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1、 中考句型翻譯練習as soon as1. 一收到他的來信我就會給你打。I will call you _ I hear from him.2. Mary一見到她弟弟就會告訴他這個消息。Mary will tell his brother the news _ she sees him.3. 昨天雨一停孩子們就回家了。The children went home _ yesterday.as.as/ not as.as4. 麥克和安迪學習一樣的努力。Mike studies _ Andy.5.“一夜成名”不像我們想得那么容易。An overnight success is _ we think

2、.6. 的春天與夏天一樣美麗。Spring is _ summer in Beijing.as.as possible7. 在體育測試中,我盡力了。_possible in the PE test.8. 我會在考前最后一個月盡力多讀英語。Ill try hard to read English _ in the last month.9. 瑪麗會盡快給你回信的。Mary will answer your letter _.ask for/ ask sb. for sth.10. 當你迷路時,你可以向警察尋求幫助。You can _ when you are lost.11. 他每個月都跟媽媽要

3、50元。He _ every month.12. 他向父母要一輛自行車作為生日禮物。He _as his birthday gift.ask sb. to do / ask sb. not to do13. 老師要求我們離開教室前要關燈。The teacher _ before we leave the classroom.14. 不要讓我?guī)湍愕拿?!你必須要你自己。Dont _ help you. You must _.15. 媽媽讓我們睡覺前不吃東西。My mother _ before we go to bed. tell sb. to do/ tell sb. not to do16.

4、讓我告訴你如何發(fā)送電子。Let me _ s.17. 你能告訴我如何提高我的英語嗎? Can you _ improve my English?18. 老師經(jīng)常告訴我們上學別遲到。The teacher often_.be afraid/ be afraid of19. Ann害怕再次犯一樣的錯誤。Ann _ the same mistake again.20. 別害怕,讓我來幫助你。Dont _, let me help you.21. 恐怕你錯了。_that you are wrong.be busy doing22. 我正忙著寫作業(yè)呢,你自己出去吧。I _my homework, you

5、 can go out by yourself.23. 你打的時候我正忙著打掃臥室呢。When you called, I _my bedroom.24. 那時,我正在忙著做飯。I _ at that time.be late/ be late for25. 快點,否則你上學就遲到了。Hurry up! Or you will _ school.26. 我媽媽昨天上班遲到了。My mother _ yesterday.27. 我上學從來沒有遲到過。I _school.be sorry/ be sorry for25. 我對所犯的錯誤感到抱歉。I _ my mistake.26. 很抱歉我沒能參

6、加你的生日晚會。I _for missing your birthday party.27. 對不起我上課遲到了。I _that I am late.be famous for/be famous as28. 格蘭有許多的湖泊和山脈,以美麗的鄉(xiāng)村景色而著名。Scotland, with its lakes and mountains, _ beautiful countryside.29. 以其眾多的名勝古跡而聞名于世。Beijing _its many places of interest in the world.30. 愛迪生是以發(fā)明家的身份出名的。Edison _ an invento

7、r.be happy/glad/pleased31. 聽到這個消息我們都很高興。_ to hear the news.32. 真高興你買到了新房。I _ that you bought a new house.33. 我很高興再次見到你。I _see you again.both.and.34. 我的爸爸和媽媽都是中國人。_ my mother _ my father are Chinese.35. 杰瑞既學英語也學漢語。Jerry _.36. 莉莉和露西都喜歡唱歌。_Lily _Lucy like singing.lend/send/give/show/pass37. 你介意把這本書借給我嗎

8、?Do you mind _ me?38. 請把這個玻璃杯遞給他。Please _this glass.39. 當你到家時,請把這封信給他們寄過去。Please _ when you arrive home.40. 請讓我看看你的新連衣裙好嗎?Would you please _me your new dress?41. 請把這本書給他。Please _this book.either.or.42. 太晚啦,你今天或明天去體育中心都行。Its too late.You can go to the sports center _.43. 你要么喝可樂要么喝果汁。You may have _col

9、a _ orange juice.44. 湯姆晚上要么讀英語要么聽磁帶。Tom _English _ tapes at night.keep doing/keep on doing45. 堅持鍛煉,你會變的更健康。_, you will get healthier.46. 你能為我繼續(xù)唱這首歌嗎?Can you _ this song for me?47. 他反復的嘗試,最后終于成功了。He _and succeeded at last.get + 比較級48. 天氣正在變暖。The weather is getting _.49. 房價變得越來越貴了。The price of houses

10、_.50. 他越來越聰明了。He _ more and more intelligent.get on/along with51. 你要學會如何和同學相處好。You should learn how to _ your classmates.52. 同脾氣不好的人很難相處。Its difficult to _people who have bad temper.be ready to do/ be ready for sth.53. 當人們又困難時,我樂于幫助別人。I _ help others when they are in trouble.54. 我為英語考試做好了準備。I _my En

11、glish exam.55. 你們現(xiàn)在準備好了嗎?Are you_ now?get ready to do / get ready for sth./ get sth. ready56. 看,學生們正在為運動會做準備!Look! The students _ sports meeting.57. 我們正在為英語考試做準備。We _English exams.58. 媽媽已經(jīng)把晚飯準備好了。Mum _dinner _.had better do/ had better not do59. 為了保持健康,你最好戒煙。In order to keep healthy, you _ give up s

12、moking.60. 我們最好先寫完作業(yè),再去看望老師。 We _ finish our homework first, then we can visit Mr.Liu.61. 你最好別玩電腦游戲,否則你就得不了高分。 You _ play computer games, or you wont get high scores. help sb. with sth./ help sb. do sth.62. 學生們正忙著給老人們打掃房間。 The students are busy _ the house.63. 讓我們來幫你太這個又大又沉的箱子吧。Lets _the big and hea

13、vy box.I think/ I dont think64. 我認為你的答案不對。I _your answer _ right.65. 我認為我不是英雄。任何人都會救那個落水的孩子。 _ Im a hero. Anyone would save the child in the water.66. 我認為我們有必要先把作業(yè)寫完。 _ its necessary for us to finish our homework first.would like to do/ would like sth.67. 你愿意參觀我們的新學校嗎?_ to visit our new school ?68.

14、我想要一杯橘子汁。I _ a cup of orange juice please.68. 我想?yún)⒓咏衲甑南牧顮I。I _join the summer camp this year.spend some time doing sth./ spend some time on sth./it takes sb. some time to do67. 他每周花費兩個小時做家務。 He _ doing the housework every week.68. 我每天步行去上班只需要十分鐘。 _ to go to work on foot.69. 那道數(shù)學題真難,我花了兩個小時才做出來。 That m

15、ath question was so difficult that _ solving it.70. 我上周花了12元買那本英語書。_that book last week.Its good for/ its bad for71. 多吃蔬菜水果對健康有好處。_your health to eat more vegetables and fruit .72. 別長時間玩電腦,那對你的眼睛有害。 Dont play computer games too long. _for your eyes.73. 晚上少吃點對你有好處。_you to eat less in the evening.It i

16、s adj. for sb. to do sth.74. 學好英語對于我們來說很重要。 _to learn English well.75. 多對好書對你的語文學習很重要。 _ your Chinese learning to read more books.76. 九點前完成作業(yè)是有可能的。_ before 9 oclock.77. 作為一名青少年,了解如何把精神與我們?nèi)粘I盥?lián)系起來是很必要的。As a teenager in Beijing, _how to connect Beijing Spirit with our daily life.Its time to do / Its t

17、ime for sth.78. 快點,孩子們,該做早操了。Come on, children! _for morning exercises.79. 該看脫口秀節(jié)目了。_watch the Talk Show.80. 該考慮一下我們的暑假計劃了。_to think about our plan for the summer vacation.81. 快點兒,該跑步了。Hurry up, please._run.Be +數(shù)詞+meters/years/feet/+ long/old/tall82. 這座大樓有40米高。This building _ tall.83. 這條路有兩公里。This r

18、oad _ long.84. 我的表姐養(yǎng)了一只寵物狗,它今年5歲了85. My cousin keeps a pet dog. It is _.make sb. do85. 快點!不要讓他們等太久。Hurry up! Dont _ for too long.86. 他的父親總是讓他彈鋼琴。 His father always _ the piano.87. 媽媽總是讓我寫作業(yè)。My mother always _.keep sth. adj.88. 請保持教室整潔!Please _!89. 每天做運動可保持身體健康。Doing exercise every day can _.90. 危險時我

19、們保持鎮(zhèn)靜很重要。Its important for us to _ in danger.like doing/like to do91. 我妹妹喜歡唱歌.My sister _.92. 我過去喜歡和朋友晚飯后去散步。I used to _ after dinner.93. 你業(yè)余時間喜歡讀什么書?What kind of books do you _ in your spare time?let sb do94.今天下午沒課,我們?nèi)ゴ蚧@球吧。 We are free this afternoon._to play basketball.95. 讓王先生開車吧!你們都醉了。_the car.

20、All of you are drunk96. 不要擔心,讓我來幫你吧!Dont worry! _ help you!neither.nor.97. 我們和杰克都不認識他。_ we _Jack knows him. 98. 我即不喜歡吃蘋果也不喜歡吃香蕉.I like _。99. 當我們與別人意見不能達成一致時,我們最好既不要與人爭吵也不要放棄自己的觀點。We _our own opinions when we cant reach an agreement.not.at all100. 他昨天根本沒去上學。He _go to school at all.101. 我一點也不想把筆記本借給他。

21、 I _want to lend my notebook to him _.102. 他根本不怕再犯一樣的錯誤。 He _ afraid of making the same mistakes _.not only.but also.103. 英語不僅有用,而且流行。 English is _useful, _very popular.104 不僅莉莉,連露西都做作業(yè)很認真。_Lily _Lucy does homework carefully.105. 我們不但要學習,還要踐行精神。We should _ learn _ practice the Spirit of Beijing.not.

22、 until106. 直到昨晚很晚爸爸回了家他才去睡覺。He _ his father came back home late last night.107. 她直到媽媽回來才停止彈琴。She _ her mother came back108.雨下得真大,天放晴了飛機才起飛。It rained so heavily that the plane_it clears up.one.the other/some.others109. 我有兩件T恤,一件是白色,一件是黑色。 I have two T-shirts. _is white, _ is black.110. 同學們正在上體育課,一些同學

23、在踢足球,一些在跑步。The students are having PE class. _are playing football, _are running.111. 春天到了,一些同學喜歡去爬山,另一些喜歡去遠足。Spring is coming. _like climbing the mountains,_like hiking.112. 我有兩個好朋友,一個喜歡畫畫,另一個喜歡打籃球。 I have two good friends. _like drawing, _likes playing basketball. so.that.113. 英語老師對我們很好,而且她的課很有意思,

24、 我們都喜歡她。My English teacher is friendly to us and her lesson is _ interesting _ we all like her.114. 這個演講非常精彩。我們都聽得很認真。It was_a wonderful speech_ we all listened carefully.115. 營地太遠了,我們走了兩天才到那里。The camp is _ there.116. 我們累的走不動了。We are _ tired _we couldnt move any more.stop sb. from doing/keep sb. awa

25、y from117. 老師盡力阻止學生進網(wǎng)吧。The teachers tried their best to _ going into the net bar.118. 我想我們應該阻止人們在公共場所吸煙。I think we should _ smoking in public.119. 請勿踐踏草坪。Please _ the grass.120. 青少年應遠離毒品。Teenagers should _drugs.stop doing/stop to do121. 當老師進來時學生們停止講話了。When the teacher came in, all the students _.122

26、. 翔在奧運會之前從來沒有停止訓練。 Liu Xiang didnt _ before the Olympic Games.123. 讓他停下來休息一下吧!Let him _.take / bring/carry124. 今天天氣好,你沒有必要帶傘了。 Its a fine day. You dont have to _.125. 我的朋友帶了很多巧克力來看我。 My friends _ to visit me.126. 他總是帶很多錢出門。 He always _ before leaving home. The+比較級.The+比較級.127. 你見到這些單詞的次數(shù)越多,你就記得越牢。 _

27、 you read these words, _ you will remember them.128. 你越注意健康的飲食,你的身體就越好。 _ you care about healthy diet, _ you will be.129. 我們在空中升的越高,就會變得越冷。 _we rise in the sky, _ it is . There is something wrong with130. 電梯壞了,讓我們走著上樓吧。 _the lift.Lets walk upstairs.131. 我的手機壞了,你能告訴我現(xiàn)在幾點了嗎? _my watch. Could you tell

28、me what the time is now?132. 我的肚子疼,不能跑步了。 _my stomach, I cant run.too.to.133. 這個男孩太小了上不了學。 The boy is _young _ go to school.134. 他太激動了以至于說不出話來了。 He was _ excited _ speak.135. 這棵樹太高了,小貓爬不上去。The tree is _ to climb.used to do136. 他們過去曾經(jīng)住在這里。 They _live here.137. 他曾經(jīng)很害羞。He _be shy.be used to doing138. 她

29、習慣于早起。She _ early.139. 我媽媽習慣于在睡覺前喝一杯奶。 My mother _before she goes to bed.How about/ What about140. 你累了嗎?休息一下如何?Are you tired? _ a break?141. 我喜歡的秋天,你呢?I like the autumn in Beijing,_you?142. 的夏天真熱,去游泳如何? Its hot in Beijing in summer, _?Whats the matter with/ whats wrong?143. 莉莉,你怎么了? Lily,_ you?144.

30、你的腿怎么了?讓我看看。_ your leg? Let me see.145. 王芳還沒有來,她怎么啦?Wang Fang hasnt come yet._ her?Why not/ Why dont sb.146. 你看起來如此很累,為什么停下來歇一下呢?You look very tired._ stop for a rest?147. 你累了嗎?為什么不休息一下?Are you tired? _ a break?148. 明天是湯姆的生日,為何不給他買一漂亮的卡片呢?Tomorrow is Toms birthday, _?help sb do/ help sb. with149. 他總是幫助我學習英語。 He often _my English.150. 無論何時,只要你有困難,我都會幫你解決。 Whenever you have any difficulty, I will _solve it.151. 她小時候經(jīng)常幫媽媽做家務。 She used to _when she was young.help oneself/help oneself to sth.152. 請隨便吃點


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