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1、Definition陳述語氣(陳述語氣(the Indicative Mood)用來陳述用來陳述一個事實,或提出一個想法,有肯定、否定、一個事實,或提出一個想法,有肯定、否定、疑問或感嘆等形式。疑問或感嘆等形式。The fish is not alive without water.虛語語氣(虛語語氣(the Subjunctive Mood)表示表示說話人的一種愿望、建議、命令、要求、說話人的一種愿望、建議、命令、要求、有時是一種非真實的假設(shè)、料想,或是有時是一種非真實的假設(shè)、料想,或是不可能實現(xiàn)的與事實相反的愿望。不可能實現(xiàn)的與事實相反的愿望。1. 虛擬語氣的考點虛擬語氣的考點 1、條件句

2、中的虛擬語氣的用法;、條件句中的虛擬語氣的用法;2、條件句中虛擬語氣的倒裝;、條件句中虛擬語氣的倒裝;3、名詞性從句中虛擬語氣的用法;、名詞性從句中虛擬語氣的用法;4、幾種特殊結(jié)構(gòu)中虛擬語氣的用法;、幾種特殊結(jié)構(gòu)中虛擬語氣的用法;5、虛擬語氣與陳述語氣的判定。、虛擬語氣與陳述語氣的判定。 1. I _ (come)too if I had time to spare. 2. I didnt see your sister at the meeting. If she _ (come), she would have met my brother. 3. If the hurricane had

3、 happened during the daytime,there_ (be)more deaths.should comehad comewould have been 4.If it_(rain) tomorrow,we _(not go out). 5._(be) I in good health, I _ (go) with you tomorrow. eg. Had you told me earlier, I could have done something. Should anyone call, tell him to call in the afternoon.raine

4、d/should rain/were to rainshould not go outWerewould go1. If we _ sooner, we might have got there.A. started B. had startedC. would have started D. start2. If he _ the detective honestly, he would not have been arrested.A. would have answered B. answeredC. should answer D. had answered3. -Why didnt

5、you go to the dance last night? -If I _ tired, I would have.A. haven t B. hadntC. haven t been D. hadnt been4. I _ worry too much if I were you, she added.A. oughtnt B. mustntC. neednt D. wouldnt5. If I _ in this uniform, I wouldnt feel so proud.A. wasnt dressed B. didnt dressC. werent dressed D. do

6、nt dress6. If he_ on tourists for his business, he would have to close his shop.A. depends B. will dependC. depended D. has depended7. If you _ see Mr Green, give him my regards.A. should B. would C. shall D. will8. If you _ to see Mary, what would you tell her?A. are B. will be going C. must D. wer

7、e9.Alan _ the party if he had gone to London. A. would have missed B. had missed C. would miss D. missed10.It was the drug,not the disease,that killed the boy.He would be still alive today if he _ that drug.A.not take B.shouldnt have takenC.didnt take D.hadnt taken11.If it _ so hard,wed go to town.A

8、.isnt raining B.werent rainingC.doesnt rain D.has rain12.I wish I _ you yesterday.A.saw B.did seeC.had seen D.were to seeif if引導(dǎo)的虛擬條件句引導(dǎo)的虛擬條件句區(qū)別區(qū)別:If it rains tomorrow, the crops will be saved.陳述語氣陳述語氣If it rained tomorrow, the crops would be saved.虛擬語氣虛擬語氣If + 主主 + did(were), 主主+would/should/could/

9、might +動詞原形動詞原形If I were you, I would try it again.1. 如果我是你,我會再試一次。如果我是你,我會再試一次。2.2.如果我有一百萬美元,我會買下這架飛機。如果我有一百萬美元,我會買下這架飛機。If I had one million dollars, I would buy the plane.與現(xiàn)在事實相反的虛擬條件句與現(xiàn)在事實相反的虛擬條件句If +主主 +had done sth, 主主+would/should/could/might +動詞完成式(動詞完成式(have done)If he had worked hard, he w

10、ould have passed the examination.1.1.如果他努力學(xué)的話,他就通過這次考試。如果他努力學(xué)的話,他就通過這次考試。If I had married her, I would have been unhappy.2.2.要是當時我和她結(jié)了婚的話,那我是很不幸的。要是當時我和她結(jié)了婚的話,那我是很不幸的。與過去事實相反的虛擬條件句與過去事實相反的虛擬條件句與將來事實相反的虛擬條件句與將來事實相反的虛擬條件句( (通常有時間狀語通常有時間狀語) )If he came here tomorrow, I would tell him about it.If he wer

11、e to come here tomorrow, I would tell him.1.1.如果他明天來的話如果他明天來的話, ,我會告訴他這件事我會告訴他這件事.2.2.如果他明天來的話如果他明天來的話, ,我會告訴他我會告訴他.If + 主主 + did(were to /should do), 主主+would/should/could/might +動詞原形動詞原形If you _tomorrow, you _find the new manager working in the office. A. should come; would B. would come; wouldC.

12、will come; should D. comes; mightIf the parents _at the hospital earlier after the accident, the child would have been saved.A. arrives B. arrive C. had arrived D. has arrivedIf he _, he _that food. Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.A. was warned; would not have takenB. had been warned

13、; would not have takenC. would be warned; had not takenD. would have been warned; had not takenI didnt see your sister at the meeting. If she _, she would have met my brother.A. has come B. did come C. came D. had come If my lawyer _here last Sunday, he _ me from going .A. had been; would have preve

14、ntedB. had been; would preventC. were; would prevent D. were; would have prevented倒裝的倒裝的If If虛擬句虛擬句條件狀語的倒裝:條件狀語的倒裝:如果條件狀語中有如果條件狀語中有were, had, should時時, , 可以倒可以倒裝成:裝成:Were / Should / Had + +主主+ +其他其他Were I you, I would try it again. Had he been there yesterday, he would have seen the film. Should it

15、snow tomorrow, we wouldnt go out. If I were you, I would try it again.If he had been there yesterday, he would have seen the film.If it should snow tomorrow, we wouldnt go out._the exam, he would have attend a college.A. If he passed B. Had he passedC. Were he passed D. If he should pass_five minute

16、s earlier, you could have seen them off.A. If you should arrive B. If you arriveC. Had you arrived D. Should you arrive _it rain tomorrow, we should have to put off the visit to the Science Museum.A. Were B. should C. would D. willwishwish引導(dǎo)的虛擬句引導(dǎo)的虛擬句I wish I I wish I rememberedremembered the the ad

17、dress.address.我要是記得地址就好了。(真可惜我忘了)我要是記得地址就好了。(真可惜我忘了)How I wish he How I wish he had not lefthad not left. .要是他沒有離開這里就好了。(他已離開)要是他沒有離開這里就好了。(他已離開)I wish it I wish it would rainwould rain tomorrow. tomorrow.要是明天下雨就好了。(說話人以預(yù)料明天不會下雨)要是明天下雨就好了。(說話人以預(yù)料明天不會下雨)wish + thatHow I wishIf onlydid/were 現(xiàn)在現(xiàn)在had do

18、ne 過去過去would / might /could do 將來將來5. If only (1) 要是就好了要是就好了 = I wishIf only I knew his name now!If only we had followed your advice last time!If only I could see him again next year!要是我們的父母能和我們住在一起就好了。要是我們的父母能和我們住在一起就好了。If only our parents could live with us!If only I hadnt missed the train!要是我沒錯過火

19、車就好了要是我沒錯過火車就好了.Exercises:“ Have you visited the Science Museum?”“ No, but I really wish I _.” A. had B. did C. have D. willI didnt go to the party, but I do wish I _there.A. was B. were C. had been D. wentI wish I _ you yesterday.A. see B. did see C. had seen D. were to see -He is a brave man.-Yes,

20、 I wish I _his courage.A. Have B. had C. will have D. would haveTom can take his car apart and put it back together again. I certainly wish he _me how.A. teaches B. will teach C. has taught D. would teachThe picture exhibition bored me to death. I wish I_to it.A. hadnt gone B. havent goneC. didnt go

21、 D. could not have goneHow I wish I _that! Everybody present was angry with me.A. didnt go B. hadnt done C. wouldnt do D. wasnt doing as if /though 區(qū)別:區(qū)別: He speaks English as if/ though he is from the USA.陳述語氣陳述語氣He speaks English as if/ though he were from the USA.虛擬語氣虛擬語氣2. as if /though + Clause

22、現(xiàn)在:現(xiàn)在:過去:過去:將來將來 :did /were(現(xiàn)在現(xiàn)在)had done(過去過去)She loves the baby as if it were her own son.He speaks as if he had been to the United States. would+動詞原形動詞原形(將來將來)虛擬語氣虛擬語氣 Subjunctive Mood時間時間條件從句條件從句 if主句主句過去過去had donewould/should/could/might have done現(xiàn)在現(xiàn)在did/werewould/should/could/might do將來將來1.sho

23、uld do2.were to do3.did退一步退一步 海闊天空海闊天空even if/ though, wish, if only等從句等從句的虛擬與它相同。的虛擬與它相同。如果我是你,我就聽從他的建議。如果我是你,我就聽從他的建議。If I were you, I would have taken his advice.從句表示現(xiàn)在,主句表示過去從句表示現(xiàn)在,主句表示過去如果你聽我的話,現(xiàn)在就不會這么難過了。如果你聽我的話,現(xiàn)在就不會這么難過了。從句表示過去,主句表示現(xiàn)在從句表示過去,主句表示現(xiàn)在If you had listened to me, you would not be s

24、o sad now.注意注意: :主從句時間不一致情況下的虛擬語氣主從句時間不一致情況下的虛擬語氣( (混合條件句混合條件句):): 有時條件從句中的動作和結(jié)果與主句有時條件從句中的動作和結(jié)果與主句中的動作,發(fā)生的時間不一致,這時中的動作,發(fā)生的時間不一致,這時動作的形式應(yīng)根據(jù)它所表示的時間加動作的形式應(yīng)根據(jù)它所表示的時間加以調(diào)整。以調(diào)整。 If you If you had followedhad followed my advice, you my advice, you wouldwould be able to finish the work now. be able to finis

25、h the work now.如果你當時聽了我的話,現(xiàn)在就能完成這份如果你當時聽了我的話,現(xiàn)在就能完成這份工作了。工作了。(從句說明過去,主句說明現(xiàn)在。)(從句說明過去,主句說明現(xiàn)在。)If I If I werewere you, I you, I would have gone would have gone to to her birthday party.her birthday party.如果我是你,我就去參加她的生日晚會了。如果我是你,我就去參加她的生日晚會了。(從句說明現(xiàn)在,主句說明過去。)(從句說明現(xiàn)在,主句說明過去。) If you If you hadnt lenthad

26、nt lent me some money, me some money, I I couldnt have boughtcouldnt have bought the new the new house and most likely I house and most likely I would be would be still livingstill living in the dangerous in the dangerous house now.house now.假若你不借錢給我,假若你不借錢給我, 我不可能買下這幢我不可能買下這幢新房,很可能現(xiàn)在還住在危房里。新房,很可能現(xiàn)在

27、還住在危房里。(從句說明過去,主句說明過去和現(xiàn)(從句說明過去,主句說明過去和現(xiàn)在。)在。)名詞性從句中要求名詞性從句中要求用虛擬語氣的動詞用虛擬語氣的動詞 suggest, order, demand, propose, command, request, desire, insist, require, advice etc.引引導(dǎo)的賓語從句要用虛擬語氣,以導(dǎo)的賓語從句要用虛擬語氣,以(should) + v原原的形式出現(xiàn)。的形式出現(xiàn)。 We all suggest that he ( should ) finish his homework first. The captain comma

28、nded that all the sailors ( should ) get down to work at once.Its suggested ( ordered, demanded, proposed, commanded, requested, desired, insisted, required ) that 后面的主語從句中要使用后面的主語從句中要使用虛擬語氣,也以虛擬語氣,也以 ( should )+ v原原.的形式出的形式出現(xiàn)。現(xiàn)。 Its ordered that only German ( should ) be taught at schools in Alsas

29、and Lorin. Its requested that all the students ( should ) wear school uniforms at school. 以上這些動詞的以上這些動詞的名詞形式名詞形式后面的后面的表語從句表語從句 和和同位語從句同位語從句中也要用虛擬語氣,也應(yīng)以中也要用虛擬語氣,也應(yīng)以 (should) + v(should) + v原原. . 的形式出現(xiàn)。的形式出現(xiàn)。 My suggestion is that you ( should ) go home first before coming here. His request that his c

30、ost ( should ) be paid by the hour is completely reasonable.The order came that the work (should) be finished two days ahead of time My advice is that you (should) practise speaking English as often as possible 注意注意:當當suggest 表示表示“暗暗示示”;insist表示表示“堅持認為堅持認為”時時不用虛擬!不用虛擬!His accent suggests he comes fr

31、om Hunan.I insist that he was wrongHis silence suggested that he agreed with my decision He insists that doing morning exercises does good to peoples health. 虛擬語氣特殊句型:1.would rather (that)現(xiàn)在:現(xiàn)在:過去:過去:未來:未來:過去時過去時過去完成時過去完成時過去時過去時I would rather you paid me now.I would rather you had gone, too.Dont com

32、e. I would rather you came tomorrow.注意注意: 在主語在主語would (had) rather that 賓語從句中,從句謂語一般賓語從句中,從句謂語一般用過去用過去式表示虛擬形式。例如式表示虛擬形式。例如:我真希望你告訴我真相。我真希望你告訴我真相。 Id rather you told me the truth. 我寧愿不再見著你。我寧愿不再見著你。 Id rather I didnt see you again. 我倒希望他們和我一起去。我倒希望他們和我一起去。I would rather they went with me.(1) 對現(xiàn)在的虛擬對現(xiàn)

33、在的虛擬,謂語動詞用過謂語動詞用過去時去時 (系動詞用系動詞用were),意指主從句意指主從句謂語表示的動詞同時發(fā)生謂語表示的動詞同時發(fā)生.例如例如:他看起來好象病了他看起來好象病了.He looks as if he were ill.他感到他應(yīng)該獨自對發(fā)生的他感到他應(yīng)該獨自對發(fā)生的 事情承事情承擔(dān)責(zé)任擔(dān)責(zé)任.He felt as if he alone were responsible for what had happened.(2) 對過去的虛擬謂語動詞使用對過去的虛擬謂語動詞使用had+過去分詞過去分詞, 意指從句謂語動詞意指從句謂語動詞發(fā)生在主句謂語動詞之前發(fā)生在主句謂語動詞之前.

34、例如例如:她英語說的很好就象是在英國學(xué)習(xí)的一她英語說的很好就象是在英國學(xué)習(xí)的一樣樣.She spoke English well as if she had studied English in England.我記得整件事情就象是昨天發(fā)生的一樣我記得整件事情就象是昨天發(fā)生的一樣.I remember the whole thing as if it had happened yesterday.(3) 對未來的虛擬謂語動詞使用對未來的虛擬謂語動詞使用would+動詞原形動詞原形, 意指從句謂語動詞意指從句謂語動詞發(fā)生在主句謂語動詞之后發(fā)生在主句謂語動詞之后. 例如例如:史密斯太太哭得心都快碎

35、了史密斯太太哭得心都快碎了.Mrs. Smith sobbed as if her heart would break.When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _.A. breaks B. has broken C. were broken D. had been brokenThe actor is 58 years old. But he acts as if he _ a young man.A. is B. will be C. am D. wereThe clouds are getting dar

36、ker and darker. It looks as if it _rain.A. is going to B. will C. was going to D. would注意:注意:如果表示的事情可能如果表示的事情可能會發(fā)生,那么狀語從句中的會發(fā)生,那么狀語從句中的謂語動詞可用陳述語氣。謂語動詞可用陳述語氣。It looks as if you are tired.3. Its (about/high) time +that - 過去時should +V.你該走了。Its high time that you went.Its high time that you were going.I

37、ts high time that you should go.我們該去睡覺了。Its time that we went to bed.Its time that we should go to bed. 4. without和和but for 構(gòu)成虛擬。構(gòu)成虛擬。but for要不是要不是Without sunlight, peoples life would be different from today.But for your help, I wouldnt have finished the work. Without your help, I would have failed.

38、But for water, it would be impossible to live in the desert.5. If only (1) 要是就好了要是就好了 = I wishIf only I knew his name!If only we had followed your advice!If only I could see him again!要是我們的父母能和我們住在一起就好了。要是我們的父母能和我們住在一起就好了。要是我沒錯過火車就好了!要是我沒錯過火車就好了!If only our parents could live with us!If only I hadnt

39、 missed the train!(2) = as long as 常用陳述語氣常用陳述語氣.如果我們緊密團結(jié)就一定能戰(zhàn)勝如果我們緊密團結(jié)就一定能戰(zhàn)勝一切困難一切困難.We can surely overcome these difficulties if only we are closely united.6. Its necessary /strange/ natural/ important + that-Clause 從句中的動詞要用虛擬,從句中的動詞要用虛擬,即(即(should)+動詞原形動詞原形It is important that we ( should ) master

40、 a foreign language.It is strange that she refuse to come to the party.Its necessary that we should study hard.7. otherwise 和和supposing也可以引也可以引導(dǎo)虛擬語氣。例如:導(dǎo)虛擬語氣。例如:The storm stopped, otherwise the sailors would have fallen into the sea.Im getting cold, otherwise I would keep her.Suppose(supposing) your

41、 friends knew how you are behaving here, what would they think?8. so that 與與in order that 二者引導(dǎo)的目的狀語從句謂語部分應(yīng)該用二者引導(dǎo)的目的狀語從句謂語部分應(yīng)該用may /might/can /could /etc.+動詞原形動詞原形 She stayed at home for a few days so that she might have more time to study it. She listened carefully in order that she minght discover

42、exactly what he wanted. He went to the station in a taxi so that he should not miss the train.9.用用 “may+動詞原形動詞原形”表示祝愿,表示祝愿,但愿,此時但愿,此時may須置于句首須置于句首 May good luck be yours!祝你好運!祝你好運!May you be happy!祝你快樂!祝你快樂!May you do even better!祝你取得祝你取得更大成就更大成就 Long live the people! 人民萬歲!人民萬歲!“God bless you,” said

43、 the priest.牧師說:牧師說:“愿上帝保佑你!愿上帝保佑你!” 非真實條件句中的條件從非真實條件句中的條件從句有時不表出來,只暗含句有時不表出來,只暗含在上下文中,這種句子叫在上下文中,這種句子叫做做含蓄條件句含蓄條件句。含蓄條件。含蓄條件句大體有三種情況句大體有三種情況: 1. 條件暗含在短語中條件暗含在短語中。如:。如: W hat would I have done without you? (條件暗含在分詞短語條件暗含在分詞短語without you中中) It would be easier to do it this way. (條件暗含在不定式短語條件暗含在不定式短語t

44、o do it this way 中中) But for your help we couldnt have succeeded in the experiment. (暗含條件是暗含條件是but for your help)This same thing, happening in wartime, would lead to a disaster. (條件暗含在分詞短語條件暗含在分詞短語happening in wartime中中) He must have the strength of a hippopotamus, or he never could have vanquished

45、that great beast. (暗含條件是連詞暗含條件是連詞or) Alone, he would have been terrified. (暗含條件是暗含條件是alone) 2. 條件暗含在上下文中。如:條件暗含在上下文中。如: You might stay here forever. (可能暗含可能暗含if you wanted to) We would have succeeded. (可能暗含可能暗含if we had kept trying) Your reputation would be ruined. (可能暗含可能暗含if you should accept it)

46、I would appreciate a little of your time. (可能暗含可能暗含if you were so kind as to give me a little of your time)3. 在不少情況下,虛擬式已變成習(xí)慣說在不少情況下,虛擬式已變成習(xí)慣說法,很難找出其暗含的條件。法,很難找出其暗含的條件。如:如: You wouldnt know. 你不會知道。你不會知道。 I would like to come. 我愿意來。我愿意來。 I wouldnt have dreamed of it. 這是我做夢也不會想到的。這是我做夢也不會想到的。 He told

47、the story in such minute detail that he might himself have been an eye-witness. 他將那事講的非常仔細,簡直就象他親眼看他將那事講的非常仔細,簡直就象他親眼看見一樣見一樣 如果如果上天上天(GodGod)能夠給我能夠給我一個一個再來一次的機再來一次的機(another another chancechance),我會對那個女孩子我會對那個女孩子說:我愛你。如果說:我愛你。如果非要非要(have have toto)在這份愛上加上一個期限在這份愛上加上一個期限(add a period of the add a per

48、iod of the lovelove),我希望是),我希望是一萬年一萬年如果我是上帝,我將擁有一切。如果我是上帝,我將擁有一切。如果我見過上帝,如果我見過上帝, 我一定已經(jīng)與他交朋友了。我一定已經(jīng)與他交朋友了。如果有一天我能見到上帝,我會告訴如果有一天我能見到上帝,我會告訴他他我的夢想。我的夢想。我希望我能見到阿波羅我希望我能見到阿波羅(Apollo),因為我熱愛陽光。因為我熱愛陽光。我希望我能見到丘比特我希望我能見到丘比特(Cupid),因為愛情是最美麗的。因為愛情是最美麗的。但是我不可能見到上帝但是我不可能見到上帝( (It is impossible that ),所以最重要的還是要努

49、力學(xué)習(xí)所以最重要的還是要努力學(xué)習(xí)(it is important)。我和上帝我和上帝If I were God, I would have everything.If I had met God, I would have made friends with him.If I should see God one day, I would tell him my dream.I wish I could meet Appolo,because I love sunlight.I wish I could meet Cupid, because love is the most beautifu

50、l.But it is impossible that I meet God.So it is the most important that we should study hard. I and God1 He suggested that the meeting put off. A. not be B. should not C. wouldnt D. be not 2 It is strange that he so. A. thinks B. think C.thought D. will think 3 I wish I my uncle yesterday. A. met B.

51、 have met C. would meet D. had met 4 The old professor gave orders that the experiment before 6. A. was finished B. will finish C. be finished D. shall be finished 5. She says shed rather he _tomorrow instead of today. A. had B. should leave C. leaves D. left6. Its already 5 oclock now. Dont you thi

52、nk its about time_ ? A. we are going home B. if she leaves C. we went home D. if she had left 7 Its high time he home. A. goes B. went C. will go D. is going to go 8 you succeed and you be healthy. A. Maymay B. Wishwish C. Hopehope D. Shouldmay 9 Galileo insisted that the earth round the sun. A. should move B.


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