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1、Unit 1 Space單元測試卷聽力部分、聽錄音,判斷下列圖片與所聽內(nèi)容是(,)否(X)相符。7 / 6C. a lot D. for dinner E. last nightA. at Amy ' s housB. in the kitchen1. John was.2. Often he had no food.3. We had fun last night.4. Dad was in my dream.5. Lisa likes her lunch.三、聽錄音,判斷對(,)錯(x)6. 1. Tom was in a small town.7. 2. Tom had a si

2、ster.8. 3. Tom ' s father was dead.9. 4. Tom was strong.10. . Tom and his mother had lots of monkey.筆試部分、選出不同類的一項()1. A. air()2. A. Mars()3. A. space()4. A. wasB. waterB. earthB. doctorB. areC. deskC. treeC. astronautC. wereD. coldD. sunD. farmerD. had、看圖選單詞完成句子earth stars sad astronaut moonThei

3、s smaller than the sun.(2) I was anin the dream.in space.(4) We are from the(3) There were many(5) Peter was ill, so he was 三、單項選擇。()1. We from Beijing.D. comesA. isB. areC. do()2. She had English class.A. /B. aC. anD. the) 3. The Martians wereA. friend) 4. MikeA. hadB. friendlyC. a friendlyD. a fri

4、endsfun yesterday.B. hasC. haveD. am) 5. He is a student,A. tooB. twoC. toD. but) 6. Ryan s rabbita race now.A. runningB. is runC. is runingD. is running) 7. My aunt was a vetA. tomorrowB. nowC. three years ago D. next week) 8. Can youit to your friends?A. tellB. tellsC. toldD. is telling) 9. Theren

5、o air on Mars.A. areB. isC. amD. were) 10. They had lots ofthere.A. funsB. a funC. funnyD. fun四、用正確的介詞填空。Kate: Jim, where were you yesterday?Jim: I washome.Kate: Was your mother at home, too?Jim: Yes, she wasthe kitchen. She cooked some food for me.Kate: What about your uncle (叔叔)? Where was he?Jim:

6、 Oh, I think he wasa spaceship. Because he is an astronaut. Where wereyou, Kate?Kate: I wasschool. I played basketball with Amy.五、讀問句,選答語。(1) What are these?A. He is Ken.(2) Who is that boy?B. They are trees.C. I was in Changsha.(3) Where is Liu Peng from?(4) Are you ready, John?D. Yes, I am.(5) Whe

7、re were you this holiday?E. Hes from Shanghai.六、讀短文,選擇正確答案。Zhang Peng s uncle lives in Hangzhou. Zhang Peng went there with his parents last Monday.They went there by train. It was a long trip. He slept on the train. The next morning, he got to Hangzhou. His uncle went to the train station to meet t

8、hem.Zhang Peng played with his cousin. He ate good food there. He visited the WestLake. It was beautiful. He took many pictures. He came back to Beijing yesterday.(1) Where did Zhang Peng go?A. Beijing.B. Hangzhou.(2) When did he go?A. Last Tuesday.B. Last Friday.(3) Did Zhang Peng go by train?A. Ye

9、s, he did.B. No, he didn t.C. Jilin.C. Last Monday.C. We don t know.(4) What did he do there?A. He did many things there.B. He only visited the West Lake.C. He only ate good food.七、小小寫作家。你經(jīng)常做夢嗎?在夢里你從事什么職業(yè)呢?你的夢里還有誰呢?請以Mydream為題,寫一篇小短文。聽力部分聽力材料1. The earth is round.2. They are in space.3. John was sad

10、 yesterday.4. There are many stars in the sky.5. There is a beautiful house.二、1. John was in the kitchen.2. Often he had no food for dinner.3. We had fun at Amy s house last night.4. Dad was in my dream last night.5. Lisa likes her lunch a lot.三、Long long ago, there was a young man in a small town.

11、His name was Tom. He lived with his mother but he had no father. His father was dead. He had no brothers or sisters. His mother was old, but she was strong. Tom and his mother were very poor. They had no money.聽力答案1、1-5 Vx x x,2、1-5 BDAEC3、1-5X筆試部分1-4 DCAD(1) moon (2) astronaut (3) stars (4) earth (5) sad3、1-10 BCBAA DCABD4、at; in; in; at5、(1)-(5) BAEDC六、(1)-(4) BCAA七、My dreamI had a dream last night. I was a pilot in the dream. My


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