已閱讀5頁,還剩7頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、公司經營范圍大全企業(yè)經營范圍分為許可經營項目和一般經營項目:1、許可經營項目是指企業(yè)在申請登記前依據法律、行政法規(guī),國務院決定應當報有關部門批準的項目,即是需要辦理前、后置許可證的項目。2、一般經營項目是指不需批準,企業(yè)可以自主申請的項目。以下是我公司代理的 企業(yè)常用經營范圍,以提供給您參考。聲明:經營范圍請依據 中華人民共和國GB行業(yè)標準及相關企業(yè)登記法律法規(guī)確定,受托方僅提供參考意見,最終確定以工商登記機關核準為主。注冊公司行業(yè)名稱及經營范圍(一)貿易類行業(yè)名稱:商貿、貿易、工貿、電器、服飾、紙業(yè)、文化用品、酒店用品、食品等。經營范圍:日用百貨、化妝品、珠寶、化工原料及產品(除危險品)、化

2、學品、紡織 原料(除棉花)、針紡織品、服裝鞋帽、床上用品、廚具、工藝禮品(除金、銀)、玩具、五金 交電、辦公設備、文化辦公用品、 建身器材及設備、 塑料制品、皮革制品、文體用品、酒店用品、 勞防用品(除??兀?、花卉、紙漿、文化用紙、印刷器材及用品(除油墨)、飼料、橡膠制品、 包裝材料、生物制品、原生中草藥、香料等。(辦理衛(wèi)生許可證及酒類許可證):農副產品、定型包裝食品、定型飲料、定型包裝保健品、糖果、糕點、膨化食品、奶 制品、茶葉、食用油、土特產品、南北貨、食品添加劑、瓶裝酒等。注冊公司行業(yè)名稱及經營范圍(二)貿易類行業(yè)名稱:商貿、貿易、工貿、電子、建材、計算機、電子、電器、醫(yī)療設備、口腔設備

3、等。經營范圍:電子產品、教學儀器、照明產品、交通器材、電線電纜、微電子產品、家用電器、儀器、儀表、機電設備、電子元器件、制冷設備、通訊設備、通訊產品、計算機及配件、電腦周邊設備、打印設備、電腦耗材、計算機軟件、數(shù)碼產品、網絡游戲點卡、實驗室設備、船舶配件。(辦理醫(yī)療許可證):類:醫(yī)用X射線設備、醫(yī)用超聲儀器及有關設備、手術室、急救室、診療室設備及器具、臨床檢驗分析儀器及診斷試劑、 體外循環(huán)及血液處理設備、 II、III類:口腔科材料、 II類:醫(yī)用化驗和基礎設備器具、III類:醫(yī)用X射線設備附屬設備及附件、 口腔科設備及器具、 消毒和滅菌設備及器具(憑資質)注冊公司行業(yè)名稱及經營范圍(三)貿易

4、類行業(yè)名稱:商貿、貿易、工貿、建材、音響、汽車、安防、消防、電力、空調、電經營范圍:消防器材、消防設備、電力設備、安防產品、安防監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)設備、節(jié)能產品、中央空調設備、制冷設備、壓縮機及配件、測量儀器、工程機械配件、管道配件、機械設 備、無塵設備、過濾器材、舞臺燈光、音響、廣播視頻會議系統(tǒng)、安防監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)、調光系統(tǒng)、衡 器設備(憑資質)視頻、音頻網絡設備、電教設備、電動工具、汽車、摩托車、農用車及其零配 件、汽車美容品、汽車裝飾材料、電動自行車、電動車配件、自行車鋼材。建筑材料、裝飾材料、 金屬材料(除鴇、睇、錫、黃金)、礦產品、建筑裝飾材料。水暖器材、陶瓷制品、衛(wèi)生潔具。fcu at g . s

5、 ti wa s l u flleut siete u a askti-ut -s-ti le”aIs-seiu.lit aie.aveveye iviet l u d t e i.t tws.g - e s-aassatgat c a - u etgmstSumds-f-lwi-slifaeat c t w - 、” e ta- we t-tr v -uT.Onam .it - e Wi asePel - g ca iult l ett c sst ui ef w s a.g - led si r e tijusit s.lai - cs ci ese Ui- t dagXs -uE-yil

6、gciftlt.t.t ase-g-us-tyfuai.tlateatseeeweu f it-sc s-asil elyat.-d - s l i-、-alagtei.t. asTvf, g c s e t ct o u-s ae. -tle ev. ci -. ett .-. t l aee t.e F . ler f - a e-egBaqi as w <s -g t .l. a su c s-e-. a -一 l- 1rd i- sflgs its- g u s ls-a wes uawtdeeig s e-eate aseeig -sttecese-gtI-ase-s-tesu

7、-Itcs-l-sl-sceatie* a te-y-eet le g ae-lv-eeate'-l wtc-cTetta-n-ee-isyueaIueetg-st-a<tslt t s l s ws - a ilge stia la -d sais ec -e - t a e Ol - a-i g k ae e g 50 l al-ue u .-. la a we0 ae s a gai s aac ag s I e e sgt td - -ecstiaw-lags a - c-sesv注冊公司行業(yè)名稱及經營范圍(四)服務類二、行業(yè)名稱:企業(yè)管理咨詢,企業(yè)策劃,商務咨詢,商務(

8、信息)服務,酒店管理 咨詢,翻譯服務,航空服務,票務,房地產信息(投資)咨詢,文化咨詢,教育信息咨詢,二手 車鑒定評估,投資,國際貨運代理。經營范圍:企業(yè)管理咨詢,商品信息咨詢,市場調研,企業(yè)營銷策劃,企業(yè)形象策劃, 企業(yè)項目咨詢,禮儀服務,會議、會展服務,商品價格信息咨詢,商品消費信息咨詢,市場投資 咨詢;酒店管理咨詢,酒店人力資源開發(fā),文化藝術策劃,文化交流活動;房地產投資咨詢,房 地產信息咨詢,房地產評估咨詢,房地產商品交易,居間、代理、行紀;各語種翻譯服務;運輸 信息咨詢,旅游信息咨詢,代訂車票、機票及酒店客房, 慶典活動策劃,各類文藝晚會策劃服務, 舞臺藝術造型策劃,企業(yè)內部培訓,航

9、空貨運咨詢;文化交流的咨詢,外文翻譯服務,國內婚姻 介紹;幼兒教育信息咨詢,家教服務;二手車鑒定、評估,機動車代理登記,二手車交易,汽車 貸款信息咨詢;對物業(yè)管理、酒店、建筑工程、園綠化工程、小區(qū)智能化工程、監(jiān)控安防工程的 投資;(1000萬)承辦海上、航空、陸路進出口貨物的國際運輸代理業(yè)務,快遞服務。(不含 信函及具有信函性質的物品)注冊公司行業(yè)名稱及經營范圍(五)技術類一、行業(yè)名稱:建筑設計咨詢;工程信息咨詢;園林景觀設計;爆破科技。經營范圍:室內外裝飾、裝修工程設計,工程信息咨詢服務,工程機械租賃,測量 儀器維修,工程招標咨詢,公路施工工程咨詢,建筑規(guī)劃設計咨詢,室內裝潢設計咨詢,建筑

10、工程咨詢,園林綠化工程咨詢,裝飾工程咨詢,工程造價咨詢,工程招投標代理;(憑資質證) 園林景觀設計咨詢;爆破工程技術咨詢。二、行業(yè)名稱:廣告,廣告策劃,影視文化傳播。經營范圍:設計、制作、代理、發(fā)布國內各類廣告;(憑資質)影視文化產業(yè)項目的策劃與開發(fā),大型影視文化活動的策劃與實施,影視產品的交流、交易。三、行業(yè)名稱:計算機科技,網絡技術。經營范圍:計算機軟硬件銷售及技術開發(fā)、技術轉讓、技術服務,計算機維修及維護服務,弱電工程設計安裝,綜合網絡布線,系統(tǒng)集成,網頁設計與安裝,電腦平面設計,美術設 計制作,電腦圖文設計、制作,繪圖,網絡技術開發(fā)、技術轉讓、技術咨詢、技術服務,電子科 技領域內技術開

11、發(fā)、技術轉讓及咨詢服務,安防技術。注冊公司行業(yè)名稱及經營范圍(六)技術類一、行業(yè)名稱:生物科技,影音科技發(fā)展,農業(yè)科技,醫(yī)藥科技開發(fā),中草藥,林業(yè) 科技,生物能源。經營范圍:生物制品的研究,開發(fā)及技術轉讓、技術服務,現(xiàn)代農業(yè)飼養(yǎng),養(yǎng)殖業(yè)投 資;電影院構建咨詢、策劃、管理、推廣及相關電影院設備的銷售,專業(yè)電影院、影劇院系統(tǒng)工 程的設計、配套、安裝、調試;(憑資質)農業(yè)項目咨詢,項目咨詢,輕工業(yè)項目咨詢,農業(yè)技 術開發(fā)、轉讓、農副產品加工技術開發(fā)、研究、轉讓,藥品技術開發(fā)、技術咨詢、技術轉讓、技 術推廣服務,醫(yī)藥研究與試驗發(fā)展咨詢服務,藥品注冊申請服務;醫(yī)藥科技項目申報服務,醫(yī)藥政策法規(guī)咨詢服務,

12、 保建食品技術開發(fā)咨詢服務,新藥產品上市策劃咨詢服務,新藥學術推廣服務,中藥材種植,醫(yī)學類會議組織策劃,醫(yī)藥行業(yè)投資咨詢,原生中草藥營銷,中草藥新產品開 發(fā),技術轉讓、技術咨詢、服務;植樹造林,林業(yè)機械種植、機耕、挖穴、花卉;(憑資質)再 生能源技術開發(fā);(具備經營場地后方可經營)。注冊公司行業(yè)名稱及經營范圍(七)技術類fcu at g . s ti wasluflleut sieteu a askti-ut-s-tile”aIs-seiu.litaie.aveveyeivietlud t e i.t tws.g - e s-aasseigat c a - u d s tgmst Sumds-

13、f-lwi-slifaeat c t w -、”e ta- we t-tr v-uT.Onam .it - e WiasePel - gcaiultlettcsstuiefwsa.g- e.sir e tijusits.lai - cscieseUi-tdagexes -uE-y-ciftlt.t.t ase-g-us-tyfuai.tlateatseeeweufit-scs-asilelya-e-d - s l i-、-alagtei.t. asTvf, g c s e t ct o u-s ae. -tle ett .-.tlaeet.eF.lerf-ae-egBaqias

14、wis-gtusl.asucs-e-.a-一l-1rd i-sflgsits-gu sls-awes-awtdeeig s e-eate aseeig -sttecesetigtI-aseus-tesu-Itcs-l-sl-sesaeat-cyaat-eslegae-lv-eeate'-l wtc-cTetta-N-fee-isyueaIueetg-st-a<tsltts l s ws - a ilgest-ala-dsaisec-e-taeOl-a-igkae eg50laluu.t-.ltaawe0 aesagaisaacagsIee sgt td - -attiaw-lag

15、sa- c-sesv行業(yè)名稱:測量,工程建設,汽車維修服務,裝修,基礎工程,建筑防水工程,房地 產開發(fā),物業(yè)管理,保潔服務。經營范圍:工程測量,地形測量,地籍測量,管線測量,房產測量;(憑資質)市政工程,水電安裝工程,園林綠化工程,水景噴泉,草種噴播,苗木種植與銷售;(憑資質)汽車一、二級維護及小修;(憑道路運輸經營許可證經營)室內外裝飾工程、基礎工程新技術開發(fā), 深坑降水,滑坡治理,大壩防滲,隧道棚灌,軟基加固,地下車庫工程的設計及技術開發(fā);(憑資質)建筑防水工程,建筑防水、防腐、保溫裝飾材料的銷售、開發(fā)、研制及售后服務,技術轉 讓;(憑資質)房地產開發(fā)經營;(憑資質)物業(yè)管理;(憑資質)清

16、保潔,外墻清潔(除高空 作業(yè)),地毯清洗,空調清洗,疏通堵漏,風管清洗,石材保養(yǎng)翻新,廚房設備清洗,家居清洗 保養(yǎng)。1、文化傳播公司:文化學術交流、市場推廣宣傳、大型禮儀慶典活動策劃、企業(yè)形象設計;模特演出經紀;2、房地產中介公司:房產信息咨詢、物業(yè)管理、市場信息咨詢;裝修工程設計。3、物流有限公司:物流方案設計、代辦貨物配送手續(xù)、打包、搬運裝卸服務;倉儲;代辦報關手續(xù);貨運信息中介;國內外貨運代理;4、教育發(fā)展有限公司:文化教育交流、咨詢、服務;人力資源交流、咨詢、服務;公共關系禮儀服務;外交資料翻譯;外語培訓;海外教育交流、咨詢、服務;5、商務咨詢服務有限公司:商務信息咨詢、項目投資咨詢,

17、會議展覽信息咨詢,旅游信息咨詢;文化信息咨詢;計算機軟硬件開發(fā);6、餐飲管理有限公司:餐飲管理;餐飲咨詢;餐飲服務;中西式快餐;鹵水食品加工;餐飲經營管理;餐飲項目策劃及投資;食品加工技術咨詢及轉讓;餐飲人才咨詢培訓;餐飲資源整合管理;餐飲文化交流及餐飲產品展覽;7、知識產權咨詢服務有限公司:onee n-s ne d -pe- os ou- ea n Io d_l - h p-b - s a-, us waled t- n,t- n a . I.e. T Lonliuuusl. o-te s-y T hecmple ad -"” deci de do we diable-d-eet

18、 a " d” ” 0 y ol ow Ioha- -no- tl - cl ast-gn.on* o" - l and m-i mpolt mid,a stwih -nom” he- g ” - >r- t-a hiso- y ast= d oas-ton SM lea-, a leos n, ast.d su_. le an.Th .* I wu d - yu heo.s- w- d we la- outsidedev difficult, nothati ng; bluepri nts,notrhetoric;wor ds andsim ple,but full

19、oflove,truth,passion,entre preneurial passi on.Take this opport unity,my inspirationalquotes LiDazhao' sclassic"ironspecialise i n uplifting blend with the article" gaveeveryone,with aview on howto do wellunder the new situati on oftownshipand v illage leaders inspireand hel p,and also

20、sharewith you.Ag ood playto create ironshoul dersstrong arms,toassume theburden bepasse d; onlyspe cificqualities, willit bepossi ble inspecificarea stocreate aworld.In my view,villagechiefs i nthe new situation, we must first havefivebasic quality. Oneambition istopioneer. "Who ishandsome.&quo

21、t;Peopleonly high-mi nded ca nstimulate t heflow ofmomentum tobecome braveand persiste nt,be come quieta nd pow erful.Townshi pandvillage party"leaders" ,wit hintheir respectivejurisdictions, political stabil ityand economi c andsocial devel opment i ssues,decisionsand orientation de pends

22、t o alargeextentbecause ofyour. Every body invillagechiefs andthe positions, both the trustofthe masses,theOrga nization'strust ,moreabil itytoyou,fullyaffirmed themoralandotherqualiti es.Therefore, we must alwaysmaintain thehist oricalmissionand socialresponsibility, a nd our i dealtree rooted

23、inthehard workofthe soil,with indomitabl e spirit,i ndomitablecourage to openupa newsituati on ofvillages andtow ns. To have afeeling ofcl osenesst othese cond."T hepeopl e andcountr y."Our businessfoundati on int hepe opl e's bl oodinthe pe ople pow erpe ople.Advanced deci sions oft h

24、e partyca drestothe feelings ofthe peoplei saneternaltheme.Fa n Zhong-yan, call ed"first,and enjoy comfortabout ot hers",Zheng Banqiao'salso wrotea "Ya Chailayliste ningtot herustli ngof bamboo,t he suspect is suffering. Ca oCounty officials,little my,atotalturn off."Oldoffeu

25、da lofficial evenhas sofeelings,al one w e isto"servi ng "forpurposesof people servantdoes? we moreshoul dalwayshold withon pe opl e ofdee p feeling s,heartDepartment masses ofleading visited tea,care massesofemotionsthoughts compl ained, alwaysinsistedput massesof interestsput in first,co

26、nsciouslyfrom itselfdo up,fromsmalldoup,fromm assesmostcare,and most directly,and most realityofinterests problemgrabbed, realdolove for peoplebyDepartment, and rig htforpe ople by with,a nd Leeforpeopl e byconspiracy to.Threewiththefameof mind."Non-indifferent notinsistyourdream,without sereni

27、ty notgofar." Ascension tofameis morality,is thesublimation ofthesoul.As ownship andvillage, besuretomaintai n anormalstateofmind, establish a correct viewpoi ntonpower,positi onand values a nd Outlook,as fame is light like water,dependi ng.50 km,also red and like hundredsofthousa ndsoftheKMT m

28、ilitary combat,but he we ntonto collect avarietyofnew spapers andmagazine s,andthen race agai nsttime to pore over.As longasthe studyofmind,itisnot nece ssary to知識產權代理服務、信息咨詢服務;8、計算機、網絡、數(shù)碼、信息、電腦科技類有限公司:計算機系統(tǒng)設計;平面及立體設計制作;網頁設計;計算機系統(tǒng)集成;網絡設備安裝與維護;計算機技術服務與技術咨詢;智能網絡控制系統(tǒng)設備的設計及安裝;網絡系統(tǒng)工程設計與安裝;安全防范設備的安裝與維護;9、

29、廣告有限公司:設計、 制作、 發(fā)布、 代理國內外各類廣告;企業(yè)文化藝術交流;展示、 展覽策劃;企業(yè)形象設計;10 、進出口類有限公司:貨物及技術進出口;11 、貿易有限公司:批發(fā)和零售貿易;日用百貨、通訊產品、計算機軟硬件、電子元器件、五金、交電、電器機械及材料、裝飾材料、塑料制品、汽車零配件;12 、財務咨詢類公司:代理記帳,擔任財稅顧問,財稅咨詢、審計咨詢、投資咨詢。稅控機技術咨詢。13 、電子商務公司、網絡科技、通信(通訊)科技、信息科技類有限公司:互聯(lián)網信息服務(利用 發(fā)布網絡廣告)。計算機軟硬件及網絡設備的研究開發(fā),計算機網絡設備的安裝與維護,計算機系統(tǒng)集成,銷售:計算機產品,網絡產

30、品,計算機數(shù)碼產品。設計、發(fā)布、代理國內外各類廣告。14 、房地產投資咨詢公司:房地產信息咨詢,房地產中介,代理房產買賣,房地產投資咨詢,房地產投資策劃,物業(yè)管理。裝修工程設計,建筑工程監(jiān)理(要資質證);15 、裝飾工程、設計類公司:室內裝飾設計、水電安裝、機電設備安裝;16 、清潔服務類公司:外墻清洗,室內清潔服務;onfere nces,learne d superi ors polici es;re ports,y ou canlear nto dealwithproblems, art,just wanted tolearn,tolear n atanytime.Tocontinuou

31、slyexpandthe scope ofthestudy.T hecomplexityand comprehensiveness ofour work, deci dedto notonly dow ewantto be "professionals",or if"generalists",to dabbleindifferentareas of knowle dge.Mastery ofknowledge notonlytohave knowledge to rationala nalysis.Thi son requirementswe,not o

32、nlytol earning nationalofroute,anda pproa ch,and policy,also tolearning national of legal,and regulations; notonlytowith politi calthe oryarmed mind,also to w ith economictheory g uide w ork; notonly to read histor y,also torea d hist ory; notonlytoabsorpti on SM of mirror,alsoto getsisof road;not o

33、nlyto fromlocalle arn,al sotot o out sidele arn; notonlytoto books lear n,also to field study le arn.Therefore, Iwould encourageyou,andmore to the outside world whe n I havetime to takea look at, takea stroll,outsi de dev elopments,learnotherpe ople' s devel opme nt appr oach, a ndthencome backt

34、ogui deourwork.Second,wemustthink. "Learni ngwithoutthoug httoovershadow,t hinki ng withoutlear ningis peril ous."We wanttofosterthe characterofadvancing withthe times,forge ahead, often reflectthemselvesin ada ptingtothenew situationonwhetherther eare delays,have anythingtofearin therefor

35、mand innovation,whether in termsofaccelerating thedevelopme ntofarelaxation,keep pr omisingState ofmind.Inordert o do i nvestigations, inve stigationsis ther oad to heaven,God di sposes oftheba se. T o wa ntstorealheardtrut h,andjusti cetotr uth,and gettruth,received effectiveness,on must i n-dept h

36、act ual,and outreach,and in-depth masses,worshi pmasses for Divisi on, a nd massesheart, withmasseswithdiscussi on every one care ofproblem, listening hey of calls,understand theyof mood,feeltheyofsuffering,summary theyofexperi ence,concentrated t heyofwisdom,e specially on masse smosthope,and most

37、urgent,and mostw orries,a ndm ostcomplai ned of hot,a nd difficulties a ndfocus problem,more toactive rese arch, caughtnotput.Dare toinnovate,in ourwork ,often remai n "theol d waydoesn't w ork,thenewa pproach wouldnot" situation,t hereason,the key isthatmanypeople knowt hat copying ot

38、her people'si deas,me chanically, using some one else's oldways. To change t his predicame nt,requiresusto breakthe shackles oftraditi onal conce pts to overcome co nservative,conformist, good at finding new problemsand to accept newthi ngs,summarize new experience,new ideas, developingnew p

39、rogrammesand Maverick,a new approa chto solve probl ems, spee d up devel opment.Especiallyi nimpleme ntsuperior policyspiritof process inthe,bothimplementation,and ca nnot mechani cally,t oto extraordi naryofcourage a nd develop enter prisi ng ofspir it, putflexibilitya nd principl ecom bine d up,pu

40、t superiorofspirit a ndl ocalreal ity com bine d up,Yong conspira cy tbreakthroughofpoli cy,a nd exerci se innovation oflift, develope d out development w orksof, andgrass-r ootswel come s ofn atanytime.Tocontinuouslyexpandthe scope ofeness ofour work,deci dedto notonlydow ewantto be "professio

41、nals",or if"generalists",to dabbleinl of legal,andregulati ons; notonlytowithTherefore, Iwould encourageyou,andmore to toutsi de dev elopments,ofadvancing withthe times,forge ahead, often reflectthemselvesih masses,wand massesheart, withmasseswitningt hey of calls,understand theyof mo

42、odod,feeltheyofsuffering,nimplemeothimplprisi ng ofspirit, putdifficult, nothati ng; bluepri nts,notrhetoric;wor ds andsim ple,but fulloflov e,truth,passion,entre preneurial passi on.because ofyour. Every body invillage chiefs andthe positions, both the trustofthe masses,theOrga nization'strust

43、,moreabilp feeling s,heartDepartment masses ofleading visitehold withon pe opl e ofdeentothe village s,pe opl e learne d farmingtechniques,massesoproblem-solving metonsthoughts complhods,partiTake this opport unity,my inspirationalitytoyou,ful lyaffirmed themoralandothercipati on il ainee d, alwaysi

44、nsistedput massesof interequotes LiDazhao'qualiti es.sclassic"ironspecia lise i n uplifting bleTherefore, we must alwaysmaintain tup,frommasses mosth aview on howto do wellunder the new situati on oftownshipa nd v illage leaders inspireand hel p,and alsosh arewithy ou.Agbility, a nd our i d

45、ealtree roote d inthe hard w orkofthe soil,wit h indomitabl e spirit,i ndomitable courage to open upa newsituatiem grabbed, realdolove forpeoplebyDepartment, and rightforpe ople by with,aood playto create ironshoul ders strong arms,toassume theburden bepasse d; onlyspe cificqualities, willit be poss

46、i ble inon ofvillages andtow ns. To have afeeli ng ofcl ose nesst othese cond."T hepe opl e andcountr y."Our businessfoundatihout serenityspecificarea stocre ate aworl don int hepe opl e's bl oodinthe pe-一 L Inotgofar." Ascension tofameis morality,i.In my view ,villagechiefs i nth

47、e new situation, we must first havefivebasic quality. Oneam bition isto pioneer. "Who is handsome."Peopleonly high-mi nded ca nstimulate t heflow ofmomentum to become bravea nd persiste nt,be come quieta nd pow erful.Townshi pandvillage party"leaders",witople pow erpe ople.Advanc

48、ed deci sionsoft he partyca drestothe feelings ofthe pe oplei saneter naltheme.Fa n Zhong-ya n, call ed"first,and e njoy comfortabout ot hers",Zheng Banqiao' salso wr otea "Ya Chailayliste ningtot herustli ngofbamboo,t he suspect is suffering. Ca oCounty officials,little my,atotal

49、tstablish a correct viewpoi ntonpower,positi ona nd val ues a nd Outlook,as fame is light like water,dependi ng.50 km,also red and like hundredsofthousa ndsoftheKMT military combat,but he wehintheir respectivejurisdictions, political stabil ityand economi c andsocial devel opment i ssues,decisionsan

50、d orientation de pendst o alargeextenturn off."Oldoffeuda lofficial evenha s sofeeli ngs,al one w e isto"servi ng "forpurpose sof pe ople servantdoes? we moreshoul dalwaysnot nece ssary tontonto collectavarietyofnewspapers andmagazines,andthen race agai nsttime to p17 、醫(yī)藥、醫(yī)療器械科技有限公司:衛(wèi)

51、生產品、消毒產品、保?。ㄊ常┢?、化妝品、藥品的科技研究與開發(fā)。18 、會計師事務所、稅務師事務所:年度會計報表審計、驗資,績效評價考核審計、經理離任審計、內部審計、清算審計、公司轉讓審計、公司收購審計、特定項目審計、協(xié)助鑒別經濟案件證據。涉稅事項鑒證、審核、代理、咨詢(顧問)和培訓,稅收籌劃;資產評估:企業(yè)價值、房地產、機器設備評估,企業(yè)投資等評估;管理咨詢:財務會計咨詢顧問(總監(jiān)) ,會計制度設計、項目可行性研究,會計人員培訓,企業(yè)管理咨詢;會計服務:賬目清理、代理記賬及其他會計咨詢和會計服務;商務服務:代辦公司注冊、籌建、年審、清算,公司秘書等服務(持企業(yè)登記代理資格證經營)19 、國際貨

52、運代理公司:承辦海運、空運進出口貨物的國際運輸代理業(yè)務;包括報關、報驗、保險、攬貨等及相關業(yè)務;代理進出口業(yè)務;承辦 “三來一補”業(yè)務; 外經貿信息咨詢業(yè)務。20、電影電視制作公司:影視節(jié)目制作;裝飾裝潢設計;服裝、影視器材的出租、銷售;許可證規(guī)定內的廣告業(yè)務21 、農藥工業(yè)有限公司:殺蟲劑、殺菌劑、除草劑農藥的生產及自產農藥的銷售;技術開發(fā)及信息咨詢;化工、儀器儀表的銷售22、國際船舶代理有限公司:經營中國籍國際船舶以及經交通部核準的自有方便旗船舶和自營(期租和光租) 船舶的國際船舶代理及相關業(yè)務;聯(lián)系引水、靠泊、裝卸;組織承攬海運貨物、 集裝箱;辦理貨物、集裝箱訂倉、報關、轉運、倉儲和多式

53、聯(lián)運;代簽提單;代 辦船舶供應、租船、船員旅客服務等委托業(yè)務;許可范圍內的船舶維修業(yè)務(有 效期至 *年 *月 23、電能發(fā)展有限公司learnotherpe ople' s devel opme nt appr oach, a na ndthencencome backtogui deourwork.Second,wemustthink. "Learnihope,and most urgent,and mostw orries,a ndm ostcomplai ned of hot,a nd difficulties a ndfocus problem,more to br

54、eakthroughofpoli cy,a nd exerci se innovation oflift, developed out development w orksof, andgrass-r ootswel cngwithoutthoug I Iactiverese arch, come s ofork,thenewappr oach would not" situation,t hereason,t he key isthatmaorshi pmasses for Divisi on, a nntsuperior policyspiritof process inthe,

55、bothiementation,and cahdiscussi on every one care ofproblem, listennot mechani cally,t oto extraordi naryofcourage and develop enterdifficult, nothati ng; bluepri nts,notrhetoric;wor ds andsim ple,but fulloflov e,truth,passion,entre preneurial passi on.Take this opport unity,my inspirationalquotes L

56、iDazhao' sclassic"ironspecia lise i n uplifting ble nd w ith the article" gaveeveryone,with aview on howto do wellunder the new situati on oftownshipa nd v illage leaders inspireand hel p,and alsosharewith y ou.Ag ood playto create ironshoul ders strong arms,toassume theburden bepasse

57、d; onlyspe cificqualities, willit be possi ble in specificarea stocre ate aworl d.In my view ,villagechiefs i nthe new situation, we must first havefivebasic quality. Oneam bition isto pioneer. "Who is handsome."Peopleonly high-mi nded ca nstimulate t heflow ofmomentum to become bravea nd persiste nt,be come quieta nd pow erful.Townshi pandvillage party"leaders&


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