



1、柳楊學(xué)校 2014年五年級期中測試卷 學(xué)校: 班級: 姓名: 題號一10二10三10四10五10六10七10八10九10總得分100得分聽力部分(30分)1 Listen and number.聽音,標(biāo)號,聽2遍。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二Listen and choose. 聽音,選出你所聽到的單詞。聽2遍。(10分) ( ) 1. A. chimney B. sofa C. lamp ( ) 2. A. dirty B. sick C. wait ( ) 3. A. beside B. outside C. inside ( ) 4. A. help B. ra

2、ce C. spill ( ) 5. A. second B. seventh C. third 三Listen and judge. 聽音,判斷下列句子與你所聽到的句子是(T)否(F)相符。聽2遍(10分) ( )1.Dongdong is drawing a picture. ( )2.Dont spill the sugar on the table. ( )3.Why didnt you hand in your work? ( )4.Was it near the sofa? ( )5.It was on the wardrobe. 筆試部分(70分)四 Read and choos

3、e. 選出不同類的一項(xiàng)。(10分) ( )1. A. above B. in C. good ( )2. A. draw B. spill C. sugar ( )3. A. eight B. ninth C. second ( )4. A. last B. first C. finish ( )5. A. today B. Sports Day C. yesterday 五.Choose the right answer.選擇正確的翻譯。(10分)( )1.完成 A. take B. finish C. over ( )2. 屋頂 A. seat B. road C. roof ( )3.c

4、orner A. 角落 B. 馬路 C.街道( )4.sick A. 生病的 B. 糖 C. 座位 ( ) 5.weekday A. 周末 B. 星期六 C. 平日六.Read and choose. 單項(xiàng)選擇。(10分) ( )1. _ a cat on the roof.A . drawing B. Draw C. draws( )2. Where_ you yesterday? I was sick. A. is B. are C. were( )3. Dont _ your hand in the rubbish bin. A. puts B. to put C. put ( )4.

5、Is there a bus on the road? A. Yes, there is B. Yes, it is C. No, there is ( )5. Lingling was_. A. one B. second C.three七.Choose the right word.選擇正確的單詞填空。(10分)1、Lingling is _(draw , drawing) a picture.2、The woman _(is , are) standing outside a shop.3、We_(go , went) to the railway station yesterday.4

6、、Im _ (second , two) in the race.5、-_(Where , What) were you on Saturday? -I was in bed at home.八.Look and choose.看圖,選擇正確的句子.(10分)( ) 1.A. Dont play on the road. B. Dont put your feet on the seat. C. Dont read in the bed.( )2.A. There is a dog in front of the house. B. There is a rabbit beside the h

7、ouse. C. There is a cat under the table.( )3.A.There are four birds in the tree. B. There is a dog in the grass. C. There is a car on the road.( )4.A.It was beside the lamp. B. It was near the sofa. C. It was on the television.( )5.A.The woman outside the shop is my mother. B.The boy under the tree

8、is my brother. C. The old man at the corner is my grandfather.九.Make a sentence.連詞成句.(10分)1. it near the Was sofa (?)_2. Mingming were Where you (?)_3. first was in who the race (?)_4. a woman picture in the is There (.)_5. put your on Dont feet seat the (.)_十.Read and judge.閱讀理解,判斷句子的正(T)誤(F)。(10分)

9、There was a poor boy. He likes to draw. One day, an old man gave him a magic brush. The brush could turn everything he drew real. He used the brush to help the poor people. He drew the well , the food , the clothes and many other things.( )1. The boy was poor.( )2. His grandfather gave him a magic brush.


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