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1、前情提要Previously on Nashiville這位是蘭德爾圣克萊爾This is Randall St. Clair他將是我們新的社交媒體與數(shù)字營銷經理Hell be our snew social media and digital marketing manager.詹姆斯女士 我是你的鐵粉Ms. Jaymes, Im your biggest fan.你是以20億美元把它賣♥♥給了谷歌♥嗎You sold it to Google for $2 billion?-扎克威爾斯 -你好- Zach Welles. - Hi.我還斗膽I ha

2、d the idiotic notion想在音樂圈中做出一番事業(yè)that I could do something in the music business.希望可以找機會見見I was hoping we could meet up.我們應該一起找房♥子We ought to look for a place together.一直跟你說要有耐心Then keep telling you to be patient.我受夠了要耐心等Im sick of being patient.-我永遠都好不了了 -別這么說- Im never gonna get better. - Do

3、nt say that.她剛尿在我腿上了 我感覺到了She just peed on my legs, and I felt it.你可以再用力一點 我受得了You can go further. I can take it.好的Okay.寶貝 沒事的 媽媽好著呢Its okay, baby. Mamas all right.我來看著她 寶貝女兒 過來I got her. Come here, baby girl.今天早上開始之前Did you remember to take your oxycodone你記得吃羥考酮了嗎before we started this morning?是該吃的

4、Oh, right.如果你疼得厲害We cant do our best work我們沒法達到最好的效果if youre in too much pain.我沒那么疼 我發(fā)誓Im not. I swear.我覺得我可以做些一些更高難度的I think I could do something even more advanced.下次課也許可以Maybe next session.我只是覺得一直躺在這兒讓我像個笨蛋I just feel like Im lying here all the time like a lump.我知道這很讓人沮喪I know its frustrating.但是你

5、會走之前得先學會爬But you got to crawl before you can walk.-不是字面意思 -那就好- Not literally. - Good.你剛恢復了知覺You just regained sensation.在固定器摘下來之前You cant put any weight on this你不能讓你的腿承受任何重量until the fixator comes off.好吧 不過我在網上看到Okay, but I saw something online.有一種裝置 人穿上以后Theres a device that they put people in就可以不

6、受重力地走路什么的where they can walk without gravity or something like that?并不完全是不受重力Its not exactly without gravity.你說的是一種重新分布重量的裝置Youre thinking of a device that redistributes weight.我不管 給我弄一個來I dont care! Just get me in one!我是說 如果我能試用一下I mean, I would appreciate我會很感激的if I could try it out.診所的確有一個 但是它是給那些

7、The clinic does have one, but its really for patients已經康復得比較好的病人使用的who are further along in their recovery.康復到多好How much further along?我們先做好現(xiàn)階段的康復吧Lets just focus on where youre at right now.好吧Yeah.我覺得我找到房♥子了I think I found it.我剛去看了格林伍德那邊的一所房♥子回來I just came from a place on Greenwood.親眼

8、看到真是美極了Its gorgeous in person.是有健身房♥的那個嗎Is that the one with the gym?不是 那是哈德利公園旁邊的大社區(qū)No, thats the big complex near Hadley Park.但我們已經把它排除了But we crossed that off the list.我們不是說好了不想那么靠西邊I thought we agreed we didnt want to be that far west.對啊Oh, right.你一定會喜歡的Youre gonna love it.我約好了周五再回去看看I ma

9、de an appointment to go back on Friday.別再睡了Dont go back to sleep.你開了一晚上派對嗎What, were you up partying all night?沒有 我有一場演出No. I had a gig.你怎么沒告訴我呢Well, why didnt you tell me?我的演出你不必每場都來You dont have to come to every show I play.如果我想來呢What if I want to?你討厭那些吵鬧的酒吧You hate those loud clubs.我不討厭 只是不喜歡I do

10、nt hate them. I just dont like them.我是覺得如果我們一起做一些I figured itd be better我們都喜歡的事會更好if we spend time doing things we both enjoy.比如說什么呢Like what?威爾 你看見我的鑰匙了嗎Hey, Will, you seen my keys?沒有No!我等不及要讓你從這兒搬出去了I cant wait for you to get out of here.蕾娜詹姆斯*也許我會搬去加利福尼亞*Maybe Ill move to California*帶著那殘存還未破碎的心*W

11、ith the unbroken part of my heart I still have left*也許有一天我會重沐愛河*Maybe Ill fall in love again someday*我不愿屏住呼吸*Im not gonna hold my breath*我不愿屏住呼吸*Im not gonna hold my breath*我不愿*Im not-*看看 多美的畫面See, thats just so beautiful.我知道 但我們付不起她I know. We cant afford her, though.我懂 我們列出來的前10位導演I know. We cant a

12、fford我們都付不起the first 10 directors on our list.蘭德爾Hey, Randall?-怎么了 -就想告訴你- Yes? - Hey, I just wanted to say我很喜歡你設計的前任樂隊的網頁I love what you did with the Exes site,那些圖片 還有宣傳新單的內容all the graphics and everything on the new single.非常棒Its so cool.我的老天 多謝Oh my God. Thank you.繼續(xù)保持Yeah. Keep up the good work.

13、一定會Absolutely. I will.他好像很怕我He just seems terrified of me.我覺得他是很想讓你開心I think hes just eager to please.不知道 我沒法再看下去了Oh, I dont know. I cant watch these anymore.太讓人絕望了Its too depressing.你想怎么做I mean, what do you want to do?你想告訴斯嘉麗和加納咱們不能拍視頻嗎You want to tell Scarlett and Gunnar we cant do a video?不是 我是說繼

14、續(xù)找No. I mean, I think we keep looking.總能找到年輕 渴望成功又便宜的Well find somebody whos young and hungry and cheap.對了 我這周末會去藍鳥咖啡館Oh, by the way, Im gonna see Scarlett and Gunnar看斯嘉麗和加納演出this weekend at the Bluebird.碰巧扎克威爾斯也會去 With Zach Welles, incidentally.你那個最新的好友Oh, your new best friend.你知道我的好友都是億萬富翁Well, yo

15、u know all my best friends are billionaires.你怎么不問問他Why dont you ask him有沒有10萬美金無處可花if hes got 100 grand laying around someplace能讓我們用來拍視頻he wouldnt mind us using on the video?她怎么能說我沒準備好Why would you tell someone theyre not ready?她的工作不就是鼓勵我嗎Isnt it her job to be encouraging?她肯定不是那意思Im sure she didnt m

16、ean it that way.-我應該打給湯姆埃里克森 -那是誰- I should call Tom Ericson. - Who?讓我給他女兒The medical director寄海報的那個醫(yī)療主任who asked me to send the poster for his daughter.復健中心都歸他管He runs the whole place.你確定要找她上級嗎You sure you want to go over her head?你不用那樣You dont have to do that.我什么都沒做Im not doing anything.我是說 你把面包邊切

17、掉了No. I mean cut the crust off.我知道你喜歡這么吃 所以Oh. Well, I know thats how you like it, so.其實 沒關系的But, really, its fine.好吧 你最好快點吃Okay. Better eat fast.艾米麗要過來接你去看心理醫(yī)生Emilys coming by to drive you to psych.我把預約取消了I canceled my appointment.心理醫(yī)生只想談墜機的事All the shrink wants to talk about is the crash.我不想每周都回想這

18、件事I dont feel like reliving it every week.你不能就這么不去了Yeah, but you cant just not go.這是給你的治療I mean, its your treatment.怎么治療自己我不應該有發(fā)言權嗎Well, shouldnt I have some say over my treatment?當然Of course.那我想把我僅剩的精力用在Okay, well, Id like to spend the little energy that I have更重要的事上on things that are more importan

19、t.比如重新站起來Like getting out of that chair.好吧 抱歉Right. Sorry.怎么了What?什么What?你的表情就像有話要說You have a look on your face.我的表情一直都這樣This is just my face.看來是我以前沒注意Oh. I guess I never noticed.我去看看凱蒂絲Im gonna go check on Cadence.下一站歌♥后第五季 第四集扎克威爾斯 傳奇企業(yè)家再跟我說說咱們?yōu)槭裁匆堖@哥們吃飯Tell me again why we gotta wine and d

20、ine this dude.不是非要請Well, we dont have to,不過 他都到納什維爾了but, you know, hes in Nashville,他也想了解鄉(xiāng)村音樂行業(yè)and hes interested in learning about the country music business.是想了解你吧Or is he interested in you?打住吧 他就是個小男孩Oh, please. Hes 12 years old,而且我說得很清楚and Ive made it very clear是咱倆一起請他吃飯that you and I together a

21、re taking him out.感覺他有點奇怪Seems like hes a little odd.報道里都說他是傳奇企業(yè)家In all these articles, they talk about the off-beat entrepreneur,好像這是他的特長like thats his thing or something.很可能說得沒錯Well, its probably accurate.他是個好人You know, hes a nice guy.看起來很聰明 說不好Seems smart. I dont know.什么說不好I dont know what?他是個忠實粉

22、絲He is a big fan也很有錢and hes got a lot of money.你在想他或許能Youre thinking maybe hell be able to幫上公♥司♥一點忙help the company a little bit.我有時候是這樣想I think that sometimes, yes.然后我又覺得最初就是像他這樣的人And then I think its guys like him和整個數(shù)字世界and the whole digital world把鄉(xiāng)村音樂市場that have screwed up the count

23、ry music business給攪亂了in the first place.然后你又想到了錢Then you think about the money again.閉嘴Shut up.凱文 現(xiàn)在是上午十點Kevin, its 10 A.M.我到了 你在哪兒標志公♥司♥準備好了嗎Im here. Where are you?抱歉 我被叫去制♥作♥Im so sorry. I got called in to work跟卡西穆斯格拉維斯合作的那首歌♥了on that song with Kacey Musgraves.那我

24、要改時間嗎Well, should I reschedule?不用 你去吧 我已經看過了No, no. You go. Ive already seen it.好吧Okay.另外我跟那人說我們是室友Oh, and I told the guy that we were roommates.什么What?誰知道別人會有什么偏見呢You never know what peoples biases are gonna be.他們可以因為任何借口不租給你They can decide not to rent to you for any reason,我不想給他們借口and I didnt want

25、 to give them one.好吧 如果他們恐同Yeah, well, if theyre homophobic,我們?yōu)槭裁催€要住這兒why would we even want to live here?因為硬木地板 地下車♥庫♥Hardwood floors, underground parking,超棒的視野incredible views.凱文Kevin?-我得掛了 -好吧- Hey, I got to go. - Okay.你好 我是法蘭克 你是凱文吧Hi. Im Frank. You must be Kevin.不 其實我是他的 室友No, act

26、ually, Im his.roommate.好的 來吧 我?guī)銋⒂^參觀All right. Well, come on in. Lets show you around.落地窗 當然還有壁爐Floor to ceiling windows, fireplace, of course.有間次臥 愿意的話也可以當作書房♥There is the second bedroom, or study if youd like.還有 這兒的廚房♥非常適合招待客人By the way, the kitchens here are amazing for entertaining

27、.最后也很重要的是主臥And last but not least, we have the master bedroom.視野很棒 對吧What a view, huh?想象你每天清晨起床看著這樣的景色Picture waking up to that every single morning.在主衛(wèi)里洗個澡Taking a shower in the master bath.走進廚房♥Going into the kitchen.做個煎餅Making pancakes.完全能夠想象出來Yeah, I can really picture it.好了 我知道你在想什么Okay,

28、 I know exactly what youre thinking.條件是什么Whats the catch?不 我沒在想這個No, thats not what I was thinking.不 一切看上去都很棒No, it all seems great.確實很棒And it is great.我有提到設施齊全嗎Did I mention it comes fully furnished?-是嗎 -是啊- Oh, yeah? - Yeah.你一定得試試這張慧極之臥的床You have got to try this Sleep Number bed.舒服得難以置信It is beyon

29、d comfortable.嗯 問題是 我不確定這真的是.Yeah, the thing is, Im not sure its really.你想要的What youre looking for?沒錯Exactly.那你想要的是什么Well, what are you looking for?問得好Thats a good question.不要有壓力Well, no pressure.但我想告訴你這房♥子有很多人感興趣But just so you know, there is a lot of interest.-是嗎 -是的- Yeah? - Yeah.這附近現(xiàn)在真的很火

30、The neighborhoods really hot right now.你要是喜歡出門的話Some great restaurants, clubs in the area,附近有很好的餐廳和俱樂部if you like to go out.我喜歡出門Yeah, I do.好好考慮吧Well, think it over.如果你想和你的室友回來看看的話I live in the building, so Im always available我就住在這棟樓里 隨時可以找我if you want to come back with your roommate.好的Right.我該.I sh

31、ould.當然 你有我電♥話♥ 所以.Yeah, sure. Well, you have my number, so.好的Yeah.很希望你能住進來Id love to have you in the building.如果走不了太遠別感到失望Now, dont be disappointed if you dont get very far.這很正常 因為你過早進行這項練習了Its normal since youre doing this way ahead of schedule.醫(yī)療主管似乎認為現(xiàn)在不算太早The medical director does

32、nt seem to think its too soon.是啊 他的學歷很高Yeah, hes got all those degrees.我只是跟病人們打交道I just work with people.好的 你被支撐好了Okay, you are fully supported,別擔心會掉下來so you dont have to worry about falling.綁帶會自動收緊掛住你The harness will automatically lock and catch you.我會一直在你身邊陪著你Im gonna be right here beside you the

33、whole time.準備好邁出第一步了嗎You ready to take your first step?當然Hell, yes.來 開始吧Okay, lets do it.試著走一下Try to walk.你能做到的You can do it.疼嗎Does it hurt?需要我?guī)湍闾_嗎Want me to help lift your foot?不用No.記得平穩(wěn)呼吸Just remember to breathe.放心吧你不會摔倒的Trust that youre not gonna fall.-茱莉亞 -我喘不過氣了- Juliette. - I cant breathe!我喘不

34、過氣了I cant breathe!-我不能呼吸了 -沒事的- I cant breathe! - Its okay.-我不能呼吸了 -好了 沒事了- I cant breathe! - Its okay. Youre okay.我去推你的輪椅過來Im gonna get your chair.我不知道我這是怎么了I dont know whats wrong with me.你經歷了恐怖的災難You went through something terrifying.還沒緩過來Youre still processing it.所以才會重現(xiàn)當時的情景Thats what flashbacks

35、 are.這是你的大腦在保護你Its your mind trying to protect you.你是怎么知道的Howd you know thats what it was?我自己也經歷過事故I was in my own kind of accident.雖然和你的不一樣I mean, not exactly like yours,但我知道 人很容易專注于身體的恢復but I know that its easy to get so focused on fixing your body,卻忽視了心靈也需要修復you forget that your soul needs to hea

36、l, too.這種情況會持續(xù)多久So how long is it gonna last?我什么時候才能回歸正常When am I gonna be back to normal?如果我知道就好了I wish I had a good answer.會花上一段時間Its gonna take time.謝謝你沒跟我說 我早跟你說過Thank you for not saying I told you so.你以為我會這么說You thought I was gonna say that?我不知道 你看起來很嚴格堅強I dont know. You seem so.tough.我覺得你也很堅強I

37、 thought you seemed pretty tough, too.雖然今天你還不能走 但總有一天會的Hey, you werent ready today, but you will be.藍鳥咖啡館看誰來了 歡迎來到納什維爾Oh, there he is. Welcome to Nashville.非常感謝 能來這里真棒Thank you so much. So cool to be here.這是迪康 這是扎克Yeah. Oh, this is Deacon, Zach.-你好嗎 -我的天- How you doing? - Oh, my God.真不敢相信我能和迪康克萊伯尼握手

38、I cannot believe Im shaking hands with Deacon Claybourne.我感覺從你歌♥里就認識你了No, I feel like I know you from your songs,但這話你應該常聽吧although you probably get that all the time.無時無刻24/7.你旅途如何How was your flight in?很棒 我們在杰克遜鎮(zhèn)中途停下Pretty chill. We stopped off in Jackson Hole給了我表弟一個生日驚喜to surprise my cousin

39、 for his birthday.-有趣 -沒錯- Oh, fun. - Yeah.-梅根也在 -市長來了- Megans here. - Oh, theres the mayor.-梅根 你真美 -見到你真好- Megan? Hey, you look amazing. - Its so good to see you.我邀請她一起來了 可以吧Im hoping its cool I invited her to join us.你們認識的 對吧You guys know each other, right?-當然 -見到你們真開心- Of course. Hey. - Good to s

40、ee you guys.-我也是 -他們要開始了- You, too. - Theyre starting.你是怎么認識扎克的How do you know Zach?我們在一次慈善活動上認識的Oh, we met at a benefit.我一點都不驚訝 他人脈太廣You know, Im not surprised. He knows everybody.可不是He really does.時間到了Its that time.請掌聲歡迎Please put your hands together斯嘉麗歐康納和加納斯考特上場for Scarlett OConnor and Gunnar Sc

41、ott,歡迎前任樂隊the Exes.大家好Hey, yall.今晚能來到這我很開心It is such a pleasure to be here tonight.謝謝你們來看演出Thank you for coming.今晚對我們來說很特別Its a real special night for us,因為這個舞臺就是我們的起點cause this stage is where we really started.我親愛的家人也在 愛你們And my sweet family is here. I love you guys.我們開始吧So lets get to it.*你的觸摸 你的觸

42、摸就是一切*Your touch, your touch is everything now*心潮澎湃 放任自己墜入愛河*I feel so much, its taking me down, down*墜入愛河*Take me down*我們貼近彼此 心有靈犀*We stand so close, electricity*我們心心相印 靈魂相契*All of you fits so perfectly with me*擁有我吧*Take me now*你的愛震撼我的世界*Your love is an earthquake underneath my feet*你的吻令我魂牽夢縈*Your

43、kiss just a taste of everything I need*所以關上那扇門*So close the door*丟掉那把鑰匙*Throw away that key*寶貝 將你的身心交付于我*Baby, give me all of you*我也將我的一切托付給你*And I will give you all of me*我的一切*All of me*我的一切*All of me*我的一切*All of me*我的一切*All of me*我的一切*All of me*一個眼神就令我窒息*Just one look and I can barely breathe*你那湛藍

44、的眼眸點燃我心花火*I feel your blue eyes burning right through me*所以關上那扇門*So close the door*丟掉那把鑰匙*And throw away the key *寶貝 將你的身心交付于我*Baby, give me all of you*我也將我的一切托付給你*And I will give you all of me*我要把你拉近胸口*Ill pull you close*我知道你想要什么*I know what you need*寶貝 將你的身心交付于我*Baby, give me all of you*我也將我的一切托付給

45、你*And I will give you all of me*我的一切*All of me*碧昂絲轉過來 好聲好氣地對我說Beyonce turns to me and says as nicely as possible,雖然不是什么大事 但它讀作♥愛♥馬仕Its no biggie, but its pronounced Hermes.隨時都可以結賬 威爾斯先生Whenever you are ready, Mr. Welles.-謝謝 -不不不- Thank you. - Oh, no, no, no!我已經付好了Its already done.謝謝Tha

46、nk you.謝謝你們讓我們欣賞了美妙的歌♥聲Thank you for gracing us with those epic pipes.也謝謝你Thank you again.我們該走了Well, we should probably get going, right?好 見到你們二人真是太高興了Yeah. Its delightful to meet you both.我們也是Likewise, man.很高興認識你Really nice to have met you.歌♥聲永遠動聽Beautiful as always.我們稍后再聊 再見Talk to y

47、all soon, okay? Bye.-再見 -再見- See you, guys. - Bye, guys.-他們真的非常出色 -是啊- They are phenomenal. - Yeah.你有給他們制定什么計劃嗎Whats your plan for them?我們想做一個音樂錄影帶Were trying to put together a music video.我們只需要找一個很棒的導演We just have to find a really great director.肯定的 這是個很棒的夜晚Totally. This has been such a great night

48、.-謝謝你們 -謝謝你- Thank you, guys. - Thank you.這可能聽起來很瘋狂Okay, look, this might sound crazy,但我還是要說but Im just gonna say it.我覺得有這么個機會I see an opportunity我想和你 和65號♥高速唱片公♥司♥來實現(xiàn)它and I would like to explore it with you, with Highway 65.走到了人生的這個階段Ive reached a point in my life我現(xiàn)在只想做我真正熱愛的事情

49、where I only want to do things that Im passionate about,我不想再浪費一分一秒and I do not want to waste any time.我有種直覺 你 這家公♥司♥ 和我And I got this instinct about you, the company and me,可以創(chuàng)造一個成功的聯(lián)姻I think it could make a good marriage.如果你感興趣 我們就談一談So if you are interested, lets talk.這人認識你總共也就三個小時Th

50、e guy has spent like three hours with you total.他也說他已經迷我們的音樂好幾年了He also says that hes been obsessed with our music for years.他說他覺得自己好像認識我們一樣He said he feels like he knows us.所以他想和你進行商業(yè)合作So he decides to go in business with you就是因為他的一種感覺just based on this feeling hes got?就這樣嗎 對他有什么好處Thats it? Whats i

51、n it for him?他說了他想做他熱愛的事He said he wants to do what he loves.這就足夠了嗎And thats enough?你以為他坐擁億萬是靠做喜歡的事You think he got his billions by doing what he loves?親愛的 我可不知道Honey, I have no idea.我希望是這樣 我會很尊敬他I hope he did. I would respect that.我覺得可以聽聽他怎么說I think its worth hearing him out.你一點都不喜歡他 是嗎You really d

52、idnt like him, did you?不是我不喜歡他Its not that I didnt like him.他這個人什么的都挺好I mean, hes a nice enough guy and everything.只不過有點奇怪而已But its just a little weird, thats all.我同意 這事是挺奇怪I agree. Its a little weird.我甚至不確定我想不想和他做生意Im not even sure I want to go into business with him.但我一想到 他能給我的事業(yè)But the idea of ac

53、tually having some money真的提供一筆資金 就很激動for my business is exciting.過來Come here.成功的聯(lián)姻Make a good marriage.那只是一種修辭手法That was a figure of speech.說我不在Im not here.好的Okay.-威爾在這兒嗎 -不在- Hey, Will around? - No.他已經離開了He left earlier.真是的 我一整天都在聯(lián)♥系♥他Damn it. Ive been trying to reach him all day.是嗎Yeah.那是他的手♥機♥嗎Is that his phone?或許他還在這兒Well, maybe he is here.所以你還活著呢So you are alive.我給你發(fā)了差不多十二條短♥信♥I texted


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