UnitWhere did yougo on vacation_第1頁
UnitWhere did yougo on vacation_第2頁
UnitWhere did yougo on vacation_第3頁
UnitWhere did yougo on vacation_第4頁
UnitWhere did yougo on vacation_第5頁




1、Unit10 Where did you go on vacation?七年級(jí)英語下冊(cè)一:單元內(nèi)容: Where did you go on vacation?二、單元目標(biāo):1. 學(xué)習(xí)用一般過去時(shí)談?wù)撟罱鼊倓偘l(fā)生過的事情.2. 進(jìn)一步掌握動(dòng)詞過去式的構(gòu)成方法及應(yīng)用第一課時(shí)一、學(xué)習(xí)內(nèi)容:Activity 1,Activity 2 ,Activity 3 and Grammar Focus of Section A二:學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo):掌握一般過去時(shí)態(tài)A: 詞匯目標(biāo)1.camp n 營地 v 野營. 宿營go camping 去野營 summer camp 夏令營 winter camp冬令營go to

2、summer camp 去參加夏令營2.museum n 博物館 visit museums 參觀博物館go to a museum 去一個(gè)博物館3central adj. 中心的 Central Park中央公園go to Center park 去中央公園center n. 中心 in the center of 在.中間 shopping center 購物中心Eg: Tom sits in the center of the classroom.4.exam n. 考試an exam 一次考試 have an exam =have a test 進(jìn)行一次考試 study for exa

3、ms=study for tests 學(xué)習(xí)備考5.study v 學(xué)習(xí) study for 為而學(xué)習(xí)6New York City =the city of New York 紐約市7.on vacation 在休假中 go to sp(某地) on vacation 去某地度假二、句型目標(biāo)-Where did you /he /she/ they go on vacation?-I /She/HeThey went to summer camp.三.學(xué)習(xí)重點(diǎn).難點(diǎn):動(dòng)詞過去式的應(yīng)用四.學(xué)習(xí)過程:(一)復(fù)習(xí):常用動(dòng)詞短語(聽寫)(二) 導(dǎo)入新課: 通過談?wù)撋现苣┑幕顒?dòng)導(dǎo)入新課:有關(guān)where,

4、who, when等的相關(guān)句型。(三) 運(yùn)用聽寫內(nèi)容進(jìn)行訓(xùn)練.(四) 預(yù)習(xí)新單詞,了解本節(jié)課的詞匯及課文的基本框架。(五)展示學(xué)習(xí)結(jié)果:A:1看課本,完成1a.2.聽錄音,完成1b.3.運(yùn)用1a的圖片進(jìn)行操練本課句型。B:1看課本,.聽錄音,完成2a,2b. 2.運(yùn)用2a,2b的信息進(jìn)行操練本課句型。C:自學(xué)Grammar Focus.D:鞏固性練習(xí)一:根據(jù)意及首字母提示寫詞.1She went to the history m_ on vacation2He studied for the e_ last night.3. When you are travelling in a stran

5、ge place, you had better(最好) find a g_ with you.4.Its r _cold today.5. -Did you join the summer c_.?-Yes, I did.二.根據(jù)漢語提示,寫出句中的單詞.1. There are many beautiful _(海灘)2. Would you like to go to the _(中心的)Park?3. They _(來)here yesterday4. Miss Wang _(教)us English last year.三.句型轉(zhuǎn)換,每空一詞.1. He went to Centra

6、l Park yesterday.(一般疑問句,并作肯定回答)_ he_ _ Center Park yesterday?Yes, _ _.2.They went to New York city.(對(duì)畫線部分提問)_ _they _?3.He read the story book.(否定句)He _ _ the story book .4.Did you play volleyball?(作否定回答)_, I _5.She was at school yesterday? (對(duì)畫線部分提問_ _she yesterday?四.用所給動(dòng)詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1.I _(do) my homewor

7、k yesterday afternoon.2.He _(play) football with his classmates just now.3.Did you _(clean)your room on the weekend?4.My family _(go)to the beach three days ago.5.What about _(have)an evening party?6.Jim _(stay)at home last weak.7.I ts five o clock. It is time _(go)home.8. I think everyone _(enjoy)

8、Saturdays.9.Old Henry _ (have)no dog and no family. He was very sad.10.Kevin _(play)volleyball on the playground now第二課時(shí)一:學(xué)習(xí)內(nèi)容:3a and 3b of Section A二:學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo):應(yīng)用一般過去式談?wù)撎鞖夂透惺?(一)詞匯目標(biāo): 1.fantastic= very great adj. 極好的2.unfriendly adj.不友好的 反義詞:friendly =kindbe unfriendly/friendly to sb對(duì)某人是(不)友好的He is unfr

9、iendly to us.a friendly boy 一個(gè)友好的男孩an unfriendly boy一個(gè)不友好的男孩3.awful =very bad=terrible adj. 極壞的 (二)句型目標(biāo):1.-How was your /his /her/vacation? -It was pretty good/relaxing/exciting/boring/awful2.-How was the weather ? -It was hot and humid3.-How were the people? -They were unfriendly/friendly/nice/kind

10、.(和藹的,善良的)4.What did you think of your vacation?=How was your vacation?=How did you like your vacation?5.-How did you go there? -I went there by bus.(I took a bus there.)by taxi /by bike /by+交通工具三、學(xué)習(xí)過程:(一) 復(fù)習(xí)動(dòng)詞過去時(shí)態(tài)的各類句型.(二)導(dǎo)入有關(guān)how的句式.(三)運(yùn)用各種形式進(jìn)行操練.(四)運(yùn)用3b編寫對(duì)話.四、鞏固性練習(xí)。一.用was 或 were填空1.I _ twelve year

11、s old last year.2. _ you at school yesterday? Yes, I_.3. They _on the soccer team last summer.4. There _five people in Li leis family in 2004.5. The weather _hot and humid yesterday.二句型轉(zhuǎn)換1.The bus was too crowded. (提問)_.2.I didnt have any money for a taxi. (同義句) I _ _ money for a taxi.3. We had Sich

12、uan food for dinner. (改為否定句)_4. Because it rained yesterday, we stayed at home. (同義句)It rained yesterday, _ we stayed at home.5. I went to the Great Wall .(提問) _三.單項(xiàng)選擇:( )1.Does he study hard _his exam?A. at B. on C. for D. to( )2.She _at home last vacation. A. didnt stay B. didnt stayed C. dont sta

13、y D .doesn't stay( )3.He doesnt have_ money for a new watch.A .some B. many C. any ( )4.Yesterday the girls _to the park and _ a good time.A. go, have B. went, have C. went, had D. goes, has( ) 5.What _you say then? I _nothing. A. do, said B. did, say C. do, says D. did, said( )6.-How _ the weat

14、her in Hainan over the weekend?(上周) -Not bad. A. is B. was C. are D. were( )7.Did he _fun in the park?A. had B. has C. having D. have( )8. We _any classes last Saturday.A. didnt have B. dont have C. dont had D. didnt had( )91.-How was the weather? -It _hot and humid.A. is B. was C. did D. were( )10.

15、_you _a good time last vacation?A. Did ,have B. Did , had C. Were , have D. Were, had( )11.-How was your last summer vacation? -_.A. Thank you very much B. Good luckC. It is great D. It was really fantastic第三課時(shí)一:學(xué)習(xí)內(nèi)容: 1a,1b.2a,2b of Section B(一)詞匯目標(biāo):1. expensive adj.昂貴的=dear 對(duì)應(yīng)詞 cheap便宜的an expensive

16、 watch一塊昂貴的手表Eg: The shoes are too expensive, they are not cheap. 那些鞋太貴了,他們不便宜.2.crowed adj 擁擠的 對(duì)應(yīng)詞uncrowdedSp be crowded with sb/sth某地?cái)D滿了某人或某物Eg: The beach was very crowded三、學(xué)習(xí)過程:(一)預(yù)習(xí)1a,1b.2a,2b of Section B(二) 展示結(jié)果:(1)找出1a的對(duì)應(yīng)詞。(2)看圖,完成1b(3)聽錄音,完成2a,2b四、鞏固性練習(xí):一:根據(jù)句意及首字母提示補(bǔ)全單詞.1. The bike is too e_

17、 ,so I cant afford it.2. How d_ the food is!3. Its only ¥5, its really c_.4. Look! There are so many people in the store, it is too c_5. Did Vera like her v_?6. The road(馬路) is c _with cars.7. The beef noodles are really d_ and I like them.8. What do you t_ of your vacation?二.單項(xiàng)選擇( ) 1. The people _

18、 on the beach yesterday.A. was B. were C. are( ) 2.-Did you study for exams?-_A. No, I did B. Yes, I did C. Yes, I didnt( ) 3.I_ some pictures on the blackboard two hours ago. A. draw B. drew C. drawing( ) 4.-Where did Tina go _vacation?-She _to the mountains.A. for, go B. on ,goes C. on, went D. fo

19、r, went( ) 5.-_the food there? - It was great.A. How was B. Whats C. How is( )6. -Who drew the pictures on the blackboard? Tom_ A. did B. was C. have三翻譯句子1.今天下雨, 因此他們決定去參觀博物館。It _ today, so they _ _ _the museum.2.吉姆打了一整天的網(wǎng)球。Jim _ tennis _ _.3. 我們晚餐吃的廣東菜, 我覺得很難吃。We _ Guangdong food _ dinner. I think

20、it was _.4 我發(fā)現(xiàn)她在房間前哭泣。I _ her _ in front of the room.5. 昨天凱特的錢弄丟了, 她沒有錢坐出租車。Kates money was _yesterday . She _ _ money _ a taxi.6. 故宮是個(gè)參觀的好地方。The Palace Museum is a good place _ _.7. 你認(rèn)為那里的食物怎么樣?What do you _ _ the food there?8. 請(qǐng)寫一份關(guān)于你假期的報(bào)告。Please _ a report _ your vacation.9. 戴夫昨天是步行去學(xué)校的。Dave _ _

21、school yesterday .10.他的話讓我很傷心。 His word _ me _ _.11. Lily 正在與她的同學(xué)討論。Lily _ _ _ her classmates.12. 公共汽車離開了, 他得走回家。 The bus had left, he had to _ _ home.第四課時(shí)一、 學(xué)習(xí)內(nèi)容:3a of Section B(一) 詞匯目標(biāo):1 diary n 日記 travel diary 旅行日記2 all daythe whole day 一整天3 have (great)fun doing sth (很)愉快做某事eg:We have fun learni

22、ng and speaking English 我們學(xué)說英語很有樂趣have no fun doing sth 做某事沒有樂趣4 have a hard /difficult time doing sth.費(fèi)力干某事5 go to a museum去參觀博物館6 find的過去式found (發(fā)現(xiàn))find sb /sth doing sth 發(fā)現(xiàn)某人/某物正在做某事watch sb doing/do sth hear sb doing /do sth feel sb doing /do sth 7 in the corner 在角落里(強(qiáng)調(diào)在某地的內(nèi)部)8 lose v. 過去式lost a

23、dj. lost丟失的 be lost =get lost 迷路 9.make 過去式 madev. 使 make sb do sth使某人干某事Eg:My mother made me clean my room .我媽媽讓我打掃房間。make sb/sth+adj使某人/某物Eg: make our country more beautiful 使我們的祖國更美麗v. 制作,做 make sb sth =make sth for sb為某人做某物eg :My mother often makes us delicious food.=My mother often makes delici

24、ous food for us.10.feel v. 感到 過去式felt feel+adj feel sb doing sth感到某人正在做某事11.walk back to步行返回到.12.decide v. 決定 過去式decidedn. decision eg: make a decision 決定decide to do sth make a decision to do sth 決定干某事(二)句式目標(biāo):1.I didnt have any money for a taxi我沒有錢乘出租車=I had no money to take a taxi.= I had no money

25、 for a taxi.2.-Where did you go on vacation? 你去哪兒度假了?-I went to the mountains. 我去山里了3. We had great fun playing in the water. 我們?cè)谒斜M情玩耍4. I found a little boy crying in the corner.我發(fā)現(xiàn)一個(gè)小男孩在角落里哭5.The shop was too crowded, so I didnt really enjoy it.商店太擁擠,所以我們玩得不是太愉快.三、學(xué)習(xí)重點(diǎn)和難點(diǎn):寫英語日記格式:在左上角寫上日期,先寫星期(we

26、ek) ,再寫日期(date),在右上角寫上天氣.然后另起一行寫你想要寫的事情或感想.寫日記時(shí),要使用正確的時(shí)態(tài),如果你記敘的是已經(jīng)發(fā)生的事情,一般都應(yīng)用過去時(shí)態(tài).如果寫的是感想,就可以用一般現(xiàn)在時(shí).四、學(xué)習(xí)過程:(一)預(yù)習(xí)3a,找出教學(xué)案中的目標(biāo)詞匯和目標(biāo)句型(二)展示結(jié)果(三)學(xué)習(xí)英語日記的寫法五、鞏固性練習(xí)一、根據(jù)句意及漢語提示寫詞1. The girl sometimes _(哭泣)2. Now I _(感到)better.3. My _(同班同學(xué)),Li Wei is friendly.4. .I often _(步行)there.二句形轉(zhuǎn)換1She was in Class One

27、 ,Grade Seven last year.(該為否定句)She _ _in Class One ,Grade Seven last year.2 Old Henry and his wife were really friendly.(該為一般疑問句,并作否定回答)_old Henry _his wife really friendly?No, _ _.3 It was pretty cold yesterday.(對(duì)畫線部分提問)_ _ _ _like yesterday?4 We did our homework last night. (否定句)We _ _ _homework l

28、ast night.5.The Chinese people are friendly._ _the Chinese people? (對(duì)畫線部分提問)三 用所給的適當(dāng)形式填空.1.The weather was _(sun) last Sunday2.He found a small boy _(cry)in the corner.3.Today I decide _(play)tennis.4.They _(have) Sichuan food last night.5.We often have a lot of fun_(play)computer games.6.Miss Yang

29、made us _(read)the text again and again.7.I found him _(smoke)in the room.8.His mother is friendly to us, but his father is _(friend).9.There are so many people in the shop. Its too _(crowd)10.I dont like the movie, its _(bore).11.We decided _(go)out for a walk.12.My brother and I _(not be) in Beiji

30、ng last month.13. Li Xin _(do )some reading every morning.14. His father _(go) to Shanghai last vacation.15. My brother _(not clean) the room yesterday. 第五課時(shí)一:學(xué)習(xí)內(nèi)容: 3b and self check二:學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo): (一):短語1.the Great Wall 長(zhǎng)城2.the Place Museum 故宮3.Tian an Men Square 天安門廣場(chǎng)4.make a survey 做一次調(diào)查5.write a report

31、寫一則報(bào)告6. listen to the report聽報(bào)告二、重點(diǎn)句子:1Ask your classmates the questions. 問你的同學(xué)一些問題. ask sb sth 問某人某事Eg: My grandfather often asks me my studies.我爺爺經(jīng)常問我的學(xué)習(xí)情況.ask sb to do sth 讓某人做某事否定形式為ask sb not to do sth 常用短語: ask sb about sth 問某人有關(guān)某事 ask sb for sth 向某人要某物四、學(xué)習(xí)過程:1. 聽寫:2. 復(fù)習(xí)3a3. 預(yù)習(xí)3b4. 展示成果:看圖,完成3

32、b的日記。5. 預(yù)習(xí)并完成selfcheck五、鞏固性練習(xí)。一.句型轉(zhuǎn)換1. He was in Shanghai last night(改為否定句)2. They had a football game last Sunday(對(duì)畫線部分提問)_3He had to stay at home on vacation because he had no money. (對(duì)畫線部分提問)_4 Miss Lin was in the hotel an hour ago. (改為一般疑問句)_5 We were in Beijing last Tuesday. (對(duì)畫線部分提問)_二.完成句子.1.

33、孩子們?cè)诠珗@里玩了整整一個(gè)上午.The children played in the park_.2.上周末我們沒有去故宮.Last weekend we _the Place Museum.3.你們?cè)诠战强吹搅耸裁?What did you see _.4.我們決定先討論這個(gè)問題We decided _the question first.5.難道琳達(dá)沒幫助他找他的父親嗎?Didnt Linda help _.三.根據(jù)句意及首字母或漢語提示完成句子.1. Drinking w _is good for health.2.He w _to work every day because his

34、office isnt far(遠(yuǎn)) form his home.3. How d _the food is! I cant wait to eat it.4.I cant afford the ring because its very e_.5.The girl c _loudly(大聲地) because she couldnt find her mother.6. Please go to the shop at the c _of the street and buy me some juice.7. Mona didnt come b _home last night.8. Loo

35、k! There is a beautiful picture on the w _of my bedroom.9. He likes studying with his c _after school.10. Every weekend, my parents take me to the Childrens P_.11,They are_(討論)a new movie.12.Emma _(決定)to go on vacation to Beijing.13.Anna comes back to the house because he_(感到)cold.14. He goes to the

36、 science m _every week.15. Sally didn't pass all the e _last year.16. The food in that restaurant is a_17. Joe s _for the geography test yesterday.18. It often r _in South China, There is much rain.19. The bad news made us _( 感到)very sad.20.Jeff likes his new class very much because all his _(同學(xué)) are very friendly.四.根據(jù)句意用括號(hào)內(nèi)所給的適當(dāng)形式填空. 1. At last, he decided _(buy)a red bike for his daughter, 2. I _(feel)very happy when I knew the news. 3. His sister enjoys _(play)soccer. 4. My father _(make)a kite for me last night. 5. W


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