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1、Chinese companies have used falsified gold transactions to obtain more than Rmb94bn in loans since 2012, according to the countrys national auditor. 中國(guó)國(guó)家審計(jì)機(jī)構(gòu)稱,一些中國(guó)企業(yè)自2012年以來(lái)利用虛構(gòu)的黃金交易,獲得逾940億元人民幣貸款。 The fraud, involving 25 bullion processing companies, was cited in the National Audit Offices annual r

2、eport to legislators this week and has raised further concerns about the integrity of Chinas commodity markets. 涉及25家黃金加工企業(yè)的這起欺詐,是在國(guó)家審計(jì)署(National Audit Office)本周提交全國(guó)人大的年度報(bào)告中曝光的,進(jìn)一步引發(fā)了關(guān)于中國(guó)大宗商品市場(chǎng)誠(chéng)信問(wèn)題的擔(dān)憂。 An inquiry was launched this month in the northeastern port city of Qingdao following allegations

3、that a metals company had pledged the same stocks of copper and aluminium multiple times as collateral for loans. Other commodities, including soyabeans, iron ore and rubber, are also routinely used in financing deals struck with local and foreign banks in order to circumvent tight domestic credit c

4、onditions. 本月,中國(guó)有關(guān)部門(mén)在華東港口城市青島展開(kāi)一項(xiàng)調(diào)查,此前一家金屬企業(yè)被指用同一批銅和鋁庫(kù)存重復(fù)質(zhì)押,以騙取貸款。其它大宗商品,包括大豆、鐵礦石和橡膠,也經(jīng)常被用于同國(guó)內(nèi)和外資銀行達(dá)成融資交易,以規(guī)避國(guó)內(nèi)偏緊的信貸條件。 The audit office said on its website the gold scam had netted the companies involved combined profits exceeding Rmb900m. The companies used the loans to take advantage of the diffe

5、rence between offshore and onshore interest rates, as well as the appreciation of the Chinese currency, according to the auditor. 國(guó)家審計(jì)署在其網(wǎng)站上稱,黃金騙局給參與企業(yè)帶來(lái)了共計(jì)逾9億元人民幣的利潤(rùn)。審計(jì)人員稱,這些公司利用此類貸款,獲利于離岸和在岸利率的差異,以及人民幣的升值。 Evidence of the falsified deals was discovered during spot checks on companies that process

6、bullion, such as jewellers. The report covered a period starting in 2012. No end date was specified, and the 25 offending companies were not named. It was not clear from the report how the gold transactions were falsified. 虛構(gòu)交易的證據(jù)是在對(duì)黃金加工企業(yè)(如珠寶公司)進(jìn)行抽查時(shí)發(fā)現(xiàn)的。報(bào)告覆蓋從2012年起的一段時(shí)期,但沒(méi)有說(shuō)明截止日期,也沒(méi)有對(duì)25家違規(guī)企業(yè)點(diǎn)名。從報(bào)告內(nèi)

7、容看不出此類黃金交易是如何虛構(gòu)的。 Analysts have suspected for some time that large quantities of gold were being used to obtain financing in China. In April, the London-based World Gold Council, the industrys marketing arm, said imported bullion was being used “to raise low-cost funds for business investment and sp

8、eculation”, and was part of the wider growth in shadow banking in China. 一段時(shí)間以來(lái),分析師們一直懷疑大量黃金在中國(guó)被用來(lái)獲得融資。今年4月,黃金行業(yè)營(yíng)銷機(jī)構(gòu)總部位于倫敦的世界黃金協(xié)會(huì)(World Gold Council,簡(jiǎn)稱WGC)稱,進(jìn)口的黃金被用來(lái)“籌集低成本資金,用于商業(yè)投資和投機(jī)”,這是中國(guó)影子銀行業(yè)整體增長(zhǎng)的一部分。 Precious Metals Insights, a consultancy that provided figures for the WGC report, said that by t

9、he start of 2014 China companies could have locked up as much as 1,000 tonnes of gold in financial deals equal to a nominal value of $42bn. Most of that bullion was acquired since 2011, the report said, a period that overlaps with the audit office investigation. 為世界黃金協(xié)會(huì)的報(bào)告提供數(shù)據(jù)的咨詢機(jī)構(gòu)貴金屬見(jiàn)解(Precious Met

10、als Insights)表示,截止2014年初,中國(guó)企業(yè)可能已經(jīng)在融資交易中鎖定了1000噸黃金,名義價(jià)值相當(dāng)于420億美元。報(bào)告稱,這些黃金大部分是2011年起買入的,在時(shí)間上與國(guó)家審計(jì)署的調(diào)查有所重疊。 The use of gold for arbitrage deals would imply consumer demand for physical metal in China was not as strong as previously believed. China last year overtook India to become the biggest gold con

11、sumer for the first time. The gold price, which is mainly dictated by western investor demand, appeared unaffected by the news, trading at $1,317 a troy ounce yesterday, a 0.1 per cent decline for the day. 在套利交易中使用黃金意味著,中國(guó)消費(fèi)者對(duì)實(shí)物黃金的需求不像此前所認(rèn)為的那樣強(qiáng)烈。去年,中國(guó)首次超越印度,成為最大黃金消費(fèi)國(guó)。主要受西方投資者需求支配的金價(jià),似乎未受這一消息的影響,昨日微跌


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