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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上第21課時(shí) 九年級(jí) Units 1314.單項(xiàng)選擇1(2018·山東青島市南二模)Before you take medicine, please read the on the bottle first.Aintroductions BinstructionsCinventions Dinstruments2(2018·山東東營(yíng)中考)The 119 passengers are Liu Chuanjian. Without him, they would probably have lost their lives.Ahard on Bthank

2、ful toCfriendly to Dresponsible for3(2019·原創(chuàng))My sister was writing an e­mail my father was watching TV at this time yesterday.Auntil BafterCwhile Das soon as4(2019·預(yù)測(cè))Not only the students but also the teachers took part the school sports meeting last week.Aat Bon Cin Dfor5(2019·

3、預(yù)測(cè))Drinking alcohol(白酒) can be your brains. So people in China aren't allowed to drink it if they are younger than 18.Agood at Bgood with Charmful to Dthirsty for6(2019·預(yù)測(cè))There will be less pollution more people use public transportation.Abut Bthough Cunless Dif7(2019·預(yù)測(cè))The poor man

4、walked home last night because he couldn't to take a taxi.Aleave Bafford Cbuy Dallow8(2019·預(yù)測(cè))Don't the waste paper. We can collect and recycle it.You're right. We should do something to protect the environment.Ablow away Bput awayCthrow away Dgive away9(2019·預(yù)測(cè))What is the mos

5、t popular way to communicate in China now?WeChat. One of its is that it can send words, pictures as well as voices.Apositions BadvantagesCpurposes Dexpressions10(2019·預(yù)測(cè))You can't be successful you do everything carefully.Aunless Bif Cwhile Dsince二、完形填空(2018·河南新鄉(xiāng)一模)In the city of Houst

6、on, there was a man who worked as the boss of a famous building company. One day, a boy in old clothes ran to ask him, “How can I become as 1 as you, sir?”“Well, listen, my kid. Here is a story about two 2 . The first worker liked holding a spade(鐵鍬) without doing 3 and complained about the long hou

7、rs of work and his low pay. The 4 worker worked hard without saying anything. Several years later, the first worker was 5 holding his spade but the other worker became the boss of the building company. Do you understand what the story tells you? Just go to 6 a red shirt and work hard.” the boss repl

8、ied.“I'm sorry, sir! I don't understand 7 you said.” the little boy said.“Look at the sunburned man in red among those workers who are working. I have 8 him for a long time. He always works 9 than the others, the first one to work every day while the last one to leave. Now I am about to ask

9、him to be 10 manager and I believe he will work much harder than ever.”1A.rich BstrongCeasy­going Dtalented2A.boys BmanagersCbosses Dworkers3A.everything BsomethingCanything Dnothing4A.first BsecondCthird Dfourth5A.ever BevenCyet Dstill6A.buy BlendCborrow Dkeep7A.what BhowCwhich Dwho8A.told Bta

10、ughtCnoticed Dchanged9A.easier BslowerCworse Dharder10A.my BhisCyour Dtheir三、閱讀理解(2017·河南中考)Starting high school is a great experience for any teenager. Whether you are coming from a middle school (grades six through eight) or a junior high school (grades seven through nine), there are many thi

11、ngs about high school that are different from your old school environment. 1. You will face being in a new school, making new friends in an unfamiliar class and getting to know new teachers. These new teachers will usually have higher academic(學(xué)術(shù)的) levels than your middle and junior high school teac

12、hers. 2. In return, they expect you to work hard and develop your skills.On top of all this, peer pressure(同伴壓力) to drink and smoke often increases in high school. 3. Although there is a lot of pressure, it is nothing you cannot deal with. If you are feeling pressure to do something that you feel is

13、 wrong, talk to a friend, parent, or counselor to find a solution(解決). 4. If you are not succeeding academically, find someone to help you. If you feel lonely, try to join a school club or group to make new friends.5 With time, you will come to be thankful for everything about your experience. On th

14、e point of starting your high school, are you ready?根據(jù)材料內(nèi)容,從下面五個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出能填入文中空缺處的最佳選項(xiàng),使短文意思通順、內(nèi)容完整。AYou will experience many changes.BThey want to help you get into college.CHigh school may seem discouraging at first.DThey are there to help you get into this great new time in your life.EBesides, the pr

15、essure could also come from grades, loneliness and so on.四、詞語(yǔ)運(yùn)用(2019·原創(chuàng))polluteterriblelittlewastebutharmbecauseproblemcauseeithergoodproduceWhen we talk about air or water pollution, the feelings against it are stronger. This is 1. we can see the influence caused by the pollution very clearly.

16、 We may not be able to see the influence clearly, but our land is being 2. and damaged(破壞). Land pollution has come to become one of the serious 3. for us. Land pollution, in other words, means doing some 4. things on the earth's face and soil, directly or indirectly(間接地) as a result of human po

17、or activities. Land pollution has 5. different kinds of problems. The farm land is becoming poorer and 6. , and the area of forests is becoming smaller and smaller. However, cities and towns, because of its growing population, are turning into bigger ones day by day. They need more land to meet thei

18、r development, 7. in buildings or in life. Some chemicals thrown away here and there make land not be used again. Mining(采礦) activities also make some land wasted. Building 8. takes up some land, making some man­made rubbish hills. Land pollution surely has a poor influence on people's life

19、. It makes farm land not enough to 9. food for humans. It also changes the green cover of a place, even the climate there. All these are 10. to human health. 五、補(bǔ)全對(duì)話(2019·原創(chuàng))W: Hi, Dale. What are you going to do this weekend?M: I'm going to visit my grandparents in the countryside.W: I wish

20、you have a good trip.M: Thank you. 1. ?W: Yes, of course. I listened to it half an hour ago. M: I see. What did the weather report say?W: 2. . Do you like rainy days?M: No, I don't like them at all. 3. .What about you?W: I like them very much because I can stay at home and read a book.M: 4. ?W:

21、I like the books about the environment.M: 5. ?W: I think our environment is getting worse and worse. And we should try our best to protect it.M: I agree with you.六、書面表達(dá)(2018·湖北丹江口模擬改編)你們班最近組織了一個(gè)環(huán)保活動(dòng)小組,要到學(xué)校附近的居民區(qū)宣傳環(huán)保知識(shí)。校英語(yǔ)報(bào)記者想就此事對(duì)你們進(jìn)行采訪。請(qǐng)根據(jù)以下要點(diǎn)和要求用英語(yǔ)寫一篇短文。要點(diǎn):1組織環(huán)保小組的原因;2環(huán)保小組打算如何做;3你們對(duì)環(huán)保小組的希望。要求:1文中不得出現(xiàn)真實(shí)姓名和學(xué)校名稱;2詞數(shù)80左右。 參考答案一、15 BBCCC610 DBCBA二、15 ADCBD610 AACDA三、ABEDC四、1.duce10harmful 五、1.Have you listened to the weather report yet 2It said it would be rainy this weekend 3Rainy d


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