1、游褒禪山記基礎(chǔ)訓(xùn)練一、選擇題1 下列各組句子中加粗詞的意義相同的一項(xiàng)是p華山之陽A 丿陽奉陰違余亦悔其隨之而不得極夫游之樂也B *一肌一容,盡態(tài)極妍'古人之觀于天地,山川,往往有得C * 世之奇?zhèn)?,非常之觀,常在于險遠(yuǎn)今言“華”如“華實(shí)”之“華”者,蓋音謬也D 丿戶世之謬其傳而莫能名2 對下列加粗詞意義的分析正確的一項(xiàng)是于人為可譏而在己為有悔'無物以相之、巫醫(yī)樂師百工之人不恥相師A. 相同,也相同B. 不同,相同C. 相同,不同D. 各不相同,也各不相同3 下列句中的加粗詞的釋義全都正確的一組是A. 有碑仆道仆:倒 褒之廬冢也 廬冢:也作廬墓。B. 其文漫滅 文:碑上殘存的文字
2、 有穴窈然 窈然:深遠(yuǎn)幽暗 的樣子。C. 有怠而欲出者 ?。焊F困 咎其欲出者 咎:責(zé)怪D. 夫夷以近夷:鏟平火尚足以明也明:明亮4下列句中的加粗詞的意義相同的兩項(xiàng)是A. 以其乃華山之陽名之也 B .后世之謬其傳而莫能名者C. 不名一文D. 人有百口,口有百舌,不能 名其一處也5 選出與“以子之道,移之官理,可乎”中的“道”字用法相同的 一項(xiàng)是A. 何可勝道也哉B. 策之不以其道C距洞百余步,有碑仆道D.從酈山下,道芷陽間行6下列各句中的“然”意義和用法不同于其他的一項(xiàng)是 A. 然視其左右,來而記之者已少B. 由山以上五六里,有穴窈 然C. 然力不足者,亦不能至也。D. 然力足以至焉,于人為可譏
3、,而在己為有悔7 下列句中加粗詞與例句中加粗詞的用法相同的一項(xiàng)是 又以悲夫古書 之 不存 A 余之力尚足以入B 后世 之 謬其傳而莫能名者C 不可以不深思而慎取 之也D 入之愈深,其進(jìn)愈難8 下列各句加粗的詞, 與“唐浮圖慧褒始舍于其址” 中的“舍”字, 在用法上不同的一句是 A 以故其后 名之曰“褒禪”B 朝服衣冠C 蓋其又深,則 其至 又加少矣D 沛公欲 王關(guān)中,使子嬰為相9 下列各句中的加粗詞不屬于意動用法的一句是 A 吾妻之 美 我者,私我也 B 孔子 師郯子、萇弘、師襄、老聃 C 朔文辭不遜,高自稱譽(yù),上 偉之D 火尚足以 明也10 誦讀時,句中停頓不當(dāng)?shù)囊痪涫?A 盡吾志也 / 而
4、不能至者,可以 / 無悔矣,其 / 孰能譏之乎?B 余于 / 仆碑,又以悲 /夫古書之不存,后世之謬 / 其傳而莫能名 者,何 / 可勝道也哉!C 余/ 亦悔其隨之 / 而不得極夫游之樂也。D 以其求思之深 / 而無不在也。二、常識填空11 本文選自,作者,字,號,封荊國公,世稱 。謚“文” ,又稱 北宋 家、家。12 “余第安國平父”中的“父” ,通“”,是古代在男子名字下加的美稱;“漁父”中的“父” ,是對 。三、翻譯13盡吾志也而不能至者,可以無悔矣,其孰能譏之乎? 譯:14余于仆碑,又以悲夫古書之不存,后世之謬其傳而莫能名者, 何可勝道也哉!譯:參考答案1B 2 C 3 A 4 B、D
5、 5 B 6 B 7 B 8 C 9 D 10 B 11臨川先生文集,王安石、介甫、政治家、文學(xué)家。 12甫、對老年人的尊稱。13譯:盡了自己的努力卻不能到達(dá)的人,就可以沒有悔恨了。難 道誰還會譏笑他嗎?14譯:我對于那倒在地上的石碑,又因此嘆惜那古代書籍的失傳, 后代人弄錯了它流傳的文字,而沒有人能夠說明白的事情,哪能說得完 呢?拓展測試1選出下列句中加粗詞活用不同類的一項(xiàng)()A. 唐浮圖慧褒始舍于其址B.以其乃華山之陽名之也C. 后世之謬其傳而莫能名者D.蓋其又深,則其至又加少矣2選出與“其孰能譏之乎”中“其”的意義用法相同的一項(xiàng)()D 一之謂甚, 其可再乎? )A. 距其院東五里B.以其
6、求思之深而無不在也C.余亦悔其隨之而不得極夫游之樂也3選出不是判斷句的一項(xiàng)(A. 今所謂慧空禪院者,褒之廬冢也B. 褒禪山亦謂之華山C. 此余之所得也D 此所以學(xué)者不可以不深思而慎取之也4 下列各句中,加粗詞的意義與現(xiàn)代漢語相同的一項(xiàng)是 ()A 此所以學(xué)者不可以不深思而慎取之也B 而世之奇?zhèn)?、瑰怪?非常之觀,常在于險遠(yuǎn),而人之所罕至焉C 所謂華山洞者,以其乃華山之陽名之也D 至于幽暗昏惑而無物以相之5 選出對加粗詞語解說有誤的一項(xiàng)()A 唐浮圖慧褒始舍于其址。浮圖,梵語 (古印度語)音譯,也寫作“浮屠” 或“佛圖”,本意是佛或佛教徒,這里指和尚。B 今所謂慧空禪院者,褒之 廬冢 也。廬冢,也
7、叫做“廬墓” ,古時為了表 示孝順父母或尊敬師長, 在他們死后服喪期間, 為守護(hù)墳?zāi)苟w的屋舍。C 以其乃華山之 陽名之也。陽:古時稱山的南面,水的北面。D 此所以 學(xué)者不可以不深思而慎取之也。學(xué)者:此文“學(xué)者”與師說中古之“學(xué)者”的意義相同,同現(xiàn)代漢語 中的“學(xué)者”也相同。閱讀下面的文言文,完成69題。于是余有嘆焉。古人之觀于天地、山川、草木、蟲魚、鳥獸,往往有得, 以其求思之深而無不在也。夫夷以近,則游者眾;險以遠(yuǎn),則至者少。而世之 奇?zhèn)?、瑰怪、非常之觀,常在于險遠(yuǎn),而人之所罕至焉。故非有志者不能至也。 有志矣,不隨以止也,然力不足者,亦不能至也,有志與力,而又不隨以怠, 至于幽暗昏惑而無
8、物以相之,說不能至也。然力足以至焉,于人為可譏,而在 己為有悔;盡吾志也而不能至者,可以無悔矣,其孰能譏之乎?此余之所得也 余于仆碑,又以悲夫古書之不存,后世之謬其傳而莫能名者,何可勝道也 哉!此所以學(xué)者不可以不深思而慎取之也。6. 下列句子中加粗的詞語解釋不正確的一項(xiàng)是()A. 夫夷以近,則游者眾夷:平坦B. 而世之奇?zhèn)ァ⒐骞?、非常之觀觀:觀看C. 而人之所罕至焉罕:少D. 后世之謬其傳而莫能名者名:說出真相7. “然力足以至焉,于人為可譏,而在己為有悔”一句,聯(lián)系前文,根據(jù) “深思慎取”的精神,作者論述有遺漏的詞句嗎?如有,試完整地補(bǔ)出來。8. 對本段有關(guān)內(nèi)容的理解,不正確的一項(xiàng)是()A.
9、 這一段提示了志、力、物三者的辯證關(guān)系,體現(xiàn)了作者既重視主觀努力, 又重視客觀條件的相互辯證唯物主義思想。B. “其孰能譏之乎”是一個反問句,與前面內(nèi)容聯(lián)系看,還是說明“盡吾志”的重要性。C. 用對比和層層深入的方法說理,所闡述的道理具有普遍意義。D. 作者用了象征的手法,深刻地揭示了對人生和事業(yè)的追求,也是需要有 堅定的志向。9 .將文中畫橫線的句子翻譯成現(xiàn)代漢語。 至于幽暗昏惑而無物以相之,亦不能至也。 此所以學(xué)者不可以不深思而慎取之也。參考答案:1 . D (“至”是動詞用作名詞,其他是名詞用作動詞)2. D (例句中的“其”與D項(xiàng)中的“其”都用作副詞,表反詰語氣。其他三項(xiàng)中的“其”都用
10、作代詞)3 . B 4 . C (A中“所以”表原因,B中“非?!笔恰安煌瑢こ!钡囊馑?。 D項(xiàng)中“至 于”是“到,”的意思)5 . D 6 . B (觀,景觀)7 .“然力足以至焉”(而未至)8 . D (屬于“無中生有”)9 .到了幽深昏暗、叫人迷亂的地方,卻沒有 外物來幫助他,也不能達(dá)到目的地。這就是治學(xué)的人不能不深思熟慮和謹(jǐn)慎擇 取的原因。1 .下列各句中加點(diǎn)字注音有誤的是()A.今言“華(hud)如“華實(shí)”之“華”者,蓋音謬也。B .由山以上五六里,有穴窈(ydo)然。C 后世之謬其傳而莫能名者,何可勝(shmg)道也哉。D .至于幽暗昏惑而無物以相(xi dng)之。 2選出下列句中
11、加點(diǎn)詞活用不同類的一項(xiàng)( )A. 唐浮圖慧褒始舍于其址B .以其乃華山之陽名之也C .后世之謬其傳而莫能名者D .蓋其又深,則其至又加少矣3.選出下列各句中“以”是介詞的一項(xiàng)( )A夫夷以近,則游者眾B. 秦貪,負(fù)其強(qiáng),以空言求璧C .余與四人擁火以入D. 以其求思之深而無不在也4 下列句中“觀”字詞性不同的一項(xiàng)是( )A 而世之奇?zhèn)?、瑰怪、非常之觀,常在于險遠(yuǎn),而人之所罕至焉B 大王見臣列觀C. 此則岳陽樓之大觀也D .古人之觀于天地、山川、蟲魚、鳥獸,往往有得 5下列各句中,加粗詞的意義與現(xiàn)代漢語相同的一項(xiàng)是()A 此所以 學(xué)者不可以不深思而慎取之也B 而世之奇?zhèn)?、瑰怪?非常 之觀,常在
12、于險遠(yuǎn),而人之所罕至焉 C 所謂 華山洞者,以其乃華山之陽名之也D. 至于幽暗昏惑而無物以相之 6下列各句中加點(diǎn)的詞沒有活用現(xiàn)象的一句是()A 其下平曠,有泉 側(cè) 出B 有志矣,不隨以 止 也C.火尚足以明也D 至于幽暗昏惑 而無物以相之7 選出句中“者”的用法不同于其他三項(xiàng)的一項(xiàng)是( )A 今所謂慧空禪院者,褒之廬冢也B 其下平曠,有泉側(cè)出,而記游者甚眾C 既其出,則或咎其欲出者D 然力不足者,亦不能至也8 下列句子的句中停頓,不正確的一項(xiàng)是( )A 后世之謬其傳 | 而莫能名者,何可勝道也哉B 嗟乎!師道之不傳 | 也久矣C 入之甚寒,問其深,則 |其好游者 |不能窮也,謂之后洞D 此所以
13、 |學(xué)者|不可以|不深思而慎取之也期中復(fù)習(xí)Unit Oneeven though, make a promise, keep/break the promise, do well/badly in, get straight A 's, keep one's word,(Word came that, have a word with sb, have words with sb), despite +n./the factthat.,My dream was to see, in the Christmas vacation, (at Christmas, on Christ
14、mas day), take a shuttle bus, back and forth (up and down), be dying to do sth/for sth, resort, check in at the hotel, overlook, can'wtait to do, for the first time, (The first time .), instructor, tip, so that + may/can, in case, to be honest, a great success, keep on doing, definitely, managed
15、 to do, be pleased with, nevertheless, go skiingthe Olympic Games/the Olympics, every four years, athlete, compete in sth with sb for sth, participate in, refer to, a series of, event, require sb to do sth, involve, take place, all-round, endurance (endure sth/doing sth), be equal in sth, in many wa
16、ys, motto, desire to do sth, (desire sth, desire sb to do sth), humanity, soarUnit Tworegarding (concerning), tutor, tutorial center, fee, reasonable, have a good command of English, *My command of English has improved greatly since I started. Sth qaualify sb to do sth/ as/for, sb be qualified to do
17、 sth/as/for, have confidence in sth, be confident of sth, cheat , It 's better to do A than to do B, money-making tutorial center, be forced to do, furthermore, supplementary exercises, It 's no use/good doing sth, ask sb for advice, as a result of=because of, enroll on a course, many good t
18、echniques for developing language and study skills, do some detective work, *The most important thing is whether you are willing be learn and to work hard. The key factor is yourself. (lie in, consist in), be willing to dosolution to the problem, those who ,describeas (n./adj.), If it is convenient
19、to/for sb, at one's own pace, make comments on sth, on one 'sown, adapt sb to sth, self-discipline, hard work, not everyone (部分否定 ), receive a real sense of achievement and satisfactionUnit ThreeGive a presentation on sth, mean by,(sth be meant for), trend, illustrate my point, afford sth/to
20、 do sth, * The + 比較級(adj./adv/adj.+n.), the+ 比較級,quality/quantity, be keen on, sights,appreciate sth/doing sth (I 'd appreciate it very much if you could ), search for, It's a waste of time and money doing sth/ for sb to do sth, ruin (ruins), affect (v. ), As a result, become/go extinct, (ex
21、tinction), award sb sth for sth, the Nobel Prize for Peace, as usual, possession (possess), remind sb of sth/to do sth/that )go against tradition, sth/sb prove to be, be linked to, peer pressure, raise the academic level, meet strong resistance from, complain to sb about sth, keep sb from doing sth,
22、 individuality, go to court, It is likely/unlikely that sb be likely/unlikely to do, (be more likely to do)期末復(fù)習(xí)Unit 41. staff n.The school' teach ing staff is/are excelle nt.The sales departme nt has a staff of 15.2.n.Vt.Adj.impressi on make/leave a good impressi on on sbimpresssth impress sbsb
23、impress sb with sth be impressed withimpressiveThe girl impressed her new classmates with her liveli ness and sense of humor.2. read vt. vi.I can read your thoughts from your face.The thermometer reads zero degrees. The n ame reads Ben son" n ot Fenton”.* read between the lines體會字里行間的意思,領(lǐng)會言外之意3
24、. set up vt.A fund will be set up for stude nts in less developed areas.4. expa nd v.She expa nded her store by addi ng a sec ond room.5. launch vt.We are going to launch an in vestigati on into the spe nding habits of tee nagers in our city.6. take over占領(lǐng),接管When Mr Smith fell ill, his daughter took
25、 over the bus in ess from him.7. sta nd forThe UN stands for the Uni ted States.8. establish vt.Established in 1955, this training in stitute has over 46 bran ches around the world.9. as well asWilliam Shakespeare was a great poet as well a great playwright.A as well as B, A 為重點(diǎn)A and B as well B 為重點(diǎn)
26、10. personnel n. (pl).For lack of skilled pers onn el, the compa ny fin ally had to close down.12.n.Vt.Adj.doubtThere is no doubt thatno doubtwithout doubt=un doubtedlydoubtI doubt whether I don' doubt that Do you doubt that ?doubtfulNo doubt, his hon esty regard ing the matter will help him win
27、 the people ' trust.11. sb be likely to do= It is likely thatThe man ager is likely to be very busy tomorrow.12. of some kindIn Shan ghai, one can find a restaura nt of some kind at n early every street corner.13. applia neen.This shop sells household applia nces, such as ove ns and wash ing mac
28、h in es.14. meet one's needs/demandMost pare nts will do almost anything to meet their childre n 'sreas on able n eeds.17.n.vi.rangea wide range ofa mountain rangerangerange in from to a wide range ofThis book store offers a wide range of books for kids.Sth range infrom to The children '
29、sages range from 5 to 15.15. well-lit adj.At ni ght, the park is well-lit, making it safe to take a stroll in.an un lighted cigarettelight up vt.點(diǎn)燃,點(diǎn)亮 vi.(臉)喜形于色,喜笑顏開,Her eyes lit up whe n she saw me.16. operate vi.The new compa ny is operat ing very smoothly.Unit 51. tha nks toThanks to your help,
30、we have finished the project on time.2. reach outJack reached out and caught the ball.3. en able, en able sb to do sthNursing homes en able the elderly to spe nd the rest of their lives happily.4. disti nguish vt.People who are color-bli nd cannot dist in guish betwee n red and gree n.The twins are
31、so much alike that it is hard to distinguish them from each other.5. observeobserve sb do/d oing sthThey were observed en teri ng the bank.6. manu facture vt.manu facturer n.Their compa ny manu factures ladies 'dress which have beautiful desig ns and are of high quality.7. in spect v.in spect io
32、nn.in spector n.The immigrati on officer in spected every one 's passport carefully.8. concerned adj.As leader of the compa ny, he is very concerned about future developme nt.All the people concerned enjoyed their after noon visit to the museum.As far as I'm concern ed= in my opi nion9.n.Vt.
33、Adj.criticcriticizecriticalcriticismcriticize sb about sthThe film critics have been invited to attend the premiere of the film.9. medium n. media (pl.) Sound travels through the medium of air.The media have a lot of power today .Although TV has become very popular, n ewspapers still rema in a power
34、ful medium/.10. commit vt.He deserved his punishment, for he had committed many horrible crimes against society.12.n.vi.Adjexperime ntcon duct/carry out an experime ntexperime ntexperiment with new materialsexperime nt on ani malsexperime ntalAfter experime nti ng doze ns of times, the scie ntists e
35、ven tually found the right material for the new product.13. for sureAt least one thi ng is for sure: there was nothing wrong with her eyesight.* image, artificial, thrill,1. perform vt.performa nee n.performer n.We con gratulated on her winning a gold medal with her fine performa nee.Mother was worr
36、ied because Tom often performed badly in class.2. curre ntlyadvcurre nt adj.Folk music is currently enjoying renewed popularity.3. equip v.equipme nt n. (u.)n.Vt.equipme nt(u.)equip sb with sth be equipped with sthWe should make better use of the equipme nt.Each classroom in our school is equipped w
37、ith a projecter.4. before long = within a short timeAlice found it hard to com muni cate with her classmates at first, but before long she made quite a few good frien ds.*long before (adv./prep./conj.)5. remove v. remove from She used a piece of cloth to remove the mud from her dress.6. stay healthy7. in the directi onUnit 61. dream ofHe dreams of build ing the most beautiful house in the future.2. com
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