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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上Book 7Unit 11. hear sb. doing sth. (正在) do sth. (全過程)2. be suitable for 適合3. be suitable to do sth. 適合做4. be beneficial to= be of benefit to 對.有益5. benefit from 從中獲益6. in other words 換句話說7. in a word=all in all=in conclusion 總而言之8. in word 口頭上9. keep/break ones word 遵守/打破諾言10. have a wo

2、rd with sb.與聊天11. have words with sb. 與吵架12. adapt to 適合.13. be adapted from 由改編14. cut out 切去,省略,停止15. cut out doing sth.= quit doing 停止做16. cut up 切碎 cut off 切斷,隔絕17. cut down 砍倒,削減 cut in 插嘴18. out of breath=lose ones breath 上氣不接下氣19. hold ones breath 屏住呼吸20. take a deep breath 深呼吸21. be annoyed

3、with sb. 與某人生氣22. be annoyed at sth. 因生氣23. all 有關(guān)的短語above all 最重要的是after all 畢竟,終究in all 總共,總計24. sit around 閑坐著25. as well as 也,又,還26. in many ways 在很多方面27. in the way 擋路,擋道28. in this/that way 以這種/那種方式29. on the way to 在去的路上30. make fun of=laugh at=play a joke/trick on 取笑31. encourage/ inspire sb

4、. to do sth. 鼓勵某人去做某事32. conduct sb. to do sth. 指導(dǎo)某人去做某事33. never mind 不必?fù)?dān)心34. mind sb./sb.s doing sth 介意某人做某事35. change ones mind 改變主意36. make up ones mind to do sth. 下定決心去做某事37. keep in mind 牢記38. resign ones post 辭職39. assist sb. to do sth.= assist sb. in doing sth. 幫助.做40. assist with 用幫助41. con

5、gratulate sb. on 祝賀某人某事42. be adequate for 對是足夠的43. be accessible to 是可得到的44. be based on=base on 以為基礎(chǔ)45. meet with 遇到,經(jīng)歷,會晤46. with ones approval=with the approval with ab. 在的同意下47. approve of 贊同,贊成48. in addition =besides 除此之外49. the same as 與相同50. used to do sth. 過去常常做。be used to doing sth. 習(xí)慣于做b

6、e used to do sth. 被用來做51. in fact= as a matter of fact =actually 事實上52. One problem is that 問題之一是53. rather than 而不是54. it is convenient for sb. to do sth.做.對某人來說是方便的Unit 21. desire sb. to do sth. 要求某人去做.2. have a desire for/to do 渴望得到/去做3. to ones satisfaction 令滿意的是4. be satisfied/ content with 對 滿

7、意5. test out 考驗出,檢驗完6. in alarm= in panic 驚慌地,驚恐地7. be alarmed at 因驚慌8. out of sympathy 出于同情9. feel/ have sympathy for對同情10. in favor of 支持,贊成11. do sb. a favor 幫助某人12. accompany sb. to sp. 陪伴去13. ring up 給打電話ring back 給回電話ring off 掛斷電話14. turn around 轉(zhuǎn)身15. turn up 出現(xiàn),調(diào)高turn over 翻轉(zhuǎn)turn down拒絕,調(diào)低 tu

8、rn out 結(jié)果是,證明是turn to 轉(zhuǎn)向像求助16. declare war on/against 向.宣戰(zhàn)17. declare sb. to be/as 宣稱是18. leave alone 不管,不顧leave for 動身leave out 省略,遺漏,不考慮leave aside 把 放在一邊19. set aside把.放在一邊,為了節(jié)?。〞r間或金錢)set off 出發(fā),動身,使爆炸set down 寫下,記下set up 建立創(chuàng)立set about doing=set out to do著手做某事20. be bound to do 一定做.21. be junior

9、to比年幼be senior to比年長22. have a talent for= have a gift for在方面有天賦23. get a divorce from與.離婚24. be absent for 缺席.25. need doing=need to be done需要被做26. promise to do sth. 承諾去做27. be rude to sb. 對粗魯28. invite sb. to do sth. 邀請.去做.29. fall down from=fall off 從.摔下30. manage to do sth. 設(shè)法做成31. protect sb.

10、from保護(hù)某人免受.32. search for 搜尋,搜查33. be known for因.出名Unit 31. be a witness to 作為的證人2. witness to給作證3. make accommodation for為提供住宿4. be opposite to 與相反5. make a pause 停止一下6. without pause 一刻不停地7. in the meantime =in the meanwhile 與此同時8. urge sb. to do sth. 催促某人去做某事9. have an urge to do sth. 有做的沖動10. ab

11、andon doing sth. 禁止做11. abandon oneself to (doing) sth.沉溺于(做)12. cant help doing sth. 禁不住想做13. cant wait to do sth. 迫不及待去做14. reflect on 回憶,反思15. be/become aware of 意識到16. escape from 從逃脫17. a narrow escape 九死一生18. upside down 上下翻轉(zhuǎn)19. be scared of (doing) sth.害怕做20. bescared to do sth. 害怕做21. sort o

12、ut 整理出,分類出22. keep doing 一直做23. lead sb. to 引導(dǎo)去24. be attacked by 被攻擊25. mind sb. doing sth. 介意某人做unit 41. hear from 收到.的來信2. .hear of聽說3. be dying to do=be eager to do=long to do= be thirsty to do 渴望去做4. be dying for=be eager for=long for= be thirsty for 渴望5. the other day 不久前的一天6. some day 某天7. be

13、 relevant to 與 相關(guān)8. have no relevance to 與無關(guān)9. adjust oneself to 使自己適應(yīng)10. make adjustments to 對做出調(diào)整11. participate in 參加12. dry up (河流,井等)干涸13. dry out 完全變干,干透14. It is a privilege to do sth./of doing 做.是特權(quán)15. have the priviledge to do sth./of doing sth. 有權(quán)做16. make a donation to 為捐款17. volunteer to

14、 do sth. 志愿去做18. in need 在困難中,在危急中19. There is no need to do sth. 沒有必要做.20. distribute to/among 給分配/分發(fā)21. for security 為了安全起見22. a sense of security 安全感23. operate on 給做手術(shù)24. make a difference 有影響unit 51. adjust to 適應(yīng)2. keep it up 保持優(yōu)秀成績3. fit in with sth. 與一致4. fit in with sb. 與.相處融洽5. keep up with

15、 趕上,追上6. keep in touch with 與.聯(lián)系7. keep away from 避開8. prepare for 為準(zhǔn)備9. recommend sb. sth.=recommend sth. to sb. 推薦給某人某物10. recommend sb. as/to be 推薦某人作為11. comfort sb. with 用 安慰.12. in comfort 舒適地13. substitute A for B= substitute B with A 用A 代替 B14. require sb. to do sth. 要求某人去做15. acknowledge as

16、 /to be公認(rèn)是.16. It is acknowledged that 是公認(rèn)的17. As far as I am concerned= in my opinion= from my point of view= personally speaking 以我之見18. be occupied with 忙于做19. apologize to sb. for doing sth.= make an apology to sb. for doing 因做而道歉20. day in and day out 日復(fù)一日21. be abundant in= be rich in 在豐富22. o

17、ut of the question不可能23. out of question 毫無疑問24. settle in 安頓下來25. take up 拿起,占據(jù)Book 81. be distinct from 與.不同2. make no distinction between.and在和之間沒有差別3. live on 繼續(xù)生存/存在4. live with 容忍,忍受5. live by 以.謀生6. by means of 用的辦法,借助.7. by no means 一點也不,絕不8. by all means 一定,務(wù)必9. mean doing 意味著10. mean to do

18、 計劃去做11. the majority of. .的大多數(shù)12. the minority of. .的少數(shù)13. lead/ live alife 過著的生活14. make a life 習(xí)慣于新的生活方式15. make/earn a living by 以謀生16. come to life 蘇醒17. elect sb. to be/ as 選舉作為18. elect to do =decide to do=make a decision to do= make up ones mind to do sth決定去做19. It occurs to sb. that 某人想起.20

19、. indicate sth. to sb.向某人指出21. back to back 背靠背22. team up with 與合作23. put up with 容忍,忍受24. catch up with 趕上 25. end up with以.結(jié)束26. mark out 標(biāo)出27. take in 包括,吸收,欺騙28. take over 接管,接收29. a great/good many 許多,很多30. apply for 申請31. apply to 把運用到.unit 21. differ from= be different from與不同2. not exactly

20、不完全這樣3. undertake the responsibility for.承擔(dān)的責(zé)任4. undertake to do 答應(yīng)去做5. pay off 得到好結(jié)果,取得成功,償清6. pay for為付費7. pay back 還錢,報復(fù)8. cast down 使失望,使沮喪9. object to doing sth.= have an objection to doing sth. 反對做10. forbid sb. to do sth.= forbid sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做11. forbid doing 禁止做12. in favor of 贊成

21、,支持13. do sb. a favor= do a favor for sb. 幫助某人14. owe sb. an apology 該向道歉15. owe sb. sth.=owe sth to sb. 欠某人某物16. owe to 將歸功于.17. bother sb. with sth. 用擾亂某人18. be bound to do sth. 一定去做19. go on strike 舉行罷工20. from time to time 不時,偶爾21. at all times 總是,永遠(yuǎn) at one time 曾經(jīng),一度,從前at a time 每次,一次 in no tim

22、e 立刻,馬上22. bring back to life 使復(fù)生,使復(fù)活23. in vain 白費力氣24. bring up 撫養(yǎng),培養(yǎng),教育bring in 引進(jìn),引來,吸收bring out 取出,闡明,出版生產(chǎn)bring back 歸還,帶回來25. resist doing sth. 抵抗做26. cant/couldnt resist doing sth.=can/could hardly resist doing 忍不住做27. in good/poor condition 狀況很好/壞 unit 31. call/ring up 給.打電話call in 邀請call of

23、f= cancel取消2. now and then=from time to time=now and again=occasionally 偶爾,有時3. distinguish between and 辨別.和.4. be merciful to sb=show mercy to sb. 同情某人5. set about doing=set out to do 著手做6. It is convenient for sb. to do sth. 做.對某人來說是方便的7. For convenience 為了方便起見8. at ones convenience 在某人方便的時候9. in

24、expectation of 期待,期盼10. beyond ones expectation 超出的想像11. seize the opportunity to do sth. 抓住機(jī)會去做某事12. bear in mind= keep in mind 記住13. cant bear sb doing sth. 不能忍受某人做14. dive into一心投入,跳入15. in association with =associate with 與相聯(lián)系16. hang on 不掛斷,稍等,緊緊握住17. out of order 次序顛倒,發(fā)生故障out of reach 夠不到out o

25、f control 不受控制out of danger 脫離危險out of place 不適當(dāng),不恰當(dāng)out of date 過期,過時out of sight 看不見out of breath 上氣不接下氣18. get through 設(shè)法聯(lián)系上pass through 從中穿過look through 瀏覽,仔細(xì)查看see through 看穿,識破break through 突破unit 41. adapt to 適應(yīng)2. hesitate to do sth. 猶豫去做某事hesitate about doing sth. 對做猶豫不決without hesitation 毫不猶豫

26、have no hesitation in doing sth. 毫不猶豫去做某事3. be mistaken about 誤解/錯怪4. classify into 把.分成classify. by 根據(jù)分類5. remark on/upon 談?wù)?,評論6. make remarks on/about 就發(fā)表意見7. make no remark 不加評論8. betray oneself 原型畢露9. condemn sb. for.因.譴責(zé)某人10. make ones acquaintance 結(jié)識11. have some acquaintance with 熟悉,了解12. mak

27、e a fortune 發(fā)財13. try ones fortune 碰運氣14. generally speaking=in general 一般來說15. be superior/inferior to優(yōu)于/劣于16. in amazement 震驚,驚訝17. in terms of 就來說in search of 搜尋in honor of=in memory of 紀(jì)念in case of 以防in need of 需要18. rob sb. of sth. 搶劫某人某物accuse sb of sth. 控告某人inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事convince sb. of sth. 使某人信服cure sb. of sth. 治愈某人某種疾病19. showin 帶領(lǐng).進(jìn)來show out 帶領(lǐng)出去show off 炫耀20. starve to death 餓死21. comp


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