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1、科普英語競賽真題.單項選擇。 (19 分)1. They are thirsty. Will you please give them _?-Certainly.A. somebottleof orangeB. somebottlesorangesC. some bottle of orangesD. some bottles oforangeof2. The children w A. rainon t go on a picnic if itB. rained_ next SundayC. rainsD.will rain3. It s summer now. The farmers ar

2、e busy _ the summer harvest.A. get ready forB.to get ready forC. getting ready forD. getting ready to4. Few people _ at home at weekend .A.likestostayB.likestayC.likestayingD. like staying5. Is there any more _ in the room?A. peopleB. booksC. sheepD.room6. The children _ goto beduntiltheirmothercome

3、sback.A. willB. won tC. didntD.around7. I told him _the basket under the tree, but he didntlisten.putA.don t putD. mot to putB.didnt putC.mot8. I don t know when_ his hometown.A.heleftB.isheleavingC.heleaveD. does he leave9. Can you _ it in English?A. speakB. sayC. talkD. tell10. After they had work

4、ed for the hours they stopped _a rest.A. havingB. haveC. tohaveD.had11. Let s go home. Its_ late.A. getB. gotC. gettingD.gets12. The baby can walk _ by himself now .A. aloneB. lonelyC. gettingD.to home13. _ did the operation take?A.WhattimeB.HowoftenC.HowfarD. How ling14. Who helped _ to carry the b

5、oxes? We did it _.A. you, yourselvesB. us ,yourselvesC. you, ourselvesD. us , ourselves15.Who feels _ , Mr. More or Mr. Less ?A. happierB. happilyC. happilierD.more happily16.I hear Mike had a fall _ the ice .A. offB. inC. onD. to17.They found the picnic basket was _ under the tree .A. nolongerB. lo

6、ngerthanC. notlongerD. no than18.Lin Fen turned _ the light and went out .A. inB. onC. offD. down19.The old man doesn t havemoney .A. manyB. muchC. someD. a lot.完形填空。 (15 分)I am sitting in an empty football field after my last highschool football game that finished a few hours ago. Im themidfield pl

7、ayer on my team. But in fact that20now.I s notwasthemidfieldplayerbecause,asIsaid,thiswasmy21game .That as goodwaytoenda highschoolfootballcareer( 生涯 ),especiallyifyouwin,buteventhoughyou don t, its 22to leave at a high point.Iwas eightwhenIfirststartedplayingfootball.Mydad23football,and he usedtopr

8、acticewithme athome passing ,catching, running. We used to practice almosteveryevening24itgottoodark.Hetriedtoteachmeeverythingheknewaboutthe25. “ Just remem ber:Don tever26. ”“ Stayinthegame. Don tlostyourconcentration(專注 ) ”“ Go out there and give 110 percent(百分之 )every time. Well,”that was a long

9、 time ago, but I stillhear his words27in my ears.I had alotmy mind28the game today.I don t likethings to end, I guess, and this was the last game. I was talkingto myself and warning myself about what to do and not to do.I didn tsleepatall 29, and whenthesuncameupthismorning, I reached the point wher

10、e30just wanted it allto be over, finished, does. But then when the game started, mymind became31 .I just lived in this game this moment. I didn t hear thcrowd, I didn t fell the cold or the pain , I never felt tired. I justkept myeyes on the32, andit wasjust me andthe balland, inside, a soft, white

11、light33me the way to the goal. Itwas a beautiful, empty feeling.It s all over now, and it s really getting cold here coldhere.It starting tosnow.Thesun salmost gone, and Ican34 see the goal. Now it s dark and I m sitting here allalone. Well, I guess it s timeoodto saybyeg and move on.()20.A. trueB.

12、wrongC. strangeD.clear()21.A.firstB. lastC. worstD.favourite()22.A.goodB. badC. luckyD.painful()23.A.meededB.hatedC.missedD. loved()24.A. untilB. whenC. unlessD.although()25.A.footballB.gameC.goalD. score()26.A. grow upB. catch upC. give upD.hurry up()27.A. ringingB. sayingcoming()28.A.fromthroughD.

13、 after()29.A.tonighttodayD. last night()30.A.weID. he()31.A.emptyroughD. awake()32.A.wayballD. match()33.A.sendingpointingD. showing()34.A.alreadyneverD. clearlyC. fatlingB.beforeB.yesterdayB.theyB.fullB.fieldB.teachingB.hardlyD.C.C.C.C.C.C.C.句型轉(zhuǎn)換。 (20 分)(A)按要求轉(zhuǎn)換句型,每空一詞。35. He has some bread for bre

14、akfast every morning. (改為否定句 )He_ _ any bread for breakfast every morning.36. There is little water in the bottle. (改為反意疑問句 )There is little water in the bottle, _ _?37. The students in Class 3 will go to the West Lake this Sunday. ( 對劃線部分提問 )_ _ the students in Class 3 go this Sunday ?38. When I wa

15、s a child, I often listened to their music. (對劃線部分提問 )_ did you often _ to their music?39. It is a very interesting and exciting book. (改為感嘆句 )_ _ interesting and exciting book it is !(B)根據(jù)上句完成下句,使兩句表達(dá)的意思基本相同,每空一詞。40.MichaelWilsonbegantheworkattwoyesterdayafternoon and finished it at four.It_ Michae

16、lWilsontwohoursto _ theworkyesterday afternoon.41.He traveled to many foreign countries, like Japan and India.Hetraveledtomanyforeigncountries,_ _,Japan and India .42.My mother married my father in 1985.My_ married in 1985.43.Now let me tell you something about the weather here,please.Nowletme _ som

17、ethingabouttheweatherhere _ you, please.44. Do you know Anns birthday?Do you know _ Ann was _?.根據(jù)漢語填詞,每空一詞。(20 分)45.What s the _ (價格 ) ofthis English Chinesedictionary?46.That s really a令(人愉快的 )trip.47.Could you tell us some _ (信息 )about that thing?48.In the accident 3 people lost their _. (生命 )49.T

18、he boy are making much _ (吵鬧 )in the room .50.Early one morning, the boy _ (搶劫 )the woman.51.Many people saw the ship _ (下沉 ) into the sea.52. _ (幸運地是 ), he was not badly hart .53. _ _( 多少 ) the number of the students inyou school?54._ 多(么 )fine weather it is!.閱讀理解。 (20 分)Mr. Young worked in a hospi

19、tal in the capital. He was busy all the time and little time to have a rest. And one day he feltunwell and couldn t go on working. He decided to spend aweek s holidayina quietvillagewherehecouldgoswimming or fishing. He got off at a small railway station andsoon got to the village. He took a room ho

20、tel (旅館 ) and wentto sleep as soon as he had a good meal.At first Mr. Young enjoyedhimselfthere.Hecoulddoeverythinghe wanted andwent whereverheliked.Nobodydisturbed( 打擾 )him and knocked at the door at might. But onthe fourth day he was in trouble. After lunch it was very hot.He went swimmingin theri

21、ver. Suddenlyhe sawa beautifulbird in a big tree. He wanted to catch it and walked to it, but itfound himandflewawayandsoonwasgone.Hebegantopick some flowers in the forest and before ling he lost his way.The sunhad gone down and nighthad fallen before MrYoung found a small restaurant in another vill

22、age. He came inand told them to bring him some bread, two eggs and a glassof tea. After a while his food was brought. Soon he ate up allthe bread and eggs. When he was going to have the tea, hefound there was a fly (蒼蠅 )in the glass.“ What s in my tea?Mr.”Young called out,“ A fly ”“ It impossible (

23、不可能的), sir, ”said the owner or therestaurant,ad“toldIh them to pick all the flies out of your teabefore they brought it to you!”55. This story happened in _.A. springB. summerC. autumnD. winter56. Mr. Young decided to take his holiday because_.A. he was tootiredto go on working.B. he wasvery busy al the timeC. he waspaida lotofmoneyD. helikedswimming and fishing57. Mr. Young went to the village because _.A. therewasn tanynoisethereB. hecouldswim and fish thereC. nobodycoulddisturbhimthereD. hecouldhave a good me


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