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1、Chapter 2 Business Letters1.范文一:征詢信息按照慣例,求職信和個人簡歷中通常要列出幾位推薦人(Reference)的姓名、職務和地址,供錄用單位進一步咨詢或了解情況;推薦信上也會注明推薦人的姓名、職務和地址,便于招聘單位獲得應聘者的更多信息。東方航空公司初步決定錄用蔣珊珊以后,需要了解更多關于她的情況,以便安排她到天津機場工作。于是,人事部經理登特向蔣珊珊的推薦人倪哲誠寫了下面這封信。CHINA EASTERN AIRLINES COMPAMY LIMITED2240 S WentworthChicago, IL 60616Phone: 312-326-1218Fa

2、x: 312-326-4928Phone: 800-790-6982 February 15, 2003Mr. Ni ZhechengCTS Electronics Company, Ltd.53 Mu Ning RoadTianjin 300457Dear Mr. Ni,Re: JIANG SHANGSHANGJiang Shanshan has been accepted for a position as Passenger Service Agent with China Eastern Airlines at Tianjin Airport.In order for Jiang Sh

3、anshan to work at Tianjin Airport, she must have a special PASS which would permit her to visit high security areas. She has given your name as a reference.I would appreciate it if you could complete the enclosed form and return it to us as quickly as possible. She is due to start work with us on Ma

4、rch 15, but can only do so after we receive you reference.Thank you for your cooperation. I enclose a stamped addressed envelope.Yours sincerelyJ. P. DentJ. P. DentPersonnel Manager2.范文二:業(yè)務介紹業(yè)務介紹信是公司企業(yè)用來與其他單位建立業(yè)務關系的信函。這種信函通常由三部分組成:一是自我介紹,介紹本公司的經營范圍、規(guī)模、歷史等;二是正文,可介紹或描述公司推銷的產品或要購買的產品,也可提及建立業(yè)務關系的原則和交易的條

5、件;三是結尾部分,一般可提出彼此合作、發(fā)展互惠互利貿易關系的希望,或對進一步接觸做出安排,還可以列出隨信寄送的附件。Red Mansion Antiquities29 Fuxingmen DajieBeijing 100000P. R. of ChinaJuly 1, 1999Mr. Jan Van der ReepEstate Specialist AssociatesHaarlemThe NetherlandsDear Mr. Van der Reep,(Introduction)I am writing to introduce myself and my company. My nam

6、e is Shao Jianbo and I am with an antiques company in China.(Body of the letter)Our company would like to establish ties with you for a mutually beneficial relationship. We buy and sell antiques. It is our understanding that you, as estate appraisers and consultants , are involved in the disposition

7、 of antique furnishings.(Conclusion)I am enclosing my card and our company brochure. It would be great pleasure to meet you personally. I will be calling you next week to see what we can arrange.Yours truly,Shao JianboShao JianboExecutive DirectorEnclosures: brochure, business card.3.范文三:推銷產品 企業(yè)推銷員的

8、職責是發(fā)展和聯絡客戶,擴大本公司的產品的市場。給客戶寄送推銷信,是推銷員開展工作的一種重要方式。推銷信通常包含業(yè)務介紹、產品信息和銷售服務項目,其特點是賣方主動介紹和推銷自己的產品,并以優(yōu)惠的價格及付款條件、優(yōu)良的質量與售后服務承諾來吸引顧客。這種信函的寫作要求文辭清晰、簡潔,產品描述具體、準確,以實現商家和顧客之間有效溝通、成功銷售本公司產品的目標。Asian Beauty Products, Inc 450 Xingfa Street Suite 102Dongguan City, Guangzhou 511700March 12, 2003Chens Beauty Spa125 Dong

9、ting AvenueChangde City , Hunan 415000Dear Ms. Chen,My name is Song Jia and I am an account representative with Asian Beauty Products, Inc. in Dongguan City, Guangdong province.The reason I am writing to you is that we have an exceptional new line of cosmetic products that give long-lasting improvem

10、ent in skin and hair, and that have been good sellers in many salons.I am enclosing a brochure and price list for your consideration. I would like to call on you next week, give you some samples, and see if you have an interest in learning more about our products. I look forward to talking to you at

11、 that time.Sincerely,Song Jia Song Jia Enc.: brochure , price list.5.范文五:婉拒投標回絕信是一種很難寫的信函,既要傳達拒絕客戶的信息,又不能傷害其自尊和感情,因而要求態(tài)度明確而語氣委婉。這種信函一般由三個部分組成:首先是感謝對方花費時間和精力參與競標;其次告知拒絕的原因;最后鼓勵客戶今后申請。在信函的最后一段,通常表示今后與對方開張合作的興趣。October 9 , 2003Dear Ms. Andrews,Thank you for taking the time to submit your bid to do the

12、construction and installation for our Happy Home project. We appreciate the time and effort you spent in preparing this.Unfortunately, we must decline your bid at this time, as we have awarded the job to another company that has considerable experience in this type of project.We thank you for your p

13、articipation and hope we will be able to use your services at some time in the future.Sincerely,Michael EllworthMichael Ellworth, ManagerHappy Homes6范文六:未被錄用通知申請人未被錄用的信函,也是回絕信的一種。這種新的寫作要求及結構與上面兩封信大致一樣,只是遣詞造句有所不同。January 19, 2003Dear Mr. Sherman,Thank you for applying for the position of Vive-preside

14、nt of Sales in our Sales and Marketing Division. We enjoyed the time you spent with us.It was a very difficult choice of candidates as there were many qualified applicants. Unfortunately, we can hire only one, and we chose someone more familiar with our line of products.We will keep your application

15、 on file in the event another position becomes available. Meanwhile, we thank you for applying, and wish you the best in your future endeavors.Very truly yours,Samuel Adams,Samuel Adams,The Pressure Sales Group7范文七:邀請信邀請信是一種常見的信函形式,多用于遠程邀請他人參加會議、考察、訪問、合作研究、講學、演講、參展以及其他社交或業(yè)務活動。邀請信中一般要提供關于該項活動的完整信息,如果

16、是會議,須交代會議的目的、主題、時間、地點等,并明確地說明邀請方所能提供的經費。具體的旅程安排可以再對方接受邀請后進行,也可以寫在邀請信中。正式邀請信在遣詞造句和結構等方面均要斟酌,而非正式的邀請信則比較隨意。被邀請方在收到邀請信后,無論是否接受邀請,均應及時回復,以示禮貌,并便于邀請方做出相應的安排。February 19,2004Dear Mr. Wang,The National Tourism Directors Association will have its annual meeting on March 5-7 at the Taohuayuan Holiday Inn in

17、Changde city. I have been asked to lead a panel discussion on “Tourism Trends and Developments”.The panel will concentrate on three facets winter tourism, summer tourism, and the development project of tourist track and a specialist for each topic will speak for about 20 minutes. These talks will be

18、 followed by a question-and-answer period in which members of the audience participate.Would you serve as our speaker-specialist on thee development project of tourist track? I can think of no one better qualified to fill this role. NTDA is prepared to pay all your expenses, and we can offer you the

19、 modest honorarium of 500 RMB as a panel participant. This panel is scheduled to begin at 2 p.m. on Friday the fifth and end no later than 4 p.m.I do hope that it will be possible for you to undertake this assignment. Would you please let me know as soon as you can? If your response is favorable, I

20、will get more information to you.Sincerely yours,Xiao Yan8范文八:感謝信私人性質的感謝信用于表達對他人的饋贈、款待、和幫助的謝意,也得作為對吊唁信、慰問信和祝賀信的回復。感謝信在商務往來中那個也有廣泛的用途,對于其他個人和公司的推薦、業(yè)務上的支持、對公司的忠誠、雇員的通力合作等,均可用感謝信的方式表達謝意。感謝信必須及時發(fā)出,語言要誠摯,長短要適中,信中要說明感謝的原因,并提及所受的益處。October 9, 2003Mr. Wang Yuxin25 Weidong Road, Jiangan DistrictWuhan City, W

21、uhan 430018Dear Yuxin,Yesterday I received a large order from Jinlong Auto Supply and was told by the owner, Huang Jinlong , that you were responsible for my getting the business.I was mighty pleased to have the new business, Yuxin, but even more pleased that you thought well enough of to recommend

22、my company to Huang Jinlong. Thats the highest recommendation I can imagine, and Im grateful for it. Thank you!Cordially,Xiao Tao9.范文九:答謝信在商務活動中,常用簡短的答謝信對被邀請參加會議、得到接見或招待表示謝意。申請職位的人,在第一次與公司有關主管會面或獲得聘用之后,也應給對方寫一封答謝信,這不僅是社交禮儀的需要,而且對今后開展工作也頗有益處。India SilksBombay, IndiaApril 12, 2003Sima HongtouHangzhou

23、Trading CompanyHangzhou, Zhejiang 310000Dear Mr. Sima, I would like to say what a pleasure it was to have met you last Thursday. My thanks are for your having given me that opportunity.As you know, we are looking for an exporter for our uniquely designed dresses. We think your company would best rep

24、resent us.Let me add that I hope we will have a profitable business relationship, and I look forward to working with you in the future.Yours truly,Ravi PatelAccount Executive13范文十三:催款信 在商務信函中,催款信是寫作難度很大的一種。其主旨是收回公司應得錢款,這需要有高明的語言技巧。既要強調客戶支付欠款的責任,使之明了繼續(xù)拖欠的后果,又不能惡言相向,動輒以采取法律行動來威脅,除非真的打算訴諸法律手段。催款信不僅要求文字

25、有說服力,還必須做到語氣友好,盡量不去冒犯客戶。而且,結尾處通常還要用一些客套話,如“我們期待著你的繼續(xù)支持”,“我們可以商量一個更靈活的付款方案”,“希望我們能繼續(xù)合作”等,目的是給雙方都留有余地。April 1, 2003Dear Madam,Two months ago you purchased a physical fitness and training program from our gym. This program is a twelve-week, four-time-a-week intensive course with one of our expert train

26、ers. At that time, you promised to pay $ 500 for this service, which we allowed you to begin without a deposit.Five weeks have passed and we are disappointed that we have not received any money from you. Perhaps it had sipped your attention, and we would like to give you the opportunity to fulfill y

27、our obligation to us.Please call our Accounting Department immediately and let us know when we can expect payment.Yours truly,Ms. Sarah Lambert, ManagerAccounting Department14范文十四:詢盤函在國際貿易中,每一筆交易的完成都要經過反復的接觸和溝通,包括詢價、報價、詢盤、報盤、還盤和接盤等一系列程序。詢價是指買主向賣主了解情況,所要商品目錄、價目表和樣品等。如果買方對某一種特定產品有購買意向,通常要進行詢盤,即向賣方打聽特定

28、商品的價格和匯款條件等情況。詢價僅是訂貨的前奏,并無必須購買的義務。這種信函的內容通常包括該產品信息的來源、買方的業(yè)務情況、通常采用的貿易條款以及希望供貨商提供的服務等。寫作詢盤函要做到文字簡潔明了,語氣熱情誠懇,清楚而準確地表達自己的要求,以從對方獲得全面的信息。Linen Fabric Corporation of the United States15 Center Park RoadNew York City, NY 10038November 6, 2003China National TextilesImport & Export CorporationDear Sirs,

29、We have been informed by Busey Bank, Illinois that you are one of the leading exporters of textiles in Shan Dong Province and that you wish to extend your business to our market.You will be pleased to note that we are importers of bed linen and other textile products, and we have engaged in this par

30、ticular line of business for more than twenty years.At present, we are interested in your bed linen and shall be glad if you will kindly send us your latest price list for bed linen in various colors specifying sizes and designs. If possible, please also send us a sample-cutting book for our referen

31、ce.In the mean time, we think it necessary to stress the importance of the material of the bed linen used. In America, only all-cotton bed linen are salable and any synthetic fiber is not in demand. If you are in a position to meet our demand, we think your products will enjoy popular sales in our m

32、arket.For your information, we would like to state that we usually pay for our imports by sight L/C which, we feel sure, will be agreeable to you.We anticipate your early reply. Yours faithfully, Linen Fabric Corporation of the United StatesChapter 3 Memos1.范文一:通報信息公司各辦公室之間的信息傳遞通常采用備忘錄來進行,其長短依信息量的多少

33、而定。此外,備忘錄也是公司所有員工、同行或有業(yè)務往來人士之間進行聯系的常用方式,具有“通知”的功能。當同一件事需要通知到幾個人甚至幾十個人時,就不必寫幾十封信。而只需發(fā)個備忘錄即可。2003年5月15日,天河對外貿易學校外事辦主任董皓給本部門所有員工發(fā)出一份備忘錄,就美國客人來訪一事做了安排,要求他們各司其職。MEMORANDUMTo: All staff membersFrom: Director of Foreign AffairsRe: Visit of VIPs from U.S.A.Date: May 15,2003Please let me know your availabili

34、ty for meeting our U.S.A. group at the airport on the 18th.they will be arriving at 10:00 a.m. and will need to be picked up, taken to their hotel, and helped with any transportation arrangements they may need. An interpreter will accompany them.Please mark your calendars for that evening. We will b

35、e hosting an after-work cocktail party for them, and I expect all of you to attend.D.H.Extension 406 2.范文二:來訪安排美國大通機器制造公司的總經理帕里夏.華盛頓女士,用備忘錄的形式通知個部門經理有關德國市場營銷代理來公司總部參觀的事宜及安排。這一備忘錄與“范文一”的格式和行文基本一致,但條理更清楚。INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUMTo: All department headsFrom: Patricia Washington, General ManagerSubject: V

36、isit of German AgentDate: April 16, 2003Please note that Katy Schmidt, our German agent, will be visiting the company on Friday, April 26.There will be a meeting on that day at 11:30 a.m. in the Boardroom, which you should all attend.Ms Schmidt will be presenting her marketing plan for expanding sal

37、es in the German market.If you wish to join us for lunch at a local restaurant, please let me know as soon as possible.P.W 3.范文三:確認泰達網絡技術開發(fā)公司的銷售訓練部(the Sales Training Department)是一個很重要的部門,有市場營銷經理展宏圖直接領導。最近,培訓部主任張洪向展經理匯報工作,并與他商討培訓部機制改革的問題。展經理基本上同意他提出的方案。張洪為了進一步確認銷售培訓部新的組織結構,起草了一份備忘錄。A CONFIRMATION ME

38、MORANDUMTo: Zhan HongtuFrom: Zhang HongSubject: Changes in the Sales Training DepartmentDate: July 7, 2003This will confirm discussion in your office on Thursday in which we agreed on the following.1. I am authorized to hire two additional people: an instructor and an audiovisual specialist, effecti

39、ve August 1, at a total annual salary not to exceed ¥58,000. I may allocate this amount as I see fit, depending on the qualifications of the people hired. I am to talk with Liu Liying to discuss my needs and get information about her departments application on fit.2. Two additional modular office un

40、its are to be installed on the fourth floor, and I am authorized to order these units and the equipment that will be required by the too new employees. We agreed on a total expenditure, and I am to prepare the purchase orders for your signature.3. Hu Kai is to be promoted to the position of Coordina

41、tor of Training Materials, also effective August 1,.at a 15-percent increase over his present salary. I will prepare a memorandum for your signature, announcing Hu Kais promotion, which will be sent to Distribution Lists B and C.If your have any questions or reservations about these points, please l

42、et me know. Otherwise, I will assume that we are in agreement on everything mentioned.4.范文四:業(yè)績考評梅里爾汽車保險公司(Merrill Car Insurance Company)每年都要對每個員工的工作業(yè)績進行評定(merit ratings),為其晉級、加薪提供佐證。但主管和經理們在執(zhí)行過程中存在一些問題,引起了執(zhí)行副總經理詹妮弗.布什的不滿。為此,她給這些主管和經理發(fā)了一份備忘錄。REVIEWING THE IMPORTANCE OF MERIT RATINGSTo: All Managers a

43、nd SupervisorsFrom: Jennifer Bush Subject: Merit RatingsDate: December 18, 2003Each of you will receive this year merit rating forms for the employees under your supervision.I think it is appropriate to point out that these ratings should not be taken lightly. As you know, they play a major role in

44、employee promotion, salary increases, and opportunities for advancement.I am sure you know that you are expected to rate each employee with complete honesty; yet some people insist on giving an “outstanding” rating in all categories. It is hard for me to believe that there are numerous employees who

45、 will be given the highest ratings possible, yet when someone puts all his or her ratings in this category, I suspect the rater is taking the easy way out.Remember, it is your obligation to discuss with each employee the rating you give her or him, pointing out tactfully what you consider to be stro

46、ng and weak points and suggesting how the employee can improve attitudes, job performance, dependability, and so on.I intend to do a random sampling of the completed merit ratings each of you turns in , and you can expect to hear from me if I think your ratings are unrealistic.5.范文五:申請參加會議海倫.亨特是恒通美國

47、有限公司(Hunt America Inc.)辦公室的培訓主管,為了 獲得最新信息和最新技術的培訓辦法,她新網參加美國經理培訓協會(American Society of Training DirectorASTD)舉辦的全國性主題年會。為此,她用備忘錄的飯食向上一級主管提出申請,請求批準她去參加這次會議。EMPLOYEE REQUEST TO ATTEND A CONVENTIONTo: Adam C. ZhangFrom: Helen HunterSubject: ASTD Convention in New OrleansDate: February 23, 2003May I have

48、 your permission to attend the national convention of the ASTD in New Orleans on March 12-15?This years theme is “The Electronic Classroom”(see program attached) As you will note, there will be various presentation on the uses of the computer and other electronic equipment. Of particular interest to

49、 me is the panel“The Usage of Multimedia in Training”. Equally fascinating will be the forty exhibits featuring hardware and software supplied by most of the leading electronic distributors.I estimate that my expenses would amount to $400, for travel, hotel, meals, etc. I honestly think it will be w

50、orth that amount if we can get a deeper insight into the application of electronics to our training can get a deeper insight into the applications of electronics to our training(0去掉) program. Cordially, Helen6.范文六:新設崗位馬麗萍是一家公司的人事部經理,長期以來,她一直覺得為本公司員工提供服務的工作需要改進,因此,她建議在人事部設立一個新的部門,專門負責為本公司員工提供咨詢、休閑娛樂和

51、學習培訓等服務。她用書信格式向老板提交ile一份備忘錄,請求老板授權她采取這一步驟。REQUESTING PREMISSION TO ESTABLISH A NEW POSITIONTo: Elisabeth TaylorFrom: Ma Liping Subject: Establishing an Employee Services DepartmentDate: February 17,2003Dear Elizabeth,When I talked with you last week, you agreed with my suggestion to create a new Emp

52、loyee Services Department in the Personnel Division, and you asked me for my recommendation of an individual in the company who might fill this position.After careful study and observation, I have come to conclusion that Peng Tielin, now supervisor of recruitment and placement, could handle this pos

53、ition very capably. Peng Tielin has been a member of the Personnel staff for five years and has served in various capacities. In each position he showed imagination, enthusiasm, and energy. He is well support in this new assignment, and I am confident he would have everyones support in this new assi

54、gnment. Amy Li,now assistant supervisor of recruitment and placement, would fill Peng Tielins present position.Attached is a revised job description for Pend Tielin, which incorporates the suggestion you made when we met.7.范文七:舊物再利用一個大公司通常會有一些閑置或為充分利用的物品,如桌子、椅子、計算機、打字機、書架及其他辦公用品,一些講究效率、動的開源節(jié)流的管理者當然不

55、會無視它們的價值。長壽保險公司也有不少類似的二手物品。公司總經理伊恩.馬克斯給各部門經理和主管發(fā)了一份備忘錄,要求他們在訂購新的辦公用品之前,仔細檢查核對公司是否已經購置這些用品,避免浪費。這篇備忘錄行文隨意,帶有上司對下屬說話的語氣。ABOUT A “GRAB BAG”O(jiān)F VALUABLE LEFTOVERSTo: All Managers and SupervisorsFrom: Ian MaxSubject: Valuable“Grab Bag”of LeftoversDate: July 12, 2003Have you visited Warehoused B lately?If

56、your answer is “no”, I think you will be surprised at the quantity of “goodies” there. Filing cabinet? We have 16 of those in very good condition. Desks? We have 22 of those. Settees and divans? Youll find an even dozen of these some in first-class condition. Want a computer? Six IBM computer, all in usable condition, are available. Chairs. Bookcases. Lamps. Pictures. And so on.I wont belabor the point. But remember,


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