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1、主謂一致 在英語中,句子中的謂語動詞在人稱和單、復數(shù)形式上必須和主語保持一致,這就是我們通常說的“主謂一致”。這一點看似簡單,但在實際運用中卻常常遇到麻煩。一般情況下,主謂之間的一致關系由以下三個原則的支配: 語法一致原則、 意義一致原則和就近原則。 一、語法一致 主謂一致的原則是指主語和謂語從語法形式上取得一致:主語是單數(shù)形式,謂語也采取單數(shù)形式;主語是復數(shù)形式,謂語亦采取復數(shù)形式.例如: He often helps me learn English. (主語是單數(shù)形式,謂語也采取單數(shù)形式) . My friends often help me learn English. (主語是復數(shù)形

2、式,謂語也采取復數(shù)形式) 但主語和謂語從語法形式上取得一致的問題遠不只上述的那么簡單,有許多方面的情況需要去具體地對待: 1、不定式,動名詞,以及從句作主語時應看作單數(shù),謂語動詞用單數(shù). 例如: Reading aloud is helpful to learn English.大聲朗讀對學習英語是有幫助的。 What he said has been recorded .他說的話已被錄音了. 2、不定代詞one, every, each, everybody, everyone, one of, no one, nothing, nobody, someone, somebody, eith

3、er, neither, many a 等作主語或是修飾主語時應看作單數(shù),謂語動詞用單數(shù). 例如: Neither of my sisters likes sports . 我的妹妹中沒人喜歡運動. Every boy and girl shows great interest in this book . 每個男孩和女孩對這本書都表現(xiàn)出很大的興趣. 3、表示國家,機構,事件,作品等名稱的專有名詞作主語時應看作單數(shù),謂語動詞用單數(shù). 例如: One Thousand And One Nights tells people lots of interesting stories . 一千零一夜給

4、人們講了許多有趣的故事。 4、 a kind of, the number of等與名詞構成名詞短語作主語時應看作單數(shù),謂語動詞用單數(shù). 例如: The number of workers in the factory is 400. 這個工廠里工人的數(shù)量是400. A kind of rose in the garden smells very pleasant. 這座花園里有一種玫瑰香氣怡人. 5、由some, several, both, few, many, a number of 等詞修飾主語,或是由它們自身作主語時應看作復數(shù),謂語動詞用復數(shù).另外,由and連接兩個主語時,謂語一般用

5、復數(shù). 例如: On the seashore, some people are playing volleyball 海邊,有些人在打排球。 Both of us are fond of watching football games . 我們倆都喜歡看足球賽. A number of will-be graduates are voluntarily going to work in the West of China. 許多即將畢業(yè)的學生打算自愿去中國西部工作. 6、有些表示數(shù)量的百分數(shù),分數(shù)等后面加名詞或代詞作主語時,要根據(jù)這個名詞或代詞來決定其謂語動詞的單復數(shù)形式.如:a lot o

6、f, most of, any of, half of , three fifths of, eighty percent of, some of, none of, the rest of , all of等后接不可數(shù)名詞,或是單數(shù)形式的名詞作主語時應看作單數(shù),謂語動詞用單數(shù);但如果后接可數(shù)名詞的復數(shù)形式作主語時應看作復數(shù),謂語動詞用復數(shù). 例如: A lot of money in the shop was stolen yesterday. 昨天那家商店丟失了許多錢. A lot of students are from England in the school.那個學校里很多學生來自

7、英國。 二、意義一致 這一原則是指,從意義著眼來解決主謂一致問題.有時主語形式上為單數(shù),但意義上卻是復數(shù),那么謂語依意義也用復數(shù)形式;而有時主語形式上為復數(shù),但意義上卻是單數(shù),那么謂語依意義亦用單數(shù)形式. 1) 當主語后面接由but, except, besides ,as well as, as much as, including,more than,no less than, rather than, together with等引導的詞組時,其謂語動詞的單復數(shù)形式通常由前面的詞來決定。在這樣的句子里,這些詞所引導的詞組不影響主語自身的單,復數(shù)形式,它們在句子里其實是狀語. 例如: Th

8、e teacher, with all his students, is going to have a picnic this weekend. 老師打算這個周末與學生們一起去野炊. The students, together with their teacher , are going to have a picnic this weekend. 學生們打算這個周末與他們的老師一起去野炊. 我們完全可以將上面句子中的那些詞組都分別搬到句首或是放到句末去,因為它們在句子里是狀語: The students are going to have a picnic this weekend to

9、gether with their teacher. 2) 表示時間,金錢,距離,體積,重量,面積,數(shù)字等詞語作主語時,謂語動詞常用單數(shù)形式。如: Eight hours of sleep is enough. 八小時的睡眠足夠了。 Twenty years stands for a long period in ones life. 二十年在人的一生里意味著一個很長的時期. 3) 形容詞前加定冠詞即the + 形容詞作主語時,其意義若是指個人或是抽象概念應看作單數(shù),謂語動詞用單數(shù);指一類人則應該看作是復數(shù),那么謂語動詞也應該用復數(shù). 例如: The sick here are very we

10、ll cared for. 這里的病人都被照顧得很好。 The true is to be distinguished from the false. 真實與虛假應加以區(qū)別。 4)由and 連接的兩個單數(shù)名詞作主語時,謂語動詞一般根據(jù)語法一致的原則用復數(shù)。 但如果在意義上指同一個人、同一件事或同一個概念時,謂語動詞要用單數(shù)形式。 如: The writer and teacher is coming. 那位作家兼教師來了。(作家和教師指同一個人) The writer and the teacher are coming. 作家和老師來了。(作家和老師是兩個人) 5)集體名詞作主語時,謂語動詞

11、的數(shù)取決于主語的意義:主語表示整體時視為單數(shù),謂語動詞用單數(shù);主語表示集體中的個體成員時視為復數(shù),謂語動詞用復數(shù).這類集體名詞常見的有:army, class, club, crowd, family, government, group, people, police, public, team等. 例如: The family are all fond of football. 那一家人都喜歡足球. The family is the tiniest cell of the society. 家庭是社會的最小的細胞. 6)一些形式為復數(shù),意思為單數(shù)的名詞,如:trousers, pants

12、, shorts,glasses, 等作主語時,謂語動詞用復數(shù). 如:Her glasses are new. 她的眼鏡是新的. 但當這類名詞前有a pair of 修飾時,謂語動詞應用單數(shù). 如: This pair of trousers is made in Hangzhou. 三、就近原則 這一原則是指,謂語動詞的人稱和數(shù)常常與最近作主語的詞語保持一致.常出現(xiàn)在這類句子中的連詞有: or, either or , neither nor ,not only but also 等. 例如: Either I or they are responsible for the result o

13、f the matter. 不是我,就是他們要對那件事的結局負責任. Neither his family nor he knows anything about it. 他全家人和他都不知道那件事. 常見考法 對于主謂一致的考查,通常會以單選的形式出現(xiàn),多是讓我們選擇合適的謂語動詞。 典型例題:The factory, including its machines and buildings, _ burnt last night. A. is B. are C. were D. was 解析:but, except, besides, with, together with, along

14、with, including, as well as, rather than, like等詞連接主語時,謂語動詞和前面的主語保持一致,本題中就是和The factory保持一致。而這些詞所引導的詞組不影響主語自身的單,復數(shù)形式,它們在句子里其實是狀語.答案:D誤區(qū)提醒主謂一致這一知識點比較瑣碎,在運用中常會因為考慮不全面而出錯,所以我們必須把每一種用法記住,靈活運用。尤其要注意就近原則、集體名詞和百分數(shù),分數(shù)短語作主語的情況。 典型例題:Either Jane or Steven _ watching TV now. A. were B. is C. was D. are 解析:本題考查的

15、是就近原則。either or , neither nor ,not only but also 連接兩個主語時,謂語動詞的人稱和數(shù)常常與最近作主語的詞語保持一致。本題中就是和Steven保持一致。有now.可知是現(xiàn)在進行時,排除A和C. 答案:BAnswer 1-5 BDAAC 6-10 ABAAC 11-15 CDABB 1.is 2. are 3. is 4. equals 5. are Language pointsalive/ living/ the living/ live. alive adj“活著的”“在世的”,它既可修飾人也可修飾物??勺鞅碚Z,定語。作定語時,應放在被修飾的名

16、詞之后。如:They were alive and as happy as ever. 他們都還活著,并跟以前一樣快活。All the other comrades were killed in the battle. He was the only man alive. 所有的同志都還活著亡了,他是唯一的幸存者。.living adj,“活著的”主要用著定語,常置于名詞前,有時也可置于名詞后。也可作表語。如:Every living person has a name. 每個活著的人都有一個名字。No man living could do better. 當代人沒有一個能做得比這更好。.

17、the living “活著的人”如:The living are more important to us than the dead. 對我們來說活著的人比死了的人更重要。“the + 形容詞”結構若用于表示性質或特征相同的一類人,則通常具有復數(shù)意義。如:The rich are not always happier than the poor. 富人不一定總比窮人幸福。類例:the deaf 聾人 / the dead 死者 / the blind 盲人 / the young 年輕人 / the weak 弱者 / the old 老人 / the strong 強者 / the si

18、ck 病人 / the wounded 傷員 / the killed 被殺者 / the injured 受傷者 / the living 活著的人 / the unemployed 失業(yè)者 / the oppressed 被壓迫者 / the oppressing 壓迫者。. live adj. “活著的”讀著laiv,反義詞為 dead, 可作定語,放在所修飾的名詞之前,一般不用來修飾人。 還可以作動詞,讀著liv, 意為“生活”、“生存”如:The cat was playing with a live mouse.這只貓在玩弄一只活老鼠。Pandas usually live in

19、the south and the southeast of China.熊貓通常生活在中國的南部和東南部。. lively adj. laivli(livelier, liveliest) “生動的”;“活潑的”;“充滿生氣的”用作表語或定語,可用來修飾人或物。如:The sports ground is lively with all sorts of ball games. 運動場上進行著各種球類比賽,呈現(xiàn)出一派生氣勃勃的景象。alone/ lonely. alone adj. “單獨的”只能作表語。如:Im alone but I dont fell lonely.我單身一人但我從不覺

20、得孤獨。此外alone 還可作副詞。相當于by oneself,“單獨地”“獨自”Ill go there alone.我將獨自去那兒。. lonely adj. “孤獨的”“寂寞的”有時還可表示“荒涼的”“無人煙的”意思,與deserted意思相同。含有較濃的情感色彩。既可作定語也可作表語。如:Were together most of the time, so we never feel lonely.a lonely / deserted islandalso/ as well/ too/ either “也”. also較正式,位置通??拷鼊釉~,用于句中;且用于肯定句中。如:He al

21、so plays football. 他也踢足球。I was also there.我也在那兒。. too 多用于口語,通常置于句末,前邊須用逗號隔開,也可用于句中,且前后均須用逗號隔開,;用于肯定句中。如:He is a worker, too.The two cows, too, are white.那兩頭奶牛也全都是白的。. as well 是副詞短語,多用于口語,只用于句末。如:She not only taught us English but taught us maths as well.她不但教過我們英語,還教過我們數(shù)學。He is a teacher and a writer

22、 as well.他是位教師,也是一位作家。. either 用于否定句中,常置于句末。在肯定句變否定句時,其中的also, too, as well都要改為either.Yesterday I didnt watch TV and I didnt see the film, either昨天我沒有看電視,也沒有看電影。at school/ in school/ in a (the) school. at school表示“在學校、在上學”相對于在家里或在校外。如:My son is at school now. He is not at home or somewhere else. 我兒子現(xiàn)在在學校,他不在家,也不在別的地方。When my brother was at school, he studied very hard.在學校時,我兄弟學習很用功。. in school “在求學、在上學”相對于有工作。如:My daughter still in school She doesnt work.。我女兒還在上學,她不在工作。注:和用at school 強調所在場所或


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