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1、1. make sure確信;確認3. fall asleep進人夢鄉(xiāng);睡著5. wake up 醒來7. break. . apart 使分離9. at the time of 當時候11. take a hot shower 洗熱水澡13. pick up接電話15. in the area在這個地區(qū)17. by the side of the road 在路邊19. walk by走路經(jīng)過21. hear the news聽至U這個消息2017人教版八下英語單元知識點總結(jié)與講解Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?、重點短語2

2、. beat against.拍打4. die down逐漸變?nèi)酰恢饾u消失6. in a mess 一團糟8. in times of difficulty 在困難的時候10. go off (鬧鐘)發(fā)出響聲12. miss the bus錯過公交車14. bring. together 使靠攏16. miss the event錯過這個事件18. the Animal Helpline 動物保護熱線20. make one ' s way而某人去的路上22., important events in history 歷史上的重大事件23., for example 例如24., be

3、 killed 被殺害26. a school pupil 一個小學生28., in silence 沉默;無聲30., the World Trade Center 世貿(mào)中心32., have meaning to 對有意義34., at first首先;最初二、重點句型與語法:1.過去進行時過去進行時態(tài)25., over 50 5 0多(歲)27. on the radio 通過廣播29., more recently 最近地;新近31., take down 拆除;摧毀33., remember doing sth.記得做過某事 用法: 過去某個時間正在發(fā)生的動作He was cooki

4、ng at six last night.昨天晚上六點,他正在做飯。過去某段時間正在發(fā)生的動作I was staying here from March to May last year.去年從 3 月至U 5 月, 我一直呆在這里。 與過去進行 時連用 的時間狀語,常見的有 at nine last night/at that time=then/at this time yesterday或有 when the teacher came in/ while he was reading 的提示過去進行時的構(gòu)成: waswere硼在分詞肯定旬否岸句 一般疑問句 兩回答 特殊疑問句過去進行時的

5、四個基本句型He was cooking at six last night.He was not cooking at six last night.Was he cooking at six last night?Yes, he was. /No, he wasnWhat was he doing at six last night? 過去進行時的固定句型Jim was reading when the teacher came in當老師進來的時候,吉姆正在讀書Jim was reading while Kate was watching TV在凱特正在看電視的同時,吉姆正在讀 書。Ji

6、m came in while Kate was watching TV 在凱特正在看電視的時候,吉姆進來了。比較He watched TV last night.(過去時間 last night,用一般過去時)He was watching TV at nine last night.(過去時間 last night+ 點時間 at nine,用過去進行時) 【2013 浙江杭州】Sally took a photo of her friends while they computergames.A. play B. are playing C. have played D. were pl

7、ayingat the time of 在 的時候 (常用于過去進行時)rainstorm n 暴風雨 raincoat 雨衣 raindrop 雨滴2. My alarm didn ' t go off so I up late勺鬧鐘沒有響,因此我 晚了?!窘馕?1】alarm n 鬧鐘 an alarm clock 一個鬧鐘【解析2】go off發(fā)出響聲,(鬧鐘)鬧響,離開The alarm went off just now.剛才警鐘響了【短語】go over復習 go away離開 go by寸問)過去go for a walk 出去散步go fishing/shopping/

8、skating/swimmingfc專魚 /去買東西 /去溜冰/去游泳3.I for the bus when it began to rain heavily天開始下大雨的時候我 _ 公交車?!窘馕觥縣eavily adv在很大程度上heavyadj.沉重的How heavy are you?heavilyadv沉重地The army lost heavily.形容風大的時候常用 strong/hard,形容雨雪下得大的時候用 heavily/hard4. Ito the bus stop but I still missed the busK 向公共汽車站但還是錯過/汽車?!窘馕觥縨iss

9、v.錯過(后接名詞、代詞或動車ing)Be quick! Or you will miss the early bus. 想念;思念I(lǐng) miss you.n. 用于姓名或姓之前,是對未婚女子的稱呼,但首字母要大寫,小姐;女生”5.I called at seven and you didn ' t我ck崢.給你打電話,你沒有接。一【解析】 pick up 接電話pick up接電話Tom, I called you, but you didn ' t pick撿起;拾起I pick up a wallet on my way home(開車)接某人I will pick you

10、 up at the station學到;獲得He was picking up the skills quickly.6. That ' s strange奇怪.【解析】strange adj.奇怪的 fstrangely adv奇怪地 stranger n 陌生人be strange to對感至U陌生strange奇怪的It ' s strange that she came to the pari陌生的He stands in a stranger street.7. With no light outside, it felt like midnight.外面沒有 絲光

11、亮,讓人感覺這是 在午夜?!窘馕?1】 with + n +adv , 在句中做伴隨狀語with +n +adj. She can see stars in the dark sky with the window open【解析 2】feel like doing sth = would like/want to do st想要做某事I feel like(catch) a clod today.8. The news on TV reported that a heavy rainstorm was in the area.電視新聞報 道,這個地區(qū)有一場大暴雨?!窘馕觥?report v

12、報道 freporter n 記者make a report 做報告 weather report 天氣預報give a report 作報告 It ' s reported that 據(jù)報道I want to be a(report) when I grow up.9. so ,when the rainstorm suddenly came, what were you doing?么, 當暴風雨 突然來臨的時候,你正在做什么呢?10. I see. I called again at eight and you didn' t answer/thenWher.你打電話,你

13、也沒有接。解析1 I see .我知道了。(表示通過別人提醒而明白、了解)() It ' s bad for your eyes to read in the sun.A. I ' m OK B. I don ' t know C. I ' m sorry D. I see【拓展】see sb. do sthW到某人做某事see sb. doing sthU至U某人正在做某事解析2 either也【辨析】also /too/as well/ either(1) also也,用于肯定句句中,用在實義動詞之前,系動詞、助動詞、情態(tài) 動詞之后。(2) too也, 用于

14、肯定句句末(3) either也,通常放于否定旬末11. Ben ' s dad was putting pieces of wood over the windows while his mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working. 本的爸爸正在把木頭塊搭 在窗戶上面,而他的媽媽正在確保手電筒和收音機能正常使用。make sure確信:確保make sure to do sth Please make sure to turn off the computer when you leave.make sure

15、of Do you know the time of the train? You ' d better make sure of it. work 運轉(zhuǎn): 發(fā)揮作用The madicine doesn ' t work.【拓展】work有三個意思很容易弄混: 表示 工作”,是不可數(shù)名詞:He has too much work to do.他要做的工作太多。 work fworker 表示 著作”或 作品”,是可數(shù)名詞,但多用復數(shù):He has read many of Hemingway ' s works. 表示 工廠”,只用復數(shù)形式,但可表示單數(shù)意義:The g

16、lass works( =factory) is are near the station.玻璃工廠在車站附近。12. Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain began to beat heavily against the windows.當雨點開始重重地打在窗戶上的時候,本正在幫助他的媽 媽做晚飯?!窘馕?.beat與win辨析beat +比賽、競爭對手(如人 或球隊等)獲勝,贏得我聃win +彳獎杯、獎牌比賽、游戲13. 【解析】happen發(fā)生;碰巧(指偶然性發(fā)生)(1) happen v發(fā)生”沒有被動語態(tài),主語是物,強調(diào)某

17、事發(fā)生的偶然性a. sth. happen to sb.某事發(fā)生在某人身上What happened to you?=What was wrong with him?b. sb. happen to do sth.某人碰巧做某事She happened(be) out when we called.(2)take place發(fā)生,指事情有計劃有安排地發(fā)生The sports meeting took place in our school last week. It happened that 碰巧14. 【解析】 make one' s way to在某人去的路上(當后接地點副詞時,

18、應省略介詞 to15. 【解析】the rest of其余的,剩下的”,做主語時,其謂語動詞的數(shù)要與 the rest of修飾的名詞一致The rest of meatgoesbad.The rest of workers are still working hard.三.練習題(一)單項選擇()1. After my alarm clock every morning , I get up and get dressed .A turns on B turns off C goes on D goes off( )2.Thank you very much ,I can' t pa

19、ss the test your help .A with B because of C because D without()3. Look! The cat from the tree.Yes. It the tree just now.A. is jumping down; climbed upB. is jumping down; is climbing upC. jumps down; was climbing upD. jumps down; climbed()4. What were you doing last Sunday morning?A. at B. in C. ove

20、rD. /()5. While I was at the, I heard a nurse Davy ' s name.A. doctors ' ; call B. doctor ' s; to caC. doctor ' s; calling D. doctors ' ; called )6. The boy with two dogs in the yard when the earthquake hit the city.D. was playingD. will cook“help ” .A. is playingB. are playing C

21、. were playing)7. My father was reading a newspaper while my mother dinner.A. is cookingB. cooksC. was cooking)8.All the students were sleeping they heard a manA. when ; shouting B. while; to shout C. when ; to shout D. while; shouted)9 The rainstorm came while Ann her purse in the classroom.A. was

22、looking for B. looked for C. is looking at D. looks at)10.“They are filling the bags with clothes." means they ' reA putting their clothes away B. putting their clothes into the bagstheir clothesC. putting down their clothes D. putting on(二)根據(jù)布意,用括號內(nèi)所給單詞的適當形杳填空。1.We were climbing up the mou

23、ntain when it began to rain(heavy). 2.Ben didn 'fall asleep until the wind(die down)at around 3:00 a.m. 3.He had a fight with his best friend, and they walked home in(silent). 4.I was too tired and still sleeping when my alarm( go off).5.Kate didn ' t think her friend was telling the(true) a

24、bout the event人與人之間的距離雖然摸不著,著不見,但的的確確是一桿實實在在的秤。真與假,善與惡,美與丑,盡在秤桿上可以看出;人心的大小,胸懷的寬窄,撥一撥秤坨全然知曉。人與人之間的距離,不可太近。與人太近了,常??慈瞬磺?。一個人既有優(yōu)點,也有缺點,所謂人無完人,金無赤足是也。初識時,走得太近就會模糊了不足,寵之;時間久了,原本的美麗之處也成了瑕疵,嫌之。與人太近了,便隨手可得,有時得物,據(jù)為己有,太過貪財;有時得人,為己所用,也許貪色。貪財也好,貪色亦罷,都是一種貪心。與人太近了,最可悲的就是會把自己丟在別人身上,找不到自己的影子,忘了回家的路。這世上,根本沒有零距離的人際關(guān)系,因為人總是有一份自私的,人與人之間太近的距離,易滋生事端,恩怨相隨。所以,人與人相處的太近了,便漸漸相遠。人與人之間的距離也不可太遠。太遠了,就像放飛的風箏,過高斷線。太遠了,就像南徙的大雁,失群哀鳴。太遠了,就像失聯(lián)的旅人,形單影只。人與人之間的距離,有時,先遠后近;有時,先近后遠。這每次的變化之中,總是有一個難以忘記的故事或者一段難以割舍的情。有時候,人與人之間的距離,忽然間近了,其實還是遠;忽然間遠了,肯定是傷了誰。人與人之間的距離,如果是一份信箋,那是思念;如果是一個微笑,那是寬容;如果是一句問候,那是友誼;如果是一次付出,那是責任。這樣的距離,即便是遠,但也很近。最怕


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