



1、(滿分100分,時間60分鐘)聽力部分(30分)一、聽句子,選出你所聽到的圖片、單詞或短語,并將選項涂在答題卡相對應(yīng)的位置,聽一遍。(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)( )1. A. forest B. flower C. find( )2. A. beside B. behind C. between( )3. A. rubber B. rabbit C. robot( )4. A. hurry B. heavy C. help( )5. A. look at B. look after C. look out( )6. A. Good idea B. have an idea C. h

2、ave no idea( )7. A. polar bears B. bald eagles C. kangaroos( )8. A. B. C. ( )9. A. B. C. ( )10. A. B. C.二、聽對話,根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容和問題,選擇相應(yīng)圖片或正確答句,并將選項涂在答題卡相對應(yīng)的位置,聽兩遍。(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)( ) 12. A. Nancy. B. Nancys brother. C. Both A and B.( ) 13. A. A bird. B. Two birds. C.There are two birds.( ) 14. A. In the clas

3、sroom. B. At home. C. In the playground.( )15. A. B. C.三、聽短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容和問題,選擇正確的答句,并將選項涂在答題卡相對應(yīng)的位置,聽三遍。(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)( ) 16. Does Nancy likes making clothes, too? A. No. B. Yes. C. I dont know( ) 17. Who likes playing football? A. Tom. B. John. C . Tom and John.( ) 18. How many hobbies does Mary hav

4、e? A. Three. B. Two. C. One.( )19. Who goes swimming on Sunday morning? A. Mary. B. Nancy. C. I dont know.( )20. Does John like playing basketball? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt. C. I dont know.筆試部分(70分)四、單項選擇。選擇能填入句子橫線處的最佳答案,并將選項涂在答題卡相對應(yīng)的位置。(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)( ) 21. There _ any tea in the cup.

5、A. are B. isC. isnt( ) 22. Where is your classroom? It is on _ floor.A. thirdB. threeC. the third( )23. I _a computer and she _a chair . A. have; has B. have; have C. has; have( )24. -Can Liu Tao _football? -No, he _.A. plays; cant B. playing; can C. play; cant( )25. Sam likes music. Bobby likes mus

6、ic, too. They_ music.A. all like B. both like C. too like ( )26. _are popular in the US . A. Bald eagles B. Pandas C. Kangaroos( )27. _some apples _the tree . A. There are; in B. There is; on C. There are; on( )28.What_ your father like doing? He _ skiing.A. does; do B. does; likes C. do; likes( )29

7、. Are there any computer room in our school? _. A. Yes, they are. B. No, they arent. C. Yes, there are.( )30. Mike _ any fruit . A. dont have B. doesnt have C. doesnt has五、完形填空。根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,聯(lián)系上下文,選出一個最佳答案,并將選項涂在答題卡相對應(yīng)的位置。(共8小題;每小題1分,滿分8分)This is 31 ideal(理想的)room. Its a 32 room. There 33 a bed, a chair, a

8、 bookcase and a desk in it. Oh, 34 under the bed? Theres a cat. Some books and CDs 35on the bookcase, and there is a cup 36 the desk. Oh, 37 my ball? Its 38 the door.( ) 31.A. I B. my C. me ( )32.A. nice B. well C. right ( ) 33.A. is B. are C. am ( ) 34.A. who B. whos C. whats( ) 35.A. is B. are C.

9、have( )36.A. to B. next C. on ( ) 37. A. wherere B. whats C. wheres ( ) 38. A. under B. behind C. in六、閱讀理解。根據(jù)要求完成答題,并將答案涂或?qū)懺诖痤}卡相對應(yīng)的位置。(共3篇)(一)閱讀短文信息,選擇正確答案。(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)I have a friend. His name is John. He likes sports very much. He loves football, basketball, volleyball and baseball. He plays

10、 basketball very well. He likes watching games on TV. He plays sports every day. He often says(說), “Lets play ”. He joins(加入) two clubs: a basketball club and a baseball club. He has a sports collection. He has two baseballs, three volleyballs, four basketballs and one football.( )39. My friend is _

11、A.Mike B. John C.David ( )40. How does he play basketball?A. Ok B. Very well C. Good ( )41. Does he play sports every day?A. Yes, he does B. No, he doesnt C. Yes, he doesnt ( )42. How many clubs does he join?A.2 B.1 C.3 ( )43. How many sports tools(工具) does he have?A .10 B. 18 C. 5(二)閱讀表格,根據(jù)表格內(nèi)容做出判斷

12、,正確的用“T”,錯誤的用“F”表示。(共5小題;每小題1分,滿分5分)Do and DontThings we do and dont do in our free time(閑暇時間)PeterJackCindyplay basketballplay gamesread bookswatch TVrundo= dont= ( )44.Peter likes playing basketball, but Jack doesnt like playing basketball.( )45.Jack doesnt like playing TV games or watching TV.( )

13、46.Cindy likes reading books but she doesnt like playing games.( )47.Jack likes reading books but Cindy doesnt like reading books.( )48.They all like running.(三) 閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容填詞,并將詞寫在答題卡相對應(yīng)的位置。(共5小題;每小題1分,滿分5分)Susan is a lovely girl. She likes animals. She has three kinds of pets (寵物), a cat, a parrot

14、 and some fish. The cat is white. It has a big mouth, two big eyes, two short ears and a small nose. It usually wakes up Susan in the morning. The green parrot is very clever (聰明). It can talk. It usually says “Good night” to Susan before she goes to bed. The fish are very nice. Theyre red, yellow a

15、nd black. Susan likes to watch them after school. 49. Susan likes _.50. The cat has a _ nose.51. The green parrot can _.52. The _ are very nice.53. Susan has _ kinds of pets.七、選擇方框中的短語,并將選項填在答題卡上相對應(yīng)的位置。(共6小題;每空1分,滿分6分)A.just right B. have a look C. play withD. have a picnic E. a long nose F. is good

16、 at54. My animal friend has _.55. There are some flowers in the garden. Lets go and _.56. Liu Tao _ football. He plays football well.57. I often _ my dog at home.58. The soup is not cold or hot, its _. 59.In autumn, we _ in the park.八、將下列句子重新排列,組成一段完整的對話,并將選項填在答題卡上相對應(yīng)的位置。(共5個空格;每空1分,滿分5分)60. A. Does

17、 she like drawing? B. I usually play football with my friends.C. She often draws picture in the park. D. What do you usually do on Sundays?E. What about your sister?F. Yes, she does.D九、根據(jù)圖片選擇正確的詞,每空一詞,并將該詞寫在答題卡相對應(yīng)的位置。(共8個空格;每空1分,滿分8分) 61. A: _ do you live?(Where,What) B:I live on a farm _ my parents

18、.(with,and) A:Are there _ animals on it?(some,any) B: Yes, there _.(is,are)62. A:Do you have any _(hobby,hobbies)B:Yes,I _.(does,do)A:What do you like (doing,do)?B:I like _(play,playing)the piano.十、閱讀短文,根據(jù)所給單詞的首字母填空,將答案寫在答題卡相對應(yīng)的位置。(共8個空格;每空一詞,每空1分,滿分8分) I live in a new house. Let me s 63 you around.

19、 My house has six r64 . This is our living room. Its b 65 . There a 66 some sofas and a TV in it. Here are two bedrooms and a study. One is my parents and the o 67 is my 68 . There are some trees and f69 near my house. I like my house v70 much.十一、寫話。(滿分5分)動物是我們的朋友,請介紹一下你的動物朋友。要求:語句通順,不少于5句話。注意:文中不得出

20、現(xiàn)真實姓名、真實學(xué)校等信息。_ _【聽力材料】:一、聽句子,選出你所聽到的圖片、單詞或短語,并將選項涂在答題卡相對應(yīng)的位置,聽一遍。1. There is a flower on the table.2. I sit between Tom and Jim.3.The rabbit is cute.4.You are so heavy.5.Look out,Billy!6. Good idea!7. Kangaroos live in Australia.8.Goldilocks is afraid.9.There is a swing in the playground.10.He is good at singing.二、聽對話,根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容和問題,選擇相應(yīng)圖片或正確答句,并將選項涂在答題卡相對應(yīng)的位置,聽兩遍。11. A: Wow,your classroom is big and bright. How many students are there in your class?B: Twenty boys and eighteen girls.Q: How many students are there in the class?12.A: What do you like doing,Nancy? B: I like reading stories. An


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