【中英對(duì)照】哪一種房車更好 - 自行式還是拖掛式_第1頁(yè)
【中英對(duì)照】哪一種房車更好 - 自行式還是拖掛式_第2頁(yè)
【中英對(duì)照】哪一種房車更好 - 自行式還是拖掛式_第3頁(yè)
【中英對(duì)照】哪一種房車更好 - 自行式還是拖掛式_第4頁(yè)
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1、【中英對(duì)照】哪一種房車更好:自行式還是拖掛式?(Whats Better: A Motorhome or Trailer?)作者:Jeff AdamsEver since the first motorhomes and travel trailers appeared early in the twentieth century, theres been an ongoing debate over which is better. And the correct answer is: it depends.二十世紀(jì)初,隨著首款自行式房車和拖掛式房車陸續(xù)面世,哪一種房車更好的爭(zhēng)論就一直沒(méi)有平

2、息過(guò)。正確的答案是:要看具體情況。Just like car enthusiasts who differ strongly about which motor vehicle rules the road, the same debate exists between RVers who feel that towing their home is better than driving it, and vice-versa.就像汽車愛(ài)好者對(duì)于哪一款車型可以稱雄天下分歧巨大一樣,類似的爭(zhēng)論也見(jiàn)諸于房車愛(ài)好者之間,有人覺(jué)得拖掛房子比駕駛房子要好,反之亦然。So lets take a look

3、 at the pros and cons of each class when choosing between a motorhome or a trailer.還是讓我們來(lái)看看選擇自行式房車和拖掛式房車各自的優(yōu)缺點(diǎn)吧。How often will you use your RV, and how many people will be with you?你使用房車的頻率如何?有多少人要和你一起露營(yíng)?This is an important point to ponder, especially if youre thinking about a motorhome. 這是很關(guān)鍵的一點(diǎn),尤

4、其是當(dāng)你考慮買一輛自行式房車的時(shí)候。A nice Class A rig with all the gadgets and must-haves can easily top $150,000 and usually more. The smaller Class B and Class C motorhomes can come in for less but still, thats a whole lot of cabbage to have sitting idle on the side of your house or in a storage lot if you go out

5、only a few times a year and dont travel far.一輛不錯(cuò)的A型房車如果裝備齊全的話,價(jià)格很容易就飆上15萬(wàn)美元甚至更多。小一號(hào)的C型和B型房車要便宜一些,但是那還是一筆巨額投資,如果你每年僅僅出游幾次,也走不遠(yuǎn),大部分時(shí)間房車都趴窩在家里或RV停車場(chǎng)里面,就很虧得慌了。Of course, if you do go out regularly and/or for long distances, then a motorhome with all its accessories can make the journey all the more plea

6、surable, especially if you have a mid- to large-sized family. Theres plenty of room in Class As and Class Cs to spread out, and storage space is generous. Class B units, also known as camper vans are more suited for couplesand perhaps their pet terrier.當(dāng)然,如果你經(jīng)常出游而且/或者一次跑很遠(yuǎn),那么自行式房車和它上面的設(shè)備會(huì)讓你的旅途更為愉快,特

7、別是你有一個(gè)大家庭的時(shí)候。在A型房車和C型房車?yán)锩嬗泻芏鄰埶玻鎯?chǔ)空間也足夠多。而B型房車(俗稱露營(yíng)面包車)僅僅適合兩夫妻出游,也許再加上他們的寵物。A nicely equipped travel trailer can help make an outing more comfortable and more funwhether for a three-day weekend or a three-week sojourn. Travel trailers can be had for less than $20,000, making them a more attractive a

8、lternative for low usage situations. And like their motorhome brethren, larger trailers, especially those with slide-outs, can likewise accommodate large groups and their gear.一輛設(shè)施完備的旅行拖掛房車可以讓出游更舒適更有樂(lè)趣,不管是一個(gè)長(zhǎng)周末還是三周的假期。不到兩萬(wàn)美元你就可以擁有一輛拖掛房車,這對(duì)使用率不高的用戶來(lái)說(shuō)更有吸引力。就像它們的自行式伙伴,大型拖掛房車,尤其是那些有多個(gè)電動(dòng)伸縮擴(kuò)展艙的款式,同樣可以容納大群

9、住客和他們的行李。Pop-up trailers, while able to sleep up to six individuals, usually lack space and storage for larger families. These shortcomings and their very low price, starting at around $4,000, make them better suited for short jaunts of a few days.彈出式房車雖然也可以容納多達(dá)六位游客,但是對(duì)于大家庭來(lái)說(shuō)它的空間和存儲(chǔ)箱太小了。這些缺點(diǎn)和它們低廉的售價(jià)

10、(4千美元起)讓它們更適合為期幾天的短途出行。Do you currently have a vehicle that could tow a travel trailer? 你現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)有車輛可以拖運(yùn)旅行拖掛房車嗎?This is important, because while todays travel trailers are noted for their lightweight yet sturdy construction, some midsize to large models, especially fifth-wheel units, require a lot of ho

11、rsepower to get their bulk safely over hill and dale.這一點(diǎn)很重要,當(dāng)今的拖掛房車雖然在保證結(jié)構(gòu)堅(jiān)固的前提下越來(lái)越輕量化,但是中大型房車,尤其是半掛型房車還是需要足夠強(qiáng)勁的馬力才能拖著它們翻山越嶺。Pop-up trailers require the least amount of oomph to get the wheels rolling; many models can be towed with the average minivan and are the easiest to park.彈出式房車對(duì)拖車的馬力要求最低,很多型號(hào)

12、用家用面包車來(lái)拖曳就綽綽有余力了,而且也很容易找到停車場(chǎng)停放。A typical travel trailer can usually be handled by the average full-size V8 pickup truck or large SUV, and with todays advanced technology, some V6 trucks are able to out-pull them.一個(gè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的旅行拖掛房車通??梢杂肰8引擎的皮卡或大型SUV來(lái)做拖車,在今天先進(jìn)的技術(shù)條件下,有些V6引擎的皮卡也可以拖掛它們。A fifth-wheel trailer gen

13、erally requires not only more horsepower, but also more load carrying ability since 15 to 25 percent of the trailer actually rests in the trucks bed. This means that a heavy duty or super duty tow vehicle is a must.半掛型房車不僅僅要求更大的馬力,而且還要求有更高的負(fù)重承載力,因?yàn)?5%到25%的半掛型房車的重量實(shí)際上是直接壓在了皮卡的車廂上。這就意味著重型(heavy duty)或

14、超重型(super duty)卡車是必須的了。A heavy lift/tow vehicle may also be in order for the newest member of the trailer family, the sport utility RV. Popularly known as toy haulers because of the garage area in the rear used for hauling motorcycles, quad runners and personal watercraft, toy haulers can require ex

15、tra pulling strength to get to where you want to go.一輛重型的拖車對(duì)于拖掛房車家族的最新成員運(yùn)動(dòng)型房車也是必須的,它俗稱玩具拖掛房車因?yàn)樵谖膊坑幸粋€(gè)車庫(kù)用來(lái)裝載摩托車、四輪全地形車和水上運(yùn)動(dòng)設(shè)備,額外的重量對(duì)拖車馬力的要求也相應(yīng)地會(huì)提高。On the flip side of the coin, the motorhome is self-propelled. That is, the manufacturer equips it with either a diesel or gasoline powerplant of sufficien

16、t size to move it down the road with little effort and still have enough extra giddy-up to tow a trailer or smaller vehicle for side trips.與之相反的是自行式房車可以自己驅(qū)動(dòng)。也就是說(shuō)房車制造商已經(jīng)為它配備了一個(gè)馬力足夠的柴油或汽油發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī),不僅可以輕松驅(qū)動(dòng)房車本身在路上飛馳,而且還有余力可以在后面再拖掛一輛小車來(lái)做游覽使用。Ask Yourself: do you currently have a tow vehicle strong enough to p

17、ull the trailer or RV, or is a new, more powerful ride needed? If you do need to upsize, how do the cost of both the truck or SUV and the trailer compare against that of a comparably equipped motorhome?問(wèn)問(wèn)自己:你現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)有了一輛馬力強(qiáng)勁的拖車可以拖掛一輛房車嗎?還是需要買一輛馬力更大的新拖車?如果你需要升級(jí)拖車,那么拖車加拖掛房車的費(fèi)用和直接買一輛自行式房車相比,哪一個(gè)更合算?How much

18、 are you willing to spend?你的預(yù)算是多少?There are a lot of costs you need to keep in mind when trying to decide motorhome or trailer.當(dāng)你考慮是買自行式房車還是拖掛房車的時(shí)候,還有很多開支都需要考慮進(jìn)去。At the front of the line is the purchase price. As mentioned earlier, a nice Class A motorhome can cost as much as some real homes. Even s

19、o, there might not be a huge difference between the price tag of the motorhome and a new pickup truck and a travel trailer.首當(dāng)其沖就是房車的售價(jià)。前面說(shuō)到過(guò),一輛不錯(cuò)的A型房車的價(jià)格已經(jīng)快趕上一棟真正的房屋了。盡管如此,自行式房車的售價(jià)和新皮卡加拖掛式房車的售價(jià)之間也許沒(méi)有太大的差別了。Other cost areas include:其他的費(fèi)用還包括:Maintenance維修費(fèi)Rule of thumb: trailers have fewer things that

20、 break. And the bigger the RV, the more that can go wrongbecause motorhomes have engines, and transmissions, and pumps and sophisticated electronics. So unless youre handy with a screwdriver and a wrench, repairs are generally more expensive.經(jīng)驗(yàn)告訴我們:拖掛式房車不容易出故障。房車越大越復(fù)雜,就越容易出毛病 因?yàn)樽孕惺椒寇囉幸?、變速箱、油泵和?fù)雜的電子

21、設(shè)備,如果你不怎么懂修車的話,維護(hù)自行式房車的代價(jià)通常是很昂貴的。And dont forget: if your motorhome has to go into the shop, your living accommodations go with it. On the other hand, with a trailer, should your truck or SUV need repair youll still have a place to live while waiting for the mechanic to work his magic.不要忘記:當(dāng)你的自行式房車進(jìn)

22、入維修店修理的時(shí)候,你的生活家當(dāng)也跟著進(jìn)去了。相反,如果是拖掛式房車的話,當(dāng)你需要修理皮卡或SUV等拖車的時(shí)候,你至少還可以有一個(gè)容身之所,等待修理工慢慢修復(fù)你的車輛。Miles Per Gallon油耗Except perhaps for the pop-up, pulling a trailer is like pulling a small building. And buildings are not usually noted for being fuel efficient. This means that, depending on your tow vehicle and tr

23、ailer, you might see a sobering 8 to 12 mpg on a good day.也許除了彈出式房車,拖著一輛拖掛式房車就像拉著一個(gè)小型建筑。這么重的家伙當(dāng)然不會(huì)是低油耗的,這就意味著在正常情況下,你也許看到的油耗是讓人不容忽視的每加侖8到12英里(百公里油耗20升到30升),取決于你的拖車和房車的配置。For motorhomes, again, depending on the size of the rig and its equipment, 6 to 8 miles per gallon is about the norm.對(duì)于自行式房車來(lái)說(shuō),取決于

24、重量和馬力,每加侖6到8英里的油耗(百公里油耗30升到40升)是很正常的。Campground Fees房車露營(yíng)地停車費(fèi)Fees for campgrounds are all over the map. Some federal, state and county agencies offer free camping in primitive sites or a very reasonable $10 to $20 per night. (Keep in mind that luxuries like water, sewer and electricity, if available,

25、 will add to the cost.房車露營(yíng)地的停車費(fèi)在地圖上就可以找到。有些聯(lián)邦、州或縣級(jí)機(jī)構(gòu)提供免費(fèi)露營(yíng)地或者很合理的每晚10到20美元的收費(fèi)(注意:如果需要接入水電和下水道系統(tǒng),費(fèi)用需要另計(jì))。At the other end of the spectrum, privately run campgrounds that offer heated swimming pools and hot tubs, laundries, rec rooms, restaurants, landscaping, cable TV and hefty 50-amp electric servic

26、e charge equally hefty feessome exceeding $50 a night.另外一方面,私人露營(yíng)地可以提供更舒適的設(shè)施如恒溫游泳池、熱水按摩浴缸、餐廳、洗衣房、有線電視、50安培充電樁等等,但是費(fèi)用不菲,有些超過(guò)50美元一晚。And because most government-run campgrounds were built w-a-a-y back in the early days, the size of many sites can be on the tiny side (think two-door car and a tent). With

27、 todays increasingly larger trailers and motorhomes, fitting into many campsites can be a challenge if not downright impossible. So when youre deciding on a motorhome or a trailer, keep this in mind, as bigger is not always better.因?yàn)槎鄶?shù)政府運(yùn)營(yíng)的露營(yíng)地都是很早以前修建的,營(yíng)地提供給每輛房車停泊的面積很小,一般是一輛私家車加一個(gè)帳篷的大小?,F(xiàn)在體積不斷增大的大型房車

28、想要擠進(jìn)這樣的露營(yíng)地是非常有挑戰(zhàn)性的事情,如果說(shuō)不是不可能的話。所以當(dāng)你考慮自行式或拖掛式房車的時(shí)候,要記得并不是越大越好。Insurance保險(xiǎn)Same as with maintenance: the bigger the rig the larger your insurance bill. You should check several insurance companies for the best rate and service before you buy, and figure that a motorhome is always going to cost more th

29、an a trailer.和維修費(fèi)一樣:越大的房車保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)越貴。在購(gòu)買保險(xiǎn)之前,你應(yīng)該多咨詢幾家保險(xiǎn)公司來(lái)比較價(jià)格,一般自行式房車的保費(fèi)會(huì)比拖掛式要高很多。Financing貸款Due to the cost, most RVers finance a large part of their purchase (for 10 to 15 years on average). This makes it worth your time to check bank and credit union rates and see what type of loan you can obtain befo

30、re you go shopping. Then theres no pressure for you to use the dealers bank.由于價(jià)格太高,多數(shù)購(gòu)買房車的客戶都會(huì)采取貸款大部分購(gòu)置費(fèi)然后分期付款的方式(通常貸款10到15年)。這樣你多花些時(shí)間去了解各個(gè)銀行的貸款利率,在購(gòu)車前找好貸款是很值得的。這樣你就不會(huì)不得已而使用房車銷售商提供的銀行貸款。TAX TIP: Because virtually every motorhome and many trailers feature beds, kitchens, sinks, and bathrooms, the IRS

31、 considers them to be homes. And that means that the interest on your loan may be tax deductible as a home mortgage.省稅小竅門:因?yàn)槊枯v自行式和拖掛式房車都有床、廚房、洗臉池和浴室,美國(guó)國(guó)稅局會(huì)把它們當(dāng)作房屋對(duì)待。這就意味著你的貸款利息是可以像房屋貸款一樣免稅。And keep in mind that if you decide on the trailer route and you also plan to purchase a new tow vehicle, car o

32、r truck financing is seldom longer than seven years.記住如果你決定選擇拖掛式房車,并且計(jì)劃購(gòu)買一輛新車作為拖車的話,小車和皮卡的貸款期限通常都不會(huì)超過(guò)七年。Depreciation折舊率Its a sad fact that just about any major purchase you make depreciates the moment you hand over your money. And while trailers arent immune to such declines in value, they still hav

33、e the advantage over motorhomes. Because motorhomes have odometers, and the more miles on the clock the lower the resale value.很不幸的事情是,就像任何大額購(gòu)置物品,當(dāng)你一旦付款了它就開始貶值。拖掛式房車當(dāng)然也不可避免地會(huì)折舊,但是它的折舊率要比自行式房車要低。因?yàn)樽孕惺椒寇囉欣锍瘫?,里程?shù)越高房車的價(jià)值就越低。How comfortable are you driving a motorhome versus a trailer? 你感覺(jué)駕駛自行式房車的舒適度和拖掛式

34、房車相比如何?Theres much to be said for both camps. On one hand, many RVers feel that driving a motorhome is not much different than piloting a large truck or SUV, and in fact, is easier to park in a campsite than a 23-foot truck pulling a 30-foot trailer.這里就有很多說(shuō)道了。一方面很多房車愛(ài)好者覺(jué)得駕駛自行式房車和開一輛大型皮卡或SUV差不多,實(shí)際上,自

35、行式房車的確是要比23英尺長(zhǎng)的皮卡加30英尺的拖掛式房車更容易在露營(yíng)地停車。For trailer enthusiasts, the fact that the truck/trailer combo pivots in the middle makes it easier to get around sharper bends in the road (keeping in mind those older campgrounds, especially in the mountains, which are built around massive trees and towering b

36、oulders). 對(duì)于拖掛式房車的狂熱分子來(lái)說(shuō),卡車加拖掛房車中間的掛鉤讓它更容易拐過(guò)急轉(zhuǎn)彎(不要忘記很多陳舊的露營(yíng)地,尤其是那種在山區(qū)里面的,周邊往往有很多大樹和聳立的巖石)。But no matter whether youre driving or pulling, always beware of wind. Always. 不過(guò)不管你是開房車還是拖房車,永遠(yuǎn)要當(dāng)心陣風(fēng),永遠(yuǎn)。How important is easy access while en route?在路上容易進(jìn)出房車有多重要?Theres no contest when it comes to activities w

37、hile on the road. The motorhome is the clear winner. Because in a motorhome, you dont have to pull over for a bathroom break (except for the driver, of course!) the potty is right down the hall. With a trailer, youll need to pull into a rest stop or gas station, or stop at the side of the road and r

38、un back to the porta john youve been pulling with you.說(shuō)到房車上路后滿足乘客的生理需求,自行式毫無(wú)疑問(wèn)是最佳的選擇。因?yàn)樽谧孕惺椒寇嚴(yán)锩?,你不需要為了上衛(wèi)生間而停車(當(dāng)然,駕駛員除外),衛(wèi)生間就在車?yán)锩?。如果是拖掛式房車,你就必須停進(jìn)休息區(qū)或者加油站,或者靠邊停在路肩,然后下車跑到拖掛房車?yán)锩嫒ソ鉀Q。In a motorhome, its easier to make snacks or take a nap. Everything you need is right with you (although take care moving about while youre underway). In a trailer, everything you need is close behind you. But you still have to stop and get out to get to it. Not fun in a thunderstorm.在自行式房車?yán)锩妫鳇c(diǎn)心或躺下睡一小覺(jué)都是很容易的事情,所有你需要的東西都在你的身邊(不過(guò)在行駛的房車?yán)锩孀邉?dòng)還是要多加小心)。在拖掛式房車?yán)锩?,你需要的東西雖然就在你的后面,你還是需要停車下來(lái)才能拿到


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  • 5. 人人文庫(kù)網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲(chǔ)空間,僅對(duì)用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護(hù)處理,對(duì)用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對(duì)任何下載內(nèi)容負(fù)責(zé)。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請(qǐng)與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準(zhǔn)確性、安全性和完整性, 同時(shí)也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對(duì)自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。


