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1、不定式 Infinitive一、成份:可作謂語外的任何成份:主語、表語、賓語、賓語補足語、狀語二、五種形式:(否定式:not to do)1)to do He seems to know this.( 一般式)2)to be doing He pretended to be listening attentively.(進行式)3)to be done(被動式)4)to have done Im sorry to have given you so much trouble.(完成式)5)to have been done(完成被動式)6)to have been doing We have

2、been working on this problem for many hours.(完成進行式) 三、成份1、賓語a)want, wish, decide, learn, manage, promise, expect, pretend, refuse, fail等動詞后接不定式作賓語,需要記憶!2、狀語:a)表目的 例:We study hard to build our country better.b)放句首 例:To pass the examination, youd better study hard.c)in order to/ so as to in order to可放

3、句首,也可放中間。例:We must study hard in order toIn order to, we must study hard.   so as to只放句中例:He spoke so clearly as to make everyone hear him.He spoke clearly so as to make everyone hear him.d)too to太而不能例:He is too young to go to school. =He is so young that he cant go to.3、賓語補足語a)ask, want,

4、tell, order, wish, expect, promise, offer, advise, allow, permit, persuade, fire, forbid(禁止), get, warn, long for(渴望)等動詞后可以接 sb to do,不定式作賓語補足語。但動詞hope to do,不可用hope sb. to do sth.b)在某些及物動詞的復(fù)合賓語中,動詞不定式可省“to”五“看”:watch, see, notice, observe, look at三“使役(動詞):make, let, have但get sb to do二“聽”:hear, list

5、en to一“感覺”:feel        eg. feel sb do doing半“幫助”:help        eg. help sb. (to) do4、主語:To talk with him is a great pleasure通常用:It is a great pleasure to talk with him.5、定語:She is the last to come.He is looking for a room to live in

6、.There is nothing to worry about.作定語時須放在被修飾的名詞之后動名詞 Gerund動名詞具有名詞和動詞的特征:一、形式:以do為例一般式:doing 被動式:being done例:I remember being taken to when I was a child.完成式:having done例:He was given a medal for having completed sixty years of teaching.被動:having been done否定式:not doing例:Tom made his mother angry by n

7、ot taking his medicine.復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu):物主代詞/名詞所有格+動名詞例:Would you mind my smoking here?Toms coming late made his teacher angry.但:在口語中作賓語時,可以用例:Would you mind me smoking here?二、成份:1、主語:謂語用單數(shù)例:Reading aloud is very important in learning English .Seeing is believing.2、表語:例:His hobby is collecting stamps.Seeing is

8、believing3、定語:例:He is in the reading room.This is a swimming pool.4、賓語:某些及物動詞之后只能用動名詞作賓語finish, enjoy, mind, practise, imagine, risk, keep, prevent, suggest, consider, allow, advise, permit, avoid,dislike, appreciate三、綜合:(一)動名詞與不定式作賓語的比較動名詞表示的動作在意義上比較一般和抽象,時間觀念不強,不指某一次動作。動詞不定式則常表示某個具體動作。例:I like swi

9、mming.Would you like to swim today?(指今天這一回)I prefer going by bike to walking to the office.(指一般性動作)I prefer to go by bike rather than walk to the office today.(指一次性動作)有些動詞既可接不定式也可接動名詞作賓語:1、在意義上沒有太大區(qū)別,只有具體和抽象之別例:begin, start, continue, prefer, love, like, hate但是,我們常這樣表示:He is beginning to do (因為begin

10、用了進行時,則后面接不定式)2、意義不同例: stop, try, go on to do/doingstop to do (停下來做某事)stop doing(停止做某事)二、動名詞與分詞作定語的區(qū)別:分詞與其所修飾的名詞有邏輯上的主謂關(guān)系,動名詞則表示它所修飾的名詞的用途。分詞則表示所修飾的名詞的動作狀態(tài)。A sleeping boy =a boy who is sleeping(分詞)A sleeping car =a car for sleeping(動名詞)A swimming girl(游泳的女孩)A swimming pool(游泳池)The running water = th

11、e water that is running流水The running track = the track for running分詞做定語和表語1. 單個分詞放名詞前,分詞短語放名詞后-位置a sleeping dog the shining sun 2. 現(xiàn)在分詞:修飾物,表示事物的特征、特點、性質(zhì) 過去分詞:修飾人,表示人物的心理狀態(tài),情感變化的ing -the exciting movie ed - He felt pressed.3習(xí)慣上只用過去分詞,表示“情感“或者“狀態(tài),特點,特性”等。 如:upset, distinguished, married, experienced,

12、 inexperienced, crowded, unexpected, unprepared, unqualified On hearing the news, he felt upset. The street is crowded car after car. The newly married couple decided to buy a house. 4不及物動詞的過去分詞修飾名詞時,只有“完成”的意義。 fallen leaves the escaped dog 分詞做賓語補足語e.g. We found him waiting to receive us at the scho

13、ol gate.(him 是waiting 的邏輯主語,用ing)He found the door closed.(closed 的動作不是賓語door發(fā)出的, someone closed the door)使用原則:如果句中的賓語是該分詞的邏輯主語,分詞用現(xiàn)在分詞;主要看句子主語是分詞動作的發(fā)出者(用現(xiàn)在分詞)還是接受者(用過去分詞) 若分詞的動作不是由句中的賓語發(fā)出的,即賓語是分詞動作的接受者,通常分詞的邏輯主語是被省略的someone時,用過去分詞常用在下列動詞后做賓補:see, hear, watch, feel, observe, notice,find, make, get,

14、keep, leave, catch, have分詞做狀語原則:分詞短語做狀語時,它的邏輯主語是句子的主語。 如果句子的主語是分詞所表示的動作執(zhí)行者,則用現(xiàn)在分詞; 如果是承受者,用過去分詞。分詞做狀語 概述:狀語的邏輯主語應(yīng)是句子的邏輯主語(分詞短語,不定式短語,介詞短語做狀語) 分詞及分詞短語在句中可做時間,原因,方式,伴隨狀語,其邏輯主語必須與句子的主語一致;如果不一致,必須用獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu),在分詞前加上它的邏輯主語。 原則:分詞短語做狀語時,它的邏輯主語是句子的主語。 如果句子的主語是分詞所表示的動作執(zhí)行者,則用現(xiàn)在分詞;如果是承受者,用過去分詞。 My wife had a long

15、talk with Sally, explaining why she didnt want the children to play together. 主動關(guān)系 Given more attention, the trees could have grown better. 被動關(guān)系2分詞做狀語所表現(xiàn)的時態(tài) 現(xiàn)在分詞的一般式表示的動作與謂語動詞的動作同時發(fā)生或在其后發(fā)生。 現(xiàn)在分詞的完成式having done表示的動作發(fā)生在謂語動作之前。 Waiting outside, she felt tired and worried. Seeing those pictures, he coul

16、dnt help thinking of those days in Yanan.=When he saw those pictures, he couldnt help thinking of those days in Yanan. Turning around, Fanny found an ambulance driving up. = When she turned around, Fanny found an ambulance driving up. 過去分詞只有一般式,沒有時間上的限制,與謂語動詞不構(gòu)成先后關(guān)系,僅表示被動或完成的意義。過去分詞表示的動作在謂語動詞的動作發(fā)生之前

17、已經(jīng)完成或已經(jīng)發(fā)生。 Broken into pieces, the vase is no use at all. Caught in the rain, Tom was wet to the skin / from head to toe.注意: 1表示進行著的被動,用現(xiàn)在分詞被動語態(tài) Being written in English, the report was sent to the chief of the company. 這份用英語寫的報告被送到公司負責(zé)人那里。 Having been heated for several hours, the metal began to me

18、lt. 這塊金屬加熱幾小時后,開始融化了。 2分詞做狀語時,前面可用連詞或介詞 After talking to you, I always feel better. Shes been quite different since coming back from America. 3但是分詞短語和主語部分之間不能用并列連詞and,but。因為并列連詞連接的是兩個并列成分,而分詞短語只是全句的一個狀語部分。分詞和主語之間可用逗號。 給他講了許多遍,他還是不懂。 W: Having told many times, but he still couldnt understand it. C: H

19、e was told many times, but he still couldnt understand it. C: Having been told many times, he still couldnt understand it.動名詞動名詞具有名詞的特點,而現(xiàn)在分詞具有形容詞的特性。 1.動名詞做表語: 動名詞和現(xiàn)在分詞做表語的區(qū)別是: 動名詞表示主語的內(nèi)容,如: Her job is teaching. job 和teaching 是等同的,teaching 是job的內(nèi)容。2. 動名詞做定語: 動名詞和現(xiàn)在分詞還可以做定語修飾名詞。 動名詞做定語時,說明被修飾名詞的性質(zhì)或用途。 a sleeping car = a car for sleeping the swimming pool = the pool for swimming the writing table = the table for writing 現(xiàn)在分詞做定語時,說明被修飾名詞的動作,與這個名詞構(gòu)成邏輯上主謂關(guān)系,相當(dāng)于一個定語從句。 a crying baby = a baby who is crying the developing country hard-work


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