Unit 4 Why don27t you talk to your parents Section Bppt課件_第1頁
Unit 4 Why don27t you talk to your parents Section Bppt課件_第2頁
Unit 4 Why don27t you talk to your parents Section Bppt課件_第3頁
Unit 4 Why don27t you talk to your parents Section Bppt課件_第4頁
Unit 4 Why don27t you talk to your parents Section Bppt課件_第5頁
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1、.1Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents ?Section B 2b.2學習目標知識目標:1.掌握以下單詞:pressure ; compelet ; opinion ; skill ;typical ; continue ; compare ; crazy ; push ; development ;cause ; usual ; perhaps .2.掌握以下詞組:cut out ; compare.with ; in ones opinion;all kinds of ; a mother of three ; send . to ; not

2、.until ;Its time for sth. ; be good for .能力目標:提高利用閱讀技巧閱讀文章,提煉文章主旨大意的能力,以及寫作能力。.3情感目標:1.通過本節(jié)課的學習,讓學生能從心里面感受到父母給予的愛,同時學會與父母進行交流,解決生活中的問題。2.緩解壓力,學會放松 。 .4自主學習一快速的朗讀課文,理解課文大意,然后完成下列的題目。( )1.What is the common problem for Chinese and American families?A.Children have to take so many after-school class on

3、 weekdays and weekends.B.Many of them are learning exam skills.C.Others are practicing sports .D.This problem only happens in China .( )2.Who give their opinions about the problem ? A.Cathy Taylor B.Linda Miller C.Dr. Alice Green D.All of aboveAD.5( )3.In the second garagraph,the words trainingmeans

4、 _.A.火車 B.技能 C.訓練 D. A. B and C( )4.From the article ,we know that kids should have time to _.A.take after-school classes B.take a piano lesson C.relax and think for themselves D.learn exam skills( )5.Which sentence is TRUE ?A.Children are sometimes busier on weekends than weekdays only happen in Ch

5、ina .B.After school activities arent important for Taylors childrens future.C.Dr. Alice Green say too much pressure is not good for a childs development.D.The parents should push their kids so hard BCC.6自主學習二仔細的閱讀課文,找出下列詞組。1.學習放松 2.考進一所好的高中 3一個典型的家庭 4.刪去,刪除5.直到.才 6.該做作業(yè)的時候了7.三個孩子的母親 8.把.送到. 9.各種各樣的1

6、0.她們總是把自己的孩子與她們的孩子對比。11.人們不應(yīng)該吧孩子逼得太緊。12.對.有好處.71.學習放松2.考進一所好的高中3.一個典型的家庭 4.刪去,刪除5.直到.才 6.該做作業(yè)的時候了7.三個孩子的母親 8.把.送到. 9.各種各樣的10.她們總是把自己的孩子與她們的孩子對比。 learn to relaxget into a high schoola typical American familycut outnot.untilIts time for homeworka mother of threesend . to.all kinds ofthey are always co

7、mparing them with other kids.811.人們不應(yīng)該吧孩子逼得太緊。12.對.有好處People shouldnt push the kids so hard.be good for.9自主學習三再次熟讀課文,根據(jù)課文內(nèi)容和首字母所缺的單詞補充完整。These days .Children have to take so many a _ classes .Many Chinese children learn exam s_,because they can get i_ a high school and a goodcollege.Many kids practi

8、ce,sports after school ,becausethey want to compete and win.Parents s_their kids to all k_of classes ,because they want them to be s_ . However ,some people disagree the opinions.Linda Miller and Dr. Alice Green think that toomuch p_ is not good for childrens d_ .Children should have time to r_and d

9、o things they like.To have h_ children is the most important thing.fter-schoolkillsntoendindsuccessfulressuredevelopmentelaxappy.10互動探究一.Mothers send their small kids to all kinds of classes.(1).send sb. to sp. 表示“送某人去某地”eg:My mother _ _ _ school every day.我媽媽每天送我去上學。(2).all kinds of “各種各樣”作主語,謂語動詞用

10、復數(shù)形式。different kinds of “不同種類”作主語,謂語動詞用復數(shù)形式。eg:There are _ _ _in the park.公園里有各種各樣的花。There are _ _ _ animals in the zoo.動物園里有不同種類的動物。sends me toall kinds ofdifferent kinds of.11二.And they are always comparing them with other kids.(1).be always doing sth. “總是再三做某事”.常用于一般現(xiàn)在時,表示經(jīng)常性的習慣或行為。eg:He _ _ _ ot

11、hers.他總是幫助別人。(2).compare.with. “對比,比較”,多用于同類事物之間的比較。compare.to. “把.比作.”常用于異類之間的比較,含有比喻的含義。eg:She _me _my brother .她把我和哥哥進行比較。We often _children _flowers.我經(jīng)常把孩子比作花朵。is always helpingcompareswithcompareto.12三.Doctor say too much pressure is not good for a childsdevelopment .be good for “對.有好處有益” be go

12、od at=do well in “擅長在.方面做得好”be good to “對.好”be good with=get on well “與.相處得好”_you _ _ music?_you_ _ kids?Come to our club and it_ _ _ you to be with kids .你擅長音樂嗎?你和孩子們相處融洽嗎?來我們俱樂部吧,和孩子們在一起對你有好處。Aregood atAregood withis good for.13四.Its time for homework .Its time for . “到.的時間了;該做.了”,其中for 為介詞,后跟名詞、代

13、詞、動名詞。eg:Its _ _ _ a class.到上課的時間了。Its time to do sth. “到了做某事的時間了”Its time for sb. to do sth . “某人該做某事了”eg:Its time _ _ to school .該上學了。Its time _ _ _ _to school.我們該上學了。time for havingto gofor us to go.14鞏固訓練1.Please _the words you dont need in this composition.A.take out B.cut out D.work out C.go o

14、ut2.What do you think _our health ?A.is good at B.is good for C.is good to D.is good with3.Its important _ children _learn the living skills .A.of,to B.for,to C.of,in D.for,in 4.The bus driver always says to us ,Dont get off_ the bus completely stops .A.after B.when C.until D.while 5.媽媽老喜歡把我和其他人比較。M

15、um _ always _ me _ others.BBBCiscomparingwith.155.他每天練習踢足球為的是能進入學校足球隊。He _ _ every day _ _ he can _ _ the football team .6.父母不應(yīng)該把孩子逼得太緊。People _ _ the children _ _.plays footballso thatget intoshouldnt pushso hard.16課外作業(yè)1.Mary is a m_of Salon English club.2.I will take part in the sports meeting and c_withthe other students.3.Whats your o_about being on time .4.He has too much p_,so he i


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