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1、Lecture 3Speech Sounds and Their SystemsComingp Phonetics p Phonology 1. Phonetics 語音學語音學 natural soundsspeech soundsno systematic meaning a code system. 1.1 DefinitionSound: the most widely used medium in human language.Phonetics: The science of speech sounds, which aims to provide the set of featu

2、res or properties that can be used to describe and distinguish all the sounds used in human language.1.2 Three Phases in Communication processspeaker encodes meaning into sounds and utters strings of soundssounds are transmitted in the airlistener perceives sounds and decodes them into meaningArticu

3、latory phonetics: (發(fā)音語音學)speech production by speech organsAcoustic phonetics: (聲學語音學)physical properties of speech soundsAuditory phonetics: (聽覺語音學)perception of speech sounds in the human auditory and cognitive system1.2 Three Phases in Communication processspeaker encodes meaning into sounds and

4、utters strings of soundsArticulatory phonetics: (發(fā)音語音學)speech production by speech organsArticulatory phonetics1.3 The process of producing speechair breathed in lungsair pressed outtrachea (windpipe)Larynx 喉喉 Pharynx 咽咽 nasal cavity 鼻腔鼻腔oral cavity 口腔口腔1.4 Articulation Mans selection of a sound lan

5、guage came too late that there have hardly been any human organs evolving specifically for verbal articulation except the vocal cords thin bands of muscle in the larynx at the upper end of a persons windpipe that can be made to move rapidly by the passing of air and thus produce sound. Other organs

6、involved in the production of speech evolved originally for the basic biological needs of breathing and eating, though phoneticians also call them speech organs. Cavities and organs The principal cavities 1. the pharyngeal cavity (咽腔)(咽腔) 2. the oral cavity (口腔)(口腔) 3. the labial cavity (唇腔)(唇腔) 4.

7、the nasal cavity (鼻腔)(鼻腔) The vocal tract (聲道)(聲道) - the long tubular structure formed by the cavities, functioning as a resonance box. Changing the shape of the box gives different speech sounds.1.5 Diagram of the speech cavities1.6 Diagram of the speech organs氣管喉食道聲帶會厭咽舌根舌面軟腭小舌舌尖硬腭齒齦1.7 Consonants

8、Consonants: The sounds in the production of which there is an obstruction of the air stream at some point of the vocal tract . 1. the place of articulation 2. the manner of articulation1.7.1 The place of articulationBilabial 雙唇音雙唇音 e.g. p, m. Labio-dental 唇齒音唇齒音 e.g. f.Dental 齒音齒音 e.g. Alveolar 齒齦音齒

9、齦音 e.g. t Palatal 腭音腭音 e.g. jPalato-alveolar 腭齦音腭齦音 e.g. Velar 軟腭音軟腭音 e.g. kGlottal 聲門音,喉音聲門音,喉音 e.g. hRetroflex 卷舌音卷舌音Uvular 小舌音小舌音Pharyngeal 咽音咽音1.7.2 The manner of articulation Plosive 爆破音爆破音e.g. p, d. It belongs to a broader category called “stop” 塞音:包括吸塞塞音:包括吸塞音音(suction stop)和擠壓塞音和擠壓塞音 (pressu

10、re stop) Nasal 鼻音鼻音 e.g. m Affricate, 塞擦音塞擦音 e.g. t Liquid 流音流音e.g. l, r Fricative 擦音擦音 e.g. f, z. (Some fricatives are also called sibilants(絲音)(絲音) e.g. s, ) Glide 滑音滑音 e.g. h, w1.7.3 English consonantsBilabial Labio-dental Dental Alveolar Palato-alveolarPalatal Velar Glotal Plosivep bt dk g ricat

11、ivesf v s z Affricates t d Nasalsm n Liquidl r Glidew j h雙唇音唇齒音齒音齒齦音腭齦音腭音軟腭音聲門音爆破音摩擦音破擦音鼻音流音滑音placemanner1.8 VowelsVowels: The sounds in the production of which no articulators come very close together and the air-stream passes through the vocal tract without obstruction. the location of the tongue

12、the openness of the mouth the shape of lips1.8.1 A Diagram of English Vowels Tongue MouthfrontcentralbackTongue heightClose i ii i u u highSemi-closee e Semi-open open lowmid1.7.3 English consonants monophthong e.g. u diphthong e.g. au u triphthong e.g. au 2. Phonology 音系學音系學 2.1 Definition Phonolog

13、y:The studies of the structure and systematic patterning of sounds in human language. The word phonology is used in two ways, either as the study of sound patterns in language or as the sound pattern of a language. Every consonant or vowel is the smallest unit of sound which can distinguish two word

14、s in English. big pig big bag big bin /b/ /p/ /i/ / /g/ /n/ These distinctive sounds are called phonemes, whose change will lead to the change of meaning.2.2 phonemenDifferent phones can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments. Phone Phoneme ph p /p/ w / in complementary distribution

15、phit spit 2.2 allophone2.3 Broad transcription and Narrow transcription3. Suprasegmentals syllable stress tone Intonation They relate to aspects of pronunciation that go beyond the production of individual segments.3.1 syllablestudentsevenuniversityreallygoodpronunciationopenA syllable is a unit of

16、organization for a sequence of speech sounds. For example, the word water is composed of two syllables: wa and ter. A syllable is typically made up of a syllable nucleus (most often a vowel) with optional initial and final margins (typically, consonants). Open syllable absolute: bar, tie, she, go, d

17、ay relative: game, like, coke, take Closed syllable park, hat, dog, clock3.2 Stressgoodstudentuniversity /?ju:niv:siti/pronunciation /pr?nnsiein/ antidisestablishmentarianism import import( n. )( v. )(glass house for growing plants) noun verb insult insult produce produce record record rebel rebelblackbird a particular kind of birdblack bird any bird with black featherhotdog a particular foodhot dog an animalgreenhousegreen house(g


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