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1、Section Language points()(Welcometo the unit & Reading)語 言 基 礎(chǔ) 自 測(cè).單詞拼寫根據(jù)漢語或首字母提示,寫出下列單詞。1She pretended(假裝)that she was not at home when we rang the bell.2After six months' training,the whole team is in superb (極佳的)form.3She could not stand the horrible(糟糕的)weather there.4As long as you don&

2、#39;t betray(背叛)me,I'll do whatever you ask me to (do)5I feel awkward(尷尬的)as everyone except me is in evening dress.6Are you willing to swear in court that you saw him do it?7He knew he had behaved badly and he seemed truly sorry.8The magazine often remarks upon performance of some countries'

3、; leaders.9I sincerely hope you can take my letter seriously.10Don't be so sensitive and I was not criticizing you.拓展詞匯根據(jù)詞性和漢語提示,寫出下列單詞。1cheer v(為)歡呼,喝彩cheerful adj.愉快的,高興的;令人愉快的2admit vt.&vi.承認(rèn);允許進(jìn)入,接納admission n承認(rèn);招供;準(zhǔn)許進(jìn)入,加入權(quán)3cruel adj.殘酷的,殘忍的cruelty n. 殘忍,兇殘4argue vi.爭(zhēng)吵,爭(zhēng)論argument n爭(zhēng)吵;爭(zhēng)論5

4、apology n道歉apologize vi.道歉n.fuladj.A(原形)B(過去式)C(過去分詞)careful adj. 仔細(xì)的useful adj. 有用的helpful adj. 有幫助的forgiveforgaveforgivengivegavegivenriseroserisen.補(bǔ)全短語根據(jù)提示補(bǔ)全下列短語。1get along with與相處;進(jìn)展2spy on 暗中監(jiān)視,窺探3belong to 屬于4keep pace with (與)步調(diào)一致,(與)同步5as a result of 由于6keep one's word 信守諾言7make an apolo

5、gy 道歉8stare at sb. 盯著某人9can't help doing. 禁不住做10before long 不久,很快.選詞填空選用上述短語的適當(dāng)形式填空。1It is known to us all that the lion belongs to the cat family.2He got along well with his sisters when he was young.3He was late for the meeting as a result of the heavy rain.4It is impolite to stare at others.

6、【導(dǎo)學(xué)號(hào):45062019】5She walked so fast that I couldn't keep pace with her.vi.prep.動(dòng)詞短語v.n.prep.動(dòng)詞短語object to 反對(duì)result in 導(dǎo)致stare at 盯著look forward to 盼望,期望pay attention to 注意take care of 照顧.經(jīng)典句式仿寫背教材原句記句式結(jié)構(gòu)仿寫促落實(shí)1.I must have sounded very proud of myself after the quiz,saying how easy it was and how I

7、 was sure to get a good grade.考試之后,我一定是聽上去洋洋得意,說考題實(shí)在太簡(jiǎn)單了,我肯定能取得好成績(jī)must have done“一定做了”,表示對(duì)過去發(fā)生的事情的肯定推測(cè)。Ms Li,our English teacher,must have found it strange on Teachers' Day.李老師,我們的英語老師,在教師節(jié)那天一定發(fā)現(xiàn)有點(diǎn)奇怪。2.I was so angry that I went straight to Hannah and told her we weren't going to be friends

8、any more because she couldn't keep her word.我非常生氣,徑直走到漢娜跟前,告訴她我們不再是朋友了,因?yàn)樗荒苄攀爻兄Z。so.that.“如此,以至于”,引導(dǎo)結(jié)果狀語從句。Sometimes a smile is so powerful that it gives people suffering from disasters great courage.有時(shí)候,一個(gè)微笑是如此強(qiáng)大以至于它給那些遭受災(zāi)難的人以巨大的勇氣。3.Football is very important to me,but so is our friendship.足球?qū)?/p>

9、我來說很重要,但我們的友誼也同等重要?!皊obe動(dòng)詞主語”是部分倒裝,表示前面提到的肯定情況也適用于后者。In a word,success is very important,but so is failure,because it is the mother of success.總之,成功很重要,但是失敗也同樣重要,因?yàn)槭∈浅晒χ浮:?心 要 點(diǎn) 探 究 pretend vt.& vi.假裝;扮作,裝扮(教材P2)Afterwards,I pretended to be cheerful,but Hannah sensed something was wrong.后來,我假裝

10、很開心,但漢娜還是覺察到哪兒有點(diǎn)不對(duì)勁。歸納拓展pretend sth.假裝pretend to ben.(adj.) 假裝是pretend (not) to do sth. 假裝(不)做某事pretend to be doing sth. 假裝正在做某事pretend to have done. 假裝已做了pretend that. 假裝He pretended not to know the facts.他假裝不知實(shí)情。I had been lying to myself,pretending(pretend) that everything was fine.我一直對(duì)自己撒謊,假裝一切順

11、利。He pretended to be reading(read) when his mother came in.當(dāng)他媽媽進(jìn)來時(shí)他假裝正在看書。He pretended not to have heard (hear)about it.他假裝沒聽說過這事。 admit vt.& vi.承認(rèn);允許進(jìn)入,接納(教材P2)We went to wash our hands in the girls' washroom before lunch and I admitted how badly I had done.午飯前,我們?nèi)ヅ词珠g洗手,我承認(rèn)我考得是如何的差。歸納拓展adm

12、it (to) sth./doing sth.承認(rèn)某事/干過某事admit從句 承認(rèn)admit.to be. 承認(rèn)是admit sb.to/into sth. 準(zhǔn)許某人進(jìn)入;準(zhǔn)許某人加入be admitted to/into. 被錄??;被接納I have to admit that it is convenient and pleasant to read on an iPad.我不得不承認(rèn)在iPad上閱讀非常方便和舒適。She admitted having read/reading(read) the letter.她承認(rèn)已讀過這封信了。WeiXiang,a disabled studen

13、t from Gansu Province,has been admitted to/into Tsinghua University.甘肅殘疾考生魏祥已經(jīng)被清華大學(xué)錄取了。圖形助記一詞多義的admit keep one's word信守承諾(教材P2).we weren't going to be friends any more because she couldn't keep her word.我們不再是朋友了,因?yàn)樗荒苄攀爻兄Z。歸納拓展break one's word/promise食言have a word with sb. 與某人談話have w

14、ords with sb. 與某人爭(zhēng)吵in a word 簡(jiǎn)言之in other words 換句話說In a word,he is an honest person.總而言之,他是個(gè)誠(chéng)實(shí)的人。As is often the case,he breaks his word/promise again.像往常一樣,他又食言了。It's no use having words with that bad­behaved man.與那樣一個(gè)舉止惡劣的人爭(zhēng)吵是沒用的。 forgive vt.原諒,寬恕(教材P2)I don't think I can ever truly f

15、orgive her.我認(rèn)為我永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)真正地原諒她。歸納拓展forgive sb.(sth.)原諒某人(某事)forgive one's doing sth. 原諒某人做了某事forgive sb.for(doing)sth. 原諒某人(做了)某事forgive and forget 摒棄前嫌Two persons cannot long be friends if they cannot forgive each other's little failings.(Jean de La Bruyere,F(xiàn)rench moralist)如果兩個(gè)人對(duì)于彼此的小缺點(diǎn)不能相互原諒,他們

16、的友誼便不能持久。Please forgive my being late.I was stuck in the traffic jam.請(qǐng)?jiān)徫疫t到了,我遇上了交通堵塞。At last she forgave him for missing (miss) her birthday party.她最終原諒了他錯(cuò)過她的生日派對(duì)。I forgave him for what he said yesterday.我原諒他昨天所說的話了。 focus vi.&vt.集中注意力于;(使)聚焦 n焦點(diǎn);重點(diǎn)(教材P3)The other team was superb and we really

17、had to focus.對(duì)方是一支優(yōu)秀的球隊(duì),我們真的得集中注意力。歸納拓展(1)focus on.集中于focus one's attention/efforts/energy on. 集中注意力/努力/精力于focus one's mind on. 把心思集中于focus one's eyes on. 注視著(2)bring/throw o focus使某事物成為關(guān)注的焦點(diǎn)You should focus your attention on your work.你應(yīng)該把注意力放到工作上。The course focuses on three main

18、 topics.這門課程討論3個(gè)主要話題。The media brought the 2019 Taipei Summer Univer­siade into focus.2019年臺(tái)北世界大學(xué)生夏季運(yùn)動(dòng)會(huì)成為媒體的焦點(diǎn)。 【導(dǎo)學(xué)號(hào):45062019】圖形助記聚焦focus焦點(diǎn)對(duì)準(zhǔn)焦距 as a result of由于的原因(教材P3)He could not keep pace with the game,and as a result of his careless playing we lost.他跟不上比賽的節(jié)奏,由于他的粗心我們輸了。歸納拓展(1)as a result結(jié)果

19、;因此without result 徒勞;毫無結(jié)果(2)result in 導(dǎo)致;造成result from 由造成As a result of the bad weather,the sports meeting has to be put off.由于天氣原因,運(yùn)動(dòng)會(huì)不得不推遲。He was late again.As a result,he lost his job.他又遲到了。結(jié)果,他丟了工作。The traffic accident resulted from the heavy fog.The heavy fog resulted in the traffic accident.這

20、場(chǎng)交通事故是由濃霧引起的。聯(lián)想助記與as a result of表達(dá)意義相近的短語:because of因?yàn)?,由于owing to 由于,應(yīng)歸功于due to 因?yàn)?,由于on account of 由于,因?yàn)?remark n& vt.評(píng)論,談?wù)?教材P3)I feel really guilty because I made some cruel remarks too,but I dislike seeing our team lose.我感到很內(nèi)疚,因?yàn)槲乙舱f了一些殘酷無情的話,但我不喜歡看到我們隊(duì)輸球。歸納拓展(1)make a remark/comment on就發(fā)表評(píng)論(2

21、)remark/comment on 就發(fā)表評(píng)論remark that. 評(píng)論說;主張(3)remarkable adj. 卓越的,非凡的,顯著的When she is put in a situation where she has to make a remark/comment on others,she usually changes the topic.當(dāng)她處在不得不評(píng)論他人的情形下時(shí),她通常會(huì)改變?cè)掝}。In my view,remarking on somebody else in public is impolite.我認(rèn)為,當(dāng)眾評(píng)論某人是不禮貌的。The book is fil

22、led with remarkable(remark) insights.這本書很有真知灼見。語境助記The scientist remarked that he had found a remarkable way,but others made no remarks on it.那個(gè)科學(xué)家說他找到了一種非凡的方法,但其他人對(duì)此不予置評(píng)。 argue vi.爭(zhēng)吵,爭(zhēng)論 vt.辯論;主張(教材P3)Since we argued,he hasn't spoken to me even though we sit next to each other in class.自從我們發(fā)生爭(zhēng)吵后

23、,他一直沒有跟我說話,盡管我們倆在班上是鄰座。歸納拓展(1)argue with sb.about/over sth. 與某人辯論某事argue for/against 贊成/反對(duì)argue o/out of doing sth. 勸某人做/不做某事(2)argument n. 爭(zhēng)吵;爭(zhēng)論;辯論have an argument with sb.about/over sth. 與某人就發(fā)生爭(zhēng)吵They argued with each other about/over the best place for a holiday.他們?yōu)樽罴训亩燃俚攸c(diǎn)而爭(zhēng)論不休。They argued h

24、im into giving(give) up the plan.他們說服他放棄了這個(gè)計(jì)劃。We had an argument with the waiter about/over the bill.我們和服務(wù)員就賬單發(fā)生了爭(zhēng)吵。 apologize vi.道歉(教材P3)The things he said hurt me too,but he has not apologized to me.他說的話也傷害了我,但他并沒有向我道歉。歸納拓展(1)apologize(to sb.)for(doing)sth. 因(做)某事而(向某人)道歉(2)apology n. 道歉make/offer

25、 an apology to sb.(for.) (因)向某人道歉accept/refuse an apology 接受/拒絕道歉John apologized to Mary for having kept her waiting so long.讓瑪麗等了那么久,約翰為此向她道歉。Realizing that he was wrong,he apologized to(made/offered an apology to)the teacher.意識(shí)到自己錯(cuò)了,他向老師道歉。 blame vt.責(zé)備,指責(zé)n(壞事或錯(cuò)事的)責(zé)任;責(zé)備,指責(zé)(教材P5)While it may feel aw

26、kward,if she really is your best friend you should apologize for blaming her.盡管可能感覺有些尷尬,但是如果她真是你最好的朋友,你應(yīng)該因?yàn)樨?zé)備她而向她道歉。歸納拓展blame sb.責(zé)備某人blame sb.for(doing)sth. 因(做)某事責(zé)備某人blame sth.on sb. 把某事歸咎于某人be to blame(for) 應(yīng)(為某事)承擔(dān)責(zé)任; 該(為某事)受責(zé)備He is thought to have acted foolishly.Now he has no one but himself to

27、 blame for losing the job.他以前就被認(rèn)為行為愚蠢?,F(xiàn)在丟了工作只能怨他自己了。She doesn't blame anyone for her father's death.她沒有因?yàn)楦赣H的死而責(zé)備任何人。Which driver was to blame(blame) for the accident?哪位司機(jī)該對(duì)此次事故負(fù)責(zé)?名師點(diǎn)津用法特殊的blameto blame 與be連用時(shí),要用主動(dòng)形式表示被動(dòng)意義。 (教材P2)I must have sounded very proud of myself after the quiz,saying

28、how easy it was and how I was sure to get a good grade.考試之后,我一定是聽上去洋洋得意,說考題實(shí)在太簡(jiǎn)單了,我肯定能取得好成績(jī)?!疽c(diǎn)提煉】句中must have sounded“聽上去一定”,屬于“情態(tài)動(dòng)詞have done”結(jié)構(gòu),表示對(duì)過去情況的肯定推測(cè)。歸納拓展(1)must have done表示對(duì)過去情況的肯定推測(cè),意為“想必,準(zhǔn)是,肯定做了(某事)”。can't have done表示對(duì)過去情況的否定推測(cè)。(2)may/might have done表示對(duì)過去情況的不肯定推測(cè),可用于肯定句(意為“可能已經(jīng)”)和否定句(

29、意為“可能沒有”)中;might的語氣沒有may那么肯定。might have done還可表示“本可以做而沒做(某事)”。(3)should/ought to have done用于肯定句中時(shí),表示“本應(yīng)該做某事(而事實(shí)上沒有做)”;用于否定句中時(shí),表示“本不該做某事(反而做了)”。(4)needn't have done表示“本不必做某事(而事實(shí)上做了)”。注意:didn't need to do表示“沒必要做某事(而實(shí)際上也沒有做)”。(5)could have done表示“過去能做而沒有做某事”,意為“本來可以”;could have done還可表示對(duì)過去情況的推測(cè)

30、,意為“可能”。He can't have left home because the computer is on.因?yàn)殡娔X還開著,所以他不可能離開家。What a pity!Considering his ability and experience,he might have done better.真可惜!考慮到他的能力和經(jīng)驗(yàn),他本可以做得更好的。It could have happened during a quarrel between them over it.這件事可能是在他們?yōu)榇藸?zhēng)吵的過程中發(fā)生的。Why are you late?You should/ought t

31、o have come five minutes earlier.你為什么遲到了?你本應(yīng)該早來五分鐘。 (教材P2)I was so angry that I went straight to Hannah and told her we weren't going to be friends any more because she couldn't keep her word.我非常生氣,徑直走到漢娜跟前,告訴她我們不再是朋友了,因?yàn)樗荒苄攀爻兄Z?!疽c(diǎn)提煉】so.that.在句中引導(dǎo)結(jié)果狀語從句,意為“如此以至于”。so.that.中的so是副詞,修飾形容詞或副詞。Re

32、n Wenjun performed so well that she won the gold medal in the 13th National Games of China held in Tianjin in 2019.任文君發(fā)揮得非常出色,在2019年天津舉辦的第十三屆全運(yùn)會(huì)上獲得了金牌。They are so careful that they hardly make any mistakes.他們非常仔細(xì),幾乎不出任何錯(cuò)誤。There was so much noise outside that we couldn't hear the teacher.It was s

33、o noisy outside that we couldn't hear the teacher.外面噪音很大,以至于我們不能聽到老師的話。This is such an interesting book that/so interesting a book that we all enjoy reading it.這本書非常有趣,我們都喜歡看。 (教材P3)Football is very important to me,but so is our friendship.足球?qū)ξ襾碚f很重要,但我們的友誼也同等重要?!疽c(diǎn)提煉】句中so is our friendship是“sobe

34、動(dòng)詞/助動(dòng)詞/情態(tài)動(dòng)詞主語”的倒裝結(jié)構(gòu),表示前面主語的肯定情況也適用于另一個(gè)人或物。歸納拓展(1)so引起的倒裝句表示上述情況也適用于后者,結(jié)構(gòu)為“so系動(dòng)詞/助動(dòng)詞/情態(tài)動(dòng)詞主語”。(2)如果前一分句里有不同類型的謂語動(dòng)詞,那么后一分句要用So it is with sb./sth.或It is the same with sb./sth.。(3)“neither/nor系動(dòng)詞/助動(dòng)詞/情態(tài)動(dòng)詞主語”是一個(gè)倒裝結(jié)構(gòu),表示前面的情況也適用于后者,neither/nor用于否定的場(chǎng)合。(4)“so正常語序”表示說話人同意對(duì)方的看法或?qū)η拔膬?nèi)容給予一種強(qiáng)調(diào)性的肯定,常意為“的確如此”。I like

35、 studying English,and so does she.我喜歡學(xué)習(xí)英語,她也是。He is only a child but he knows a lot about wild animals,and so it is with his sister/it is the same with his sister.他只是個(gè)小孩,但是了解很多野生動(dòng)物的知識(shí),他姐姐也是如此。 【導(dǎo)學(xué)號(hào):45062019】I haven't passed the English examination.Neither has my brother.我沒有通過英語考試。我弟弟也是如此。He work

36、s hard.他工作很努力。So he does and so do you.他的確如此,你也是。解構(gòu)長(zhǎng)句難句1(教材P2)However,the next day,I noticed that my classmates were staring at me as I came into math class and,when I went to sit down,I was shocked to find a piece of paper on my desk that said,“Stupid Sarah got a D!”【分析】該句為and連接兩個(gè)并列分句;在第一個(gè)分句中that引導(dǎo)

37、的從句作noticed的賓語,其中as I came into math class為賓語從句中的時(shí)間狀語從句;在第二個(gè)分句中,when引導(dǎo)一個(gè)時(shí)間狀語從句;第二個(gè)that引導(dǎo)一個(gè)定語從句,先行詞是a piece of paper?!痉g】然而第二天,一走進(jìn)數(shù)學(xué)課堂我就注意到同學(xué)們都在盯著我;當(dāng)我坐下的時(shí)候,我驚訝地發(fā)現(xiàn)自己的課桌上放著一張紙條,上面寫著“愚蠢的薩拉只得了個(gè)D!”2(教材P3)He got annoyed,saying it wasn't his fault if he couldn't play as well as me,and that I shouldn

38、't talk to him in this manner.【分析】句子主干為He got annoyed,saying.為現(xiàn)在分詞作伴隨狀語;其中it wasn't his fault if.和that I shouldn't talk to him in this manner為賓語從句,當(dāng)句子中有兩個(gè)或兩個(gè)以上的并列賓語從句時(shí),and后面的that不可省略,其中if又在賓語從句中引導(dǎo)條件狀語從句?!痉g】他也被惹火了,說他的球技不如我不是他的錯(cuò),還說我不該那樣和他說話。隨 堂 效 果 落 實(shí).單句語法填空根據(jù)語境在空白處填入一個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或括號(hào)內(nèi)單詞的正確形式1T

39、he crowd cheered (cheer) and threw flowers to the 36­year­old singer.2She was shocked by the cruelty (cruel) of his words.3That was not the first time he had betrayed (betray) us.I think it's high time we took tough measures against him.4Do you feel guilty (guilt) when you have done something you shouldn'


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