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1、江蘇省泰州市靖江外國(guó)語(yǔ)學(xué)校 2015-2016 學(xué)年七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下學(xué)期期中試題一.選擇題 (15 分)()1. Can you play_piano? No, I can t. But I can play_ basketball.A. the, the B.the, a C. the, / D. a, the()2. -_ is it from the library to the classroom? -It s 10 minutes walk.A. How far; B. HowC. How longD. How ofte n()3. There is_ swim ming pool be

2、side my house.A. a 11-metre-l ongB. an 11-metres-l ongC. an 11-metre-l ongD. a 11-metres-l ong()4.-I called you yesterday evening, but you were not in.-Sorry, I_in the shop with my mother.A. am B. will beC. was D. have bee n()5. I hear your pen friend is visit ing Suzhou at prese nt. Is it the_ time

3、 for her?Yes, and she will come for a fourth time next summer.、完形填空(15 分)Each of us makes mistakes from time to time. In fact, we can 1 a lot from our mistakes.Donnie was a 2 stude nt and n ever an swered questi ons in class.He was 3 to make mistakes.He never finished his homework 4 _e didn t want t

4、o mak e any mistakes. But something changed5 Marry Anne, a teacher, came to our 6 ._One morning, Marry Anne asked Donnie to 7 some questions. After a while Donnie was cryingA. firstC. thirdD. fourthB.secondWe don t have to go far if we want_with our work.iB. helpsC .helpi ngD. helpt take photos here

5、. Look at the sign. It says“NOPHOTO” .)6.A. to help)7.-Excuse me! You can-Sorry , I_itA . didn t see B . am)8. There is a parkA. across; over B. across;cross C. over; across D.over; cross )9.-Don t forget to give my best wishes to your parents.A.OK, I will.B. No, I won tC. Yes, I won)10. Shan ghai i

6、s _ the east of China and_ the west of Japa n.A. i n; in B. to; to C. i n; toD. to; in)11.There is a supermarket. on_side of the street.A. the otherB. bothC. ano thergoing to see C . won t see D . don t see the river. Youhave to the bridge to visit it.)12._ useful message it is!A.HowB. How a)13.Jack

7、suddC. WhatD. Yes, I do.D. A&BD. What a躺)on the ground.so we all stoppedwhat(A. her; mine; her()15.-Whe nA. shall ;flyto flydict ion ary. Can you lend_to_ ?-Certa inly.B. /; yours; hisC. my; yours; heD. his; yours; himone of the twin brothers_to Shan ghai? -Next mon th.B. is ;goi ng to flyC. are ;fl

8、yi ngD. are; going2because he made a mistake. 8 Marry Anne got a box full of erasers from the desk.Look, Donnie, ” she said standing 9 him. “I ve got somethi ng to show you. ” She 10 the erasers, one at a time,and put them on the desk.“ See these erasers, Donnie? ” she continued. “ Do you know 11 th

9、e erasers become smaller and smaller? That s because we make mistakes. But we erase( 擦掉)the mistakes and try 12 .That s what you must learn.”“Here, ” she said, “I ll 13 one eraser to you, so you will remember that 14 may make mistakes. ” Donnielooked at Marry Anne and smiled.Donnie 15 a lot from the

10、 n on. He knew that every one may make mistakes as long as (只要)youlearned them and tried aga in.()1. A. takeB. makeC. getD. bring()2. A. goodB. shyC. cleverD. small()3. A. gladB. excitedC. surprised D. afraid()4. A. becauseB. soC. ifD. but()5. A. afterB. whileC. un tilD. whe n()6 A. rowB. classC. te

11、amD. classroom()7. A. an swerB. askC. giveD. have()8. A. Sudde nlyB. QuicklyC. LuckilyD. Carefully()9. A. onB. withC. besideD. to()10. A. put outB. took awayC. took outD. took off()11. A. whe nB. howC. whatD. why()12. A. moreB. aga inC. ano therD. one()13. A. forgetB. carryC. leaveD. give()14. A. no

12、bodyB. somebodyC. no oneD. everybody()15. A. chan gedB. gotC. learnedD. Thought三.閱讀理解(15 分)(A)Exhibitio n( 展覽)at the Palace MuseumThe Palace Museum is a wonderful place to visit. Thereare lots of fun and interesting things to see. Come to visit the Palace Museum.Closi ng TimePlaceThings to See10:00

13、a.m.Taihe PalaceGolde n Throne10:30 a.m.Zho nghe PalaceWorks of Art11:00 a.m.Baohe PalaceWorks of Art1:00 p.m.Jingren PalaceBronzes(青銅器)1:40 p.m.Yon ghe PalacePottery(陶器)2:30 p.m.Huangji PalaceChin ese Pain ti ngs4:00 p.m.Fen gxia n PalaceClocks and watchesTickets: Adults:Childre n: Over 12: 15.00 1

14、0.003Un der12: FreeOpe ning Time: 9:00a.m. 4:00 p.m.10:00a.m. 3:00p.m. on SaturdayNot Open on Sun dayNotices(注意事項(xiàng)):Keep quiet.Keep the museum clea n.Don t forget to buy some souvenirs(紀(jì)念品)for your friends and family.Do not ta ke any photos.Do not touch anything.()1. How many kinds of things can you

15、see at the exhibiti on ?A. Four B. Five C. Seve nD. Eight()2. When can you see clocks and watches?A. At 4:00 p.m. from Mo nday to Friday B. At 4:00 p.m. on SaturdayC. At 4:00 p.m. every dayD. At 1:40 p.m. from Mo nday to Saturday()3. Mr Wu wants to visit the exhibition with his two studentsthis Satu

16、rday. The twostudents are both 14. How much are the tickets together?A. 35.00 B. 28.00C. 15.00 D. 7.00()4. The Palace Museum ope ns_days a week.A. Five B. TwoC. Seve nD. Six()5. Which of the follow ing can you do at the exhibiti on?A. To talk to each other B. To take a few n ice photosC. To buy some

17、 souve nirs D. To touch golde n throne(B)Whenl was finishingseventh grade, my school decided to make some changes because of financial(財(cái)政)problems. The school would make the classes bigger, so there could be fewer teachers.Weneededto write dow n the n ames of people we wan ted to be with and did n t

18、 want to be with. I wrote dow nthe n ames of all my close frien ds.I found out that none of my close friends were in any of mynew classes. Also, my new classmateswere quite differentfrom my old ones. I thought they weren t as clever as my old classmates. Theyalso weren t in the school activities I w

19、as in. I couldn t find the same interests with them.As the year went on, I bega n to feel l on ely and envy(羨慕)people in other groups. Why could theybe with all their friends? As I found out, they didn t have many friends at first. They had madenew friends in their new classes. They looked really ha

20、ppy with their new frien ds.I decided it was time for me to make new frien ds. I found that the people with many friends were very active( 活躍的).Theyoften talked to others first, while I was too afraid to talk to others and hoped other people would talk to me first.Once I realized( 意識(shí)至 U ) that, I fo

21、und that making friends is very easy if you can accept( 接受)people for who they are,respect( 尊敬)them, and talk to them. Now I feel a lot happier because I have more frien ds.()6. What problem did the writer have in the new classes?A. He couldn t do what he did in the past.B. His classmates had no int

22、erests.C. His classmates didn t want to talk to him. D. He had no close friends in the class.()7. Why did the writer envy people in other groups?A. He hoped to join other groups.B. He wan ted to be with his friends too.C.He wan ted other people to come to him.D. He wan tedto share other people s4in

23、terests.groundwork of reading and writing.You d better try your best to speak while you do much listening.Don t be afraid of mak ing mistakes. Be careful not to let them stop you from improvi ng(提高)your English. While you are doing this, a good way is to write keep a diary, write notes or letters; t

24、hen if you can, asksome people to go through what you have written and tell you what you ve done wrong. Many mistakes in your speakingwill be easilypointed out in your writing. Through correcting(纟糾正) the mistakes, you can do better in learining English.If you are slow in speaking, don t worry. One

25、of the helpful ways is reading, either aloud or toyourself. The important thing is to choose something interesting to read. It mustn t be toodifficult for you. When you are reading in this way, don t stop to look up the words if you canguess their mea nin gs. Whe n they have nothing importa nt to do

26、 with the sentence, you can do that some other time.()11. The underlined word“groundwork ” means_in Chinese.A.地上工作B.低級(jí)工作C.基礎(chǔ)D.地平線()12. When you do much listening,_ .A. you shouldn t write anythingB. you should not make mistakesC. you can stop to look up new wordsD. you should try your best to speak(

27、)13._ is a helpful way to improve your speak ing.A. Read ing aloud or to yourselfB. Read ing someth ing very difficultC. Look ing up new wordsD. Guess ing the new words meanings()14. Which of the followi ng is wrong?A. We can read someth ing in teresti ng to improve our speak ing skill.B. We can wri

28、te no tes or letters to improve our En glish.C. We needn t correct the mistakes while writing.D. While readi ng, we should not stop to look up new words.()15. The best title is_ .A. You d better try your best to speak EnglishB. How to improve your liste ning and speak ingC. How to write no tes or le

29、tters in En glishD. Be careful not to make mistakes in English靖江外國(guó)語(yǔ)學(xué)校 2015-2016 學(xué)年度第二學(xué)期七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)期中試卷答題卷2016.04()8. What can we know about the writer?A. He was always a happy boy.C. He was good at making frien ds.()9. From the read ing, we can infer(A. there were fewer classes in theB. He can t get on we

30、ll with his classmates now.D. He wan ted others to talk to him first before.推斷)that_school B.the school asked some stude nts togo to otherC. stude nts spe nt more money on new classes()10. The writer wan ts to tell us that_ .A. it s difficult to make new friendsC. being active (主動(dòng)) is good for makin

31、g friends(C)In leanning English, one should first pay attention toschoolD. the writer s friends didn t like him any moreB. the school n eeds much money to runD. it s not good to envy your close friends(注意)liste ning and speak in g. It is the5第一卷(45 分)、單選(15 分)1234567891011.12131415完形填空(15 分)12345678

32、91011.12131415三、閱讀理解(15 分)1234567891011.12131415第二卷(55 分)四、詞匯運(yùn)用(10 分)A.根據(jù)所給句子的漢語(yǔ)和音標(biāo)提示寫(xiě)出恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~,每空一詞。1. The docume ntary A Bite of Chi na is_(kwait) popular around China recen tly.2. _ (f ?l ?u) the guide, and I m sure you will enjoy your trip a lot.3. Alice (n?utist)a small door and put the key into i

33、t.4. The young man is (breiv) eno ugh to save his n eighbour from the fire.5. We are lucky to live in the 21st(世紀(jì)).6.Simon wants to learn about foreign_(國(guó)家).7. The little girl walked_ (穿過(guò))the forest to visit her gran dpare nts.8. -Why are you so happy? -Because today is my (_ 十四歲)birthday.B. 根據(jù)所給首字母

34、完成句子。9. A ndy wwhat the ghost in the park was.10. -How did your brothers lear n to play football?-By t ._11. The temperature( 溫度)is b zero. It s so cold12. -Are all the doors l ? Yes,we can leave now.13. Is e_here? No, Jim is n ot here.C. 用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。14. Liste n, the music_(not sound) nice.15.Some

35、children_ (cross) the street, so you can t drive fast.16.The bike (cost) much and he did n t have eno ugh money tobuy it.17. These baby_ (pan da) mother looks after them well.18. Now most families have at (little) one TV.19.I saw them_ (play) football on the playgro und whe n I walked past the playg

36、ro und.Alice opened the small door with the key.4. Could he swim at the age of ten?Alice the key open the door._ he_ to swim?620.Don t be afraid of English .Work hard , and you 五同義句轉(zhuǎn)換(5 分)1.John didn t pass the exam.JohnIt is good for us to exercise more.(be) good at it.pass the exam.is good for us.

37、7The girl is too short to reach the sn acks. The boy is notto reach the snack _六、任務(wù)型閱讀(10 分)Computers can injure( 傷害)you. Most other injuries happen suddenly. For example, if you fall offa bike and break your arms, it happe ns very quickly. But computer injuries happe n slowly.You may know how to ri

38、de a bike safely. Now lear n to use a computer safely.Your eyesToo much light can injure your eyes, so never sit too close to a computer screen. Your eyes should be more than50 centimeters from the screen. Don t forget to look away from it sometimes.This gives your eyes a rest.When you use a compute

39、r, the window should be on your left or your right. If it is behind you, thelight will reflect on the screen(反射在屏幕上 ).If the window is in front of you, the sun and thescree n will both shine into your eyes.Your hands and wrists( 手腕)Hand and wrist injuries can happen because you move the hands and wr

40、ists in the same way hundredsof times. If you use a keyboard for a long time, follow these three rules:1)Rest( 放松)your wrists on something.2)Keep your elbows(肘)as high as the keyboard.3)Stop sometimes and exercise your han ds, wrists and fin gers in a differe nt way.Your backSome people sit for many

41、 hours in frontof a computer. If you don t sit in the right way, youcan injure your back or your neck. So you shouldn t bend (彎曲)your back when you sit. The toppart of the screen should be in front of your eyes. Your forearms, wrists, hands and the upper part of your legs should all beparallel(平行)to

42、 the floor. If you are sitt ing for a long time, getup every half an hour and exercise your arms, legs and n eck.8all share. It s Earth Day, a special day to learn aboutthe earth and how to take care of it.On Earth Day, some people listen to speeches(演講)about the environment. Others help cleanup the

43、ir offices or save water and electricity at home. Your pare nts may even decide to take a day off from driving theircars.The idea for Earth Day came from a US senator(參議員),who was worried about pollution and thehealth of plants and animals. And the idea quickly became popular. In 1970, More than 20

44、million people in cities all overthe US celebrated it. From the n on. Earth Day has bee n used to educate people about their role in tak ing care of our planet.Now, Earth Day has become a great celebrati on around the world. In 1990, 200 milli on people from 140 countries andareas took part in clean

45、-ups, tree planting and other environmental events on Earth Day.1. Whe n is Earth Day? _2. What speeches do some people liste n to on Earth Day?_3. Who came up with the idea of Earth Day?_4. How many people celebrated the first Earth Day in cities in the USA in 1970?_5. What activity did 200 millio

46、n people from 140 cou ntries and areas take part in in 1990?八首字母填空(10 分)Have you ever complained why life is so tiring? Does the sky sometimes seems d_ 1_ to you? Well,friends, cheer up and smile all the time. If you see the world with your warm heart, you will find the whole world s 2_ to you.On a

47、sunny morning, you pla n to have a walk to relax(放松)y_3_ . Just before you go out, its_4_starts to rain. Maybe you would feel very sad and start to compla in about the weather.But dear frien ds, why not sit dow n and e_ 5_the free music that the n ature brings you? AndTitle: How to use a computer sa

48、felyDiffere nt1 of your bodyCauses(原因)of the injuriesSome 2 of keep ing you away from computer injuries Don t sit too close to a computer screen .Your eyes Too much lightcan Your eyes should be 350 centimetersinjure your eyes.from the scree n. 4 to look away from the screen sometimes. You6 them in the 7 your wrists on someth ing.Yoursame way hun dredsof Keep your elbows as high as the keyboard.5times. Exerciseyourhan ds,wristsandand wrists You use a keyboard for a longtime.fin gers,but not in the 8 way. You sit for manyhours in You should keep your back10 whe n you


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