1、XX公司XX35KV變電站35KV1艘壓器大修施工組織方案分管領(lǐng)導(dǎo):安監(jiān)部:生技部:施工單位:編 制:編制時間: 年 月 日a ossa al ng and ful of nfienceF unities - moe -.ng . - tgehe ulof ale ngs aesto rae a gee, l ow s opeai on, ofa worda - powe ge neain mpay and w ork had! T heoas mysinee ws oodf back e to s you hwork ul play you hempi oyees i i- p-"
2、 Cmm-nagats corruin work leve, bu-e ss- ess ,Any TUrthe ste n.en the over, ega syse>. must streghe managebl-h a nd m prove suev _n, ad >Sm.o cnsCniiSy .the Oympc _ cuiy cntrl manage higher"、 he .* a higher le-l of deve IEmployees today s lunar e on Dee -a atths tme of ye. ary fee geeaia c
3、eayhe a xx power genera breathing l ng p-t one一、工程概況 2二、組織措施 21、施工現(xiàn)場組織機構(gòu) 22、工作任務(wù) 23、變壓器技術(shù)參數(shù): 24、計劃工作時間 3三、技術(shù)措施 41、變壓器施工執(zhí)行技術(shù)標(biāo)準(zhǔn): 42、施工準(zhǔn)備 43、工作進(jìn)度 5四、檢修項目及技術(shù)要求 5(一)、辦理工作票開始工作,拆除一次引線、修前檢查試驗。 5(二)、放出變壓器油 6(三)、檢修項目 6(四)、大修后試驗 8(五)、其它 9(六)、驗收檢查 9五、安全目標(biāo)、安全保證體系及危險點預(yù)控 101 .安全管理目標(biāo) 102 .安全管理組織機構(gòu) 103 .工程危險點分析及其控制
4、措施104 .主變壓器施工危險點及其控制措施 15六、文明施工及環(huán)境保護(hù)管理措施 20ism.ocnsceniusy -m_Ie Olympc _ cuiy cntrol hgher level, hg he sa-d* a higher l_l of d_ I Employ* today s lunar cle on Dee Bli a atths .e of y>. - Ce ary gee-ia Cealyhe a xx powe ma-e a nd symmey b - thing Real ng p-t one、工程概況江蘇協(xié)聯(lián)熱電集團(tuán)有限公司135MW帆組電源改造工程高壓廠用
5、 變壓器及封閉母線安裝。主要包括#5、6機組高壓廠用變壓器及封閉 母線安裝調(diào)試。、組織措施1)施工現(xiàn)場組織機構(gòu)項目管理體系表:項目經(jīng)理部的組成及分工2、工作任務(wù)麻田35KV變電站35KV1#fc變大修3、變壓器技術(shù)參數(shù):型號:容量:接線組別:額定電流:額定電壓:阻抗電壓油重:總重:生產(chǎn)廠家:4、計劃工作時間2012年8月25日8月29日 三、技術(shù)措施1、變壓器施工執(zhí)行技術(shù)標(biāo)準(zhǔn):(1)電力變壓器檢修導(dǎo)則 DL/T 573 -95(2)電力設(shè)備預(yù)防性實驗規(guī)程DL/T 576 1996(3)電氣裝置安裝工程電力變壓器、油浸電抗器、互感器施工及驗收規(guī)范GBJ148 90(4)變壓器廠家技術(shù)文件2、施工
6、準(zhǔn)備1)開工前現(xiàn)場工作人員應(yīng)認(rèn)真學(xué)習(xí)本措施和電業(yè)安全規(guī)程有關(guān) 部分及變壓器檢修導(dǎo)則(項目標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和要求)。2)參照本措施和主變實際情況準(zhǔn)備好工器具,并檢查其狀態(tài)、 性能,保證其處于良好的工作狀態(tài);工器具放置整齊有序;工具的發(fā) 放由專人負(fù)責(zé),并作好記錄。3)照本措施,各班組按工作任務(wù)準(zhǔn)備相應(yīng)的材料、工具。準(zhǔn)備好 材料,并存放妥善。4)班組根據(jù)工區(qū)的分工合理編制各班組的施工進(jìn)度。5)清理油罐,準(zhǔn)備補充用油和有載分接開關(guān)油罐。6)各班組根據(jù)工區(qū)的分工合理編制各班組的施工進(jìn)度。7)防火、防雨、防潮設(shè)施齊全。8)準(zhǔn)備上主變的工作人員穿戴的變壓器專用工作服;專用全塑手套。9)準(zhǔn)備好吊車等工具車輛,保證其處于良
7、好的工作狀態(tài)。ketofu-tr g g e yu wkfui a y u em e. 一drr- cve d e dss grr u- .teg -ge s sk- fcoe- e- a rrly -f-e sgt u ita-i ve - e a -.e aet ag eti iveuc- sei s a aa-agee .i. i tss .- li s u-.s-ggaeag -g g e rldll gE es a i l ae d-,b - i a -giiyear we cl -fr stwe.eaa-1 a e.eai aset-g RH.agood"lea ders
8、hi p constr uction,full play levelscadres i n enter prise development in t heWewillcontinue toimprovethe compa ny's inter nalcontrolsy stem,and steady improveme ntina bility tomanage a nd contr ol,optimize businessprocesses,to ensure sm oot h processes,responsi bilities i npla ce;tofurt herstren
9、gthen i nternalcontr ols, playacontrolpostinde pendent ov ersight role ofevaluation com plyingwit h third -party responsi bility; to actively make useof internala udit tools detectpotentialmanagement,streamline,standardizerelatedtransactions, strengthe ning operations i naccor dancewith law.Deepenin
10、gthe information managementtoensurefull communicati on "zero resistance".o constantly perfect ERP ,and BFS+ ,and PI,a nd M IS,andSCM,information systembase dconstruction,fullintegration informati onsystem,a chieve d information resourcesshare d;to expand Portalsystem application ofbreadt h
11、 andde pth, playi nformation systemon e nterpriseof Assistantrol e;toperfectdaily r un maintenance operation ofrecords,promote problem reasons a nalysisand systemha ndover;to strengthe ning BFS+,a nd ERP , and S CM,technologyapplication oftraining, improveempl oyees a pplication information systemof
12、capacityand level.Humanistic caret oensure"zero."Tostrengtheni ng Huma nities car e,continuestofoster compa ny wind cle ar,and g as are, andheartShunofculture atm osphere; strengthe ningl ovehel pedtra pped, care difficultempl oyees; carried outstylea ctivities,ri chempl oyees life;stre ng
13、the ning healtha nd la bour prote ction, organization careerhealth me dical, controlcareeragai nst; continuesto implementation psychologicalwarni ng preventi on sy stem,trainingempl oyees health ofchara cter,a ndsta bleofmood andenter prisi ng ofattitude,createdfriendly fraternityofHumanities enviro
14、nment.T ostre ngthen riskmanagement,en suret hatthe busi nessof"zero risk".Tostre ngthe ned business pla ns manag ement, will busine ss busi ness planscov erto alllevel,e nsuret he busi ness can contr olin contr ol;to closeconcer n fina ncial,and coalelectric linkage, andenergy-savi ng sch
15、eduling, national policy trends,strengtheni ngtrack, active should;to implementation State-owned assetsmethod, furtherspecifi cationbusine ss financialmanagement;toperfectrisktube controlsystem,achieved risk recognition, andmeasure, andassessme nt,and report,and controlfeedback ofclosed ring managem
16、ent, improverisk preventionca pacit y.o furtherstandardi zetrading ,and strivetoachieve "according to la w,standardizeand fair." Innovationof performance management,to ensurethatpote ntial em pl oyees "zero fly". o strengt hen performance management, process control,e nha nceempl
17、oye e evaluati on andlevels ofeffectivecommunication toimproveperforma nce management.Tofurtherquantifyand refine employe estandards.Work,fullplaypart y,an d branch,and membersin "fivetypeEnterprise" constructioni n the ofcore rol e,and fightingfortressrole and pioneermodel rol e;toconti n
18、ue stostrengt hening "four10 )現(xiàn)場準(zhǔn)備緊急用車,保證緊急用車的工作狀態(tài)良好。11 ) 大修前應(yīng)組織有關(guān)人員現(xiàn)場了解設(shè)備情況,對重要施工項目制定具體方案,落實施工設(shè)備布置場所等并劃出35KV變壓器大修現(xiàn)場設(shè)備定置圖。3、工作進(jìn)度第一日:辦理工作票,檢查滲漏油點,做大修前試驗,為大修做準(zhǔn)備第二日:本體放油,拆卸附件,吊芯檢查,處理缺陷。第三日第四日:檢修全部附件,更換各連接部位的密封墊,注入合格油。整體密封性檢查。第五日:大修后進(jìn)行高壓試驗,接引線,安裝附件,驗收送電。四、檢修項目及技術(shù)要求凡檢修處理部件均應(yīng)拍照、記錄大修前、大修后照片及試驗數(shù)據(jù),并進(jìn)行對比
19、分析檢修結(jié)果。(一)、辦理工作票開始工作,拆除一次引線、修前檢查試驗。1、 按照安規(guī)規(guī)定和現(xiàn)場工作實際需要檢查安措,履行工作許可手續(xù)。2、 拆除一次引線3、 針對主變現(xiàn)有缺陷進(jìn)行檢查,登記至缺陷表。4、 對主變進(jìn)行直阻、泄漏電流、絕緣電阻、介質(zhì)損耗、變壓器油試驗,根據(jù)試驗結(jié)果確定現(xiàn)場解決現(xiàn)場方案。對主變大修相關(guān)工作場所布置好防火、防潮、防止變壓器油污染地面措施。fbackboneba ckbone role; to fullstre ngthe ning members yout h work,fullplayyout hempl oyeesin company devel opment in
20、 theofforce role;to improvei nde pendent Commission against corruption work level,strengthe ningon e nterprise businesskey linkofeffectivenessmonitore d., And maintainstability.Tofurtherstre ngthen publicity ande ducation,improve theoveralllegalsystem.We muststrengthen safetymanagement,establisha nd
21、 improvethe e ducation,supervi sion,and evaluationas one ofthe trafficsafety management mechanism.oconscie ntiouslysum upthe Olympic se curitycontrol s,pr omotingintegrated management to ahigher level,higherstandards, ahigher levelofdevel opme nt.Empl oyees,today islunar calendar on Decem ber24,t he
22、 ox Bell isabout to ring, atthis timeofyear,we cle arlyfeelthe pulseoftheXXpower generation companyt oflouri sh,to more clearlyhearXX powergeneration compa niesmaturea ndsymmetrybreathi ng.Recalli ng past onethilithiti dfllffidFtdlttitiitifihtiitdEllttth2013fllfhlldtitittltti fllfhfldltidkhd!Thi fth
23、SiFtiliihthtdthfilifthtffithdhlthh h7another acrossa raili ng, weare e nthusiastica ndfull ofconfidence. Futuredevelopmentopportunities,we moreexciting fightmorespirited.Employees,let us togetheracross2013 fullofchallengesand opportunities,tocreate agreen,l ow-cost operati on,full of humane careof a
24、world-class powerge neration companyand w ork hard!Theoccasi on oftheSpring Festival,mysincerewish thatyou andthe familiesofthe staffin thenewyear,goodhealt h,ha ppy,ha ppygood"lea dershi p constr uction,full play levelscadres i n enter prise development in t he5、對部分滲漏點進(jìn)行補焊消除。(二)、放出變壓器油在確定天氣符合要
25、求的情況下方可開始放油。(三)、檢修項目1、關(guān)于器身檢查的規(guī)定:器身暴露在空氣中的時間不超過 8小時。按充干燥空氣放油方案進(jìn)行時間的計算:從打開人孔蓋開始計 算,到開始抽真空或注油為止。2、器身檢查的主要項目和要求應(yīng)符合下列規(guī)定:(1)器身各部位應(yīng)無移動現(xiàn)象。(2)所有螺栓應(yīng)緊固,并有防松動措施;絕緣螺栓應(yīng)無損壞,防 松動綁扎完好。(3)鐵芯外引接地的變壓器,拆開接地線后鐵芯對地絕緣應(yīng)良好;(4)鐵芯拉板及鐵鈍拉帶應(yīng)緊固,絕緣良好。(5)繞組、引線及磁屏蔽裝置的檢修繞組檢查項目:繞組絕緣應(yīng) 完整,無缺損、變位現(xiàn)象;各繞組應(yīng)排列整齊,間隙均勻,油路無堵 塞;繞組的壓釘應(yīng)緊固。3、油箱的檢修:消除
26、滲漏點;油箱內(nèi)部潔凈無銹蝕,漆膜完整 , 強油循環(huán)管路內(nèi)部清潔,導(dǎo)向管連接牢固,絕緣管表面光滑,漆膜完 整無破損,無放電痕跡。4、附件的檢修(1)套管的檢修應(yīng)符合下列要求:1.1瓷套內(nèi)外表面清潔無油垢、雜質(zhì),瓷質(zhì)無裂縫、傷痕,水泥 填料無脫落,無滲漏;ketofu-tr g g e yu wkfui a y u em e. 一drr- cve d e dss grr u- .teg -ge s sk- fcoe - a rrly -f-e sgt u ita-i ve - e a -.e aet ageti iveuc- sei s a aa-ageme ei. i tss .- li s u
27、-.s-ggaeag -g g e rldll gE es a i l ae d-24b - i a -giiyear we cl -fr stwe.eaa-1 a egeat a r set-g R.a - 6fbackboneba ckbone rol e; to fullstre ngthe ning member s yout h work,full playyout hempl oyeesin company devel opme nt in theofforce role;to improvei nde pende nt Commission against corruption
28、work level,strengthe ningon e nterprise busine sskey link ofeffectivenessm onitore d., And maintainstability.Tofurtherstre ngthe n publicity ande ducation,improve theoveralllegalsystem.We muststrengthen safetymanagement,esta blisha nd im provethe e ducation,supervi sion,and evaluati onas one ofthe t
29、rafficsafety management mechanism.oconscie ntiouslysum upthe Olympic se curitycontrol s,pr omotingi ntegrated management to ahigher level,hig herstandards, ahigher levelofdevelopme nt.Empl oyees,today islunar calendar onDecem ber24,t he ox Bell isabout to ring, atthis time ofyear,we cle arlyfeelthe
30、pulseoftheXXpower generation companyt oflouri sh,to more clearlyhe arXX powergener ation companiesmaturea ndsymmetrybreathi ng.Recalli ng past oneanother acrossa raili ng, weare e nthusiastica ndfull ofconfidence. F uturedevelopmentopportunities,we moreexciting fightmorespirited.Employees,let us tog
31、etheracross2013 fullofchalle ngesand opportuniti es,tocreate agreen,l ow-cost operati on,full of humane careof aworld-cla ss powerge neration companyand w ork hard!Theoccasi on oftheSpri ng Festival,mysincere wish thatyou a ndthe familiesofthe staffin thenewyear,good healt h,ha ppy,ha ppyWewillconti
32、nue toimprovethe compa ny's internalcontrolsy stem,and steady improveme ntinability tomanage and contr ol,optimize business processes,to ensure smoot h processes,responsi bilities i npla ce;tofurt herstrengthen i nternal contr ols,playacontrolpostinde pendent ov ersight role ofevaluation com ply
33、ingwit h third -party responsibility; to a ctively make useof internalaudit tools detectpotentialmanagement,streamline,standardizerelatedtransactions, strengthe ning operations i naccor dancewith law.Deepeningthe information managementtoensurefull communicati on "zero resistance".o constan
34、tly perfect ERP,and BFS+,and PI,a nd MIS,andSCM,i nformation sy stembase dconstruction,fullintegration informati onsystem,achieve d information resourcesshare d;to expand Portalsystem application ofbreadt h andde pth, playi nformation systemon enterpriseof Assistantrol e;toperfectdaily run maintenan
35、ce operation ofrecords,promote problem reasons a nalysisand systemha ndover;to strengthe ning BFS+,and ERP , and S CM,technologyapplication oftraining, improveempl oyees application information systemofcapacityand level.Humanistic caret oensure"zero."Tostrengtheni ng Huma nities care,conti
36、nuestofoster compa ny wind cle ar,and gas are, andheartShunofculture atmosphere; strengthe ningl ovehelpedtra pped, caredifficultempl oyees; carried outstylea ctivities,ri chempl oyees life;strengthe ning healthand la bour prote ction, organization careerhealth medical, controlcareeragainst; continu
37、esto impleme ntation psychol ogicalwarning preventi on sy stem,trainingemployees health ofchara cter,a ndsta bleofmood andenter prisi ng ofattitude,createdfriendly fraternityofHumanities environment.T ostre ngthe n riskmanageme nt,en suret hatthe busi nessof"zero risk".Tostre ngthe ned bus
38、iness pla ns manag ement, will business busi ness planscoverto alllevel,e nsuret he busi ness can contr olin contr ol;to closeconcern fina ncial,and coalele ctric li nkage, andenergy-saving scheduling, national policy trends,strengtheningtrack, active should;to implementation State-owned assetsmetho
39、d, furtherspecifi cationbusine ss financialmanagement;toperfectrisktube controlsystem,achieved risk recognition, andmeasure, andassessment,and report,and controlfeedback ofclosed ring management, improverisk preventionca pacit y.o furtherstandardi zetrading ,and strivetoachieve "according to la
40、 w,standardizeand fair." Innovationof performance management,to ensuret hatpote ntial em pl oyees "zero fly".o strengt hen performance management, process control,e nha nceemploye e evaluation andlevels ofeffectivecommunication toimproveperformance management.Tofurtherquantifyand refi
41、neemploye estandards.Work,fullplaypart y,an d branch,and mem bersin "fivetypeEnterprise" constructionin the ofcore role,and fightingfortressrole and pioneermodel role;toconti nue stostrengt hening "four1.2 絕緣筒潔凈無起層,漆膜無脫落和放電痕跡,絕緣良好;1.3 高壓套管內(nèi)拉桿螺母應(yīng)緊固,彈簧墊片放置正確。引出端頭與套管頂部外罩連接處應(yīng)擦拭干凈,接觸緊密。1.4
42、 充油套管的油標(biāo)應(yīng)清晰可見,油位正常,油質(zhì)符合國標(biāo)GB7665-87的規(guī)定;其末屏接地良好。(2) 冷卻裝置檢修:21風(fēng)扇電動機及葉片安裝牢固,轉(zhuǎn)動靈活無異常,轉(zhuǎn)向正確。22 管路中的各個閥門應(yīng)操作靈活,開閉位置正確,法蘭聯(lián)接無滲漏。5、安全保護(hù)裝置的檢修( 1)放閥的檢修:拆下壓力釋放閥,清掃護(hù)罩和導(dǎo)流罩,檢查各部連接螺栓及壓力彈簧;要求開啟和關(guān)閉壓力符合規(guī)定,微動開關(guān)動作正確,更換密封墊,信號電纜合格。( 2) 氣體繼電器的檢修:繼電器密封符合要求,內(nèi)部清潔無雜質(zhì);動作可靠,絕緣、流速校驗合格。6、油保護(hù)裝置的檢修( 1)凈油器檢修:更換吸附劑和膠墊,過濾網(wǎng)采用尼龍網(wǎng);用合格的變壓器油將凈
43、油器內(nèi)部和聯(lián)管清洗干凈。( 2)儲油柜檢修:內(nèi)部潔凈無水跡,膠囊無老化開裂現(xiàn)象,密封良好,聯(lián)管無堵塞。( 3)油位計檢修:傳動齒輪無損壞,轉(zhuǎn)動靈活,指針指示正確。限位報警裝置動作正確,更換密封膠墊。( 4)吸濕器檢修:更換吸附劑,膠墊,吸濕器安裝牢固。7、測溫裝置的檢修測溫裝置應(yīng)符合下列要求:(1)頂蓋上的溫度計座內(nèi)應(yīng)注入合格的變壓器油,密封良好,無 滲漏;閑置的溫度計座也應(yīng)密封,不得進(jìn)水。(2)膨脹式信號溫度計的細(xì)金屬軟管不得有壓扁或嚴(yán)重扭曲,其彎曲半徑不得小于500mm8、操作控制箱的檢修和試驗清掃內(nèi)部灰塵及雜物,檢查開關(guān)和繼電器的接點,測各回路電阻 應(yīng)符合要求,更換密封墊,外部除銹刷漆。
44、9、全部密封膠墊的更換和組件試漏密封處理應(yīng)符合下列要求:(1)、所有法蘭連接處應(yīng)用耐油密封墊密封; 密封墊必須無扭曲、 變形、裂紋和毛刺,密封墊應(yīng)與法蘭的尺寸相配合。(2)、法蘭連接平面應(yīng)平整、清潔;密封墊應(yīng)擦拭干凈,安裝位置準(zhǔn)確;橡膠密封墊的壓縮量不易超過其厚度的 1/3。10、根據(jù)現(xiàn)場具體情況進(jìn)行處缺11、變壓器油漆的處理:油箱、冷卻器及其附件表面除銹補漆, 重新噴漆,油漆性能符合有關(guān)規(guī)定的要求(四)、大修后試驗大修后的試驗項目:(1)測量繞組的絕緣電阻和吸收比或極化指數(shù),介質(zhì)損耗;(2)測量繞組連同套管的泄漏電流;(3)冷卻裝置的檢查和試驗;(4)本體和套管中的變壓器油試驗;(5)測量繞
45、組連同套管一起的直流電阻(所有分接位置)(6)檢查有載調(diào)壓裝置的動作情況及順序;wkfui a yu em e.一drr- cve d e dssgitui rteg -.e s sk.k 0 t- a rrly Tfute sg u ita-i ve tel isemw-tte.eatageti ive.sei s a aat ageme eci. li s u-cs-.gaeag tg g e rldll gE es a i l ae d-24b - i a rgiiyer we l rfel stw.eaa-t1 a n.eat a r s-et. R.agood"lea de
46、rshi p constr uction,full play levelscadres i n enter prise development in t heWewillcontinue toimprovethe compa ny's inter nalcontrolsy stem,and steady improveme ntina bility tomanage and contr ol,optimize businessprocesses,to ensure smoot h processes,responsibilities i npla ce;tofurt herstreng
47、then i nternal contr ols, playacontrolpostinde pendent oversight roleofevaluation com plyingwith third -party responsibility; to actively make useof internala udit tools detectpotentialmanagement,streamline,standardizerelatedtransactions, strengthe ning operati ons i naccor dancewith law.Deepeningth
48、e information managementtoensurefull communication "zero resistance".o constantly perfect ERP,and BFS+,and PI,a nd M IS,andSCM,i nformation systembase dconstruction,fullintegration informati onsystem,a chieve d information resourcesshare d;to expand Portalsystem application ofbreadt h andd
49、epth, playinformation sy stemon e nterpriseofAssistantrol e;toperfectdaily run mainte nance operation ofrecords,promoteproblem reasons analysisand systemha ndover;to strengthe ning BFS+,and ERP , and S CM,technologyapplication oftraining, improveempl oyees a pplication information systemofcapacityan
50、d level.Humanistic caretoensure"zero."Tostrengtheni ng Huma nities car e,continuestofoster compa ny wind cle ar,and gas are, andheartShunofculture atmosphere; strengtheningl ovehelpedtra pped, caredifficultempl oyees; carried outstylea ctivities,ri chempl oyees life;stre ngthe ning healtha
51、nd la bour prote ction, organization career health me dical, controlcareeragai nst; continuesto impleme ntation psychol ogicalwarning preventi on sy stem,trainingempl oyees health ofchara cter,a ndsta bleofmood andenter prisi ng ofattitude,createdfriendly fraternityofHumanities environment.T ostre n
52、gthe n riskmanageme nt,en suret hatthe busi ness of"zero risk".Tostre ngthe ned business plans manag ement, will busine ss busi ness planscov erto alllevel,e nsurethe busi ness cancontr olin contr ol;to closeconcern fina ncial,and coalele ctric li nkage, andenergy-saving scheduling, nation
53、al policy trends,strengtheni ngtrack, active should;to implementation State-owned assetsmethod, furtherspecifi cation busine ss financialmanagement;toperfectrisktube controlsystem,achieved risk recognition, andmeasure, andassessment,and report,and controlfeedback ofclosed ring management, im proveri
54、sk preventionca pacit y.o furtherstandardi zetrading,and strivetoachieve "according to law,standardizeand fair." Innovationof performance management,to ensuret hatpotential em pl oyees "zero fly".o strengt hen performance management, process control,e nha nceemploye e evaluati on
55、 andlevels ofeffectivecommunication toimproveperforma nce management.Tofurtherquantifyand refine employe estandards.Work,fullplaypart y,an d branch,and membersin "fivetypeEnterprise" constructioni n the ofcore rol e,and fightingfortressrole and pioneermodel rol e;toconti nue stostrengt hen
56、ing "four(7)測量鐵芯(夾件)引外對地絕緣電阻;(8)繞組連同套管一起交流耐壓試驗(有條件時);(9)檢查相位;(10)電壓比試驗(11)聯(lián)接組別(12)額定電壓下的沖擊合閘;(13)空載運行前后變壓油的色譜分析;(五)、其它1、主變本體和附件應(yīng)根據(jù)現(xiàn)場具體情況除銹刷漆2、變壓器檢修工藝及質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)按照國標(biāo)DL/573-95 執(zhí)行(六)、驗收檢查( 1) 變壓器本體及所有附件應(yīng)無缺陷,無滲漏, 不得有遺留物件。( 2)不得臟污,油漆完整,相色標(biāo)志正確。( 3)檢查各個閥門的位置是否正確。( 4)高壓套管的接地小套管應(yīng)可靠接地,套管頂部將軍帽應(yīng)密封良好,與外部接線的連接接觸良好,并涂導(dǎo)電脂。( 5)油枕及充油套管,本體油位正常。( 6)呼吸器內(nèi)的吸濕劑完好,無變色受潮現(xiàn)象,封罩內(nèi)應(yīng)加變壓器油。( 7)中性點設(shè)備完好可靠。( 8)有載調(diào)壓開關(guān)動作正確可靠,其位置符合運行要求。( 9)溫度計指示應(yīng)正確,整定符合要求。( 10)接地良好,變壓器固定可靠。fbackboneba ckbone role; to fullstre ngthe ning members yout h wor
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