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1、教學(xué)課題: module 5 lao she teahouseunit 1 i wanted to see the beijing opera.課題module 5 lao she teahouseunit 1 i wanted to see the beijing opera.教學(xué)目標(biāo)知識與技能:1. words & phrases生詞和短語 :offer, end, in the end, act, teahouse, actress2. key sentences重點(diǎn)句子how was it?you know ling ling offered to take me there.

2、 it was difficult to understand how long did you stay?we only planned to but in the end, we stayed for i hope to understand more next time.過程與方法: listening and speaking情感價值觀: verbs followed by infinitives重點(diǎn)introduce some verbs that must followed by infinitives. 難點(diǎn)introduce some verbs that must follo

3、wed by infinitives. 教 學(xué) 方 法 task-based activities.需 用 器 材 a projector or some pictures, a tape recorder ,ohp教學(xué)環(huán)節(jié)設(shè)計教師活動設(shè)計學(xué)生活動設(shè)計設(shè)計意圖steplead-inin this procedure, give students a brief introduction of teahouse and beijing opera. ask students look at the pictures and talk about them.write the word teaho

4、use on the blackboard and explain it to the students.what does teahouse mean? it is formed by tea andhouse.help students guess the meaning ofteahouseand lao shesteahouse.lookatthe pictures.repeat“teahouse”圖片引入, 激發(fā) 學(xué)生 的 學(xué)習(xí)激情, 自然進(jìn)入課題。step 、activity1step activity 2step activity 3ask students to look at

5、 the words in the box and the pictures.teach them to pronounce the words.ask students to describe the pictures. in this procedure, students will listen to events. ask them to listen to the conversationandunderlinethe correct words.t: two children want to go to lao shes teahouse. lest listen to the t

6、ape and underline the sentences. payattentiontowouldyoulike andi dlike ?then dopairworktopracticethis pattern.play the tape and ask the students to listen carefully.t: now, let s exchange your answerswith your desk mates and check the answers.play the tape again and go throughanswers with the studen

7、ts. then ask some pairs to make up aconversation with would you like and i dlike ? they can use any words.sample conversation:in this procedure, students will listen to and read a dialogue, then they will answer some questions and do some exercises to further understand the dialogue. at the same tim

8、e, they will learnsomenewwordsand expressions, especially some verbs elicitwhatthey see. repeat thewordsin the box. s:ican see. listen and underline the correct words orexpressions check the answers. inpairs tomakeupa conversation: s1: would youlike to go skating with me?s2: all right. i d like to.培

9、 養(yǎng)學(xué) 生 的民族情。提 高學(xué) 生 的表 達(dá)能 力 和觀察力。通過聽, 鍛煉學(xué) 生的 獲 知能力。培 養(yǎng)學(xué) 生 的口 語表 達(dá) 能力。followed by infinitives.1. present the new words actress, teahouse, offer end, in the end, no idea.stress these words when talking to the students.t: ok. linglingand betty went to lao shesteahouse last night. let me tell you somethin

10、g about my friend betty. she wanted to see the beijingopera, so lingling offeredtotakehertothe teahouse. they can drink tea and see opera there. betty found it almostdifficulttounderstand beijing opera.readslowlytomakesurethe students understand the meaning of each word and write the new words and e

11、xpressions on the blackboard. ask the students to repeat.2. ask students to listen to the tape recorder and answer the questions. t: some students are talking aboutteahouse, beijing opera and lao she. let s listen to the tape recorder and find out what they are talking about. books closed.after list

12、ening one or two times, ask students to do activities. work in pairs, ask and answers questions in pairs.ask students to listen again and會讀生詞, 理解課文意思。repeatthewordsandreadthe提 高聽 的 獲dialogue.知能力。listentothe dialogue and answer.提 高語 言 組s:theyre織能力。talking about . s1:whydidbettywanttogo to lao she s t

13、eahouse?stepdiscussioncheck answers with each other.in this procedure, practice some words and expressions in activity 4 by having a discussion.t: we have known that betty wanted to see some beijing opera. you must want to know something more about their visit to laoshes teahouse.imagine you ares2:b

14、ecause she wanted to seesome beijing opera. listen and check the answer.sample對 獲知 能 力的檢查。a reporter, youask lyl our friendconversation:some questions. you must use the s1:didtheystepdealing with words and expressions:new words in the box. work in pairs!asksome pairstoactoutthe dialogues in front of

15、 the class.1. offerofferv. 提供;提出offer to do sth. ( 愿意或主動 )提供 /幫助做某事he offered to help me with my french.他愿意幫我學(xué)法語。offer help 給予幫助offer hope 給予希望offer ideas 提供意見offer sb. sth.= offer sth. to sb.he offers me the milk.他提供給我牛奶。= he offers the milk to me. 辨析 offer, giveoffer,give這 兩 個 詞 均 可 表 示“給”。其區(qū)別是:pl

16、an to stay for two hours?s2: they only planned to stay for one hour, but in the end they decidedto stay for three hours.s1: what is lao she most famous for?s2: he isespecially famous for his play, teahouse. act.角色的轉(zhuǎn)換, 讓 學(xué)生 更 好得 理解 和 運(yùn)用生詞。give 所指的 “給” ,對方一般是接受; offer 所指的 “給”,對方可能接受, 也可能拒絕。試比較 :he gav

17、e me some tickets.他給了我?guī)讖埰?。he offered me some tickets, which i refused politely.他要給我?guī)讖埰?, 但我婉言謝絕了。write down the noteand practice.theyhimajobinthecompany, but he refused拒( 絕).tooka. offeredb.c. showedd.gavethe hotelexcellent service all the visitors.a.offer, /b.offers, withc. offers, tod.offers, /2.

18、it s adj. for sb. to do sth.對某人而言,干某事是某樣子的。 e.g.:it's impossible for us to finish the work in one day.我們在一天之內(nèi)完成這份工作是不可能的。its difficult for betty to understand the words of beijing opera.3. in the endin the end 最后;終于they gave up the plan in the培 養(yǎng)學(xué) 生 的詞 匯的 綜 合能力。end.最終他們放棄了那項計劃。in the end, things

19、 will mend. 諺 車到山前必有路。after many years of hard work,he won the award in the end.經(jīng)過許多年的努力,他最后終于獲得了大獎。鏈接endn. 結(jié)束、終止 ; 終點(diǎn)、盡頭we walked to the end of the road.stepa game.我們走到了大路的盡頭。winter is coming to an end.冬季快要結(jié)束了。以 end 為中心詞的介詞短語: at the end of 在 的盡頭;在 的末稍by the end of 到 末為止; 在 結(jié)束時before the end of在 結(jié)束

20、之前4. no idea.no idea. “不知道 ”,相當(dāng)于 i don t know.he has no idea how to manage people.他根本不知道如何做人事工作。i have no idea (as to) what you mean.我一點(diǎn)兒也不明白你的意思。we have no idea how the birds find their way.我們不知道這些鳥如何找到它們的路。sample conversation:s1: she offered to take us there.s2: would you likeusto take youto laosh

21、e s teahouse?s3:they plannedto stay for some tea.s4: we are only going to stay for some tea. s5:theyin this procedure, do a game to help students findpairsofsentences which have the same meaning. help themunderstand themeaning of each sentence and what the direct speech sentence stands for.hand some

22、 cards with the sentences of gameto some students.t: now let s play a game called findyour friend. a student will read one sentence. those six students who got my cards must check yourdecidedto stay longer.s6:let sstaylonger. ok.read the wordsreadthe passageand at讓 學(xué) 生 在game 中掌握動 詞不 定 式作賓語。sentences

23、. if your sentence has the the same timesame meaning with it, you mustto completethestand up and read it. if you can tpassage.find it, you may lose the game.in the end, help students find the rule: each verb in these sentences is followed by infinitive. ask the students to remember this rule and the

24、se verbs.tell the students look at and read the words in the box.checktheanswersin pairs.readthe conversations individually and in pairs.step activity 4ask them to complete the passage on the own.elicitthe answers fromthe whole class.askstudentstoreadtheconversations individuallyand then in pairs.el

25、icitwhichwordsareusuallystressedinanysentence,forpredictwhat the stress in the sentences.underlinethe stressedwords,example, nouns, verbs and adjectives and check theirbecause these are the main wordsanswers.whichcontaintheimportant培 養(yǎng)學(xué) 生 綜合能力。step activity 5 &6step activity 7information in the

26、sentence.ask the students to predict what the stress in the answers is. remind them that the stress is on the vowel sounds. elicit students idea and write the words they think will be stressed on the board.play the recording for the students tolisten for the pronunciation and stress.play the recordi

27、ng again.read the conversations aloud. remind them of paying attention to the stress.check the meaning of the expressions at the beginning of each sentence with the class.tell them to finish the sentencesontheir own and then check answers in pairs.ask the students to read theirsentences in class. an

28、d encourage them to make as many sentencesas possible.i want to see the beijing opera .read aloud.readthe expressions together.finish the sentences on their own and check the answers.readthe sentences whichthey wrote.利 于學(xué) 生 對句 子中 重 讀音節(jié)的形成。培 養(yǎng)學(xué) 生 對句 子重 讀 音節(jié)的認(rèn)知。讓 學(xué)生 預(yù) 測句 中重 讀 音節(jié)的位置。加 深對 句 子重 讀音 節(jié) 的詞的掌

29、握。練 習(xí)句 子 的重讀音節(jié)。鞏 固學(xué) 生 對動 詞不 定 式的掌握。板書設(shè)計練習(xí)設(shè)計課后反思teahouse lao she teahouse traditional beijing opera i d like to. would you like to?offer to do sth. want to do sth. decide to do sth.1. she asked me(wait) for her at the cinema.2. i enjoy(listen) to the radio in the evening.3. it is not easy(learn) a fo

30、reign language.4. he agreed(get) someone to help us.5. i told him(not play) in the street.6. would you like(come) with me?7. your task is(find) the cost of the hotel.8. should i(go) home now?9. i m glad(see) you again.10. he needs(buy) a new bike.教學(xué)課題: module 5 lao she teahouseunit 2 it describes th

31、e changes in chinese society.課題unit 2 it describes the changes in chinese society.知識與技能: 1. words & phrases 生詞和短語act, common, describe, society, if, magic2. key sentences 重點(diǎn)句子teahouse is one of lao shes most famous plays.it tells us the story of wang lifa and his customers of his teahouse in bei

32、jing.教 學(xué) his mother sent him to the teacherisn s1c9h1o3o. l目標(biāo) and was namedt“he people s artist”.lao she s teahouse givews aarm welcome to everyone from all over the world.3. write a passage about their favorite films or plays.過程與方法: reading and writing.情感價值觀: learning the teahouse to know and use t

33、he verbs which followedby infinitives重點(diǎn)how to find out the heading of each paragraph in the passage難點(diǎn)verbs followed by infinitives教學(xué)方法button-up approach需用器材a projector or some pictures, a tape recorder ,ohp教學(xué)環(huán)節(jié)設(shè)計教師活動設(shè)計學(xué)生活動設(shè)計設(shè)計意圖step 1 revision andlead-in. activity 1in this procedure, revise somethin

34、g that was studiedinunit1 bydoingpair works. after that, lead in activity oneof this unit.t: yesterday we have known something aboutlao shes teahouse. ihave some smallpieces ofpaperwith some questions on them. i lgl ive them to some students and they willread the questions. you willanswer the questi

35、ons as quickly as you can.give the paper to some students.the students who get the paper begin to ask and answer like this:s1: why did betty want togo to lao she s teahouse? s2: because she wanted to see some beijing opera.ask some students questions about lao she and teahouseand lead in this unit.

36、t: what is lao she most famous for?t:right.doyouwanttoknow something more about lao she and his teahouse? now please turn to page at 36 and look at activity 1.write the questions on the board and show them some pictures about lao she.1. what do you know about lao she?2. what are his most famous book

37、s and plays?s: he sespecially famous for his play, teahouse.turn to page at 36 and look at activity 1.s:heisone ofthe most famous writers in china.s: he is famous for his plays and novels such as teahouse, four generations under one roof and so on.s: in it,we can drinktea and watch the traditional c

38、hinese beijing opera.all of the students repeat.復(fù)習(xí),讓學(xué)生自然過度到新知的學(xué)習(xí)。step 2 new wordsstep 3 activity2 & 33. whatsspecialaboutlaoshes teahouse?show pictures to students, and tell what theyare.t: (showone by one, and help them answer.) what s thisinenglish? (t eahouse,customers,act,show, chinese socie

39、ty,magic,the beijing opera ,college, novel )ask and answer.inthisprocedure,makestudents familiar with some new words of somes: it took place from the end of the nineteenth century to the middle of the middleof thetwentiethcenturyina teahouse in old beijing.圖片使單詞更形象,易于接受。instruments by making use of

40、pictures. give a brief introduction of lao she and teahouse.t: teahouse is the most famous play written by lao she. when and where did it take place?help students answer.t: this play tells us a story of wang lifa and his customers in old beijing. there are many different types of people withdifferen

41、tends. wangloses the teahouse and dies in the end. lao she is consideredasagreatmasterof language in the twentieth century.use the pictures of the teahouseto help students understand.listening and matchingin this procedure, ask the students to listen and read the passage and find out the heading of

42、each paragraph. match the correct headings with the paragraphs.t: now that you have known somethingabout laoshe and teahouse. let s read the passage to get some further information.first,listen to the tape withyourbooksclosed.after listening,read the passage and then問 題 和 圖片,引起學(xué)生 的 求 知欲。you lml atch

43、 the headings withtheparagraphs.play the recording.listen, read and match.point out that finding out the heading of each paragraph is important. the titleofapassage,theparagraph headings and the photos will help them understand the main ideas.elicit answer from the whole class.after that, ask studen

44、ts to read the passage again and underline the new words and expressions and then finish1 .b) 2. c) 3. a)they begin to read again and the same time to finish activity 3.1957 wrote teahouse1924 left home and went to england合上書聽, 再讀,加深學(xué)生對課文的掌握。讓學(xué)生掌握activity 3.1918finished the teacher s 些 閱 讀 技schoolan

45、d became a head能。teacher of a primary school1913wenttoateacher s school1899 born in beijingdealing with words and expressions:1. describedescribe v. 描寫;描述;形容the policeasked me to describe exactly how it happened.警察讓我描述一下這事是怎樣發(fā)生的。words cannot describe the beauty of the scene.語言難以描述那景色之美麗。it is very d

46、ifficultto describe my joy in words.我的快樂難以用語言來形容。describe sb. to sth.向 描述can you describe the thief to me?你能向我描述那個盜賊的特征嗎?us?could you describe the accident to你能把出事的經(jīng)過向我們敘述一下嗎 ?describable adj.可記述的; 可描寫的2. and was named“the people s artist”.be named 被譽(yù)為 , 被命名為thekidwasnamedafterhis grandfather.這孩子是以他

47、祖父的名字命名的。thestraitwasnamedafteritsdiscoverer.這個海峽是以它的發(fā)現(xiàn)者命名的。3. if you like the beijing opera, traditional music, or magic shows, you can enjoy them at the teahouse.注意里面的if從句 : 如果 如:if you come here earlier, you cansee the pop star.如果你來早一點(diǎn)你就能看到歌星了。4. laoshe teahouse givesawarm welcome to everyone fro

48、m all over the world.give a warm / wonderful welcome to sb.= givesb a warm/wonderful welcome 熱情歡迎give a cold welcome to sb. = givesb a cold welcome 歡迎不熱烈,比較冷淡。wegavethepopstar awarm welcome yesterday.昨天明星受到了我們的熱情歡迎。he didn t know why ihs fans givehim a cold welcome.他不知道他的粉絲為什么對他比較冷淡。step 4activity 4

49、.in this procedure, ask students to read morecarefullytofindoutsome importantanddifficultsentences. explain these sentences and give some otherexamples.thendosome exercises.t: let sread the passage againandcomplete the sentences in activity4. read slowly and carefully this time.checktheanswers andgo

50、through answers with the students.read and complete withthe words in the box.mon2.society3.century4.writers5.if6.magicstep 5 activity5in this procedure, ask students to ask and answer questions of the passage in pairs.bepreparedtowriteashort passage.t:nowwellcomplete thetableofactivity 5.where does

51、the story take place?when does the story take place?what is the story s main idea?why is it good?t: and everyone may have favorite filmanswers:in beijing.that the end of the 19centuryand finishes over 50years later.it tells the changes in chinese society over 50 years.it shows the lives of common people in china.their own answers. sample version:s1: what sthe name of it?對照,完成, 讓學(xué)生聯(lián)系生 活 更 自然。and play. now talk with your friends aboutyourfavoritefilmand play. ask and answer questions inpairs


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