人教PEP版五年級英語上冊《Unit 6 第四課時》教學(xué)課件PPT小學(xué)優(yōu)秀公開課_第1頁
人教PEP版五年級英語上冊《Unit 6 第四課時》教學(xué)課件PPT小學(xué)優(yōu)秀公開課_第2頁
人教PEP版五年級英語上冊《Unit 6 第四課時》教學(xué)課件PPT小學(xué)優(yōu)秀公開課_第3頁
人教PEP版五年級英語上冊《Unit 6 第四課時》教學(xué)課件PPT小學(xué)優(yōu)秀公開課_第4頁
人教PEP版五年級英語上冊《Unit 6 第四課時》教學(xué)課件PPT小學(xué)優(yōu)秀公開課_第5頁
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1、Unit 6 In a nature park第四課第四課時時Part B(Lets learn Write and say)人教PEP版 五年級英語上冊Amy:l. C Sarah; Really? Is there a forest in the park? Amy: 2. D Sarah: 3. A Amny: No, there isnt.Sarah:4. B Amy: Yes, there is a big lake.Are there any lakes on the mountain?Yes, there is one.Write four sentence about the

2、picture above.1.There is a_bri_d_g_e a_b_o_v_e_t_h_e_r_i_v_e_r . 2.There are ma_n_y_t_r_e_es b_e_s_id_e th_e r_iv_e_r3._Th_e_re a_r_e_ma_n_y_h_o_use_s_bes_i_d_e_t_h_e_r_i_v_e_r4 . _Th_e_r_e_is a_b_i_g_bu_il_d_ing_b_e_s_id_e t_h_e_b_r_i_d_g_e_ .There is a village in the nature park.1、there be(is, are

3、)句型的單復(fù)數(shù)形式句型的單復(fù)數(shù)形式: 例例:There is a nature park near the house.There are many ducks on the lake.(1)There be句型的動詞就近原則句型的動詞就近原則:例例:There is a bed, a desk, two photos in my room. There are two photos, a bed and a desk in my room.2、people 人,人人,人們們(集體名詞,明為單數(shù),實為復(fù)數(shù),詞末不能加(集體名詞,明為單數(shù),實為復(fù)數(shù),詞末不能加-s) 例例:There are m

4、any people in the park.讀一讀,選一選讀一讀,選一選。A: Lets go to the park tomorrow, Li Ping.B: That sounds good.1. CA: There are many trees and flowers. B: 2. AA: No,there arent. But there are monkeys and birds. B: 3. BA: Yes, they are behind a farm. We can take photos there.B: Great. Lets go on a picnic(野餐野餐).B: Thats wonderful. Is there a restaurant in the park?A:4. D.We can take some food.看圖片,選單詞填空看圖片,選單詞填空。1.There is a r_i v_e_rin the forest. 2.There is a d_u_c_kon the lake.3.There are two _r_a_b_b_i_t sin the basket.4.Is there a long _c_h_a_


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