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1、Unit 2 This is my sister.(the 1st period Section A 1a-1c, 2b-2d)Teaching aims: (教學(xué)目標)1. 學(xué)會表述家人的稱謂, 區(qū)分家人的稱謂.2. 學(xué)會介紹家人.3. 學(xué)會用疑問句來詢問家人的稱謂.Language points: (語言點)1. 要求掌握以下句式: (1) -This is my - These are my - This is his / her - These are his / her -Is this your? - Are these your? - Is this his / her ? -

2、Are those his / her?2. 要求掌握以下詞匯: (1) 名詞: sister, mother, father, parent, brother, grandmother, grandfather, friend, grandparent (2) 代詞: these those3. 需要了解的節(jié)日:Family Day- Its a festival in the USA. A national effort to promote parental engagement as a simple, effective way to reduce youth substance a

3、buse and raise healthier children. Its always on the last weekend in September.Difficulties (難點) : 本課的難點是學(xué)生要區(qū)分和掌握家人的稱謂, 而學(xué)生在初次接觸的時候, 要分清楚各個稱謂會有一定難度。 學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)用一般疑問句來詢問并回答家庭成員的關(guān)系也有一定的難度。教學(xué)設(shè)計說明 1. 最基本的英語打招呼練習(xí), 復(fù)習(xí)前兩單元的句型. 即是一個對所學(xué)知識的回顧,也是正式上課之前的熱身。Teaching steps (教學(xué)步驟)1. Warming-up and revision (課堂熱身和復(fù)習(xí))(1)

4、Daily greetings to the students¹ (日常問候)T: Hello, what is you name?S: My name is .T: Nice to meet you!S: Nice to meet you, too!(2) Revision (復(fù)習(xí))T: Whats this in English?2S: This is / It is a pencil.T: How do you spell “pencil”? 2 這個句型的練習(xí)也是對上個單元內(nèi)容的復(fù)習(xí)。復(fù)習(xí)This /That is . 句型為新課學(xué)習(xí)做好鋪墊。3借著上面復(fù)習(xí)到的句型,拿出準備

5、好的照片,來引入接下來family的話題。4 分別指向相應(yīng)的人物,來介紹。可在課前在黑板上寫好相應(yīng)的詞匯,在自己介紹完之后,可要求學(xué)生跟著自己念,并及時糾正學(xué)生可能存在的發(fā)音錯誤。5 拿出另外一張父親單獨的照片,來詢問學(xué)生,并適時讓他們分清楚parent 單復(fù)數(shù)的區(qū)別。6 之后一些家庭成員詞匯的教授,都要求學(xué)生大聲地重復(fù),以確保他們發(fā)音的正確。7 這里需要適當(dāng)解釋和示范什么是 match。在學(xué)生做練習(xí)的時候可以在教室中走動,來回指導(dǎo)一下。S: P-E-N-C-I-L, pencil.T: Thank you.T: Whats this /that in English?S: This/That

6、 is a pen / book / eraser / ruler / dictionary / backpack /Baseball / watch / key / computer game / notebook / ringT: How do you spell -?S: -2. Presentation (呈現(xiàn)新知識): T: Whats this in English?S: Its a picture /photo.3T: Yes, this is a picture of my family.T: Can you see the woman? This is my mother4.

7、 Read after me, mother.S: Mother.T: Do you know which one is my father? This is my father4. Do you think he is handsome? Please read after me, father.S: Father.T: If we want to call our father and mother together, we can call them parents.T: Father is my parent,5 Mother is my parent, too. They are m

8、y parents. T: Now look at these two old people. They are my Grandparents6. One is my grandfather, the other one ismy grandmother. They are old but they are healthy. T: Im the only child in my family, so I dont have any brother or sister. But I have an uncle and an aunt. Theyare my fathers brother an

9、d sister. Look, they are here. 3. Work on 1a: (完成P131a)T: Now, please open you books, and turn to page 13. look at part 1a. You can see a picture of Daves family and some words we have learned just now. Please match the words with the people in the picture.7 Check the answer.4. Drill (練習(xí)):T: Now, yo

10、u are Dave8. Please cover the answer of 1a by8 讓學(xué)生扮演Dave 的角色,讓他們用第一人稱來介紹家庭成員。目的在于讓學(xué)生能進一步熟悉新詞匯。9 此環(huán)節(jié)著重于聽力的練習(xí), 當(dāng)然,教師并不需要局限于磁帶,可根據(jù)學(xué)生掌握情況,自己變化或添加聽力內(nèi)容。此環(huán)節(jié)已經(jīng)開始使用第三人稱了。10 接著上面的環(huán)節(jié),讓學(xué)生試著用第三人稱介紹。教師可以進行適當(dāng)?shù)闹v解,也可以將句型寫在黑板上。11 這里加入了美國家庭日這個概念, 這樣是便于給學(xué)生一個比較真實的環(huán)境,同時也是西方文化知識的補充。教師除了介紹資料之外還可以問一下學(xué)生對此節(jié)日的想法。 using a piece

11、 of paper then listen to me carefully. I will give you a letter, and you must tell me this letter means which member in your family. For example, I say “c”. You should say “This is my mother”.Understand?T: OK, lets begin. The first one is XX, your letter is “d”.S: These are my grandparents.T: Good j

12、ob. Next one -S: -5. Work on 1b (完成 P131b)T: The next task is very easy for you. I will play the tape.Please listen carefully, and circle the people the boy talksabout in the picture9.T: Do you get the answer? Who does the boy talk about?S: His brothers and sister.T: You are so amazing.6. Work on 1c

13、 (完成P131c)T: I think everyone has known Daves family. Two students a group, please introduce Daves family10 to each other. Please use “ This is his-.” “These are his-.”S1: This is his father.S2: These are his parents.S: -7. Work on 2b (完成P14-2b)T: Today, I would like to introduce an American festiva

14、lto you, it is called “Family Day”11. On this day, the whole family get together, have meals and play games. Now look at the picture in 2b. These are Daves family members.They are having their “Family Day”. Look, they are sohappy. But I dont know who are they exactly. Can you tellme?I will play the

15、recording once more. And please match the name with the people in the picture. T: Can you give me your answer? S: - Presentation (呈現(xiàn)新知識)12 仍然是利用書上的圖片,將本課新的句型進行呈現(xiàn),并幫助學(xué)生在你問完問題后用Yes / No 來回答。并提醒學(xué)生注意區(qū)分單復(fù)數(shù)的用法。13 本環(huán)節(jié)并沒有按照課本就書上圖片進行提問練習(xí),而是讓學(xué)生就同桌的照片提問,應(yīng)該更加有真實感。14 在課前可準備好圖片,并用紙張蓋住圖片的大部分,只留下一小部分讓學(xué)生進行猜測 Who is

16、it?注意在此環(huán)節(jié)及時糾正學(xué)生的錯誤。對所學(xué)問句進行鞏固。15 本環(huán)節(jié)還是在鞏固所學(xué)知識。在此可鼓勵學(xué)生盡可能地自由發(fā)揮,除運用當(dāng)天所學(xué)之外,還可以有自己的東西。比如說詢問未來子女的名字,未來家人的工作,年齡等等。并可對出色的同學(xué)進行適當(dāng)?shù)莫剟?。T: OK, now we have known Dave, Lin Hai, Mary and Jim But there are still some strangers12. T: Look at this woman. Is this Daves mother? S: Yes, she is / No, she isnt. T: What ab

17、out these two old people? Are those Daves grandparents? S: Yes, they are. / No, they arent. -8. Work on 2c (完成P14-2c)T: Two students a group. Ask and answer by using your own pictures13 Please use these sentences:“Is this your uncle?”“Are those your parents?” S1: Hi, XXX. Is this your grandfather? S

18、2: Yes, he is. S1: Are those your parents? S2: No, they are my uncle and aunt. -9. Work on 2d (完成P14-2d)Guessing Game. T: Look. Whats in my hands. This is a picture. But you only can see a part of the picture14. I can tell you this is a member in Daves family. Can you guess “Who is it?”Please use th

19、e questions we have learned today. S: Is that Daves aunt? Is this his grandmother Are these his brother? Are those his friends?10. Follow up (進一步擴展)T: We are students now, but one day we will grow up. We will have our own family. Can you imagine what is your family like 30 years later?15 Please draw

20、 the future family on a piece of paper about your family on a “Family Day”. Then show the drawing to your group mate. Ask each other about the family members.I will choose the best pairs to make a presentationfor us.11. HomeworkWrite down your introduction about your own family andyour friends famil

21、y as detailed as possible. Unit 2 This is my sister. (The 2nd period Section A 2a, 3a-3c )Teaching aims(教學(xué)目標)1. 學(xué)會說家庭成員的稱謂(繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)含有be的動詞的基本句型的陳述句和一般疑問句。)2. 學(xué)會向別人詢問、介紹家庭成員Language points(語言點)1 要求學(xué)會以下句式:(1) Thats (2) -Is he/she -Yes, he/she is.(No, he/she isnt.)2 要求掌握以下詞匯:she, he3. 要求掌握以下縮寫:hes=he is, s

22、hes=she is(上述句式、詞匯和縮寫應(yīng)在第二課中出現(xiàn)過,在本課中作為重點可滲透到課堂各個活動中,加深學(xué)生對所學(xué)知識的印象,使之能被更靈活地運用。)Difficulties(難點):學(xué)習(xí)含有be動詞的一般疑問句的句式及其回答。 教學(xué)設(shè)計說明 1. 這兩個問題是為了幫助學(xué)生進入學(xué)習(xí)的良好狀態(tài),對課堂產(chǎn)生興趣,鼓勵他們用不同的回答,在學(xué)生反問時,老師可在適當(dāng)?shù)那榫跋聨С鲐S富的回答,但要及時將新單詞板書在黑板上。同時讓學(xué)生體驗含有be動詞的疑問句。2. 通過對學(xué)生姓名的詢問后,用“Thats”向大家介紹這位同 學(xué),復(fù)習(xí)了介紹的相關(guān)句型,也為課文3a部分做了鋪墊。Teaching steps(教學(xué)

23、步驟)1. Warming-up and revision(課堂熱身和復(fù)習(xí))(1) Daily greetings to the students(日常問候)T: How are you today?1S: I am (fine/great/OK/very good). How about you?T: I am (fine, too/not bad/pretty good/awful/terrible).How is your father / mother / grandfather /grandmother / uncle / aunt / brother / sister? How a

24、re your parents / grandparents -?S: He/She isT: Whats your name, please?S: I am (My name is) T: (to the whole class) So thats . 2 (2) Revision(復(fù)習(xí))Work on 2a (完成P14-2a)3 在這里,當(dāng)教師用英語說完之后,可以適當(dāng)加以中文說明,務(wù)必讓學(xué)生明白做聽力題的策略。4. 通過讓學(xué)生提問,拉近師生之間的距離, 并使學(xué)生獲得語言運用的成就感。5. 建議老師用夸張語調(diào)讀”Areyou” ,并將它板書,讓學(xué) 生熟悉含有be動詞的一般疑問句的句式。6

25、創(chuàng)設(shè)真實情景,當(dāng)部分學(xué)生在理解這個句子時有一定困難時,可配以肢體語言,加深學(xué)生對此句的理解,培養(yǎng)他們在語境中理解新單詞的能力。7建議老師用夸張語調(diào)讀”Is he/she” ,并將它板書,讓學(xué)生熟悉第三人稱一般疑問句的句式。對能正確回答的學(xué)生及時加以語言、微笑等多種形式的鼓勵。8T 板書younger; sister, 可給中文幫助Ss理解younger, 建議學(xué)生能在語境中理解sister。T: Now, please open your books, and turn to page 14.Look at 1a. I will play a recording. Listen careful

26、ly and circle the words you hear. I will play it twice3. The first time you just need listen. You can finish this part at the second time.T: Now, lets check the answer.S: -T: You are right. Thank you.2. PresentationT: Now, lets play a guessing Can you guess how old I am? 4 S: Are you twenty-seven? 5

27、T: NO, I am a little older.S: Are you twenty-eight?T: Yes, you are so clever.(學(xué)生可能回有不同的回答,老師根據(jù)學(xué)生回答給出多種評價。)T: What about you? How old are you?S1: I am twelve (this year).T: Are you twelve, too?S2: Yes, I am. (No, I am not. I am thirteen.) T: Oh, I am sorry. I cant hear you clearly6, (to the whole cla

28、ss)Is he/she thirteen?7S: Yes, he/she is.T: Thanks. You are so clever (good/wonderful/). She is younger than me, so she is my sister8.9此句較長,要求T放慢語速,如果學(xué)生未完全清楚T的指令,可重復(fù)此問題。使用教材第15頁3 a上圖片的掛圖,給學(xué)生一分鐘時間獨立或同桌討論來完成此項活動。在此基礎(chǔ)上組織下面操練。10叫幾位同學(xué)單獨回答,個別空格也可全班一起回答。鼓勵 同學(xué)大聲讀出自己的句子,老師及時鼓勵,注意指導(dǎo)學(xué)生一般疑問句的語調(diào)。11此句較長,而且含有多個新單詞

29、,要求T放慢語速,配以手勢,加深學(xué)生對T指令的理解。12. T 可給學(xué)生提供其它常用人名和father、mother、aunt、uncle等家庭成員稱謂替換Anna、Paul和sister 、brother。鼓勵學(xué)生盡量使用自己學(xué)過的單詞完成對話。13. 把句型板書在黑板上,T通過自己的回答讓學(xué)生理解Do you have的意思,抓住學(xué)生回答的老師需要的答案,開展接下來的教學(xué)活動。3. Work on 3a (完成P15 3a)T: Now lets look at this picture. There are four people in the picture, and the boy

30、and the girl playing basketball are Anna and Paul. Lets read the words aloud and fill in the blanks with the words from the box. 9. T: Lets check the answers: 10-Is she your sister?-Yes, she is.-And is he your brother?-No, he isnt. He is my friend.4. Work on 3b (完成P15 3b)T: Well done! Now read the d

31、ialogue in 3a with your partner, then change your roles. 11Ss read it in different roles.T: Oh look, there are many people there, old and young . Can you make a dialogue like 3a? 125PresentationT: I have a friend. His name is Mike. Do you have a friend? 13S: Yes. T: Whats his/her name?S: His/Her nam

32、e is Peter.T: Thanks very much.I think he must be a good boy.(to another student) Is Peter your friend too?S: No, he isnt.T: Who is your friend?S: 6Work on 3c (完成P15 3c)T: I want to know more about your friends or family members. (to the whole class)Do you want to know 14學(xué)生在黑板上寫出一個名字,鼓勵同學(xué)們用“Is”這個句型進

33、行猜測?;顒忧跋扔蠺和Ss做示范對話,再由S和S進行活動。對正確使用第三人稱單數(shù)一般疑問句的同學(xué)進行表揚。板書重點句型。此活動建議采用小組競賽的形式,以活躍課堂氣氛。15. 課前要求學(xué)生帶來照片,并分好活動小組,選出組長?;顒忧跋扔蠸和S進行活動。T對個小組的活動進行指導(dǎo),防止學(xué)生看到照片后有嬉笑、用中文交流等行為。T和Ss做示范對話,再由S和S進行活動。them too?S: Yes.T: Id like a student to write down your mothers, fathers, or friends name on the board. The other student

34、s guess who the person is. Whod like to come here? 14Wei Hua please. (在黑板上寫下一個名字。) S1: Is your brother? S2: Is your friend? S3: Is your uncle?7Work on 4- group work (完成P15 4) T: Please take out your family photos. Put them in your group.Take turns to ask and answer questions about the photos. 15 S1:

35、 Is she your grandmother? S2: Is he your father? S3: Is she your cousin? (小組活動后,請幾個小組進行表演。老師及時鼓勵。)8Homework Oral work:(1) Listen to 3a, read and recite it. (2) Go on making up your dialogue with your group members and polish it. Written work:(1) Copy the sentences in 3a. (2) Write about the pictures

36、 on P15 using the sentence structures in 3a Unit 2 This is my sister. (The 3rd period Section B 1-2c )Teaching aims(教學(xué)目標)1. 學(xué)會說家庭成員的稱謂(繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)含有be的動詞的基本句型的陳述句)2. 學(xué)會談?wù)摷彝コ蓡TLanguage points(語言點)3 要求熟練運用以下句式:(1) These are(2) This/ That is (3) He/She is4 要求掌握以下詞匯:son, cousin, daughter, uncle, aunt (上述句式在前幾課中

37、已學(xué)過,在本課中要將這些單詞和句型滲透到綜合性活動中,加深學(xué)生對所學(xué)知識的印象,使之能被更靈活地運用。)Difficulties(難點):在介紹或談?wù)摷彝コ蓡T時,注意學(xué)生口語中的單復(fù)數(shù)運用。教學(xué)設(shè)計說明 1. 這幾個問題是為了讓學(xué)生盡快進入英語課堂氛圍,練習(xí)含有be動詞單數(shù)的句子。2. T拿出自帶來的某些著名明星的家人照片,學(xué)生猜測圖片中的人物。這是復(fù)習(xí)前一課內(nèi)容,難度不大,所以可以多讓中等生參與,使他們獲得成功感,從而激發(fā)他們學(xué)習(xí)英語的興趣。3. 學(xué)生可能會有不同的回答,如果學(xué)生出現(xiàn)本課將要教授的新單詞,T及時將新單詞板書,加深學(xué)生對他們的印象。T根據(jù)學(xué)生回答給出多種評價。Teaching

38、steps(教學(xué)步驟)1. Warming-up and revision(課堂熱身和復(fù)習(xí))a) Daily greetings to the students(日常問候)T: Good morning/afternoon. Who is on duty today?S1: I am.T: Is everyone here today?S1: Yes, Everyone is here./No, is not here.T: Thank you/Well done. 1b) Revision(復(fù)習(xí))T: Here is a picture from Lily. Guess who he is?

39、2 S1: Is he s father? 4. 建議老師事先準備學(xué)生比較熟悉的人物照片,引起學(xué)生對課文學(xué)習(xí)的興趣,對課堂直接生成的新單詞和知識,及時板書,并帶讀,也可在學(xué)生回答時適當(dāng)加入課外常識。5 創(chuàng)設(shè)真實情景,當(dāng)學(xué)生不能正確說出新單詞, 如cousin, grandfather時,鼓勵他們換種方式或中文來表達他們想要表達的含義,同時培養(yǎng)他們在語境中理解新單詞的能力。新單詞呈現(xiàn)后,可加入小競賽等小活動,如老師提示mothers sister, 看哪位學(xué)生第一個反應(yīng)aunt。活躍了課堂氣氛,對新單詞的讀音和意思也有了更深的印象。6建議T用夸張語調(diào)讀”son, uncle, grandfath

40、er, daughter, aunt” ,并將它們板書成一排,讓學(xué)生跟讀,也為part1的活動的完成提供文字材料。7此句較長,要求T放慢語速,對口語中的新單詞oldest,建議老師板書,通過對自己家庭情況的表述,幫助學(xué)生理解,必要時可用中文解釋。在表述grandfather的同時畫出family tree的圖形。8個人完成此活動,在有困難的情況下也可尋求同學(xué)的幫助。 活動結(jié)束后,老師核對答案,T及時評價。9 聽力開始前,建議學(xué)生看一 下選擇范圍。聽力結(jié)束后,核對答案后,對正確回答或有進步的學(xué)生及時表揚。S2: Is he s brother? S3: Is he s friend?S4: Is

41、 he s uncle? 3T: Yes, you are so clever.2. PresentationT: Here is a photo. Do you know who he is? 4S: He is 布什(Bush).T: Yes, he is the president of America. Who is his father?S: (學(xué)生可能會有不同的回答,對能正確回答或接近正確答案的學(xué)生進行表揚和鼓勵。)T: Here are also many people in his family. Lets guess Who they are. Are you ready?S

42、1: Is he Bushs fathers father? 5T: You are so wonderful. He is Bushs grandfather.S2: Is he Bushs brother? S3: Is he Bushs uncle?S4: Is he Bushs son? 6T: Thanks. You are so clever (good/wonderful/). 3. Work on 1 (完成P16 1)T: In my family my grandfather is the oldest one.Who is the oldest man in your f

43、amily? 7S: My grandfather, too. T: Every family has a family tree, can you finish the family tree8 S: Yes!4. Work on 2a (完成P16 2a)T: Well done! Now lets play a game. Please look at 2a.Lets see who is the best in your group.9(播放錄音,讓學(xué)生勾出所聽到的家庭成員,如果播放錄音一遍后,部分學(xué)生不能完成這一聽力任務(wù),可10. 此句有新單詞,而且句子較長,要求T放慢語速,對口語中

44、的新單詞,建議老師板書,同時呈現(xiàn)課文2b的兩張圖片,如果學(xué)生未完全清楚T的指令,可重復(fù)此問題,必要時可用中文解釋。11在聽力之前,讓學(xué)生簡單談?wù)搩蓮垐D片的不同點,為接下來的聽力和談?wù)摷彝コ蓡T這兩個活動的順利開展做鋪墊。聽力結(jié)束后,核對答案后,對正確回答或有進步的學(xué)生及時表揚。12學(xué)生在黑板上寫出 “These are/This is”等學(xué)生在活動中有可能會用到的句型?;顒忧跋扔蠺和Ss做示范對話,再由S和S進行活動。對正確使用句型的同學(xué)進行表揚。此活動建議采用小組競賽的形式,看哪個小組說的句子最多,以活躍課堂氣氛。13. 鼓勵學(xué)生利用書籍、網(wǎng)絡(luò)等多種途徑查找自己感興趣的人物的家庭,并寫一篇小短

45、文介紹他/她的家庭,學(xué)生也可加入自己了解的課外的句子。再播放一遍錄音。)5PresentationT: This is my family photo. These are my parents. This is my Grandmother. This is my cousin Tom.I have another two pictures. One is Daves, One is Lin Hais. Can you guess which is Daves and which is Lin Hais?10S: Yes. T: Who can say something about Pic

46、ture 111?S1: There are eight people in the picture.S2:This is Daves grandfather.S3: I think this is Daves uncle. . (播放錄音,讓學(xué)生勾出所聽到的家庭成員稱謂,如果播放錄音一遍后,部分學(xué)生不能完成這一聽力任務(wù),可再播放一遍錄音。)6Work on 2c - group work (完成P16 2c) T: I am very happy. All of you do a good job. We have knownDaves and Lin Hais families and f

47、riends. I want to know your family. Now draw a picture of your family and friends. Tell your partner about your picture12. (小組活動后,請幾個小組進行表演, 老師及時鼓勵。)7Homework Oral work:(3) Listen to 2a, 2c, read and recite it. (2). Draw a family tree about your family (模仿1中family tree,畫一個自己家庭的family tree,完善對自己家庭的介紹

48、。)Written work:(3) Copy the words in 2a. (4) Find the person you are interested in, and write a passage about his/her family. 13 Unit 2 This is my sister. (The 4th period Section B 3a4b)Teaching aims(教學(xué)目標)學(xué)會介紹家庭成員Language points (語言點)1. 要求熟練運用以下句式: This/That is Is/this/that? These are Yes, she/he is

49、. No, he/she isnt.(以上句式在前幾課中已有出現(xiàn),在本課中要把這些句式運用到照片的介紹中,記加深學(xué)生對所學(xué)知識的印象,使之能更靈活地運用到實際生活中.)2. 要求掌握以下句式: Thanks for3. 要求掌握以下詞匯: thanks for, dear, great, photo, here4. 要求掌握簡單的書信格式Difficulties (難點): 本課難點是學(xué)會簡單地寫信Teaching steps (教學(xué)步驟) 1. Warming up and revision (課堂熱身和復(fù)習(xí)) (1) Daily greetings to the students ( 日常

50、問候) 教學(xué)設(shè)計說明 1. 這兩個問題是為了復(fù)習(xí)本單元的詞匯mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother,Uncle, aunt, cousin, parent.T: Good morning/afternoon. Glad to meet you. S: Glad to meet you, too. T: How are you today?1S: Im fine/OK/very good, thank you .And you?T: I am great. How is your mother/father/grandmother/?1.2. 建

51、議讓多個學(xué)生作答,鼓勵他們用不同的形容詞.若回答雷同,T可在S反問And you?時,可以給出不同回答,在合適的情景下帶出將要學(xué)習(xí)的詞匯great,并引出Thanks for這個句式.板書新單詞和句式.S: She/He is fine/OK/very good/great.2T: Thanks for your answer.2. (2) Revision (復(fù)習(xí))T: Please show me the photo of your family.3(Let me look at the photo of your family. May I have a look at your fam

52、ily photo?) Is this/that your father /mother/?43. 課前要求學(xué)生準備好自己家庭成員的照片.此句是為了引出本課的重要詞匯photo, 板書該詞.4. 通過對照片的談?wù)搹?fù)習(xí)本課的句式Is this/that?5. 此句再次鞏固剛學(xué)的單詞thanks for great6. 引出新詞here,并板書.S: Yes, she/he is. No, she/he isnt.T: Great! Thanks for your answer.52. Presentation (呈現(xiàn)新知識) T: I have seen your family photos. Do you want to see my family photo? Here is my family photo.6 This is my husband, Mr. Zhang. This is my daughter, Weiwei.7. 此處教師可用中文簡單介紹書信的格式.8. 此問是為了檢查學(xué)生是否理解前


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