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1、Period 1Unit 5 If youre happy and you know it clap your hands(拍手)(拍手) If youre happy and you know it stomp your feet(跺腳)(跺腳)If youre happy and you know it shout hurray(吼(吼“hurray) A: If you are happy, what will you do ?B: If Im happy, I will_sing a song Watch TVplay soccerdanceplay computer play bas

2、ketballIf he is happy, he willLets guessIf he is happy, he will If she is happy ,she willIf they are happy ,they will If he is happy, he willIf he is happy, he will play the guitar.If he is happy, he will sing a song.If she is happy, she will go shopping.If they are happy, they will dance.If he is h

3、appy, he will listen to the music.if 引導(dǎo)的條件狀語從句I will sing a song if I am happy.He wont cry if he is happy. If they are happy, they will dance .If意為如果,表示條件,意為如果,表示條件,if引導(dǎo)的句子是從引導(dǎo)的句子是從句,用現(xiàn)在時態(tài),主句則用將來時態(tài)。也句,用現(xiàn)在時態(tài),主句則用將來時態(tài)。也就是所謂的就是所謂的“主將從現(xiàn)主將從現(xiàn)”。Now please be more careful!1.If he _ (watch) TV every night, h

4、e _(fail) the exam.2.If the weather _ (be) fine, Lily _ (play) basketball.3.I _ (be) happy if you _ (not leave).4.He _ (ride) a bike there if it _ (not rain).5.She _ (not go) to school if she _ (be) ill.watcheswill failiswill playwill bedont leavewill ridedoesnt rain iswont go1a Look at the pictures

5、. Then match the statements with responses.1. I think Im going to go to the party with Karen and Ann.2. I think Im going to wear jeans to the party.3. I think Im going to take the bus to the party.4. I think Im going to stay at home.a. If you do, the teachers wont let you in.b. If you do, youll be l

6、ate.c. If you do, youll be sorry.d. If you do, youll have a great time.1b Listen. Were your answers to activity 1a correct?牛仔褲牛仔褲let sb. in = let sb. come in 讓某人進(jìn)來讓某人進(jìn)來 I think Im going to go to the party with Karen and Ann . If you do, youll have a great time. I think Im going to wear jeans to the

7、party . If you do, the teacher wont let you in. I think Im going to take the bus to the party. If you do, youll be late I think Im goingto stay at home If you do, youll be sorry.Groupwork If willI, happy , I, go shoppingIf I am happy, I will go shopping .she, study hard, she, get good gradesIf she s

8、tudies hard, she will get good grades. it, be sunny, she, fly a kiteIf it is sunny, she will fly a kite. he,have free time, go to Shanghai , If he has free time, he will go to Shanghai. not rain , go hiking ,this afternoon If it doesnt rain, I will go hiking this afternoon.I ,join the team If I join

9、 the team, I will be famous.gogoI,be famousyou,eat too much, have a stomachacheIf you eat too much,you will have a stomachache.it, snowIf it snows, we will not go out.gogowe , not go out Tom, work hardIf Tom works hard , he will make more money. gogohe,make more moneyIf you dont get up, you will be

10、late.gogoyou,not get upyou,be late 一、選擇題1.If it rains tomorrow, we _ visit the museum. A dont do B wont go C arent go D didnt go.2 Will you go to the park if it _ fine? A will be B was C is D /3 If you _ to school late, your teacher _ angry with you. A come; are B come, will be C will come; are D wi

11、ll come; will be4 If you _ hard, you will _ successful. A work, are B works, is C to work, be D work, be5 If I _ too much TV, my mother will _. A watch, angry B watched, be angry C watch, be angry D will watch, be angryBCBDC1.如果你努力學(xué)習(xí),你就會取得好成績。如果你努力學(xué)習(xí),你就會取得好成績。(get good grades)If you study hard, you

12、will get good grades.2.如果你不做家庭作業(yè),你的父母會生氣的。如果你不做家庭作業(yè),你的父母會生氣的。(be angry)If you dont do homework, your parents will be angry.3.如果我們舉辦晚會的話,大家都會來的如果我們舉辦晚會的話,大家都會來的. ( have a party, everyone)If we have a party, everyone will come.二 、翻譯句子4.如果明天不下雨,我會去公園的。如果明天不下雨,我會去公園的。(go to the park)If it doesnt rain, I

13、 will go to the park.5.如果她有空,她會幫助你的。如果她有空,她會幫助你的。(be free)If she is free, she will help you.Summary在包含if 引導(dǎo)的條件狀語從句的句子中,當(dāng)主主句句是一般將來時一般將來時時,條件狀語從句從句要用一般現(xiàn)在時一般現(xiàn)在時.即主將從現(xiàn)主將從現(xiàn)I will sing a song if I am happy.He wont cry if he is happy. If they are happy, they will dance .If 條件句歌訣:條件句,放在前,條件句,放在前, 逗號要放句中間逗號要放句中間; ; 條件句表可能,條件句表可能, 從句多用從句多用現(xiàn)在時現(xiàn)在時, , 主句多用主句多用將來時將來時. .HOMEWORK-WRITTING Write a letter to me. If you go to the party, what will happen? If you dont go to the party, what will happen


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