七年級(jí)下學(xué)期英語備課資料:Unit 4 Don’t eat in class. Section A_第1頁
七年級(jí)下學(xué)期英語備課資料:Unit 4 Don’t eat in class. Section A_第2頁
七年級(jí)下學(xué)期英語備課資料:Unit 4 Don’t eat in class. Section A_第3頁
七年級(jí)下學(xué)期英語備課資料:Unit 4 Don’t eat in class. Section A_第4頁
七年級(jí)下學(xué)期英語備課資料:Unit 4 Don’t eat in class. Section A_第5頁
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1、.Unit 4 Dont eat in class. Section A1. Dont arrive late for class. 上課不要遲到。1這是祈使句。祈使句的功能在于向?qū)Ψ桨l(fā)出指令、懇求等;祈使句通常省略主語,以動(dòng)詞原形開頭;否認(rèn)形式的祈使句構(gòu)成為:Dont+動(dòng)詞原形。如:Be careful while crossing the road. 過馬路時(shí)要小心。Dont forget me! 不要忘記我!2arrive意思是“到達(dá),其后不能直接跟地點(diǎn)名詞;arrive at后可接小地點(diǎn),arrive in后多接大地點(diǎn)。如:What time did yo

2、u arrive at the station? 你是幾點(diǎn)鐘到火車站的?Can we arrive in Beijing on time or not? 我們能否按時(shí)到達(dá)北京?3 be late for class意思是“上課遲到,是習(xí)慣搭配,class前不用冠詞。類似搭配還有:be late for school上學(xué)遲到如:I wish you do not be late for school any more. 我希望你以后上學(xué)別再遲到了。2. You must be on time. 你必須守時(shí)。1must是情態(tài)動(dòng)詞,意為“必須,表示命令的語氣;

3、情態(tài)動(dòng)詞后必須跟實(shí)義動(dòng)詞原形,be是is,am,are的原形。如:When you learn to ride a bike you must learn to balance. 你學(xué)騎腳踏車時(shí)必須學(xué)會(huì)保持平衡。2on time意思是“準(zhǔn)時(shí)。如:The plane arrived on time. 飛機(jī)正點(diǎn)到達(dá)?!颈嫖觥?#160;on time與in timein time 的意思是“及時(shí),“終有一天,“最后,“遲早或“終于。例如:I wish you would come in time. 我希望你及時(shí)趕到。We got to the station

4、 just in time to catch the bus. 我們及時(shí)到達(dá)車站,趕上了公共汽車。on time 意為是“準(zhǔn)時(shí),“準(zhǔn)點(diǎn),“正點(diǎn)。The train arrived on time. 火車正點(diǎn)到達(dá)。Please be here tomorrow on time. 請(qǐng)明天準(zhǔn)時(shí)到這兒來。 3. Dont listen to music in class. 不要在教室里聽音樂。1listen to意思是“聽,表示“聽的動(dòng)作過程。如:She turned on the MP3 to listen to music. 她

5、翻開MP3聽音樂?!颈嫖觥?#160;listen,listen to與hearhear與listen這兩個(gè)詞都是動(dòng)詞,都有“聽的意思。但意思有區(qū)別,用法也不同。hear是及物動(dòng)詞,表示“聽見、“聽到,可能是有意識(shí)地聽,也可能是無意識(shí)地聽。如:Louder,please.I cant hear you. 請(qǐng)大聲點(diǎn),我聽不到你的聲音。We heard someone laughing in the next room. 我們聽見隔壁有人在笑。hear還可作不及物動(dòng)詞,后接 ofabout 表示“聽別人說指間接聽到 ;后接from 意思是“收到某人

6、 的來信。如:I have never heard of such a thing. 我從未聽說過這種事。Have you heard from him? 你收到他的來信了嗎?listen 是不及物動(dòng)詞,表示有意識(shí)或注意地“聽,不說明是否聽見的結(jié)果;必須加 to才能接賓語。如:I listened but heard nothing. 我注意聽了,但什么也沒聽見。 【易錯(cuò)警醒】hear一詞一般不用于進(jìn)展時(shí)。不說I am hearing或I was hearing,而用can或could。如:I can hear somebo

7、dy coming. 我能聽見有人來了。2in class是習(xí)慣搭配,意思是“在上課中,在課堂上。4. Dont run in the hallways. 不要在過道上奔跑。Sorry. Ms. Clark. 對(duì)不起,克拉克女士。1run意思是“跑,跑步;run是不及物動(dòng)詞,其后不能接賓語。run組成的短語有:run after追趕;run away 逃跑;run out of用完,耗盡。2sorry意思是“對(duì)不起,遺憾;因自己的過失或不當(dāng)影響到別人時(shí),通常以sorry表示抱歉。如:Im sorry. You have the wrong number.

8、 對(duì)不起,你的 號(hào)碼不對(duì)。5. This is a great school,but there are a lot of rules. 這是一所很不錯(cuò)的學(xué)校,但有很多校規(guī)。1but是連詞,意思是“但是;“學(xué)校不錯(cuò)與“有很多校規(guī)為轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系,用but連接意義轉(zhuǎn)折的兩個(gè)單句。如:I can see that plane,but I cant see a bird. 我能看見那架飛機(jī),但是小鳥我就看不見了。He may be clever,but he doesnt know everything. 他或許聰明,但是他不可能知道所有的事情。2there be意

9、思是“有,表示“某處有某物;there be構(gòu)造中,be與緊跟其后的名詞保持?jǐn)?shù)的一致。如:There is an old pine tree in front of the house. 房子前面有一株老松樹。There are some nice apples on sale in that shop. 那家商店有些很好的蘋果出售。3a lot of 意思是“很多,大量,修飾不可數(shù)名詞,也可修飾可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)。如:We have a lot of fun in the park. 我們?cè)诠珗@里玩得很快活。There are a lot of wild a

10、nimal parks in South Africa. 在南非有許多野生動(dòng)物園?!颈嫖觥縨any,much 與lots of,a lot ofmany用來修飾可數(shù)名詞,表示數(shù)目,反義詞為few。如:There are many apples in the basket. 籃子里有許多蘋果。 much用來修飾不可數(shù)名詞,表示量,反義詞為little。如:Im sorry to give you so much trouble. 真對(duì)不起,給你添了這么多的費(fèi)事。 a lot oflots of 既可修飾可數(shù)名詞又可修飾不可數(shù)名

11、詞。修飾可數(shù)名詞時(shí)可與many換用;修飾不可數(shù)名詞時(shí),可與much換用。如:We had a lot oflots of fun at the picnic. =We had much fun at the picnic.我們?cè)谶@次野餐中玩得很痛快。There are a lot oflots of pear trees near the house. =There are many pear trees near the house.屋子附近種著許多梨樹。 6. Can we bring music players to school? 我們可以帶音樂播放機(jī)到學(xué)校來嗎?1

12、bring.to意思是“把帶來;bring是及物動(dòng)詞,其動(dòng)作的方向趨向于說話者。如:Bring your book here tomorrow. 明天把你的書帶來。來源:1ZXXKYoud better finish your homework today,and bring it to me tomorrow.你最好今天做完家庭作業(yè),明天帶來交給我?!颈嫖觥?#160;bring與takebring意思是帶來,拿來,取來,指從別處把某人或某物帶到或拿到說話者所在的地點(diǎn)來。也可說成“由遠(yuǎn)及近,有方向性。如:Eddie brings me some books. 埃迪給我?guī)?/p>

13、了幾本書。take 有“帶走,取走之意。表示把某物或某人從說話的地方帶到另一個(gè)地方去,也可說成由近及遠(yuǎn),有方向性。詞意和 bring相對(duì),經(jīng)常和介詞 to 搭配。如:Take him to hospital at once,please. 請(qǐng)馬上帶他去醫(yī)院。 2players意思是“演奏者,選手?!就卣埂坑⒄Z中一些表示職業(yè)的名詞往往與該職業(yè)所從事的活動(dòng)內(nèi)容相關(guān),這些職業(yè)名稱常常是在相應(yīng)的動(dòng)詞詞尾加-er或-or等后綴構(gòu)成。如:sing唱歌+ersinger歌手 drive駕駛+rdriver司機(jī)teach教+erteacher老師 w

14、ork工作+erworker工人clean清掃+ercleaner清潔工 write寫+rwriter作家;作者 7. And we always have to wear the school uniform. 我們永遠(yuǎn)得穿校服。來源:Zxxk 1have to意思是“不得不;have to常用來強(qiáng)調(diào)客觀上不得不去做某件事情,其后接動(dòng)詞原形。如:Please be quiet. I have to study the book for a test tomorrow. 請(qǐng)不要說話了,明天要考試,我得看書。We dont have to go to school

15、on Sundays. 星期天我們不用去上學(xué)。【辨析】have to 與musthave to 表示客觀的需要;must 表示說話人主觀上的看法,既主觀上的必要。如:My brother was very ill,so I had to call the doctor in the middle of the night.我弟弟病得很厲害,我只得半夜里把醫(yī)生請(qǐng)來??陀^上需要做這件事He said that they must work hard. 他說他們必須努力工作。主觀上要做這件事have to有人稱、數(shù)、時(shí)態(tài)的變化,而must只有一種形式

16、。但must 可用于間接引語中表示過去的必要或義務(wù)。如:He had to look after his sister at home yesterday. 昨天他不得不在家照看他妹妹。在否認(rèn)構(gòu)造中,dont have to表示“不必;mustnt表示“制止。如:You dont have to tell him about it. 你不一定要把此事告訴他。You mustnt tell him about it. 你一定不要把這件事告訴他。 2wear是及物動(dòng)詞,意思是“穿、戴,表示穿著的狀態(tài),其后面除了跟表示衣帽的名詞外,還可以跟表示首飾或

17、眼鏡的名詞。如:She likes to wear woolen socks in winter. 冬天她喜歡穿羊毛襪。【辨析】 wear, dress, put onput on一般強(qiáng)調(diào)動(dòng)作。如:It is cold outside,so youd better put on your coat. 外邊冷,你最好穿上大衣。Hearing the news,he put on his stocking and shoes,and went out.聽到這一消息,他穿上襪子、蹬上鞋,就出去了。wear表示一種狀態(tài)。如:He is wearing a hat.

18、0;他戴著一頂帽子。dress 作及物動(dòng)詞時(shí)要接“人作賓語不接“衣作賓語,意思是“給某人穿衣。如:She dresses her baby every morning. 她每天早上給寶寶穿衣服。dress也可用作不及物動(dòng)詞。如:Get up and dress quickly. 起床,快穿衣服。 來源:Z&xx&k 8. Oh,and we also have to be quiet in the library. 哦,在圖書館里,我們必須保持安靜。1also意思是“也,通常置于實(shí)義動(dòng)詞之前,情態(tài)動(dòng)詞或be動(dòng)詞之后。如:Ive

19、also read the book. 我也讀過這本書。This room was also dirty. 這個(gè)房間也很臟?!颈嫖觥縯oo,also,eithertoo放在句子末尾,通常用逗號(hào)隔開。如:I am a student,too. 我也是一名學(xué)生。also那么放在系動(dòng)詞be之后,實(shí)義動(dòng)詞之前。如:I am also a student. 我也是一名學(xué)生。Li Ming also takes part in a ceremony. 李明也參加了儀式。either在否認(rèn)句中使用,但是放在句子末尾,通常用逗號(hào)隔開。如:Lucy doesnt

20、 go to the party,either. 露西也沒有去參加派對(duì)。 來源:Z&xx&k 2quiet是形容詞,意思是“安靜的,其副詞為quietly。如:He lived in a quiet village near the sea. 他住在海邊的一個(gè)僻靜的村子里。例1 _ get off the bus before it stops.A. Dont       B. Doesnt    C. Didnt【解析】考察祈使句的用法。句意為“在

21、公共汽車停下來之前不要下車。祈使句的否認(rèn)形式用dont來完成,應(yīng)選A。【答案】A。例2Lucy, can I use your English dictionary?Sure. But you _ return it before the class.A. must B. can    C. may   D. would【解析】此題考察情態(tài)動(dòng)詞的用法辨析。根據(jù)上句可推出本句句意:但是你必須在上課之前歸還。must意為“必須,can意為“可能,may意為“可以,would意為“愿意。所以選A?!敬鸢浮緼。例3Have you&

22、#160;_ “Zhang Lili?Yes,she is the most beautiful woman teacher in China.A. head of    B. heard from      C. heard out【解析】考察動(dòng)詞辨析。hear of “聽說;hear from “收到來信;hear out “聽完。根據(jù)句意“你聽說過張莉莉嗎?聽過,她是中國最美麗的女老師。應(yīng)選A?!敬鸢浮緼。例4 David, there_ a dictionary and some books on your desk. Please put them away.A. is       B. are     C. have【解析】考察there


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