1、中文4960字網(wǎng)絡編程的技術解析1.的身份驗證的身份驗證有有三種,分別是Windows | Forms | Passport,其中又以Forms驗證用的最多,也最靈活。Forms 驗證方式對基于用戶的驗證授權提供了很好的支持,可以通過一個登錄頁面驗證用戶的身份,將此用戶的身份發(fā)回到客戶端的Cookie,之后此用戶再訪問這個web應用就會連同這個身份Cookie一起發(fā)送到效勞端。效勞端上的授權設置就可以根據(jù)不同目錄對不同用戶的訪問授權進行控制了。下面大概的看一下Forms的過程。Forms身份驗證根本原理:要采用Forms身份驗證,先要在應用程序根目錄中的中做相應的設置:其中 表示本應用程序采用
2、Forms驗證方式。1. 標簽中的name表示指定要用于身份驗證的 Cookie。默認情況下,name 的值是 .ASPXAUTH。采用此種方式驗證用戶后,以此用戶的信息建立一個FormsAuthenticationTicket類型的身份驗證票,再加密序列化為一個字符串,最后將這個字符串寫到客戶端的name指定名字的CookieCookie寫到客戶端后,此用戶再次訪問這個web應用時會將連同Cookie一起發(fā)送到效勞端,效勞端將會知道此用戶是已經(jīng)驗證過的. 再看一下身份驗證票都包含哪些信息呢,我們看一下FormsAuthenticationTicket類: CookiePath: 返回發(fā)出 C
3、ookie 的路徑。注意,窗體的路徑設置為 /。由于窗體區(qū)分大小寫,這是為了防止站點中的 URL 的大小寫不一致而采取的一種保護措施。這在刷新 Cookie 時使用Expiration: 獲取Cookie 過期的日期/時間。IsPersistent: 如果已發(fā)出持久的Cookie,那么返回 true。否那么,身份驗證Cookie將限制在瀏覽器生命周期范圍內(nèi)。IssueDate: 獲取最初發(fā)出 Cookie 的日期/時間。Name: 獲取與身份驗證 Cookie 關聯(lián)的用戶名。UserData :獲取存儲在 Cookie 中的應用程序定義字符串。Version: 返回字節(jié)版本號供將來使用。2.標
4、簽中的loginUrl指定如果沒有找到任何有效的身份驗證Cookie,為登錄將請求重定向到的 URL。默認值為。loginUrl指定的頁面就是用來驗證用戶身份的,一般此頁面提供用戶輸入用戶名和密碼,用戶提交后由程序來根據(jù)自己的需要來驗證用戶的合法性(大多情況是將用戶輸入信息同數(shù)據(jù)庫中的用戶表進行比擬),如果驗證用戶有效,那么生成同此用戶對應的身份驗證票,寫到客戶端的Cookie,最后將瀏覽器重定向到用戶初試請求的頁面.一般是用FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage 方法來完成生成身份驗證票,寫回客戶端,瀏覽器重定向等一系列的動作。public sta
5、tic void RedirectFromLoginPage( string userName, bool createPersistentCookie, string strCookiePath );其中 userName: 就是此用戶的標示,用來標志此用戶的唯一標示,不一定要映射到用戶賬戶名稱. createPersistentCookie: 標示是否發(fā)出持久的 Cookie。假設不是持久Cookie,Cookie的有效期Expiration屬性有當前時間加上中timeout的時間,每次請求頁面時,在驗證身份過程中,會判斷是否過了有效期的一半,要是的話更新一次cookie的有效期;假設是持
6、久cookie,Expiration屬性無意義,這時身份驗證票的有效期有cookie的Expires決定,RedirectFromLoginPage方法給Expires屬性設定的是50年有效期。strCookiePath: 標示將生成的Cookie的寫到客戶端的路徑,身份驗證票中保存這個路徑是在刷新身份驗證票Cookie時使用這也是生成Cookie的Path,假設沒有strCookiePath 參數(shù),那么使用中 path屬性的設置。這里可以看到,此方法參數(shù)只有三個,而身份驗證票的屬性有七個,缺乏的四個參數(shù)是這么來的:IssueDate: Cookie發(fā)出時間由當前時間得出。Expiration
7、:過期時間由當前時間和下面要說的標簽中timeout參數(shù)算出。此參數(shù)對非持久性cookie有意義。UserData: 這個屬性可以用應用程序?qū)懭胍恍┯脩舳x的數(shù)據(jù),此方法沒有用到這個屬性,只是簡單的將此屬性置為空字符串,請注意此屬性,在后面我們將要使用到這個屬性。Version: 版本號由系統(tǒng)自動提供.RedirectFromLoginPage方法生成生成身份驗證票后,會調(diào)用FormsAuthentication.Encrypt 方法,將身份驗證票加密為字符串,這個字符串將會是以.ASPXAUTH為名字的一個Cookie的值。這個Cookie的其它屬性的生成:Domain,Path屬性為確省值
8、,Expires視createPersistentCookie參數(shù)而定,假設是持久cookie,Expires設為50年以后過期;假設是非持久cookie,Expires屬性不設置。生成身份驗證Cookie后,將此Cookie參加到中,等待發(fā)送到客戶端。最后RedirectFromLoginPage方法調(diào)用tRedirectUrl方法獲取到用戶原先請求的頁面,重定向到這個頁面。3. 標簽中的timeout和path,是提供了身份驗證票寫入到Cookie過期時間和默認路徑。以上就是基于Forms身份驗證的過程,它完成了對用戶身份確實認。下面介紹基于Forms身份驗證的訪問授權。驗證了身份,是要使
9、用這個身份,根據(jù)不同的身份我們可以進行不同的操作,處理,最常見的就是對不同的身份進行不同的授權,F(xiàn)orms驗證就提供這樣的功能。Forms授權是基于目錄的,可以針對某個目錄來設置訪問權限,比方,這些用戶可以訪問這個目錄,那些用戶不能訪問這個目錄。同樣,授權設置是在你要控制的那個目錄下的文件中來設置: 標簽表示允許訪問,其中的屬性1. users:一個逗號分隔的用戶名列表,這些用戶名已被授予對資源的訪問權限。問號 (?) 允許匿名用戶;星號 (*) 允許所有用戶。2. roles:一個逗號分隔的角色列表,這些角色已被授予對資源的訪問權限。3. verbs:一個逗號分隔的 傳輸方法列表,這些 傳輸
10、方法已被授予對資源的訪問權限。注冊到 ASP.NET 的謂詞為 GET、HEAD、POST 和DEBUG。標簽表示不允許訪問。其中的屬性同上面的。在運行時,授權模塊迭代通過 和 標記,直到它找到適合特定用戶的第一個訪問規(guī)那么。然后,它根據(jù)找到的第一項訪問規(guī)那么是 還是 規(guī)那么來允許或拒絕對 URL 資源的訪問。Machine.config 文件中的默認身份驗證規(guī)那么是 ,因此除非另行配置,否那么在默認情況下會允許訪問。2.存儲過程在使用.NET的過程中,數(shù)據(jù)庫訪問是一個很重要的局部,特別是在B/S系統(tǒng)的構建過程中,數(shù)據(jù)庫操作幾乎成為了一個必不可少的操作。調(diào)用存儲過程實現(xiàn)數(shù)據(jù)庫操作使很多程序員使
11、用的方法,而且大多數(shù)的程序員都是能使用存儲過程就使用存儲過程,很少直接使用SQL語句,所以存儲過程是很有用而且很重要的。1.存儲過程簡介簡單的說,存儲過程是由一些SQL語句和控制語句組成的被封裝起來的過程,它駐留在數(shù)據(jù)庫中,可以被客戶應用程序調(diào)用,也可以從另一個過程或觸發(fā)器調(diào)用。它的參數(shù)可以被傳遞和返回。與應用程序中的函數(shù)過程類似,存儲過程可以通過名字來調(diào)用,而且它們同樣有輸入?yún)?shù)和輸出參數(shù)。根據(jù)返回值類型的不同,我們可以將存儲過程分為三類:返回記錄集的存儲過程, 返回數(shù)值的存儲過程也可以稱為標量存儲過程,以及行為存儲過程。顧名思義,返回記錄集的存儲過程的執(zhí)行結果是一個記錄集,典型的例子是從數(shù)
13、存中就會保存一份這個存儲過程,這樣下次再執(zhí)行同樣的存儲過程時,可以從內(nèi)存中直接調(diào)用。(3)更強的適應性:由于存儲過程對數(shù)據(jù)庫的訪問是通過存儲過程來進行的,因此數(shù)據(jù)庫開發(fā)人員可以在不改動存儲過程接口的情況下對數(shù)據(jù)庫進行任何改動,而這些改動不會對應用程序造成影響。(4) 布式工作:應用程序和數(shù)據(jù)庫的編碼工作可以分別獨立進行,而不會相互壓制。由以上的分析可以看到,在應用程序中使用存儲過程是很有必要的。存儲過程的調(diào)用方法為了突出新方法的優(yōu)點,首先介紹一下在.NET中調(diào)用存儲過程的“官方方法。另外,本文的所有例如程序均工作于SqlServer數(shù)據(jù)庫上,其它情況類似,以后不再一一說明。本文所有例子均采用C
14、#語言。要在應用程序中訪問數(shù)據(jù)庫,一般性的步驟是:首先聲明一個數(shù)據(jù)庫連接SqlConnection,然后聲明一個數(shù)據(jù)庫命令SqlCommand,用來執(zhí)行SQL語句和存儲過程。有了這兩個對象后,就可以根據(jù)自己的需要采用不同的執(zhí)行方式到達目的。需要補充的是,不要忘記在頁面上添加如下的引用語句: 。就執(zhí)行存儲過程來說,如果執(zhí)行的是第一類存儲過程,那么就要用一個DataAdapter將結果填充到一個DataSet中,然后就可以使用數(shù)據(jù)網(wǎng)格控件將結果呈現(xiàn)在頁面上了;如果執(zhí)行的是第二和第三種存儲過程,那么不需要此過程,只需要根據(jù)特定的返回判定操作是否成功完成即可。隨著應用程序開發(fā)的開展演變,新的應用程序已
15、基于 Web 應用程序模型越來越松散地耦合。如今,越來越多的應用程序使用 XML 來編碼要通過網(wǎng)絡連接傳遞的數(shù)據(jù)。Web 應用程序?qū)?用作在層間進行通信的結構,因此它們必須顯式處理請求之間的狀態(tài)維護。這一新模型大大不同于連接、緊耦合的編程風格,此風格曾是客戶端/效勞器時代的標志。在此編程風格中,連接會在程序的整個生存期中保持翻開,而不需要對狀態(tài)進行特殊處理。在設計符合當今開發(fā)人員需要的工具和技術時,Microsoft 認識到需要為數(shù)據(jù)訪問提供全新的編程模型,此模型是基于 .NET Framework 生成的?;?NET Framework這一點將確保數(shù)據(jù)訪問技術的一致性組件將共享通用的類型系
16、 統(tǒng)、設計模式和命名約定。設計 ADO.NET 的目的是為了滿足這一新編程模型的以下要求:具有斷開式數(shù)據(jù)結構;能夠與 XML 緊密集成;具有能夠組合來自多個、不同數(shù)據(jù)源的數(shù)據(jù)的通用數(shù)據(jù)表示形式;以及具有為與數(shù)據(jù)庫交互而優(yōu)化的功能,這些要求都是 .NET Framework 固有的內(nèi)容。在創(chuàng)立 ADO.NET 時,Microsoft 具有以下設計目標。ADO.NET 的設計滿足了當今應用程序開發(fā)模型的多種要求。同時,該編程模型盡可能地與ADO保持一致,這使當今的ADO開發(fā)人員不必從頭開始學習全新的數(shù)據(jù)訪問技術。ADO.NET 是 .NET Framework 的固有局部,因此對于 ADO 程序員
17、決不是完全陌生的。與ADO共存。雖然大多數(shù)基于.NET 的新應用程序?qū)⑹褂肁DO.NET 來編寫,但 .NET 程序員仍然可以通過.NET COM 互操作性效勞來使用 ADO。有關 ADO 和 ADO.NET 之間的差異的論述,請參見 上的“ADO.NET for the ADO Programmer。支持N層編程模式為斷開式n層編程環(huán)境提供了一流的支持,許多新的應用程序都是為該環(huán)境編寫的。使用斷開式數(shù)據(jù)集這一概念已成為編程模型中的焦點。n 層編程的 解決方案就是DataSet。集成XML支持XML 和數(shù)據(jù)訪問是緊密聯(lián)系在一起的,即 XML 的全部內(nèi)容都是有關數(shù)據(jù)編碼的,而數(shù)據(jù)訪問越來越多的內(nèi)
18、容都與 XML 有關。.NET Framework 不僅支持 Web 標準,它還是完全基于 Web 標準生成的。XML 支持內(nèi)置在 ADO.NET 中非常根本的級別上。.NET Framework 和ADO.NET 中的 XML 類是同一結構的一局部,它們在許多不同的級別集成。您不必在數(shù)據(jù)訪問效勞集和它們的 XML 相應效勞之間進行選擇;它們的設計本來就具有從其中一個跨越到另一個的功能。為什么需要Web Service在通過Internet網(wǎng)購置商品后,你可能對配送方式感到迷惑不解。經(jīng)常的情況是因配送問題找配送公司而消耗你的大量時間,對于配送公司而言這也不是一項增值效勞。為了解決這種問題,配送
19、公司需要在不降低平安級別的情況下了解更多的遞送信息,然而平安公司設計的平安系統(tǒng)卻非常復雜。那么我們能不能只使用80端口web效勞器端口并且只通過web效勞器提供信息呢?所以,我們建立了一個全新的web應用程序以便從核心商業(yè)應用程序中獲得數(shù)據(jù)。配送公司將為些東西付money,所有的公司都希望能夠?qū)⒆⒁饬性诤诵纳虡I(yè)應用上。什么是Web Service?Web Service是一種構建應用程序的普通模型,并能在所有支持Internet網(wǎng)通訊的操作系統(tǒng)上實施。Web Service令基于組件的開發(fā)和web的結合到達最正確,基于組件的對象模型: Distributed Component Objec
20、t Model (DCOM), Remote Method Invocation (RMI), 和 Internet Inter-Orb Protocol (IIOP) 都已經(jīng)發(fā)布很長時間了,不幸的是這些模型都依賴于特殊對象模型協(xié)議。Web Service利用soap和Xml對這些模型在通訊方面作了進一步的擴展以消除特殊對象模型的障礙。Web Service主要利用 和soap協(xié)議使商業(yè)數(shù)據(jù)在web傳輸, saop通過 調(diào)用商業(yè)對象執(zhí)行遠程功能調(diào)用,web用戶能夠使用soap和 通過web調(diào)用的方法來調(diào)用遠程對象。那么怎樣使在位置a的用戶明白位置b的Web Service的意思呢?這個問題可以
21、通過和一個一致的共同標準來答復。描述性效勞語言Service Description Language (SDL),soap訂約語言SOAP Contract Language (SCL) 和網(wǎng)絡訪問標準語言Network Accessible Specification Language (NASSL) 都是為這個目的建立的相似語言,然而IBM和微軟都同意Web Service Description Language (WSDL)作為Web Service 的標準語言。 Web Service部件的結構由Web Service Description Language.描述,是一份Xml文
22、檔,描述了Web Service的屬性和接口。新的標準可以在了解到。最好的學習方法是創(chuàng)立一個Web Service,我們以一個股票報價系統(tǒng)為例,納斯達克和澳大利亞股票交易系統(tǒng)都是非常有名的例子,他們都提供了一個接口,用于輸入公司代碼和接受最終成交的股票價格。我們復制一個相同的功能的Web Service。我們的Web Service的輸入?yún)?shù)是股票代碼,Web Service通過調(diào)用中間層商業(yè)邏輯函數(shù)獲得股票價格,商業(yè)邏輯函數(shù)保持以最小的局部集中在Web Service上。實現(xiàn)這個應用程序的核心部件將是微軟 .net framework sdk,我的配置是:操作系統(tǒng) windows 2000
23、server,pIII300,300mb內(nèi)存。創(chuàng)立Web Service的首選集成開發(fā)環(huán)境(IDE)是t,你可以用任何一種文本編輯器輕易創(chuàng)立一個Web Service文件。Technical Analysis of Network Programming1.Identity Verification of ASP.NETA have verified the identity of three. are Windows |Forms| Passport. Among them Forms authentication of the largest and most flexible. Form
24、s authentication based on the test will provide a good user support, a page posted by users can verify the identity of users of this back in his capacity as the Cookie client. Users visit the Web after this application will be sent to the service together with the identity Cookie end. Server can be
25、installed on the authorized list of users under different control of the authoritys visit. Then see below about the process. Forms authentication basic tenets : Identity verificationForms authentication using an identification. Applications must be in the root catalog Web.config corresponding set up
26、 to do : which said the applications For use Forms authentication. 1. label said the name designated to be used for identification Cookie. Acquiescence under the name value is. ASPXAUTH. Verification users adopt this way, users of this information to establish a similar body FormsAuthenticationTicke
27、t Verification of these votes, and then into a string encryption sequence. Finally, the string name of the client wrote the names of designated Cookie. Once the Cookie client wrote, This Web users visited this application will be sent to the service together with Cookie end, End users will be aware
28、of this service has been verified before. Identity Verification votes, lets look at what the message contained. We look at FormsAuthenticationTicket categories : CookiePath : return the path of Cookie. That the path set up for Windows /. Because Windows capitalization distinction, which is the URL o
29、f the site in order to prevent inconsistencies and capitalization of a protective measure. This in turn use Expiration : Acquiring Cookie Cookie expired Date/Time. IsPersistent : If issued lasting Cookie , return true. Otherwise, the identification Cookie would limit the scope of the life cycle in a
30、 browser.IssueDate : The first issue of Cookie Acquisition Date/Time. Name : access to the user name associated with the identification Cookie. UserData : access to applications stored in the Cookie definition string. Version : byte version return for a future use. 2. If there is no designated login
31、Url in the label to find any effective identification Cookie, will be posted to the URL Redirection request. Default values for default.aspx. LoginUrl esignated page is used to verify the identity of users. This page provides general user names and passwords for user input. submitted by the user in
32、accordance with their own procedures need to verify the legitimacy of users (most of the cases is to the user input information with a few According to library users comparative table), effective verification users, generating the corresponding user identification with this vote, Cookie wrote to the
33、 client. Finally maiden request to the users browser redirection pages.generally used FormsAuthentication.Redirect From Login Page generating capacity to complete the certification vote, write any client, browser redirection of a series of moves.Public static void RedirectFormLoginPage(string userna
34、me, bool createPersistentCookie,string strCookiePath );UserName : the user signs to mark the sole user of this marker, Account name not be mapped to the user. createPersistentCookie : Cookie whether to issue a permanent marker. Cookie is not durable. Cookie valid Expiration attributes which are pres
35、ent time with sed timeout time, each page request, the identity verification process. over half of the period will determine whether, and if so to update a cookie is valid; If lasting cookie, Expiration attribute senseless. Then the valid votes identification of a cookie Expires, RedirectFromLoginPa
36、ge method is to set attributes for 50 years Expires valid.StrCookiePath : marker will be generated by the client Cookie Path. Identity Verification votes to preserve this path is used in the updated identification votes Cookie(which is also generated Cookie the Path), if not strCookiePath parameters
37、, using the attributes which in web.config of paths Attribute.Here we can see that this method only three parameters, and attributes the identification of seven votes. so is the shortage of four parameters :IssueDate : Cookie issued drawn from the current time.Expiration : Next time expired by the t
38、ime and say that the current label timeout parameters calculated. This persistent cookie parameters on the non-meaningful. UserData :This attribute can be used a number of applications into the user-defined data. I did not use this method attributes, but simply attribute this home empty string, plea
39、se take note of this attribute, We will be behind in the use of this attribute. Version : No. version provided by the system automatically.Generation after generation identification votes RedirectFromLoginPage methods. Call FormsAuthentication.Encrypt will, Encryption will vote for identification st
40、ring. This will be a string. ASPXAUTH to name a Cookie value. Cookie other attributes of this generation : Domain, the provincial Path To attribute value Expires As createPersistentCookie parameters, If lasting cookie that expired after 50 years as the Expires; If non-persistent cookie, Expires attr
41、ibute installed. Generation identification Cookie, Cookie joined this response. Cookies, awaiting sent to clients. Finally RedirectFromLoginPage method invocation FormsAuthentication.Get RedirectUrl way users access to the original request of the page. Redirection of this page. 3. labels and the pat
42、h of the timeout, provide identification to vote is enshrined in the road and acquiescence Cookie time expired. Forms authentication is based on the above process, it has completed the confirmation of the identity. Forms are described below based on the identification of the mission.visit authorizat
43、ion Verification of identity is to use this capacity, according to the different operational capacity we can handle. The most common is different for different identities authorized to provide such a certification Forms function. Forms authorization is based on the catalog, catalog can be directed a
44、t any authority to set up a visit,for example, These users can access the catalog, users can visit the list of those. Similarly, the authority is set up in which you want to control the web.config file to set up a catalog : label said that it would allow a visit, which attributes :1.Users : a comma
45、separated list of user names, which users had been granted the right of access to resources. Question mark(?) Allows anonymous users; An asterisk (*) to allow all users. 2.Roles : the role of a comma separated list of these roles has been given resources to visit the authority.3.Verbs : a comma sepa
46、rated list of transmission method, transmission of these methods has been awarded the Access to resources. ASP.NET registration to the predicate for GET, HEAD, POST and DEBUG. label said not allowed to visit. With the attributes above. In operation, authorized by iterative module and markings Until
47、it is the first visit to find a suitable user-specific rules. Then, According to find it is the first visit by the rules or rules to permit or refuse to URL. resources visit. Machine.config identification documents default rules , unless otherwise allocation, or acquiescence in the circumstances und
48、er which they will allow to visit. 2.The ASP.NET Using Stored ProcedureIn use. NET process, the database is a very important part of especially in the process of building a system / database operated almost become an essential operation. Call stored in the database used to operate many programmers,
49、Most programmers are able to use stored on the use of stored procedure rarely used in SQL. So memory is very useful and very important process. 1.Introduction of Stored Procedure Simply, storage is control by the process and some SQL language was composed of packaging up the process, its presence in
50、 the database, client applications can be deployed, can also trigger another process or transfer. Transmission and its parameters can be returned. And the application process function similar names can be stored procedure call, In addition, they have the same input parameters and output parameters.
51、According to different types of return values, we will be back to record storage process is divided into three categories : the collection storage process. Numerical return to the stored procedure (also called scalar stored), and acts stored. By definition, set to return to record the results of the
52、 implementation of the storage process is a record set, A typical example is retrieved from the database with the records of one or a few conditions; Numerical implementation of the return process is finished and returned to a storage value For example, in the implementation of a database or functio
53、n return value of the order; Finally, only acts stored in the database is used to achieve a certain function, and did not return to duty. For example, the database update and delete operations. 2.The benefits of using stored procedure Comparing with the direct use of SQL and stored in the applicatio
54、n process by calling the following benefits :(1) reduce network traffic. Call a stored procedure and the small number of firms directly employ SQL network traffic may not be a great difference. However, if SQL stored procedure contains more than 100 firms. One by one, then the performance of the SQL
55、 language than the much higher. (2) the speed of implementation. There are two reasons : First, in the process of building the storage time, the database has already conducted an analysis and optimization. Secondly, the storage process, once implemented, will be retained in memory, a memory of this process, do the same next time, the implementation of stored procedures, can be transferred directly from
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