you could sign this petition. Were going to submit it to the administration to demo

5、nstrate how thestudents feel about this.W: Sure, let me get a pen and Ill sign it.M: I have a pen right here. And let meleave you this pamphlet about the student action coalition.Maybe you could come to some of our meetings. We get together once a month.W: Yeah, Id like to know more about your group

6、. Let me know when the next meeting is and rll try to be there.M: The meeting is held on the fifth each month, and your coming will be welcome.How did the woman first learn about the student action coalition?解析選項(xiàng)主語均以 She 開頭,可推斷本題詢問有關(guān)女士的情況,所以女士的話是聽音重點(diǎn)。男士說明自 己的來意后,女士說:“我上周在報(bào)紙上讀過(關(guān)于你們的)文意”,故選 CoA. Secu

7、re more student parking spaces.B. Preserve open spaces on campus.VC. Get more funding for their group.D. Schedule a meeting with college administrators.解析:聽力原文What is the student action coalition trying to do?解析選項(xiàng)均以原形動(dòng)詞開頭,推測(cè)本題問建議或打算。男士說:“我們正在努力保護(hù)校園里面的戶外空地”選項(xiàng) B 的 preserve 是對(duì)原文中的 protect and conserve的

8、同義概括,故答案應(yīng)為BA. Help the man plan a student rally.B. Use the student parking lot.C. Make a donation to support the group.D. Sign a petition.V解析:聽力原文What does the woman agree to do?解析所有選項(xiàng)都是動(dòng)詞開頭,聽音時(shí)應(yīng)注意錄音中提到的關(guān)鍵動(dòng)詞。男士建議女士簽請(qǐng)?jiān)笗客纯?地答應(yīng)要找支筆簽字,故答案為DoA. She is interested in the student action coalition.VB. She

9、 will definitely come to the next meeting.C. She will have a picnic with her friend.D. She hates to get together with others.解析:聽力原文What can we know about the woman from the conversation?解析對(duì)話末尾女士說:“我想知道更多有關(guān)該組織的信息,請(qǐng)告知我下次會(huì)議的開會(huì)時(shí)間,我會(huì)盡量到 會(huì),可見女士對(duì)學(xué)生行動(dòng)聯(lián)盟這個(gè)組織感興趣,故答案為AoB 錯(cuò)在 definitely,女士只是說 try to bethere,不表示

10、她一定會(huì)到,所以不選B。(分?jǐn)?shù):16.00 )A. A vacation and art collection.B. A trip and a new car.C. Cash and a car.D. Money and a trip.V解析:聽力原文W: Thank you, thank you and welcome to everyones favorite game show, Unbelievable Trivia. Todays contestant,Christopher Jones, has just entered our bonus round and is trying

11、to win our grand prize, $80,000 in cash and anall-expense paid, six-day vacation to China. Okay, Christ. In order to win the grand prize, you must answer all four of thebonus questions correctly. All of the questions are true or false. If false, you must make the statement true by giving thecorrect

12、information. If not, you go home with our consolation prize: a fine collectionof miniature cars.Remember. When the buzzer goes off, you must give your answer. Are you ready?M: Im ready.W: The first question: A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.M: Uh. True.W: You are correct Question number two: A tuna

13、is the only fish that can blink with both eyes.M: True, I mean, I mean, I mean false. A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes._W: Correct. Only two more questions. Number three: An elephant has the largest eyes in the world. M: I know that one.False. The giant squid has the largest ey

14、es._W: Super. This is the last question. The national anthem of Greece has 134 verses.M: False. The national anthem of Greece has 158 verses._W: You are fight!M: Did I win?W: Yes, Christ, pack your bags, and well pack your wallet. Youre off to China. Well, thatsall for todays show. See you next time

15、.M: Thank you, thank you.What is the grand prize of the game show?解析四個(gè)選項(xiàng)都是名詞詞組,初步猜測(cè)題目與物件有關(guān)。對(duì)話說,大獎(jiǎng)是3 萬美元現(xiàn)金和 6 天費(fèi)用全包的中國行,故答案是D。聽音時(shí)應(yīng)做好筆記,提取有效信息:cash、vacation。A. lt can break through the ice easily.B. lt can shut and open both eyes quickly.VCt can communicate other sharks by winks.Dt can roll up and dow

16、n its eyes slowly.解析:聽力原文What is unique about a shark according to the game show?解析根據(jù)對(duì)話,鯊魚可以同時(shí)眨動(dòng)雙眼。shut and open 是 blink 的同義替換,故答案是 B。從 C 選項(xiàng)可知,It 就是“鯊魚”,注意聽提到鯊魚的地方,做好筆記。A. An elephant.B. A huge squid.VC. A whale.D. A tuna.解析:聽力原文What creature has the largest eyes in the world?解析四個(gè)選擇都是動(dòng)物名稱,留意聽有關(guān)動(dòng)物的描述

17、,并在選項(xiàng)旁邊做筆記。根據(jù)對(duì)話,世界上眼睛最 大的動(dòng)物是巨型魷魚,故答案是BoA. 134.B. 148.C. 158.VD. 185.解析:聽力原文How many verses does the national anthem of Greece have?解析四個(gè)選項(xiàng)都是數(shù)字,留意數(shù)字岀現(xiàn)時(shí)的話語。根據(jù)對(duì)話,希臘國歌有158 節(jié),故答案是 Co三、Section B (總題數(shù):2,分?jǐn)?shù):28.00)(分?jǐn)?shù):12.00 )A. It is lessening.B. It is growing.VCt hasnt changed.Dt is slowly changing.解析:聽力原文Al

18、most 20,000 whales have been slaughtered since a ban on commercial whaling was introduced in1986 and the death toll is rising each year. Norway and Japan killed over 1,000 whales in 1999 and they plan to kill evenmore. The International Whaling Commission(IWC)has failed to stop the killing and a com

19、promise deal may relax theban allowing coastal whaling condemning manythousands more whales to a cruel death. In 1994, the IWC created a whale sanctuary in Antarctic waters and manybelieved the battle to save the whales had been won. But Japan has ignored the sanctuary and along with Norwaycontinues

20、 to defy the whaling ban. As the environmental concerns increase, whaling is no longer the issue as it was ordeserves to be. With little public awareness of the increasing whale slaughter, there has been no pressure to stop it.Consequently, the political will to confront the whalers and enforce the

21、whaling ban has slipped away. Commercialwhaling has devastated whale populations worldwide, pushing the entire species to the brink ofexti ncti on. There is still great scientific uncertainty about the size and status of remaining_whale populations. Whales are facing increasing threats to their surv

22、ival including increasing toxic pollution, massiveover-fishing, entanglement in fishing nets, boat collisions, habitat loss, ozone depletion and climate change. They needto be protected, not hunted. Commercial whaling is appallingly cruel and unnecessary. It is morally indefensible. Itshould be cond

23、emned to history, to a time when sadly we knew no better!What does the speaker say about the death toll of whales after 1986?解析短文開頭介紹,在 1986 年岀臺(tái)了禁止商業(yè)捕鯨的政策之后,鯨魚的死亡數(shù)字每年都呈上升趨勢(shì), 故選 BoA. The scientists know it is definitely getting smaller.B. The scientists know it is near extinct.C. The scientists still

24、 do not know.VD. The scientists think it is rebounding slightly.解析:聽力原文How does me speaker describe scientific knowledge of whale populations?解析短文談到,對(duì)于現(xiàn)在鯨魚的數(shù)量和情況如何,在科學(xué)上還有很多未知之?dāng)?shù),也就是說科學(xué)家也不知 道情況到底如何,故選 CoA. All whaling is bad.B. Commercial whaling is immoral.VC. Whaling should be limited only for food.

25、D. The IWC should be replaced.解析:聽力原文What is the speakers attitude towards whaling?解析原文說,商業(yè)捕鯨是殘忍而且不必要的,在道德上也是站不住腳的,故選BoA 項(xiàng)為強(qiáng)干擾項(xiàng),其實(shí)只要看到該選項(xiàng)中表示絕對(duì)的單詞All 就可以排除干擾。(分?jǐn)?shù):16.00 )A. Theyre honest and do only the just things.B. Theyre very well-off and have achieved a lot.VC. They work hard and deserve great re

26、ward.D. They keep pace with the economic development.解析:聽力原文In the United States many have been told that anyone can become rich and successful if he works hard and has somegood luck. When one becomes rich he wants people to know it. And even if he does not become very rich, he still wantspeople to

27、think that he is. Thats what Keeping up with the Joneses is about. The expression was first used in 1913 bya young American named Arthur Momand.Momandooked around him and noticed that many people do things just tokeep up with their neighbors; they try to look as rich and as successful as their neigh

28、bors. He saw the funny side_of it and started to write a series of short stories. He called it Keeping up with the Joneses, because Jones is a verycommon name in the United States. Keeping up with the Joneses came_to meankeeping up with people around you. Momandsseries appeared in different newspape

29、rs across the country forover 32 years.People never seem to get tired of keeping up with the Joneses. That is one reason why they read the right books, goto the right universities and eat at the right restaurants.Every city has an area where people want to live because others will think better of th

30、em if they do. And there areJoneses in every city of the world. But one must get tired of trying to keep_up with the Joneses, because no matter what one does, Mr. Jones always seems to be ahead.According to the speaker, what impression do many Americans want to leave on others?解析短文說,當(dāng)人們富有了他們希望別人知道,甚

31、至并不很富有時(shí)也希望別人認(rèn)為他們富有,所以B 正確。B 項(xiàng)中的 well-off 對(duì)應(yīng)開頭重復(fù)了 3 遍的 rich ,achieve a lot 對(duì)應(yīng)錄音中的 successful ,同義替換 是答案。A. Trying to keep pace with your next-door neighbors.B. Trying to keep in contact with your neighbors.C. Trying to get along well with people around you.D. Trying to look as wealthy as people around

32、 you.V解析:聽力原文What does the expression Keeping up with the Joneses mean?解析選項(xiàng)為努力達(dá)到某種目的,聽到錄音中的try to時(shí)要注意后面的動(dòng)詞。短文說,這個(gè)習(xí)語的意思是“和左鄰右舍比排場(chǎng),比闊氣”。所以 D 正確。選項(xiàng)中的“ try ”就是最好的提示語,錄音中try 后面就是答案所在。A. Its creator published short stories in newspapers for years.VB. It spread across the country with the common name.C. Ma

33、ny people used it when they praised their neighbors.D. Most children were amused when they heard the saying.解析:聽力原文How did the expression Keeping up with the Joneses get popular?解析根據(jù)選項(xiàng)可預(yù)測(cè)題目問某事是如何廣泛傳播的。短文說,Momand 的系列短篇小說在全美各家報(bào)紙上連載,長(zhǎng)達(dá) 32 年之久??梢娺@個(gè)習(xí)語就是這樣廣為流傳的,所以 A 正確。只有 A 中的關(guān)鍵詞 short storiesin newspaper

34、s 是錄音提到的,聽到什么選什么。A. It will inspire people to keep striving.B. It will boost the social economy.Ct will exhaust and disappoint people.VDt will enhance interpersonal relationship.解析:聽力原文What does the speaker think of the practice of Keeping up with the Joneses?解析根據(jù)選項(xiàng)可預(yù)測(cè)題目問某事的影響。短文說,但是人們一定會(huì)對(duì)和鄰居比闊氣感到厭煩

35、的,所以C正確。三個(gè)選項(xiàng)表達(dá)的是正面影響,只有C 是負(fù)面的,而錄音末尾中的tired 與 C 中的 exhaust 同義。四、Section C (總題數(shù):3,分?jǐn)?shù):40.00)Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 16 to 19.Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 16 to 19.(分?jǐn)?shù):16.00 )A. It is similar to housing problem.B. It gets better when one c

36、ity develops.Ct is caused by money or technology.D.It relates to a matter of equality.V解析:聽力原文Mobility in developing world cities is a very peculiar challenge, because different from health or education or housing, ittends to get worse as societies become richer. Clearly, an un sustai nable model. M

37、obility, as most other developingcountry, problems, more than a matter_of money or technology, is a matter of equality. The great inequality in developing countries makes it difficult to see, forexample, that in terms of transport, an advanced city is not one where even the poor use cars, but rather

38、 one whereeven the rich use public transport. There is a conflict for space between those with cars and those without them.We fought not just for space for buses, but we fought for space for people, and that was even more difficult. Cities arehuman habitats, and we humans are pedestrians. Just as fi

39、sh need to swim or birds need to fly or deer need to run, weneed to walk. I would like to focus on the really enormous conflict between pedestrians and cars in developing countrycities. In terms of transport infrastructure, what really makes a difference between advanced and backward cities is nothi

40、ghways or subways but quality sidewalks.I will propose to you a couple of ingredients which I think would make cities much better, andit would be very simple to implement them in the new cities which are only being created. Hundreds of kilometers ofgreenways criss-crossing cities in all directions.P

41、eople will walk out of homesinto safe spaces. They could go for dozens of kilometers safely in wonderful greenways, sort of bicycle highways.And the second ingredient, which would solve mobility, that very difficult challenge in developing countries, in a verylow-cost and simple way, would be to hav

42、e hundreds of kilometers of streets only for buses, bicycles and pedestrians.This would be, again, a very low-cost solution if implemented from the start, low cost, pleasant transit with naturalsunlight.But unfortunately, reality is not as good as my dreams. All developing country cities have a larg

43、e problem of slums,which means illegal housing. And of course its very difficult to have mass transit or to use bicycles in suchenvironments. But even legal housing developments have also been located in the wrong places, very far from the citycenters where its impossible to provide low-cost, high-f

44、requency public transport. As a Latin American, I wouldrecommend, respectfully, passionately, to Asian and African countries which are yet to urbanize, that governmentsshould acquire all land around cities. In this way, their cities could grow in the right places withthe right spaces, with the parks

45、, with the greenways, with the busways.What do we learn about the problem of mobility in developing countries?解析錄音提到,流動(dòng)性是許多發(fā)展中國家遇到的問題,不僅僅是錢或科技的問題,更是有關(guān)平等的問題 (a matter ofequality) ,D 項(xiàng)復(fù)現(xiàn)錄音關(guān)鍵詞,為正確答案。主講人提到,流動(dòng)性與健康、教育和住房 問題不同,社會(huì)發(fā)展程度與流動(dòng)性成反比,故A 項(xiàng)“與住房問題類似”和B 項(xiàng)“隨著城市發(fā)展變得更好”與錄音相反。C 項(xiàng)“由金錢或科技引起”,錄音沒有提及產(chǎn)生流動(dòng)性問題的原因是

46、錢或科技。A. The challenges of health and education in the growing cities.B. The conflict between cars and walkers in developing countries.VC. The development of highways and subways of the cities.D. The enormous gap between advanced and backward cities.解析:聽力原文What is the focus of this speech?解析主講人提到,他關(guān)注

47、的是發(fā)展中國家城市行人與車輛的劇烈矛盾沖突,B 項(xiàng)與此一致,是正確選項(xiàng)。講座開頭雖然將城市“健康和教育問題”與人車矛盾作類比,但并不是主旨,故排除A 項(xiàng)。在交通基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施的內(nèi)容中,主講人認(rèn)為發(fā)達(dá)和欠發(fā)達(dá)城市之間的真正差別不在于高速公路,而在于人行道的質(zhì)量,故C項(xiàng)“高速公路和地鐵的發(fā)展”恰好與講座內(nèi)容相反。D 項(xiàng)“發(fā)達(dá)城市與不發(fā)達(dá)城市的巨大鴻溝”過于寬泛,而且這并不是講座的主題,故排除。A. Use of bicycle among a large population.B. Development of transport infrastructure.C. Greenways crossing

48、 a city in all directions.D. Streets for public transport and walkers only.V解析:聽力原文What is the low-cost solution for mobility challenge in developing countries?解析據(jù)主講人所說,解決流動(dòng)性問題的低成本且簡(jiǎn)單的方案(low-cost and simple way)是在城市建造數(shù)百公里的公交、自行車及行人專用道,D 項(xiàng)中的 public transport 概括了錄音中的 buses 和 bicycles ,而 walkers 則與 ped

49、estrians 對(duì)應(yīng),故 D 項(xiàng)是正確答案。A 項(xiàng)“大量人口使用自行車”未在講座中提到。 主講人提到transport infrastructure 包括高速公路、地鐵和人行道,所以B 項(xiàng)“發(fā)展交通基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施”外延過大。C 項(xiàng)“縱橫交錯(cuò)的綠道是第一個(gè)建議,本題問的low-cost solution 與第二個(gè)建議有關(guān),故排除 C 項(xiàng)。A. Providing public transport.B. Solving the problem of slums.C. Nationalizing all land around cities.VD. Building legal housing deve

50、lopments.解析:聽力原文What is the speakers suggestion to Asian and African countries yet to urbanize?解析主講人對(duì)處于城市化進(jìn)程中的亞非城市衷心地建議:政府應(yīng)購置城市周圍的所有土地(acquire allland around cities),這樣一來才能更好地規(guī)劃新城市,政府購置了土地即把土地國有化,C 項(xiàng)中的Nationalizing 是對(duì)錄音中 governments should acquire 的同義概括,故 C 項(xiàng)為正確答案。根據(jù)錄音,主 講人所倡議的公共交通成本低而密集,注重平等性,A 項(xiàng)“提

51、供公共交通”過于寬泛。B 項(xiàng)“解決貧民區(qū)問題”,雖然講座有提到貧民區(qū)是發(fā)展中國家城市的一大問題,但這不是主講人提岀的建議。D 項(xiàng)“開發(fā)合法的房屋”未在錄音中提及。Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 20 to 22.Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 20 to 22.(分?jǐn)?shù):12.00 )A. To help students focus on studying.B. To relieve students from exam p

52、ressure.VC. To gather students to analyze stress.D. To share experience with sophomores.解析:聽力原文Now youve only been there this one semester so this is your first experience with students undergoing the pressure offinals, right? I mean I was an undergraduate for four years in New York University (NYU)

53、 and I went through finals for 8terms, 9 counting this one. NYU has a high pressure academic environment. Thats why I first started this program.When I was at NYU, my first exposure to the dogs, bei ng brought to help relieve the pressure of_finals, was in those of my sophomore or junior year and ou

54、r building for a stress day. They had just an hour a week youcould have a puppy and it was so simple and easy and unique to put on and it drew a lot of attention. It worked truly well.So when I was hired here, I really wanted to expand the program, do it on a much larger scale.How did it work? The w

55、ay it actually works is we worked with a therapy dog organization called Dog-Bones. So what wedo is actually in October, you know, at the height of mid-terms of task.We had both 60 dogs at a time coming in, a total of maybe 12-16 people over a 2-day-period.Some students like to pat the dogs and stay

56、 right up on them and especially ones that have dogsat their home or dog people, and someone just sit around and talk with each other and take pictures and do whateverthey want to do, but even those people that arent really patting the dogs are still having fun. Its still part of a really funenviron

57、ment.I absolutely believe it is effective for anything. Its why they do it in hospitals and in elementary schools. In general,having any kind of break from studying during really stressful periods like midterms and fin als is n ecessary. Talki ng ahalf hour out of that, walking around,_coming downst

58、airs, completely changing your mindset into something different is really effective in combating some ofthat stress.Dogs were really really good. They were very good and they loved their bellies rubbed and they loved getting treatsfrom the kids. Or maybe we can persuade Congress to allow some dogs o

59、n the Florida House, or the Senate and settlethose people down.What was the purpose of the stress day of New York University?解析講座提到,主講人第一接觸狗,是在宿舍樓舉行的stress day(解壓日),借助狗醫(yī)生幫助緩解期末考試的壓力(helped relieve the pressure of finals) , B 項(xiàng)“緩解學(xué)生的考試壓力”與此一致。stressday 是為了緩解考試壓力,并沒有提到“讓學(xué)生集中注意力去學(xué)習(xí)”,A 項(xiàng)不正確。C 項(xiàng)錯(cuò)在“分析”(an

60、alyze) 詞,錄音是說“緩解壓力”,而非“分析壓力”。D 項(xiàng)“與二年級(jí)學(xué)生分享經(jīng)驗(yàn)”只是利用 sophomore 一詞制造干擾,該項(xiàng)內(nèi)容并未在錄音中提到。A. They prepare for finals.B. They take care of stray dogs.C. They hang out with dogs.VD. They have fun with friends.解析:聽力原文What do students do in the program?解析據(jù)主講人介紹,活動(dòng)中學(xué)生們要么撫摸狗醫(yī)生,要么聚在一起聊天、拍照或做自己喜歡做的事情, 享受活動(dòng)的樂趣,C 項(xiàng)“與狗待在


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