



1、閱讀短文還原句子1閱讀短文,從下列所給的五個(gè)句子中,選四句還原到短文中,使短文意思通順、結(jié)構(gòu)完整。其中 有一個(gè)多余選項(xiàng)。閱讀短文,從下列所給的五個(gè)句子中,選四句還原到短文中,使短文意思通順、結(jié)構(gòu)完整。其中 有一個(gè)多余選項(xiàng)。In 1940, a little girl n amed Wilma Rudolph was born. She was small and sick. In her early childhood, Wilmahad many serious illnesses. 61 When Wilma was four years old, doctors noticed her

2、left leg was not straight._They told her family that she had polio(小兒麻痹癥),and that she would never walk.Wilma and her family did nt want to believe the doctors. Wilma exercised every day until she was able towalk with a brace(支架).62 All her frie nds played basketball after school. Wilma sat and watc

3、hed themevery _day, dream ing of being an athlete(運(yùn)動(dòng)員).Of course, people thought she was crazy. 63 By the time shewas _nine years old, she could walk without a brace! She bega n play ing basketball. In middle school, shewas the starof the basketball team. A running coach saw her play. He thought Wil

4、ma could be a great runn er. SoonWilma wastrai ning for the Olympics.When she was sixtee n, she flew to Melbour ne for the 1956 Olympic Games. 64Over the next fouryears, _Wilma continued to train as a runner.In 1960, Wilma went to the Rome Olympics, determined to do better. Two days before her first

5、 race, shetwisted(扭傷)her ankle. She was worried that her chanee was gone. But she won the 100 -meter race. 65After _that, she and her teammates won the 400 -meter relay race. Wilma Rudolph was the first American woma nto winthree gold medals in a sin gle Olympics! 281wordsA. But Wilma was determ in

6、ed.B. Three days later, she won the 200 -meter race.C. Then she was able to go to school.D. But her familys love always helped her get better.E .There, Wilma and three teammates won the bronze medal in the relay race.61-64閱讀短文還原句子一2閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容從方框中選擇恰當(dāng)?shù)木渥影讯涛难a(bǔ)充完整, 題號(hào)后。注意選項(xiàng)中有一個(gè)多余選項(xiàng)。A. The girls wear gr

7、ey skirts.B. The exams are called GCSE.C. Mr. Rose is satisfied with all of us.D. So I will spe nd 5 years at this school. s holiday in February, June and October.E. I also have one weekHugo is an English schoolboy who is fifteen. Now he is telling us something abouthis life:將其代號(hào)填在答題卡相應(yīng)的I started sc

8、hool whe n I was five. I tur ned to this school whe n I was eleve n and I will leave n ext year whe nIam sixtee n. 61 _holiday in December, two weeks in The school year starts in September and ends in July. I have two weeks62 April and six weeks in July and August. _All childre n in 63 In June n ext

9、 year, before I leave this school, I will take exams in 10 subjects.En gla nd have to study En glish, mathematics, scie nee and a foreig n lan guage. They can also choose someothersubjects.There are trousers. yellow and tie and grey 64 red shirt, blazer, black is My un iform a white a1,600 stude nts

10、 in my school. 65 He does not teach my class but we see him every day. He helps us if we_have problems. He also takes part in some activities with us after school.閱讀短文還原句子一3Here is some good advice on how to be good at a lan guage.Pen pals. This way of lear ning a lan guage is a great way to use you

11、r new lan guage. You have to use the language a lot; at the same time, you dont have to give your pen pals an an swer at on ce. (61)Youcan choose -to use the old letter writ ing way or the much quicker and easier e -mail way to keep in con tact with your penpal.In ter net Radio. (62) There are In te

12、r net radio stati ons for every major lan guage. Just find theseradio _stations and listen to them. Youll be surprised at how many stations there are all over the world.Lan guage clubs. When you are ready to practice your new Ian guage, try to find a Ian guage club in your area.(63) This will give y

13、ou a chance to use the language in a suitable environment. (64)Find suitable places. Put yourself i n situati ons where you have to speak the lan guage that you are learning.(65) If you are lear ning Germa n, you can find a Germa n restaura nt. Try to read the menu, try to ordersometh ing or just sa

14、y“hello”to the people there. You will probably find them to be very helpful and youmayeve n make a few frie nds out of it.A. Speak ing with other people can be very helpful.B. Ano ther great and easy way is to liste n to your new lan guage in real life.C. So you will be more comfortable this way.D.

15、They will also give you lots of useful advice on learning a new lan guage.E. How about going to a restaura nt?閱讀短文還原句子一4閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后所給的A、B、C、D、E五個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選岀能填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng),并把其字面代號(hào)填入題右側(cè)的表格內(nèi),選項(xiàng)中有一項(xiàng)為多余選項(xiàng)。I started my school life at the age of six. At first the school for me, a boy, meant play, play and m

16、orePlayin stead of sitt ing in the classroom and lear ning someth ing._61_ .I tried my best to do well inmy schoolwork and follow the rules._ 62_ . Every year we had differe nt kinds of school trips. Not only could we lear n many things fromthem, but also we were give n many projects or tasks as hom

17、ework. It helped us know more. At the same time,wemade many good frie nds._63_ . The n ext year, whe n I was in grade 9, I realized that I shouldgive all myattention to my studies because I was going to take the exams to get into senior middle school.When ever I thi nk of my school life, I feel very

18、 happy and I thi nk in everybodys school life there are manyups and dow ns that in flue nee his life. School is a place where all of us lear n to care and share.“School isn ot justa place, but a large buildi ng made up of the rules, kno wledge and love._ 64_ . I can describemy schoolin“Three S”. The

19、y are: Small, Sweet and Simple._ 65_ .A. In Grade 8. I won prizes in draw ing and En glish speech competiti ons.B. I think in everybodys success, school plays a key role.C. My school was the best, is the best and will always be the best.D. However , I cha nged the way I used to behave at the school

20、with the help of my teachers.E. Grow ing and lear ning were great fun.A. No, Mom, thats not it.B. My mother and I were at the store. C. But he was shy and polite.D. Many people believe that Pele was the greatest footballer of all time.E. At the age of 15,he was play ing for his cou ntry.C. And the m

21、en and boys are on the other.D. We liste n to music, dan ce, and eat a lot.E. At the reunion, we have a pic nic one day at a beautiful lake.閱讀短文還原句子一5閱讀下面的短文, 根據(jù)其內(nèi)容,從文后所給的選項(xiàng)中選出能填在橫線上的最佳答案。選項(xiàng)中有一項(xiàng)為多余選項(xiàng)。Try it yourselfMy father died whe n I was 5. It was hard on us all. My brother, who is 8 years older

22、 tha n me, bega n to watchover my mother and me.My mother was forced to get a full -time job. 61._ He would get me up for school, and make me5breakfast. While I was eati ng he would lay out my clothes, make my bed, and gather my school books up. Aswewaited for the school bus, he would play the games

23、 my father used to play with me. 62._ Whenwe arrivedhome from school, he would help me with my homework and help Mom to cook.It was a Saturday in June a couple years later. 63._ They had the Fathers Day cards out. I staredatthem. My mom said:“Honey, I know this is a hard time for you. ” I said:“64._

24、 Why dont theyhavebrothers day cards as well? ”She smiled and said:“Youre right. Your brother has certainly been a father to you. Go ahead and pick outa card.”So I did. On Fathers Day, my mother and I sat my brother dow n and gave him the card. 65._ Iheardthe cracking (哽咽)in Moms voice as she said:“

25、Son, your father is proud of you. You do your best to fillhisshoes. We love you, and thank you.”C. He did his best to make me happy.D. My brother had to get up early every morning.E. As he read it, I saw the tears form ing in his eyes.閱讀短文還原句子6七、閱讀下面的短文,從 A、B、C、D、E 五個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出四個(gè)正確的選項(xiàng)填 空,使短文通順、內(nèi)容完整。The

26、Greatest Player in the WorldEds on Aran tes do Nascime nto was born in Brazil in 1940.61He says hedoes not _know why or eve n what the n ame means. But the n ame Pele soon became world famous. 62He started playing for the local club when he was 10 years old. 63In 1957,still only 17, hewas in the -wi

27、nning World Cup team(the you ngest ever World Cup player) .In 1970,he was in the team that won theWorldCup for Brazil aga in. He fin ally stopped play ing in 1977 .In 1994,he was made Brazilia n Mini ster for Sport.64 He had wonderful control(控制)over the ball. Brave, clever, and able to run very qui

28、ckly, he couldkick with the same amou nt of skill with either foot. Not only that, whe n you watched him play, you couldalwayssee how much he enjo yed play ing.Pele became very rich by the time he was 22. 65He was loved by both his teammates andthe _players in other teams. He worked hard to develop

29、the game and to en courage you ng and poor boys to workhardand do well. There is no better example for sportsmen and sportswomen today to copy.A. Pele was an excelle nt player.B. At school he was called“Pele”閱讀短文還原句子一7七、閱讀短文還原句子(共8分,每小題2分)閱讀短文,根據(jù)上下文意思,將方框中的句子還原到短文中適當(dāng)位置,使其通順完整,并將其字母代號(hào)寫在橫線上。其中有一句不選。Th

30、ese are pictures of my family. We dont live together. We live in different cities. But we often talk to each otheron the phone. 61B. This is our family reu nion. _In our family, people come to the reunion from Massachusetts, New Mexico, British Columbia, and Louisiana.One of my cousins flies to the

31、United States from Ireland! We usually meet in a small town inPenn sylva nia.62. _63 We play baseball, swim, and eat a lot. We play volleyball too. The wome n and girls are onone team. 64 .One ni ght we always have a big barbecue. We sit arou nd a fire, tell stories, and eat alot. On the last night,

32、 we have a dinner dance at a nice hotel. 65 .Our family really likes to eat.We dont on ly eat. We talk about problems. Sometimes we argue .I ts good to have a big family. But at theend of the week, Im always very tired! Im happy to be alone.A. My great gran dpare nts lived in this tow n.B. Every sum

33、mer all the relatives come together for a week.閱讀短文還原句子一8七、閱讀短文還原句子(共 8 分,每小題 2 分)閱讀下面的短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從方框中所給的 A、B、C、D、E 五個(gè)選項(xiàng)中, 選擇出四個(gè)正確選項(xiàng)。My father is a bus in essma n. His job is to sell computers. _61_ He does someexercise and hasa light breakfast. _62_ It takes him forty minu tes, so he usually gets th

34、ere earlierthan others.He is very busy every minute, so he plans his work very carefully. He keeps a diary tohelp himremember thin gs. He meets and talks with many people. He makes lots of teleph onecalls. _63_He travels to cities in Chi na like Sha nghai, Tianjin and Dalia n, and also some othercou

35、n tries._64_ The n he can stay with my family. Last summer my father, my mother and I hada goodrest. We went to a tow n n ear the sea. _65_ When it rain ed, we stayed in the hotel,doing someread ing or watch ing TV We had a lot of seafood! We were there for half a month. Wehad a lot offun.A. He ofte

36、 n goes out and visits people. B. We had a swim every dayC. He works veryhard. Every morning he gets up at seve n.D. Then he drives to hisoffice. E. Every year he has a long holiday.閱讀短文還原句子七、閱讀短文還原句子。(共 8 分,每小題 2 分)Why do we need to throw less away? There are two reasons. One is that some resources

37、(資源)cant be foundanymore. That means there is only a certain amount of that resource in the world.61. When we use up all the oil in the world, there will be no more. _62. All of our trash has to be put somewhere. Much of that trash will be there forhundreds of _years. The place will be filled up wit

38、h too much trash.63_One way is to recycle. When you recycle something, it means it is used again. Old newspaper may becomepaper bags. A glass jar can be melted and made into a bottle.64. You can wash and use a bottle aga in .It can hold somethi ng else. _The third way to cut dow n on trash is to red

39、uce the amou nt of trash you make, stop buy ing thi ngs that youdont n eed in the first place.65. _A. Theres ano ther reas on for throwi ng less away. B. There are three ways to cut dow n on trash. C. Oneexample of this is oil.D. That will reduce the amou nt of the earths resources as well.E. Ano th

40、er way to cut dow n on trash is to reuse thi ngs.閱讀短文還原句子10七、閱讀還原句子(共8分,每小題2分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后方框中所給的五個(gè)句子中選岀四個(gè),分別填入文中相應(yīng)的序號(hào)后,使短文語(yǔ)義連貫,結(jié)構(gòu)完整。When you are learning English, listening, speaking and writing are important, but reading can also be veryhelpful. Here are some good readi ng tips.61._ Read somethi ng

41、that you can un dersta nd. If you n eed to stop every three words to useadicti on ary, it is not in terest ing.Try to in crease the n umber of your new words. If there are four or five new words on a page, writethem inyour no tebook. 62._ In stead, try to guess their meaning as you read: mark them w

42、ith a pen.Then comeback whe n you have fini shed read ing to look them up in a dicti on ary a nd write them in your own vocabularybook.Then try to remember them.Try to read regularly(定期地).63._ Fiftee n mi nutes every day is better tha n two hourseverySun day. Fix a time to read and keep to it. You c

43、ould read for fiftee n min utes whe n you go to bed, or whe nyou get up or at lun chtime.64._ Choose a book or a magaz ine about a subject that you like, because you are going tospe ndtime and money readi ng it. 65_ You can also read n ewspapers. There are many En glishn ewspapersin Chin a. It is ea

44、sy eno ugh to un dersta nd and also there is someth ing in teresti ng in it.A. So, choose an in teresti ng book.B. Try to read at the right level.C. For example, read for a short time once a day.D. But you dont have to write them while you read.E. Read what interests you .1011閱讀短文還原句子8分,每小題閱讀短文,從下列所

45、給的五個(gè)句子中,選四結(jié)構(gòu)完整。It was a special day because I took the final PE Test for Junior Three stude nts.a had 800-meter race, we line in groups. Before the in The sun was shining brightly.Towards the en d, I was so tired that I 63five - min ute warm -up. 62 In fact, I didnt dowell in it. _ _slowed down and

46、several runners caught up with me. However, encouraged by my classmates, I kept runningwithTo my pleasure, this is the best result I have got in an 800 -meter race.64every effort. -)that a runner needed but also I learned that trying my(挑戰(zhàn)體能65 Not only I challenged thestre ngth -best would really ma

47、ke a differe nee.A. But I felt a little nervous.s order, we began to run as fast as we could. B. With the teacher C. We reached the playground on foot.2分)七、閱讀短文還原句子(共句還原到短文中,使短文意思通順、61 We stoodD. Today I was a success!.E. Fin ally I crossed the finishing line at 32012閱讀短文還原句子一分)8 分,每小題 2 七、閱讀與補(bǔ)全短文(共

48、閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短 文后得選項(xiàng)中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。選項(xiàng)中有一項(xiàng)為多余選項(xiàng)。by the pla net”most popular pia nist on“the 27 is only years old, but has already bee n called LangLa ngAmerica n televisi on n etwork CNN.Like every successful pers on, Lang went through years of hard and lon ely practice before making his n ame.),he w

49、on his first competiti on at the age of 5. Lan gs father pushed little_61_With greattale nt (天賦But Lang Lang very hard to succeed. When he was nine, Lang went to lear n music in Beiji ng._ 62_ ) by the pia no teacher six mon ths later._ 63_Hear ing about hissons failure, Langs開除got fired (father was

50、 so angry that he told Lang to jump off a building!en he gained worldwide fame at“Gala of the Century”, a_64_His big break came at age17, whkeep made him and love of music pia no that true was said US. in well -known con cert Chicago, Lang ithisworki ng.A. Of course Lang did nt jump, and pressure (壓

51、力)soon cha nged to power.11B. He has performed in almost every big city around the world.It totally destroyed (毀滅)his piano dream. C.He bega n to take pia no less ons at the age of 3.D. His father even gave up his job and moved to Beijing with his son.E.13閱讀短文還原句子一2分)七、閱讀短文還原句子(共8分,每小題閱讀短文,根據(jù)上下文意思,將

52、方框中的句子還原到短文中適當(dāng)位置。其中有一個(gè)多余選項(xiàng)。nl ess“USan gdue n has elepha nts on her mind. The elepha nts are in serious dan ger.61 says inthe near future,”at protected properly once, they might only appear in books and photos they are San gdue n.saw a tee nager whe n she she of ani mals bega n whe n was very you ng

53、. She was just62 Herlove _63 elepha nts being used for carry ing thi ngs. _main Mai. The Elepha nt set up the Nature Park in Chia ng San gdue n. In 1996, together with her family,64 purpose of the park is to provide a place for elepha nts to live peacefully in their n atural environment._The disable

54、d and sick elepha nts are mostly saved from private own ers.s look ing for help. San gdue nowners of At prese nt, thousa nds elepha nts walk arou nd big cities with theiren viro nment. n atural65 them city remove latest pla n is to the elepha nts from areas andbring back to _for way a place elephant

55、s. wild of (野生的)The new will serve as home the to s Itconsidered be primaryelepha nts to go back to n ature.A. The experie nee cha nged her life.B. So she works hard to save them.C. Sangduen was born in a mountain area in northerin Thailand 47 years ago.D. She wants to ope n an elepha nt cen ter in

56、Sur in.arks care.E. Now thirty elephants of all ages are under the p12閱讀短文還原句子一14七、閱讀短文,還原句子(共8分,每小題2分)請(qǐng)先閱讀下列短文,掌握其大意,然后從下面方框的五項(xiàng)中選擇四個(gè)還原到文章中, 思通順,結(jié)構(gòu)完整,并將其序號(hào)填寫到答案的相應(yīng)位置。This morning I went to the shoe shop at 8:00 am to buy a pair of shoes. When I got there,I noticed a foreignlady talki ng to a salesgi

57、rl.61They both looked worried. _62 I had a short conversation with the lady first. Later, I knew that the lady is an Australianand she_wan ted to buy a pair of travelli ng shoes.63The lady was very glad whe n she got her使其短文意favorite shoes _in her han ds. Both of the lady and the salesgirl expressed

58、 their tha nks to me. The Australia n lady told me thatsheenjo yed travelli ng here in Beiji ng.64I know a lot about the famous places in Beiji ng. I introduced many n ice places to her. We soon became frie nds.In the after noon, we went out travelli ng together. We had a good trip for two hours.65I

59、 had a won derful experie nee today and I felt happy that I expressed myselffreely in _En glish.A. Travelli ng is my favorite hobby.B. I went up to help them.C. So I told it to the salesgirl.D. But the salesgirl did nt un dersta nd what the foreig ner was say ing.E. At 6:00 pm, I took the lady to my

60、 home for dinn er.閱讀短文還原句子一15七閱讀短文還原句子(共8分,每小題2分)閱讀短文,根據(jù)上下文意思,將方框中的句子還原到短文中適當(dāng)位置,使其通順完整,并在答題卡上將其字母代號(hào)涂黑。其中有一句不選。Sam is a dog who lives in Maryla nd, US._61_. And some of his paintings have sold for $1,700.Sam holds a special paintbrush in his mouth to paint. Mary Stadelbacher, Sams owner, said Sam lov


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