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1、一、詞匯根據(jù)漢語及首字母提示補全單詞 o (io 分)1. China is an a coumry.2. The d are very delicious.3. We crossed the b over the river.4. Bill won the first place. I can ' t bthe news !5. -What kind of ido you like best -Erhu.6. China is a great country with a long history and c 7. I hope to have a cto see the famou

2、s writer.8. It ' s noL sto climb trees.9. There is something sin today ' s newspaper.10. The river is 159 metres w 11. My sister jan English club two days ago.12. We can ' t live wsun.13. The house is too eI can' huy it.14. Why are you in a h Because I will be late.15. His parents b

3、work in the factory.16. We must work hanl to iour EnSlish.17. -Are you f tomorrowYes, I am. I have nothing to do.18. I'm tired. I want to ( 放松)19. The computer plays an important( 角色)in our life.20. Bill said nothing and sat Lhere ( 安靜地).21. I need some ( 信息)about the famous man.22. Please ( 記得)

4、to call me as soon as you get there.23. I hope you can become a( 獲勝者).24. Don' t eat too much meat. You are putting on( 重量)25. I love the beautiful ( 自然的)sight.26. We can ' t live withc-ut( 空氣).27. Our country is( 發(fā)展)very fast now. -28. I hope you can tell me the( 真相).29. Don ' t ( 扔)rub

5、bish everywhere30. Exercises can keep our( 頭月曲)young.用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. Do you have any (plan) for this summer2. I ( volunteer) for three months if I have time.3. We. are all (excite) about the news.4. Please stop (smoke) here. It' s not allowed.5. It's important to keep(work).6. We can practice

6、 ( speak) English.7. The books are very (use) .8. I feel ( bore) after a long work.9. Bill is going to( build) a new house.10. -How ( be) your last weekend -Creat.11. Everybody here (have) a present.12. Many people don 't like(cook).13. Both of them (be) from China.14. You mustn't (smoke) he

7、re.15. There isn ' t (somet:ililng) interestingin todaynewspaper.16. We decide ( help) you with English.17. Your (eat) habits are very good.18. The sports meeting is very( success).19. The boy is very (luck) to win the first place.20. The baby has two ( tooth)21. Please don ' t keep me .(wai

8、t) so 10ng.22. Remember -( close) the door.23. My grandpa used to ( tell) me funny stories.24. We went ( fish) last Sunday.25. You should keep your bedroom clean and(organize).26. Bruce (buy) a pair of shoes tomorrow.27. 1' m looking forward to( meet) you again.28. It' s getting dark. I must

9、( go) home now.29. We are ( excite) for the summer vacation.30. 1' m going to ( play) football this aftemoon.短語英漢短語互譯。(20分)1. 照相 2. be ready for3.作為而出名5. try one's best 7 be good at 4. work on6.每周兩次8. 對感 興 趣Mygrandpahouse3.我期望有一個很棒的夏天。I'mhassmall9. do well in 11.為感到驕傲 13. go away 15. tal

10、k about 17. worry about_ 19.照顧;照料漢譯英根據(jù)句意及漢語提示完成句子。(每空一詞)10. go on a trip 12. laugh at 14.與不同16.決定做某事18. leave alone 20.與分享1. (我敢肯定)you did well.2. .I am(盼望著) attending your party.3. Sometimes, people (搬走)and they can't take their pets with them.volunteerissomeone who gives/his/hertime(免費).weeken

11、ds, weoften(和比賽)otherteams.6 . Now I am(準(zhǔn)備好) my summer holiday.7 .I'mgoingto(上游泳課).want to(繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)).9. Ms. Liu never wants to(停止學(xué) 習(xí)).10. Ourschoolorganizedaspecial(為期兩周的夏令營).根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子o (每空一詞)1 .我將在星期天去踢足球。I'm going to_have a great summer.4 .我打算在北京待一個月。I'm going toin Beijingone month.5 .我確信

12、明天天氣晴朗。I'm it sunny tomorrow.6 .請遞給我一張紙。Please pass me 7 .這些單詞你都寫下了嗎?Do you all the words8 .你會看到一個信息列表。Youwillseemessages.9 .努力學(xué)習(xí)是通往成功的路。Workinghardissuccess.10 .那個女孩一天刷三次牙。The girl brushes her teeth _11 .我父親周末經(jīng)常去釣魚。Myfatheroftenon weekends.12 .那時這里沒有超市。there were no supermarkets here.13 .晚上他們經(jīng)常

13、點篝火。In the evening, they often14 .他們一邊打鼓一邊跳舞。on Sunday.2.我爺爺在河邊有一幢小房子and danced.15.我等不及下年的帕瓦了They I can ' t the pow - wow next year. 同義句轉(zhuǎn)換(每空一詞)1. It took Alice five minutes to read the passage.Alice five minutes reading the passage.2. We spent 20 minutes cleaning the room yesterday.It us 20 min

14、utes the room yesterday.3. It took Jones half an hour to write a letter.Jones halfan hour a letter.4. He spends about an hour a day doing his homework.It him about an hour a day his homework.5. Our English teacher gets on well with us.OurEnglishteacherus.6. Does everyone do well in English everyone

15、English7. My grandma is kind to me.Mygrandmame.8. . Well done!9. She is such a nice girl that everyone likes her.She is a girl that everyone likes her.10. My parents are both teachers. my parents are teachers.11. Tom is from the USA and Tim is from the USA, too. Tom Tim are from the USA.12. They enj

16、oyed themselves on Sunday.They on Sunday.13. They are having fun in the park.Theyarein the park. 14. Mike helps me do my homework.Mike me my homework.15. Jack is 15 years old. His cousin is 15 years old, too.Jack is agehis cousiii.n .句型轉(zhuǎn)換。(20l . We'1l leave for Beijing on August lst.(對畫線部分提問) le

17、ave for Beijing2. . May I invite vou to go on a trip to Shanghai(肯定回答), you '11 go to school by bike tomorrow.(改為一般疑問句) go to school by bike tomorrow4. We may invite her to go to the park. (改為一般疑問句) invite her to go to the park5. The trip is about 10 kilometers. (對畫線部分提問) is the trip6. My aunt a

18、rrived in Shanghai two days ago .(對畫線部分提問)did your aunt arrived in Shanghai7. My new classmates are all very friendly and nice to me.(對畫線部分提問)are vour classmates to you8. I always go to the movies on Friday eyening.(改為否定旬)I go to ,the movies on Friday evening.9. -Do vou watch TV (用 often 做肯定回答)10. I

19、 lost my wallet on the bus last night.(改為否定句)I my wallet on the bus last night.11.1. help my sister learn English.(改為同義句)I my sisterEnglish.have some good news to tell you.(改為一般疑問旬)good news to tell me13. Li Ming does all the work by himself today.(用 yesterday 改寫)Li Ming all the work by himself. 14.

20、 Alice didn't reply to my question.(改為同義句)Alice didn't my question.15. We can meet in China.(對畫線部分提問)can we meet16. There , is no class this aftemoon.(改為同義句)There is class this aftemoon:17; There was a beautiful picture in my classroom.(對畫線部分提問)in your classroomread this text a few times. (對

21、畫線部分提問) do you readthis text19. mind,a , body, is,a , healthy, healthy(連詞成句)20. Which sport do you like best(改為同義句)is yoursportm.根據(jù)漢語意思完成下列句子。(20分)1 .今天在朋友家怎么樣?is your stay at your friend's home2 .你中午打算吃什么?What have for lunch3 .我可以給你帶些水果。I can some fruitsyou.4 .這些蔬菜很新鮮但是太貴了。These vegetables are

22、very ,but too5 .她要給奶奶講一個有趣的故事。She an interesting story to her grandma.6 .我在生日晚會上玩得非常開心。I at the birthday party.7 .服裝秀使他大開眼界。.Thefashionshow .8 .你應(yīng)該以一種新的方式來做工作。You should do your homework .9 .汽車來了!Herethe bus 110 .他想寫關(guān)于旅游的事情。He wants to his trip.11 .天氣變熱了,放學(xué)后我們可以去游泳。The weather . We ca after school.1

23、2 .不要在雨里玩。Don't play . 13.今天晚上我將要去看電視。I watch TV tonight. 14.太陽出來了,雪開始融化了。The sun .The snow be;ins to15 .她們是多么漂亮的女孩子?。?theyarel16 .去年我在英語方面取得了很大的成功。Last year I had in English.17 .七年級的學(xué)生唐世鐸在四場比賽中取得了第一名。Tang Shiduo.won the first place in four events.18 .在假期中,我?guī)椭覌寢屪龊芏嗉覄?wù),比如:洗衣服和掃地。During the holida

24、y,l help my mom do much housework like clothes and the floor19 . Bob很懶,他一周才打掃一次臥室。Bob is very and heonce a week.20 .我們能用手寫字。We hand. IV,、補全對話。(40分)根據(jù)對話情景,從方框中選擇恰當(dāng)?shù)木渥犹钤诋嬀€處,使對話完整通順。其中有 兩項是多余的。AA: So do you like your new teacherB:Yeah, it's Mr. Vickers. He teaches geography.A: 1B:That's really

25、like him 2 AtMy new teacher is Ms. Lim. 3 She's the math teacher.B: 4A: don't. She's too want my old teacher back!B : Who was thatvA:Mr. Smith. Rernember 5 B:Oh, yeah. I remernber. He was very humorous.S he's short ,vith curly hair. What do you thirik of h erAnd who's your new te

26、acher He was the tall man withDo you like her Is he the tall man with glassesWhat does he d02BGirl:Hi,Vera. How was your vacationVera : It was great!Girl : Where did you goVera:went to Tokyo with my family.Girl : ReallyWow 1Vera:Well,we went to a lot of museums.Girl : Oh, how were theyVera2 But they

27、 were also very crowded.Girl:Did you go shoppingVera : Yeah. I did .Girl : 3Vera:0h,they were very expensive.Girl:4 Did you meet any Japanese peopleVera:Yeah,the people were really friendly. My parents have some Japanese friends,and we had dinner at their house.Cirl:How was the foodVera:5 I love Jap

28、anese food !They were really interesting. They were very happy.What did you do there And how were the peopleHow were the storesIt was delicious.Where did you goCA : Hey, Sally ! I didn't see you last weekend.B: _JA:Why .B : Well, I had lots of things to do.A : Like whatB :Well, I cleaned my room

29、. And I did my homework.A : You did Not much funB:Well, it wasn't too bad. On Sunday I went to the library. How about you2A :Well, I played soccer on Saturday moming. On Sunday aftemoon, I went toa movie. 3 I visited my friend.B:4A:Yeah, I had fun. I didn't do my homework. 5 I stayed at home

30、. What did you doAnd on Sunday night. This morning wasn't fun!Wow ! You had fun.How was your last weekendIt was was interesting.DA : What do you often do on SundayB:1A : Go bicyclingB : Yes. What about youA:2B : How often do you surf(沖浪)the Internet fA:Twice a week. 3B : What do you do on the In

31、ternetA:I usually talk with my friends. 4A:5We can talk on the Intemet.I often surf the Internet.I often go bicycling.That's great.It sounds good.It's pretty nice.See you on the Internet.Do you have a QQ number語法專項訓(xùn)練單項選擇()1. Jenny capplay violinplay _ soccer well.well, but Lisa canA. a; a B.

32、 the; the)2. There isC. the;/ D. /; the university in the city.)3. Jack can playguitar,but he can ' t playA. a B. an C. the ' D. / chess.A. the;/ B. /; theC. the; the D. /;/)4. Look at eraseron the floor. Whoseis itA. a B. an C. the . D. /)5. -What is Lucy doing vacationShe ' s hiking.A.

33、 for B. to C. with D. at()6. Audrey Hepburn was a ballet dancera veryyoung age. In her twenties she became a famous film star.A. from B. inC.onD.at()7. Hisfatherisbusy these days. Heworks momingnight.A. to; with B. too; to C. from; to D. to; from()8. -When do youleaveBeijingAt 2 :00 in the aftemoon.

34、A. in B. to C. at D. for()9. It's very kind you. Thank you for yourhelp.A. of B. for C. to D. on()10. Bill went to China the age of seven.A. at B. about C. for D. with()11. Goldilocks decided for a walk in theforest.A. go B. to goC.going D.()12. Keep and you will succeed in the end.A. try B. to

35、tryC.trying D.()13. English is very important, so Iit very hard.A. speaks B. to speak C. speaking D. speak()14. Sam likes cars. He enjoys all kinds ofmodel cars.A. collects B. collecting C. to collect D. collected()15. The teacher told the students anyinto the computer room.A. not to bring B. not br

36、ing C. don't bring D. bring not()16. The food here smells good, but whatlikeA. taste B. touch C. seem D. feel()17. Alice is going toa new house.A. buys B. buy C. buying D. bought()18. Everyone Linda is my good friend.A. want B. wants C. know D. knows()19. I want Zhang Jun to the supermarketwith

37、me.A. going B. to goC. goD. goes()20. Can you these numbersA. speak B. say C. talk D. tellgoestried practicefooddoes it()21. -Let' s to the park on Sunday.Good idea.A. to go B. goC. going D.goes()22. 1'11 go to the bookstore somebooks.Can you go with meA. buys B. buying C. to buy D. buy ()23

38、. Most of the young people enjoy Jay Chou's songs.A. sing B. sangC. singing D. tosing()24. Though he tried his besthard, hedidn't pass the exam.A. study B. to study C. studying D. studied()25. I usuaUy go to bed early so I usuallyearly in the moming.A. get up B. get out C.get along D. geton(

39、)26. My book is on the floor. Can you help me A. pick up them B. pick it up C. pick up it D. pick them()27. I often watch them .A. play B. playing C. to play D. played()28. -Dad, why should I stop computergames-For your health, my boy.A. to play B. playing C. play ()29.-1' ve shown you all the interesting and important placesof our school.Thank you for so much time.A. taking B


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