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1、用心愛心專心1河南2012年九年級上期中各地試題精選英語第一部分:聽力(20分)I.聽句子,選擇與所聽句子內(nèi)容相符的圖片。每個句子讀一遍。AC()2.()1.BBAC()5.B(5分)用心愛心專心2big city.pollution.know.pollution.know.OK.n.聽句子,選擇正確應(yīng)答語。每個句子讀一遍。(5分)()6. A. Since I was born. B. Four times.C. In two weeks.()7. A. Hes gone home B. He will go to his hometown.He s on the way home.()8.

2、 A. Theyll return n ext mon th.B. Theyll visit their parents.C. Theyre doing some shopping.()9. A. No, I did nt. B. Yes, I went there last mon th.Yes, I will.()10. A. Its very interesting.B. Yes, I do.C.川.聽對話,選擇正確答案。每段對話讀兩遍。(5分)()11. A. Water pollutio n. B. Light pollutio n. C.()12. A. Yes, it is.()

3、13. A. White pollutio n.()14. A. No, they cant.()15. A. Yes, she does.C.C.Its aAirB. No, it isnt. C. IB. Noise polluti on.C. LightB. Yes, they can. C. IB. No, she doesnt. C.IV.聽短文,選擇正確答案。短文讀兩遍。(5分)()16. A pla nt gets food from ._A. ani malsB. the airC. its leavesdontdontThats用心愛心專心3()17. Which of th

4、e followings uses the water and air to make food forthe pla nt?)18. A pla nt has very small holes in its leavesin)19. A pla nt can make its food whe n it is adidn t decideTrees can stop the sand towards the rich farmla ndin the south.How many girls are there in our class?of the stude nts are girls.W

5、hat a big box! Can I help you?A. The root.B. The gree n color in the leaves.C. The sun.A. for air to come inB. for water to come inC. for sun shi ne tocomeA. sunny dayB. rainy dayC. cloudy day)20. From the text we know that people can t getA. an imals without meatB. food without ani mals.單項選擇。(20分))

6、1.C. food without pla nts第二部分:筆試(100分)What are you going to do n ext weeke nd?I yet. Do you have any good ideas?A. haven t decidedB. won t decideC. have decided D.()2.)3.A. to moveB. moveWe should useA. allB. eachC. from movi ngsides of paper.C. n eitherD. movesD. both)4.In our class)5.A. three fift

7、hsB. three fifthC. third fiveD. third fifthsHe has never stolen anything before,he?.Its his third time to be taken to the police station.A. hasn t; YesB. is;YesC. has; YesD. has; No)6.No, thanks. Theresin it. Its empty.用心愛心專心4I think we should write a letter about the polluti onthe n ewspaper.OK. Le

8、ts begin.What terrible weather it is!well.)10. There are five people in the room, but I know)12. The little boy is only six years old, he can make wonderful modelcars.Do you mi nd my smok ing here?Look at the sig n. It saysD. If you like, you can.Hello! Could I speak to Mr. Liu, please?Sorry. He for

9、 a mo nth.you will make.We know, Miss Wang.A. no thingB.nobodyC. anythingD. something()7.A. toB. forC. inD. at()8.that itII get worse later.()9.A. It is reportedB. It reportC. It saidC. It supposedEn glish is very importa nt. You are supposeditA. to lear nB. learnsC. learningD. learnedA. both of the

10、mB. none of them C. all of themD. n either of them)11. Our rain forests are,so we should protect them.A. dan gerousB. in dan gerC. invisibleD. i nsafetyA. soB. orC. butD. and)13. His actions made mean grysay a word.A. so; thatB. eno ugh; toC. too; notD. too; to)14.A. Of course not. B. No, I don t.C.

11、 You d betternot.No Smok ing”.)15.)16.A. had bee n away B. was leftRemember this, boys and girls.C. has bee n awayD. leftcareful you are, mistakes用心愛心專心5A. The more; the moreB. The fewer; the moreC. The more; thefewerD. The less; the fewer()17.Oh, dear! Who made the wall so dirty?Jack Martin. They w

12、ere draw ing on it just now.C. Either; orD. Both; or()18.1 don t like the big computer. Itlot of space.()19. There is a paper factory waste waterinto the river n earby.()20. Though the workers are tired, they donA. worki ngB. workC. to workII.完形填空。(10分)Jack is a little schoolboy. He lives in a small

13、 town in England. His father works in a factoryinLondon. One day his mother 21 him to post a letter to his father.Jack walked down the street. He didn t see a letter box on the street. But heJack dropped the letter in the basket. Then he ran 24 to tell his mother about the basket.“Oh, no, child!”sai

14、d his mother,“You put the letter in a basket. That litterbasket is 25_ old paper and other useless things.”“Oh,Tsaid Jack,“does the 26 on the basket mean that?”“Yes, it does, ” said his mother,“The word islitternotletter .Nowget the letter and post it. ”When Jack got there, a man was putt ing the ol

15、d 27 in a truck.“ Stop!Tshouted Jack, and he began to tell the man about the letter.The man helped him to look for the letter. After a while they 28 it._Then Jack put the 29_ in the letter box. He said,“30 dont they tellA. Neither; nor B. Not; buttoomuchA. takes; not B. costs; takesC. takes; takesD.

16、 costs; costsA. pouredB. pouringC. poursD. pourt want to stopD. worksreally 2 _abasketThe sign said,PUTLITTER IN THIS BASKET.I canread, t 23 the word“l(fā)etter”right.用心愛心專心6us all the words when we first go to school? Then things like that cant happen.III.閱讀理解。(40分)(A)Can pla nts eat people? Probably n

17、ot, but there are many pla nts that eat meat.Some of them are big, and they can eat small animals. One famous meat-eating plantis the Venus flytrap(捕蠅草).The Venus flytrap is a very strange plant. It grows in dry parts of the UnitedStates. Its leaves are like the pages of a book. They can open and cl

18、ose very quickly.In side the leaves, there are three small hairs. If a fly touches one of the hairs,the leaf closes quickly. The fly cannot get out. I n about half an hour, the leafpresses the fly untilit is dead. Then, the plant covers the fly. Slowly, the planteats the fly.Why do pla nts do it? Mo

19、st pla nts get what they n eed from the sun, the air andthe ground. In some places, the ground is very poor. It doesnt have all theseimporta nt thin gs, especially n itroge n(氮).Ani mal meat has a lot of n itroge n, sosome plants eat meat to get what they need. Lets hope that some of the bigger plan

20、ts dont get thesame idea!()31. The Venus flytrap is a kind of ._()21. A. said()22. A. saw()23. A. read()24. A. away()25. A. to()26. A. letter()27. A. litter()28. A. heard()29. A. paper()30. A. HowB. toldB. tookB. lookB. outB. onB. wordB. basketB. finishedB. basketB. WhatC. spokeC. broughtC. spellC.

21、inC. withC. sentenceC. boxC. workedC. si ngC. WhyD. talkedD. watchedD. giveD. homeD. forD.soundD. paperD. gotD. letterD. When用心愛心專心7A. pla ntB. ani malC. foodD. meat用心愛心專心8()32. The Venus flytrap grows in()35. Why do some pla nts eat ani mal meat? Because ._A. pla nts are dan gerous to ani malsB. an

22、imals are dangerous to plantsC. plants want to get what they need from animal meatD. Pla nts want to protect themselves aga inst ani mals(B)It is important to learn about protecting our environment.Here is a 5R rulefor us:1. ReduceIf you want to reduce the waste, you should use things wisely. People

23、 arecutt ing dow n milli ons of trees to make paper; if every one uses papercarelessly and throws it out, soon we should n ot have any trees left. Weare also wasting other things and dont know what to do with the wastein big cities, so it is n ecessary to reduce the waste.2. ReuseYou should always t

24、hink of reus ing the things before throw ing them away.Give your used clothes or small ones to the poor. With in a family,you maypass on such clothes to youn ger brothers or sisters.3. RecycleWe can recycle bottles, cans and paper easily. By doing this we save lotsof time and mon ey. For example, We

25、 can send waste coke cans to a factory.A. most parts of the worldC. dry parts of the Un ited StatesEn gla nd()33. From the passage, we lear n that.A. all pla nts can eat peopleC. some pla nts can eat people()34. The un derl ined word“pressesB. some parts of AfricaD.wet parts ofB. all pla nts can eat

26、 ani malsD. some pla nts can eat ani malsprobably means _ in Chin ese.打開D.松開用心愛心專心9Workers smash them flat and melt them, and the n the metal things are madefor new coke cans.4. RecoverWhen you buy a box of apples, there may be a few rotte n apples, you havetwo choices: one is to throw the whole app

27、les away, or you should cut offthe rotten parts and use the good parts. In this way, you are recoveringthe eatable parts of food.5. RepairIf one of the legs of your table is broke n, you can repair it in stead ofthrowing the table away. If you want to change for better ones, it is better for you to

28、sell theold things or give them to other people who can usethem after doing some repair.It is true that North America is a“throw - away”society, but the time has come to change our way oflifeso that we can protect our environment. Every one should try our best.()36. Which of the following is TRUE?A.

29、 Well have no resources of n ature uni ess we can deal with the waste.B. Recycli ng is the best way to save resources.C. If we waste less, we can save more resources of n ature.D.More things are wasted in developed countriesthan in developingcoun tries.()37. The“Reuse rule mainly requires us.A. to m

30、ake full use of our thingsB. to give our things to those who want themC. to use our things aga in and aga inD. not to throw away our things()38. can be recycled.A. Only hard thin gs B. Many thin gs C. Few soft thin gsD. Allthi ngs()39. Whats the right order of recycling coke cans?用心愛心專心10a. collect

31、the used cansb. melt themc. smash them flatd. send them to a factoryA. a b c dB. a d c bC. d b c aD. c a b d()40. The“Recover”rule mainly requires us.A. to use the good parts of thingsB. to cover waste thingsC. to throw away the useful partsD. to throw the whole things away(C)1970 was World Con serv

32、ati on(保護)Year. The Un ited Nati ons wan ted every one toknow that the world is in dan ger. They hoped that gover nmen ts(政府)would act quickly to con serve nature(保護自然).Here is one example of the problem. At one time there were 1,300 differe nt pla nts,trees and flowers in Holla nd but nowonly 866 r

33、ema in.The others have bee n destroyed by moder n man and his tech no logy. We are cha nging the earth, theair, the water and everyth ing that grows and lives. We cant livewithout these thin gs. If things go like this, we shall destroy ourselves.What will happen in the future? Perhaps it is more imp

34、ortant to ask,“What must we do now?”The people who will be living in the world of tomorrow are the young of today. A lot of them know conservati on is n ecessary. Many are help ing to save our world. They plant trees, build bridges acrossrivers in forests, and so on. In a small tow n in the Un ited

35、States, a large nu mber of girls clea ned thebanks of 11 kilometers of their river. Young people may hear about conservation through a recordcalled“No one is going to change our world.”It was made by the Beatles, Cliff Richard and other singers. The money from it will help to con serve an imals.根據(jù)短文

36、內(nèi)容,判斷正(T)誤(F)。()41. The Un ited Natio ns wan ted everybody to know that the world is in dan ger.()42. There are fewer pla nts, trees and flowers in Holla nd because many kinds用心愛心專心11of plants, trees and flowers can t grow there any more.()43. The most important thing for us to do is to clean the ba

37、nks of our rivers.()44.“No one is going to change our world”is a name of a song.()45. From this passage we know that we must con serve n ature.(D)Here is a page from a magazine namedFuture. Read the following informationabout thingsthat may happe n in ten years.ACars will run on solar power or elect

38、ricity and will be much cleaner. They will bemuch safer. For example, if you are too close to ano ther car or if you are drivi ng dan gerously, your carwill slow dow n by itself.BBecause there won t be any spare land, new cities will have to be built in the sea. Somecities on waterwill have two leve

39、ls. People will live on the upper level; the lower level will be used for traffic, shops andfactories.CBiotech no logy(生物工藝學(xué))will make food better and healthier. Pla nts that are not affected by in sectsor ill nesses will be developed. The taste of fruits and vegetables will be better and food will

40、be kept Ionger.DNew tech no logy will be used to make TVs that are only 5cm thick. They will havepictures that are as clear as photos. Electrical applia nces(設(shè)備)will be quieterand will be con trolled by computers; they will also use 50% less power.EMany new ways to cure ill nesses will be successful

41、 by using products of gen eticengin eeri ng.Cures will be found for the flu and the com mon cold. However, some newill nesses will appear.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容完成句子。46.Cars using solar power or electricity will cause _ accidentsand用心愛心專心12polluti on.47. People will be able to live in the new cities in the .48. Biot

42、ech no logy will make the fruits and vegetables and keep the food .49. Electrical applia nces will be and will be con trolled by .50. Gen etic engin eeri ng can help doctors to cure ._IV.情景交際。(10分)補全對話,每空一句話。A:_ I called you, but you werent in your office last night.B: Ive been to a paper factory.A: _52_B: I found out that the factory was pouring waste water into the river near it. Theriver has become very dirty.


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