



1、善良的英文諺語1、從善如登,從惡如崩。Good is like climbing, evil is like falling.2、善之端而止之也。The end of good ends.3、勿以善小而不為,勿以惡小而為之。Don't act on the small side of the good, or on the small side of the evil.4、行善一生,安詳一生。A life of good deeds is a life of peace.5、真行善者,當不求名,當暗處行。True doers of good deeds should not seek

2、fame, but should do it in secret.6、善良的心靈勝于顯貴的地位。A good heart is better than a noble position.7、暗處行善不求人知,是真賢人。He who does good in secret and does not seek knowledge is a true sage.8、無伐善,無施勞。No harvest, no labor.9、德必自毀,而后人毀之。Virtue will destroy itself, and later generations willdestroy it.10、善弈者謀局,不善弈

3、者謀子。He who is good at playing games plans, but not good at playing games.11、善可生利,利可澤民。Goodcan bring profits, but good can bring benefits to Zemin.12、遇難行之善愈宜緩,處不善之人愈宜寬。The slower the good is done in distress, the more lenient the bad is.13、助人一時在財,助人一世在書。Help others with money, help others with books

4、all the time.14、育人之道是使行善成為習慣。The way to educate people is to make good deeds a habit.15、夫善游者溺,善騎者墮,各以其所好,反自為禍。A good man drowns and a good rider falls, each taking his own course.16、做一個善良的人,為人類去謀幸福。Be a kind person and seek happiness for mankind.17、善良是連結(jié)社會的金鏈。Kindness is the golden chain linking soc

5、iety.18、饒舌的人多虛妄。Most talkers are vain.19、利人的品德我認為就是善。I think the moral character of benefiting people is good.20、善說不如善做,善始不如善終。Goodwords are better than good deeds, and good beginnings are better than good endings.21、用心為善,無處不善。Good intentions are everywhere.22、念念行善終不悔,終有一日花開時。Never regret doing good

6、, but one day it blossoms.23、君子以善養(yǎng)德,小人以惡養(yǎng)財。Gentlemen nourish virtue by virtue, while villains nourish wealth by evil.24、以善為鏡,可知其品性。Good is the mirror to show its character.25、以善交善,以惡交惡。Good for good, evil for evil.26、求名求利之善行,日久必顯其害。The good deeds of seeking fame and profit will show their harm over

7、time.27、盡心為善,法無定法。There is no law for doing good with all one's heart.28、善乃萬德之源,孝是百善之首。Goodis the source of all virtues, filial piety is the first of all virtues.29、靈魂最美的音樂是善良。The most beautiful music of the soul is kindness.30、一言之善,重于千金。A word of goodness is more important than a thousand gold.

8、31、人之初,性本善。Man's nature at birth is good.32、善不可失,惡不可長。Good is not lost, evil is not long.33、懲惡而勸善。Punish evil and persuade good.34、積滴水之功破萬年之石。The success of dripping water breaks the stone of thousands of years.35、世上難有十惡之人,亦難有十善之人。There are neither ten evils nor ten good people in the world.36、有

9、善行之,無善靜思。He who does good deeds is not good at meditation.37、行善不期獲報,自然夢穩(wěn)心安。Good deeds are rewarded unexpectedly, and natural dreams are reassuring.38、但知行善事,莫管他人非。But know how to do good, regardless of others.39、善用兵者隱其形,有而示之以無。A good soldier is invisible and shows what he has and what he has.40、盡心為善,

10、雖遠必應。To do good with all one's heart is far from enough.41、善書久讀,自得受用。A good book is worth reading for a long time.42、善不可不弘,惡不可不去。Good cannot be denied, evil cannot be denied.43、善,即修身律己,即心想他人。Good means self-cultivation and self-discipline, i.e. thinking of others.44、工欲善其事,必先利其器。Sharp tools make good work.45、先天下之先為善,乃智者也。It is wise to do good first.46、上善若水,水利萬物而不爭。Good is like water, and all


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