已閱讀5頁,還剩125頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、通過6Sigma項目改善 提高攪拌式水壺直通率實施單位:實施時間:項目 B B:6Sigma BB項目2022-2-221Six Sigma2022-2-222Six Sigma 客戶對此款攪拌水壺產(chǎn)品需求量大,品質要求嚴.同行業(yè)產(chǎn)品價格競爭激烈外部環(huán)境外部環(huán)境攪拌式水壺現(xiàn)時直通率為78.5%客戶要求1.產(chǎn)品需求量大(30萬/年)2.品質要求嚴提升直通率提升品質 項目選定背景2022-2-223Six Sigma項目選定背景1.2013年1-4月成品直通率低,為78.5% 2.成品合格率低,2012年QA驗貨合格率為86.2%3.劣質成本高,占銷售額的比例大。檢查工序水溫檢測功能檢測耐壓測試外

2、觀檢測總裝直通率單站直通率88.9%98.6%96.4%92.9%78.5%2013年1-4月產(chǎn)品直通率 2022-2-224Six Sigma顧客及CTQ直通率低外部顧客外部顧客銷售銷售/客服客服要求要求提升產(chǎn)品品質提升產(chǎn)品品質/低廉的價位低廉的價位/較少的維修機會較少的維修機會利益利益獲取更大利潤獲取更大利潤/節(jié)省維修投入節(jié)省維修投入內(nèi)部顧客內(nèi)部顧客財務管理中心財務管理中心/成本核算部成本核算部要求要求降低劣質成本降低劣質成本/一次就做好一次就做好利益利益增加利潤增加利潤 VOC2022-2-225Six Sigma項目范圍PMC進料成品入倉OQC檢驗IQC檢驗總裝主要生產(chǎn)過程過程范圍20

3、22-2-226Six Sigma項目范圍主要裝配流程(SIPOC)拆底座裝腳墊與繞線蓋拆大身上座,裝電源線到底座裝馬達墊裝固定板到電機固定電機到大身插插座引線裝插座到大身壓連接頭,裝開關焊接引線(一)焊接引線(二)焊接引線(三)固定壓線碼與PCB板接線扎扎帶機身內(nèi)檢吹熱縮管找出影響直通率的關鍵流程裝裝飾圈2022-2-227Six Sigma項目范圍主要裝配流程(SIPOC)固定大身上下座拆大杯裝手柄蓋與水龍頭壓滾動軸承壓軸承到發(fā)熱盤固定發(fā)熱盤到大杯固定FUSE與溫控器裝腳墊壓插片到杯座,插杯座引線(一)插杯座引線(二)固定杯座裝攪拌刀組件上連接頭水溫測試耐壓測試功率測試清潔機身,繞電源線清

4、潔大杯與杯蓋外觀檢查找出影響直通率的關鍵流程2022-2-228Six Sigma戰(zhàn)略分析n1.高品質生活供應商n2.質量上臺階,管理上層次, 滿足客戶要求n3.經(jīng)市場為中心,以客戶為中心, 以技術為中心集團戰(zhàn)略提高直通率,既降低了劣質成本,又降低了制造成本,而且提高了產(chǎn)品品質,保證了交期,提高了產(chǎn)品市場競爭力和客戶滿意度。2022-2-229Six Sigma問題綜述2022-2-2210Six SigmaI In nd de ex xC C1 11098765432180.079.579.078.578.0直直通通率率走走勢勢圖圖總裝一車間近期直通率走勢圖問題綜述2022-2-2211Si

5、x SigmaY和缺陷定義 Y =直通率 =Y1*Y2*Y3*Y4 Y1定義:煲水測試合格率Y2定義:耐壓測試合格率Y3定義:功能測試合格率Y4定義:外觀檢查合格率Y Y的定義的定義缺陷定義缺陷定義2022-2-2212Six Sigma項目目標現(xiàn)狀1-5月目標11月78.5%90%2022-2-2213Six Sigma財務收益預計改善目標計算工式合計(RMB) 年度收益(人工費用x50%+裝配費用0.53x30%+公共費用0.23x100%)x預計訂單量300,000 x直接提高直通率10%=(1.49x50%+0.53x30%+0.23x100%)x300,000 x11.5%¥:443

6、65元 投入費用改模費用3000+制作夾具費2000=5000元¥:5000元相關費用1.人工成本:1.49元2.裝配成本:0.53元3.公共費用:0.23元財務總收益: ¥年度預計收益總值=預期收益-投入費用 =44365-5000 =39365元無形收益:直通率的提高,同時產(chǎn)能也顯著提高,產(chǎn)品品質明顯改善,提高了產(chǎn)品的市場競爭力和客戶滿意度。2022-2-2214Six Sigma項目團隊組織Champion X君BB:B君MBB:M君XXXXXXXXX品質監(jiān)控及檢驗標準的制定現(xiàn)場作業(yè)改善及作業(yè)方式標準化,控制文件。FMEA分析,流程改進,工程優(yōu)化測量系統(tǒng)分析,人員培訓計劃,實驗實施。項目

7、協(xié)調(diào)跟進及MSA、DOE、各階段分析品管部ZZZ工程部VVV總裝部YYY數(shù)據(jù)的收集和改善的實施,生產(chǎn)現(xiàn)場的控制2022-2-2215Six Sigma階段6月5月7月11月內(nèi)容項目進程計劃項目建立,完成 定義階段的9個部分Y的確認,數(shù)據(jù)收集,MSA現(xiàn)水平分析C&E Matrix , FMEA數(shù)據(jù)收集,多變量分析主變量確定,方差分析FMEA改善計劃作成確立質量改進的持續(xù)有效方案,通過實驗確認工藝,管理標準化,制造系統(tǒng)內(nèi)推廣提交項目報告10月9月8月5.6-6.45.6-6.46.6-7.66.6-7.67.7-9.107.7-9.109.11-10.159.11-10.1510.16-1

8、1.2010.16-11.202022-2-2216Six Sigma溝通方式 時間 地點參加人員 主題周總結會 隔周周五下午 16:00 中試部小組全體成員工作進度匯報階段總結會各階段完成時 中試部小組全體成員 各階段工作總結溝通協(xié)調(diào)2022-2-2217Six Sigma定義階段總結n以VOB、VOC導出CTQ,定義Y.n分析內(nèi)外部環(huán)境n找到項目范圍n確定項目目標和收益估算n組建項目團隊、成員角色分工n制定項目進程計劃2022-2-2218Six Sigma2022-2-2219Six SigmaYS的確認 顧客CTQ品質投訴,成本增加項目Y:提高直通率(計量型數(shù)據(jù))可操作YS(計量型數(shù)據(jù)

9、)煲水測試合格率、功能測試合格率耐壓測試合格率、外觀檢查合格率2022-2-2220Six SigmaYS的確認Y的問題描述煲水測試 開關不良耐壓測試 耐壓不良功能測試 INT 雜音 功率高或低外觀檢查大身刮花杯刮花機身混色絲印不良手柄蓋離縫大身錯位底座錯位機內(nèi)異物2022-2-2221Six Sigma測量日期:2013.6.12分析人員:A君 B君 Y 的MSA-LQC成品外觀判斷 測試員測試員 3 3名名; ; 樣品樣品 1010個個; ; 反復反復 3 3次次樣品 標準 測試員A測試員B 測試員C 1OKNGNGNGNGNGNGNGNGNG2OKNGNGNGOKOKOKNGNGNG3N


11、e er rP Pe er rc ce en nt t32110080604020095.0% CIPercentDate of study: Reported by:Name of product:Misc:A As ss se es ss sm me en nt t A Ag gr re ee em me en nt t每每個個檢檢驗驗員員結結果果一一致致圖圖示示檢檢驗驗員員檢檢驗驗結結果果與與標標準準一一致致圖圖示示2022-2-2223Six SigmaWithin Appraisers Assessment AgreementAppraiser # Inspected # Match

12、ed Percent 95 % CI1 10 8 80.00 (44.39, 97.48)2 10 6 60.00 (26.24, 87.84)3 10 8 80.00 (44.39, 97.48)# Matched: Appraiser agrees with him/herself across trials.Fleiss Kappa StatisticsAppraiser Response Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs 0)1 NG 0.733333 0.182574 4.01663 0.0000 OK 0.733333 0.182574 4.01663 0.00002 N

13、G 0.466667 0.182574 2.55604 0.0053 OK 0.466667 0.182574 2.55604 0.00533 NG 0.682540 0.182574 3.73842 0.0001 OK 0.682540 0.182574 3.73842 0.0001Kappa值小于0.7,需要改善 每個檢查員檢查結果一致性(重復性)百分比LQC成品外觀檢查MSA結果2022-2-2224Six SigmaEach Appraiser vs Standard Assessment AgreementAppraiser # Inspected # Matched Percent

14、 95 % CI1 10 1 10.00 (0.25, 44.50)2 10 1 10.00 (0.25, 44.50)3 10 1 10.00 (0.25, 44.50)# Matched: Appraisers assessment across trials agrees with the known standard.Assessment DisagreementAppraiser # OK / NG Percent # NG / OK Percent # Mixed Percent1 3 60.00 4 80.00 2 20.002 2 40.00 3 60.00 4 40.003

15、2 40.00 5 100.00 2 20.00 # OK / NG: Assessments across trials = OK / standard = NG.# NG / OK: Assessments across trials = NG / standard = OK.# Mixed: Assessments across trials are not identical.Fleiss Kappa StatisticsAppraiser Response Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs 0)1 NG -0.610774 0.182574 -3.34535 0.9996

16、OK -0.610774 0.182574 -3.34535 0.99962 NG -0.477441 0.182574 -2.61505 0.9955 OK -0.477441 0.182574 -2.61505 0.99553 NG -0.666667 0.182574 -3.65148 0.9999 OK -0.666667 0.182574 -3.65148 0.9999Kappa值小于0.7,需要改善P值大于0.05,說明一致性檢驗結果不可靠檢驗錯誤次數(shù)每個檢查員檢查結果與標準一致性(重復性)百分比LQC成品外觀檢查MSA結果2022-2-2225Six SigmanBetween

17、Appraisers nAssessment Agreementn# Inspected # Matched Percent 95 % CIn 10 3 30.00 (6.67, 65.25)n# Matched: All appraisers assessments agree with each other.nFleiss Kappa StatisticsnResponse Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs 0)n NG 0.343891 0.0527046 6.52488 0.0000n OK 0.343891 0.0527046 6.52488 0.0000n All App

18、raisers vs Standard nAssessment Agreementn# Inspected # Matched Percent 95 % CIn 10 0 0.00 (0.00, 25.89)n# Matched: All appraisers assessments agree with the known standard.nFleiss Kappa StatisticsnResponse Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs 0)n NG -0.584961 0.105409 -5.54942 1.0000n OK -0.584961 0.105409 -5.549

19、42 1.0000所有檢驗員檢查結果)一致性(重復性)百分比所有檢驗員檢查結果一致性Kappa小于0.7,需改善所有檢驗員檢查結果與標準一致性百分比所有檢驗員檢查結果與標準一致性Kappa小于0.7,需改善LQC成品外觀檢查MSA結果2022-2-2226Six Sigma樣品 標準 測試員A測試員B 測試員C 1OKOKOKOKOKOKOKOKOKNG2NGNGNGNGNGNGNGNGNGOK3OKOKOKOKOKOKOKOKOKOK4OKOKOKOKOKOKOKOKOKOK5NGNGNGNGNGNGNGNGNGNG6OKOKOKOKOKOKOKOKOKOK7OKOKOKOKOKOKOKOK

20、OKOK8NGNGNGNGNGNGNGNGNGNG9NGOKOKOKNGNGNGOKOKOK10OKOKOKOKOKOKOKOKOKOKY的MSA-LQC成品功能測試 測試員測試員 3 3名名; ; 樣品樣品 1010個個; ; 反復反復 3 3次次2022-2-2227Six SigmaLQC成品功能測試MSA結果A Ap pp pr ra ai is se er rP Pe er rc ce en nt t321100908070605095.0% CIPercentA Ap pp pr ra ai is se er rP Pe er rc ce en nt t32110090807060

21、5095.0% CIPercentDate of study: Reported by:Name of product:Misc:A As ss se es ss sm me en nt t A Ag gr re ee em me en nt t每每個個檢檢驗驗員員結結果果一一致致圖圖示示檢檢驗驗員員檢檢驗驗結結果果與與標標準準一一致致圖圖示示2022-2-2228Six SigmanWithin Appraisers nAssessment AgreementnAppraiser # Inspected # Matched Percent 95 % CIn 1 10 10 100.00 (7

22、4.11, 100.00)n 2 10 10 100.00 (74.11, 100.00)n 3 10 9 90.00 (55.50, 99.75)n# Matched: Appraiser agrees with him/herself across trials.nFleiss Kappa StatisticsnAppraiser Response Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs 0)n 1 NG 1.00 0.182574 5.47723 0.0000n OK 1.00 0.182574 5.47723 0.0000n 2 NG 1.00 0.182574 5.47723 0

23、.0000n OK 1.00 0.182574 5.47723 0.0000n 3 NG 0.85 0.182574 4.65564 0.0000n OK 0.85 0.182574 4.65564 0.0000Kappa值大于0.7,每個檢驗員檢驗結果一致性可以接受P值小于0.05,說明一致性檢驗結果可靠LQC成品功能測試MSA結果每個檢查員檢查結果一致性(重復性)百分比2022-2-2229Six SigmanEach Appraiser vs Standard nAssessment AgreementnAppraiser # Inspected # Matched Percent 95

24、 % CIn 1 10 9 90.00 (55.50, 99.75)n 2 10 10 100.00 (74.11, 100.00)n 3 10 8 80.00 (44.39, 97.48)n# Matched: Appraisers assessment across trials agrees with the known standard.nAssessment DisagreementnAppraiser # OK / NG Percent # NG / OK Percent # Mixed Percentn 1 1 25.00 0 0.00 0 0.00n 2 0 0.00 0 0.

25、00 0 0.00n 3 1 25.00 0 0.00 1 10.00n# OK / NG: Assessments across trials = OK / standard = NG.n# NG / OK: Assessments across trials = NG / standard = OK.n# Mixed: Assessments across trials are not identical.nFleiss Kappa StatisticsnAppraiser Response Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs 0)n 1 NG 0.78022 0.182574 4

26、.27344 0.0000n OK 0.78022 0.182574 4.27344 0.0000n 2 NG 1.00000 0.182574 5.47723 0.0000n OK 1.00000 0.182574 5.47723 0.0000n 3 NG 0.71459 0.182574 3.91398 0.0000n OK 0.71459 0.182574 3.91398 0.0000檢驗錯誤次數(shù)Kappa值大于0.7,每個檢驗員檢驗結果與標準一致性可以接受P值小于0.05,說明檢驗員檢驗結果與標準一致性結果可靠 所有檢查員檢查結果一致性(重復性)百分比LQC成品功能測試MSA結果202

27、2-2-2230Six SigmanBetween Appraisers nAssessment Agreementn# Inspected # Matched Percent 95 % CIn 10 8 80.00 (44.39, 97.48)n# Matched: All appraisers assessments agree with each other.nFleiss Kappa StatisticsnResponse Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs 0)n NG 0.840077 0.0527046 15.9393 0.0000n OK 0.840077 0.0527

28、046 15.9393 0.0000n nAll Appraisers vs Standard nAssessment Agreementn# Inspected # Matched Percent 95 % CIn 10 8 80.00 (44.39, 97.48)n# Matched: All appraisers assessments agree with the known standard.nFleiss Kappa StatisticsnResponse Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs 0)n NG 0.831604 0.105409 7.88928 0.0000n

29、OK 0.831604 0.105409 7.88928 0.0000nAttribute Agreement Analysis Kappa值大于0.7,說明所有檢驗員檢驗結果一致性可靠所有檢驗員檢查結果一致性(重復性)百分比所有檢驗員檢查結果與標準一致性百分比Kappa值大于0.7,說明所有檢驗員檢驗結果與標準一致性可靠LQC成品功能測試MSA結果2022-2-2231Six SigmaY的MSA-LQC成品耐壓測試 測試員測試員 3 3名名; ; 樣品樣品 1010個個; ; 反復反復 3 3次次2022-2-2232Six SigmaA Ap pp pr ra ai is se er r

30、P Pe er rc ce en nt t321100959085807595.0% CIPercentA Ap pp pr ra ai is se er rP Pe er rc ce en nt t321100959085807595.0% CIPercentDate of study: Reported by:Name of product:Misc:A As ss se es ss sm me en nt t A Ag gr re ee em me en nt t每每個個檢檢驗驗員員結結果果一一致致圖圖示示檢檢驗驗員員檢檢驗驗結結果果與與標標準準一一致致圖圖示示Y的MSA-LQC成品耐壓

31、測試結果2022-2-2233Six SigmaWithin Appraisers Assessment AgreementAppraiser # Inspected # Matched Percent 95 % CI 1 10 10 100.00 (74.11, 100.00) 2 10 10 100.00 (74.11, 100.00) 3 10 10 100.00 (74.11, 100.00)# Matched: Appraiser agrees with him/herself across trials.Fleiss Kappa StatisticsAppraiser Respon

32、se Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs 0) 1 NG 1 0.182574 5.47723 0.0000 OK 1 0.182574 5.47723 0.0000 2 NG 1 0.182574 5.47723 0.0000 OK 1 0.182574 5.47723 0.0000 3 NG 1 0.182574 5.47723 0.0000 OK 1 0.182574 5.47723 0.0000Kappa值大于0.9,每個檢驗員檢驗結果一致性非常好P值小于0.05,說明一致性檢驗結果可靠每個檢查員檢查結果一致性(重復性)百分比Y的MSA-LQC成品耐壓測試結果2022-2-22

33、34Six SigmaEach Appraiser vs Standard Assessment AgreementAppraiser # Inspected # Matched Percent 95 % CI 1 10 10 100.00 (74.11, 100.00) 2 10 10 100.00 (74.11, 100.00) 3 10 10 100.00 (74.11, 100.00)# Matched: Appraisers assessment across trials agrees with the known standard.Assessment DisagreementA

34、ppraiser # OK / NG Percent # NG / OK Percent # Mixed Percent 1 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 # OK / NG: Assessments across trials = OK / standard = NG.# NG / OK: Assessments across trials = NG / standard = OK.# Mixed: Assessments across trials are not identical.F

35、leiss Kappa StatisticsAppraiser Response Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs 0) 1 NG 1 0.182574 5.47723 0.0000 OK 1 0.182574 5.47723 0.0000 2 NG 1 0.182574 5.47723 0.0000 OK 1 0.182574 5.47723 0.0000 3 NG 1 0.182574 5.47723 0.0000 OK 1 0.182574 5.47723 0.0000所有檢查員檢查結果一致性(重復性)百分比沒有檢驗錯誤Kappa值大于0.9,每個檢驗員檢驗結果一致性非常好P值

36、小于0.05,說明每個檢驗員檢驗結果可靠Y的MSA-LQC成品耐壓測試結果2022-2-2235Six SigmaBetween Appraisers Assessment Agreement# Inspected # Matched Percent 95 % CI 10 10 100.00 (74.11, 100.00)# Matched: All appraisers assessments agree with each other.Fleiss Kappa StatisticsResponse Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs 0) NG 1 0.0527046 18.973

37、7 0.0000 OK 1 0.0527046 18.9737 0.0000All Appraisers vs Standard Assessment Agreement# Inspected # Matched Percent 95 % CI 10 10 100.00 (74.11, 100.00)# Matched: All appraisers assessments agree with the known standard.Fleiss Kappa StatisticsResponse Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs 0) NG 1 0.105409 9.48683 0.

38、0000 OK 1 0.105409 9.48683 0.0000Kappa值大于0.9,說明所有檢驗員檢驗結果一致性非常好所有檢驗員檢查結果一致性(重復性)百分比所有檢驗員檢查結果與標準一致性百分比Kappa值大于0.9,說明所有檢驗員檢驗結果與標準一致性非常好Y的MSA-LQC成品耐壓測試結果2022-2-2236Six SigmaY的MSA-LQC成品煲水測試 測試員測試員 3 3名名; ; 樣品樣品 1010個個; ; 反復反復 3 3次次2022-2-2237Six SigmaA Ap pp pr ra ai is se er rP Pe er rc ce en nt t321100

39、9080706095.0% CIPercentA Ap pp pr ra ai is se er rP Pe er rc ce en nt t3211009080706095.0% CIPercentDate of study: Reported by:Name of product:Misc:A As ss se es ss sm me en nt t A Ag gr re ee em me en nt t每每個個檢檢驗驗員員檢檢驗驗結結果果一一致致圖圖示示檢檢驗驗員員檢檢驗驗結結果果與與標標準準一一致致圖圖示示Y的MSA-LQC成品煲水測試結果2022-2-2238Six SigmaWit

40、hin Appraisers Assessment AgreementAppraiser # Inspected # Matched Percent 95 % CI 1 10 9 90.00 (55.50, 99.75) 2 10 9 90.00 (55.50, 99.75) 3 10 9 90.00 (55.50, 99.75)# Matched: Appraiser agrees with him/herself across trials.Fleiss Kappa StatisticsAppraiser Response Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs 0) 1 NG 0.8

41、56459 0.182574 4.69102 0.0000 OK 0.856459 0.182574 4.69102 0.0000 2 NG 0.864253 0.182574 4.73371 0.0000 OK 0.864253 0.182574 4.73371 0.0000 3 NG 0.864253 0.182574 4.73371 0.0000 OK 0.864253 0.182574 4.73371 0.0000Kappa值大于0.7,每個檢驗員檢驗結果一致性可以接受P值小于0.05,說明檢驗員檢驗結果一致性結果可靠每個檢查員檢查結果一致性(重復性)百分比Y的MSA-LQC成品煲水測

42、試結果2022-2-2239Six SigmaEach Appraiser vs Standard Assessment AgreementAppraiser # Inspected # Matched Percent 95 % CI 1 10 9 90.00 (55.50, 99.75) 2 10 9 90.00 (55.50, 99.75) 3 10 9 90.00 (55.50, 99.75)# Matched: Appraisers assessment across trials agrees with the known standard.Assessment Disagreeme

43、ntAppraiser # OK / NG Percent # NG / OK Percent # Mixed Percent 1 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 10.00 2 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 10.00 3 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 10.00# OK / NG: Assessments across trials = OK / standard = NG.# NG / OK: Assessments across trials = NG / standard = OK.# Mixed: Assessments across trials are not identi

44、cal.Fleiss Kappa StatisticsAppraiser Response Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs 0) 1 NG 0.926740 0.182574 5.07596 0.0000 OK 0.926740 0.182574 5.07596 0.0000 2 NG 0.932660 0.182574 5.10839 0.0000 OK 0.932660 0.182574 5.10839 0.0000 3 NG 0.932660 0.182574 5.10839 0.0000 OK 0.932660 0.182574 5.10839 0.0000檢驗結果本身不一

45、致次數(shù)Kappa值大于0.,每個檢驗員檢驗結果與標準一致性可以非常好所有檢查員檢查結果一致性(重復性)百分比P值小于0.05,說明檢驗員檢驗結果一致性結果可靠Y的MSA-LQC成品煲水測試結果2022-2-2240Six SigmaBetween Appraisers Assessment Agreement# Inspected # Matched Percent 95 % CI 10 7 70.00 (34.75, 93.33)# Matched: All appraisers assessments agree with each other.Fleiss Kappa Statistic

46、sResponse Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs 0) NG 0.862315 0.0527046 16.3613 0.0000 OK 0.862315 0.0527046 16.3613 0.0000 All Appraisers vs Standard Assessment Agreement# Inspected # Matched Percent 95 % CI 10 7 70.00 (34.75, 93.33)# Matched: All appraisers assessments agree with the known standard.Fleiss Kappa

47、StatisticsResponse Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs 0) NG 0.930687 0.105409 8.82927 0.0000 OK 0.930687 0.105409 8.82927 0.0000Kappa值大于0.7,說明所有檢驗員檢驗結果一致性可靠Kappa值大于0.9,說明所有檢驗員檢驗結果與標準一致性非常好Y的MSA-LQC成品煲水測試結果2022-2-2241Six Sigma1.成品外觀檢查結果不可以接受,需對檢驗員進行培訓。 責任人:XXX、YYY。 培訓結束后需進行第二次MSA分析。2.成品功能、耐壓、煲水測試結果可以信賴。MSA結果分析人員培


49、測試員測試員 3 3名(同第一次)名(同第一次); ; 樣品樣品 1010個個; ; 反復反復 3 3次次2022-2-2244Six SigmaA Ap pp pr ra ai is se er rP Pe er rc ce en nt t321100908070605095.0% CIPercentA Ap pp pr ra ai is se er rP Pe er rc ce en nt t321100908070605095.0% CIPercentDate of study: Reported by:Name of product:Misc:A As ss se es ss sm m

50、e en nt t A Ag gr re ee em me en nt t每每個個檢檢驗驗員員結結果果一一致致圖圖示示檢檢驗驗員員檢檢驗驗結結果果與與標標準準一一致致圖圖示示LQC成品外觀檢查第二次MSA結果2022-2-2245Six SigmanWithin Appraisers nAssessment AgreementnAppraiser # Inspected # Matched Percent 95 % CIn 1 10 8 80.00 (44.39, 97.48)n 2 10 9 90.00 (55.50, 99.75)n 3 10 9 90.00 (55.50, 99.75)n

51、# Matched: Appraiser agrees with him/herself across trials.nFleiss Kappa StatisticsnAppraiser Response Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs 0)n 1 NG 0.728507 0.182574 3.99020 0.0000n OK 0.728507 0.182574 3.99020 0.0000n 2 NG 0.866071 0.182574 4.74367 0.0000n OK 0.866071 0.182574 4.74367 0.0000n 3 NG 0.866071 0.182

52、574 4.74367 0.0000n OK 0.866071 0.182574 4.74367 0.0000Kappa值大于0.7,每個檢驗員檢驗結果一致性可以接受P值小于0.05,說明檢驗員檢驗結果一致性結果可靠每個檢查員檢查結果一致性(重復性)百分比LQC成品外觀檢查第二次MSA結果2022-2-2246Six SigmanEach Appraiser vs Standard nAssessment AgreementnAppraiser # Inspected # Matched Percent 95 % CIn 1 10 8 80.00 (44.39, 97.48)n 2 10 9

53、90.00 (55.50, 99.75)n 3 10 9 90.00 (55.50, 99.75)n# Matched: Appraisers assessment across trials agrees with the known standard.nAssessment DisagreementnAppraiser # OK / NG Percent # NG / OK Percent # Mixed Percentn 1 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 20.00n 2 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 10.00n 3 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 10.00n# OK / NG:

54、 Assessments across trials = OK / standard = NG.n# NG / OK: Assessments across trials = NG / standard = OK.n# Mixed: Assessments across trials are not identical.nFleiss Kappa StatisticsnAppraiser Response Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs 0)n 1 NG 0.865320 0.182574 4.73955 0.0000n OK 0.865320 0.182574 4.73955 0

55、.0000n 2 NG 0.932660 0.182574 5.10839 0.0000n OK 0.932660 0.182574 5.10839 0.0000n 3 NG 0.932660 0.182574 5.10839 0.0000n OK 0.932660 0.182574 5.10839 0.0000檢驗結果本身不一致次數(shù)Kappa值大于0.7,每個檢驗員檢驗結果與標準一致性可以接受所有檢查員檢查結果一致性(重復性)百分比P值小于0.05,說明檢驗員檢驗結果一致性結果可靠LQC成品外觀檢查第二次MSA結果2022-2-2247Six SigmanBetween Appraisers

56、 nAssessment Agreementn# Inspected # Matched Percent 95 % CIn 10 8 80.00 (26.24, 87.84)n# Matched: All appraisers assessments agree with each other.nFleiss Kappa StatisticsnResponse Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs 0)n NG 0.821870 0.0527046 15.5939 0.0000n OK 0.821870 0.0527046 15.5939 0.0000nAll Appraisers vs

57、 Standard nAssessment Agreementn# Inspected # Matched Percent 95 % CIn 10 8 80.00 (26.24, 87.84)n# Matched: All appraisers assessments agree with the known standard.nFleiss Kappa StatisticsnResponse Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs 0)n NG 0.910213 0.105409 8.63504 0.0000n OK 0.910213 0.105409 8.63504 0.0000n A

58、ttribute Agreement Analysis Kappa值大于0.7,說明所有檢驗員檢驗結果一致性可靠Kappa值大于0.9,說明所有檢驗員檢驗結果與標準一致性非常好LQC成品外觀檢查第二次MSA結果2022-2-2248Six Sigma現(xiàn)狀能力分析2022-2-2249Six SigmaS S a a m m p p l l e eP Pr ro op po or rt ti io on n109876543210.250.200.15_P=0.2146UCL=0.2517LCL=0.1775S S a a m m p p l l e e% %D De ef fe ec ct t

59、i iv ve e10864222212019Summary Stats0.00PPM Def:214639Lower CI:206327Upper CI:223131Process Z:0.7904Lower CI:(using 95.0% confidence)0.7617Upper CI:0.8192%Defective:21.46Lower CI:20.63Upper CI:22.31Target:S S a a m m p p l l e e S S i i z z e e% %D De ef fe ec ct ti iv ve e12008004002520152520151050

60、現(xiàn)現(xiàn)狀狀能能力力分分析析P P C C h h a a r r t tTests performed with unequal sample sizesC C u u m m u u l l a a t t i i v v e e % % D D e e f f e e c c t t i i v v e eR R a a t t e e o o f f D D e e f f e e c c t t i i v v e e s sD D i i s s t t o o f f % % D D e e f f e e c c t t i i v v e e不良率


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