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1、中考完形填空中考完形填空突破方法突破方法 2009-2012河南中考完形填空考查體裁河南中考完形填空考查體裁考查體裁2009201020112012記敘文 說明文議論文Cloze testlEarly one morning, an old woman was carrying a big basket of cabbages on her head to the market. She hoped to (1) them to the people from town. The mountain road was narrow and the old woman was walking (2

2、) , because she did not want to have (3) and lose her cabbage. Suddenly she (4) a loud bell and a bicycle came round the corner. It passed her and went very fast (5) the hill. The old woman had to jump up to one side of the (6) so quickly that the basket of cabbages nearly fell into the valley. She

3、looked up, and saw that a young boy was on the bicycle. He was (7) on without even looking round to see (8) the old woman was all right. The old woman began to shout, “Come back, young man!You dropped something!” When he heard this, the boy stopped the bicycle so suddenly that he (9) fell off. Then

4、he turned and began to (10) the bicycle back up to the hill. “What is it?” he asked.( )1. A. send B. sell C. give D.take ( )2. A. carefully B. clearly C. politely D. hardly ( )3. A. a match B. a rest C. an accident D. a talk ( )4. A. hit B. made C. found D. heard ( )5. A. over B. up C. to D.do( )6.

5、A. road B. street C. town D. hill ( )7. A. driving B. riding C. running D. walking ( )8. A. how B. why C. whether D. when ( )9. A. usually B. hardly C. easily D. nearly ( )10.A. carry B. catch C. push D. give 2009-2012 河南中考完形填空考查詞河南中考完形填空考查詞名詞名詞動詞動詞形容形容詞詞副詞副詞連詞連詞介詞介詞代詞代詞短語短語0922111121022311111232111

6、1222111111中考完形填空的兩大特點:中考完形填空的兩大特點:l1 體裁上以記敘文為主。體裁上以記敘文為主。l2 所選詞以實詞為主,虛詞為輔。所選詞以實詞為主,虛詞為輔。利用首尾句定體裁利用首尾句定體裁(1)首句:首句引領(lǐng)全篇,定位文章的體裁)首句:首句引領(lǐng)全篇,定位文章的體裁和主旨和主旨(2012二練)二練)例:例:1 1、A group of frogs were traveling A group of frogs were traveling through the forests, but unluckily two of through the forests, but un

7、luckily two of them fell into a hole. them fell into a hole. l2、(、(2010河南)河南)l Long Long ago,inago,in a small village of a small village of Wakefield lived two Wakefield lived two farmers,Harryfarmers,Harry and and Peter.HarryPeter.Harry was very hand-working was very hand-working while Peter was.wh

8、ile Peter was.lOne day One day l(2 2)尾句:總結(jié)全篇,闡明道理)尾句:總結(jié)全篇,闡明道理l例:(上期期中)例:(上期期中)l A door is locked , A big stone A door is locked , A big stone comes comes lLife is just like this, if we want Life is just like this, if we want our parents understand us, we our parents understand us, we must first kno

9、w their hearts.must first know their hearts.練一練(20132013備考備考) )首句:首句:Tom was driving home on a cold Tom was driving home on a cold rainy night. rainy night. (20132013原創(chuàng))原創(chuàng)) It was too late at night when an old It was too late at night when an old man came to a small town.man came to a small town.尾句:

10、尾句:The story teaches us a The story teaches us a lesson:Therelesson:There is power(is power(力量)力量)of life and death in the of life and death in the tongue.Antongue.An encouraging word to those encouraging word to those who are down can help them out while who are down can help them out while a disco

11、uraging word can kill them.a discouraging word can kill them.突破方法:一、利用關(guān)聯(lián)詞l關(guān)聯(lián)詞是單詞和句子之間的紐帶關(guān)聯(lián)詞是單詞和句子之間的紐帶l例:例:1 1、she is she is so so lovely a girl lovely a girl thatthat we love her very much.we love her very much.l 2 2、Hurry up, Hurry up, oror youll be late.youll be late.l 3 3、The doctors tried to sa

12、ve the The doctors tried to save the patient, patient, butbut they failed they failed.l練一練 l l1、How do you like the food? How do you like the food? l It wasIt was delicious that we ate delicious that we ate it up quickly.it up quickly.such, too, so, enoughv分析:分析:sothat.sothat.為固定句型為固定句型.so In many w

13、ays she was nearly perfect.In many ways she was nearly perfect. 38 38 , she did have two small, she did have two small shortcomings.( shortcomings.(缺點缺點) )( ) A However B Because C So D Even if( ) A However B Because C So D Even ifThe healthier your teeth are, the happier you feel. The healthier you

14、r teeth are, the happier you feel. Why is that? Its Why is that? Its 39 39 your teeth are your teeth are important in many ways.important in many ways. ( ) A though B because C if D when ( ) A though B because C if D when再練習AB二、利用上下文例:1、Li lei is a Li lei is a _ _ person.onceperson.once he helped an

15、 old woman he helped an old woman. 分析:下文分析:下文helphelp可知用可知用helpfulhelpful.helpful, cruel, honest, silly helpful 2、 There were so many people on the bus that There were so many people on the bus that there were _empty there were _empty seats.Whenseats.When a young man a young man got on, an old man n

16、ear him wanted to _,but got on, an old man near him wanted to _,but the young man pushed him back to his seat.the young man pushed him back to his seat. “Thank “Thank you,”heyou,”he said,“butsaid,“but please dont please dont do do that,Ithat,I can stand. ” can stand. ”o分析:根據(jù)上文“There were so many peo

17、ple on the bus”排除A.B.C;下一空根據(jù)下文“pushed him back to his seat”和“I can stand.”年輕人誤以為老人要給他讓座,而實際上老人是想站起來下車,所以選D.12( )1.A.many B.some C.enough D.no( )2.A.sit down B.get on C.set out D.stand upDDl練一練:l Dog hasDog has meanings, for meanings, for example, “you are a lucky dog” example, “you are a lucky dog”

18、means means lyou are a lucky personyou are a lucky personpositive, negativepositivel分析分析: :下文為褒義,因此選下文為褒義,因此選positivepositive.2、One One day,Liday,Li Ming walked past the shoe Ming walked past the shoe shop at the street shop at the street corner.Oncecorner.Once again,heagain,he stopped to look at th

19、e shop stopped to look at the shop window.Hewindow.He felt felt happy to see the shoes that he wanted very happy to see the shoes that he wanted very much were still much were still there.Hethere.He really wanted to really wanted to have them for his have them for his birthday.Lookingbirthday.Lookin

20、g down at down at old his old his ,he felt sorry for himself.,he felt sorry for himself.l 分析分析: :根據(jù)上文根據(jù)上文He felt happy to see the shoes He felt happy to see the shoes that he wanted very much were still therethat he wanted very much were still there知知應(yīng)選應(yīng)選shoes.shoes.bags shoes coats clothesshoesbook

21、s clothes flowers vegetables 1 1、On the way to her bedroom, to my On the way to her bedroom, to my surprise, I found some surprise, I found some by the by the door of the kitchen. At that time my door of the kitchen. At that time my tears began to fall. I quietly went and got tears began to fall. I

22、quietly went and got down on my knees by her bed. She woke down on my knees by her bed. She woke up and put her arms around my neck up and put her arms around my neck when I kissed her. Then I asked,“ Did when I kissed her. Then I asked,“ Did you pick these flowers for me?”you pick these flowers for

23、 me?”flowers分析分析: :根據(jù)下文根據(jù)下文“Did you pick these flowers Did you pick these flowers for me?”for me?”故選擇故選擇 flowersflowers.三、利用賓語從句、定語從句 例:1 1、HeHe saidsaid thatthat the film was the film was very interesting and very interesting and thatthat he he enjoyed seeing it very much.enjoyed seeing it very muc

24、h. 2 2、A doctor is a personA doctor is a person whowho looks after peoples health.looks after peoples health. The The woman woman thatthat she talks with she talks with is her teacher.is her teacher.l練一練1、Thats the girl Thats the girl I met at I met at party yesterday.party yesterday. 2 2、I will nev

25、er forget the dayI will never forget the day _ _ we spent in awe spent in a park.park.whothat四、固定搭配例:例:1 1、Im Im forward to meeting forward to meeting you.you. 2 2、There is no There is no that phones play that phones play an an important role in the modern lifeimportant role in the modern life.looki

26、ng seeing watching readingquestion problem answer doubtdoubtlooking練一練 1、Its Its Sunday.SomeSunday.Some students are students are going _a trip with their going _a trip with their teacher._theirteacher._their way they saw a bus way they saw a bus behind thembehind them分析分析:go on a trip :go on a trip

27、 是固定搭配,是固定搭配,on ones on ones way toway to是習慣用法是習慣用法. .1.to for on at2.On By At ToonOn I got an idea. I could cut a piece I got an idea. I could cut a piece 3939 that chocolate without anyone knowing it. that chocolate without anyone knowing it. ( )A off B into C on D along ( )A off B into C on D alo

28、ng You brush all of your teeth, not just the front You brush all of your teeth, not just the front ones. Spend some time ones. Spend some time 4040 the teeth along the sides and in the back. the teeth along the sides and in the back. ( ) A on B in C at D to ( ) A on B in C at D to分析分析: :作者想從巧克力上切去一塊

29、而不讓人知道,固定作者想從巧克力上切去一塊而不讓人知道,固定搭配搭配cut off;cut off;而下一空而下一空spendon somethingspendon something也也是固定搭配是固定搭配. . AA固定固定搭配:搭配: 1 1、break down 2break down 2、bring downbring down 3 3、be known as/for 4be known as/for 4、in memory ofin memory of 5 5、in ones view 6in ones view 6、set offset off 7 7、make up ones

30、mind 8make up ones mind 8、pass awaypass away 9 9、give away 10give away 10、put away put away 1111、fall in love with 12fall in love with 12、hear fromhear from 13 13、come up with 14come up with 14、come to an endcome to an end(2009(2009河南)河南)MrMr Brown began to walk at eight in the Brown began to walk a

31、t eight in the morning.Nowmorning.Now the sun was about to set. the sun was about to set. He was tired and He was tired and hungry.Hehungry.He was walking was walking slowly towards the _ and his slowly towards the _ and his shadow(shadow(影子)影子) lay long behind lay long behind him.Hehim.He had to lo

32、ok for a place for the night.had to look for a place for the night. 分析:分析:“太陽就要下山了太陽就要下山了”, “他的影子長他的影子長長地拖在后面長地拖在后面”可推斷出布朗先生正朝著西方可推斷出布朗先生正朝著西方慢慢地走著慢慢地走著. .east. west .south. north五.邏輯推理west六、詞語用法/詞義辨析 about the sports about the sports meeting make us excited.meeting make us excited.例;1. News , Infor

33、mation , Messages , AdviceMessages 2.The athlete 2.The athlete his competitors and his competitors and the gold medal yesterday.the gold medal yesterday. A. beat ; won B. defeat ; won A. beat ; won B. defeat ; won C. beat ; defeatC. beat ; defeat AMy mother was a housewife .She My mother was a house

34、wife .She thought thought that successful peoplethat successful people a lot a lot more more time reading than watching TV.time reading than watching TV.l分析:分析:spend spend 和和paypay的主語是人,且有的主語是人,且有spenddoing spenddoing sthsth的用法的用法spend , take , pay , cost spent練一練:預(yù)測卷(三)have on , put on, dress, inlA

35、 little cock lived near the A little cock lived near the river.Onriver.On morning the little morning the little cock_hiscock_his beautiful clothes and went for a walk beautiful clothes and went for a walk by the by the river.Onriver.On his way he met a little his way he met a little cock.cock.l分析:分析

36、:wear wear 和和have onhave on表示狀態(tài),表示狀態(tài),put on put on 表示動作,而表示動作,而dressdress的賓語只能是人,再結(jié)的賓語只能是人,再結(jié)合原句的意思,確定合原句的意思,確定put on.put on.put on解答完形填空題的幾點方法解答完形填空題的幾點方法: 1. 1.利用關(guān)聯(lián)詞利用關(guān)聯(lián)詞l 2.2.利用上下文利用上下文l 3.3.利用賓語從句、定語從句利用賓語從句、定語從句l4.4.固定搭配固定搭配l5.5.邏輯思維邏輯思維l6.6.詞語運用詞語運用/ /詞義辨析詞義辨析ExerciseExercise Long agoLong ago,

37、in a small village in a small village of Wakefield lived two farmersof Wakefield lived two farmers,Harry and PeterHarry and PeterHarry was very Harry was very hard-working while Peter washard-working while Peter was 36 36 Every day Harry got up Every day Harry got up early and came home lateearly an

38、d came home late,but but Peter walked around for fun.Peter walked around for fun. One summer there was no One summer there was no 37 37 and the crops were and the crops were dyingdyingHarry thoughtHarry thought,“I must I must do something to save these do something to save these cropscrops,or they s

39、hall dieor they shall die”With With this this 38 38 in mindin mind,he went out he went out to find a river so that he could to find a river so that he could dig a canal(dig a canal(溝渠溝渠)to his field)to his fieldHe He walked on and on, feeling tired walked on and on, feeling tired and thirstyand thir

40、styAfter a After a 39 39 search search,he found a river full of blue he found a river full of blue water.water.( )36A Acruel B. lazy cruel B. lazy C Ccareless Dcareless Dsilly silly ( )37( )37A Arain Brain Bwind wind C. cloud DC. cloud Driverriver( )38( )38A. feeling A. feeling B Bdream dream C Cpro

41、blem problem D Dthoughtthought( )39( )39A Aquick Bquick Blong long C. slow DC. slow DspecialspecialBADBExercise Long ago,in a small village of Wakefield lived two farmers,Harry and PeterHarry was very hard-working while Peter was lazy Every day Harry got up early and came home late,but Peter walked around for fun. One summer there was no rain and the crops were dyingHarry thought,“I must do something to save these crops,or they shall die”With this thought in mind,he went out to find a river so that he could dig a canal(溝溝渠渠)to his fieldHe walked on


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