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1、外貿(mào)合同Contract( sal es confirmati on)合同 編號(C on tract No.):簽訂日期(Dat -e) :簽訂 地點(Sign -ed at) :買買方:The Buyer -:地址:Address-:-電 話(Tel):_ 傳 真(F-ax):電子由E箱(E-mai l):賣方:The -Seller: 地址:-Address:-電-話(Tel):_-傳 真(Fax):電子郵箱(E-mail):簽買賣雙 方同意按 照下列 條款簽 訂本合 同:The Seller and the Buyer agree t o conclude th is Contract

2、 s ubject to the terms and co nditions stated below:量 1. 貨物 名稱 、規(guī) 格 和質(zhì) 量 ( Name, Specif ications and Quality of Commodity ) :2. ) 數(shù) 量( Quantity )裝 :允許的溢 短裝 (% more or less allowed )3. 單價 ( Unit Price ) :4. 總值 ( Total Amou 件 nt) :5. 交貨 條件 (Terms of Del ivery) FOB/CFR/CIF6. 原產(chǎn) 地國 與制 造商 O(Country of O

3、rigin and Manufacturers):7. 包裝 及標(biāo) 準(zhǔn)( Pac 有 king ) :貨物應(yīng)具有于防潮、防銹蝕、防震并適合于 包遠(yuǎn)洋運輸?shù)陌b,由于貨物包滅 裝不良而造成的貨物殘損、滅每失應(yīng)由賣方 負(fù)責(zé)。賣方應(yīng)在每標(biāo)個包裝箱上用 不褪色的顏色標(biāo)、明尺碼、包裝箱號碼、毛重、潮凈重及“此端向上”、“ 防 潮”、“小心輕放”等標(biāo)記。The packing of the goods shall be prev entive from d ampness, rust , moisture, e rosion and sh ock, and shal l be suitable for o

4、cean tr ansportation/ multiple tr ansportation. The Seller s hall be liabl me forany dam age and loss of the goods attributable to the inadeq uate or impro per packing. The measureme nt, gross wei ght, net weig ht and the ca utions such a s "Do not sta ck up side do wwn", "Keep aw ay

5、from moist ure", "Handle with care" s hall be stenc iled on the s urface of eac h package wit h fadeless pi 頭 gment.8. 嘜 頭 ( Shipping Mar 限 ks) :9. 裝運 期限 ( Time of Ship 裝 ment ) :10. 裝 運口 岸( Port of L oading ) :11. 目的 口岸 (Port of ) Destination ) :12. 保險(Ins -uranee ):由- 按發(fā) 票金額110%投保附險

6、和附 加險。Insurane e shall be eo vered by the for 110% of the i nvoiee valueagainst Risks and Ad ditional Risk ( s.13. 付款條件Terms of Paym ent):信用證方式:買方應(yīng)在裝運期前/.合同生效后日,開出以賣付方為受 益人的不可撤銷的議付信用證,信用證在裝船完畢后日內(nèi)到期。Lett er of Credit:The Buyer shall, days prior to the time of shipment/afte r this Contraet eomes intoe

7、ffeet,openan irrevoeab le Letter ofCredit infav or of the Sel ler. The Lett er of Credit shall expire days aft er theeomple tion of loadi ng of the shi pment as stip ulated.-付款交單:貨物發(fā)運后,賣方跟出具以買方為付款人的付款跟D單匯票, 按即期付款交單(D及/P)方式,通過賣方銀行及.銀行向買方轉(zhuǎn)交單 證,換取貨物。Doeu ments against payment: Aft er shipment, the Sell

8、er sh all draw a si ght bill of e xehange on th e Buyer and d eliver the do euments throu gh Sellers ba nk and Bank to the Buyer against payment, i.e D/P. The Buy er shall effe et the paymen t immediately upon the fir st presentati on of the bil l(s) of exeha 交 nge. 承兌交以單:貨物發(fā)運后,賣方出具以買方為付款人的付款跟單匯票, 付

9、款期限為后a日,按即期承兌交單(D/A 行日)方式,通過賣方銀行方及銀行,經(jīng)買方承兌后,向買方轉(zhuǎn)交單證,買方在匯票 期限 到期 時支 付 貨款Documents against Accep tance: After shipment, the Seller shall draw a sight bill of exch ange, payable days af ter the Buyer s delivers th e document through Seller ' s bank and _ Bank t o the Buyer a gainst accept ance(D/A

10、_ days). The B uyer shall ma ke the paymen t on date of the bill of e xchange.物貨到付款:買 方在收到貨物賣后天內(nèi)將全部貨款支付賣方(不適用于 FOB 、 CRF 、 CIF 術(shù)語 )。Cash on delivery (COD): The B uyer shall pa y to the Sell er total amou nt within _ _ days afte r the receipt of the goods (This clause is not appli ed to the Ter ms of

11、 FOB, CF R, CIF).14. 單 據(jù)( DocumentsRequired ) :議賣方應(yīng) 將下列單 據(jù)提交 銀行議 付/托收 :The Se ller shall pr esent the fol lowing docume nts required to the bank f or negotiatio n/collection: 人(1) 標(biāo)明通 知收 貨人 、/受貨代理 人的全套清潔的、 背已裝船的、空白抬頭、 空 白背海書并注明運 費已付 /到付的海 運/聯(lián)運/陸運提 單。Full set of cl ean on board Ocean/Combine d Transp

12、ortat ion/Land Bill s of Lading a nd blank endo rsed marked f reight prepai d/ to collect 號 ;(2) 標(biāo)有合 同編號件、信用 證號(信 用證支付條件一下) 及裝運嘜頭的商業(yè)發(fā) 票一式份;Signed commercial i nvoice in _ _copies ind icating Contr act No., L/C No. (Terms of L/C) and shipping marks;(3) 由出具的 裝箱 或重 量單一式份 ;Packing li st/weight mem o inc

13、 opies issued - by;(4) 由書出具的質(zhì)量證明書一式份;Certi ficate of Qua lity in _copies issued by;-(5)由出具的數(shù)量證明書一式份;Certificate of Quantity i ncopies - issued by-:保險單正本一 式份(CIF交貨條件);Insurance policy/certi ficate in _ m copies (Term s of CIF) ;(-7)簽發(fā) 的產(chǎn)地 證一 式份;Certif icate of Orig in incop ies issued by 運小時內(nèi)以特快專遞(8)

14、裝運通知(Shipping a dvice):賣方應(yīng)在交快運后 方式郵寄給買方上述第項單據(jù)副本一式一套。The Seller sh all, within _ hours aft er shipment e ffected, send by couriereach copy of t he above-ment ioned documen ts No.15. 裝運條 款( Terms) of Shipment )(1) FOB 交貨 方 裝式賣方應(yīng)在合同規(guī)定的裝運日期前30天,以、方式通知買方合同號、品名、數(shù)量、金額、包裝件、毛重、便尺碼及裝運港可裝日期,以便船買方安 排租船/訂艙。裝運船方只

15、按期到達(dá)裝運港后,如賣方費不能按時裝船,發(fā)生的 空船 費物 或滯 期費 由 賣方 負(fù)擔(dān) 。在 貨物 切越過 船弦 并脫 離吊 鉤以前 一切 費用 和風(fēng) 險由 賣方 負(fù) 擔(dān)。The Seller sh all, 30 days before the sh ipment date s pecified in t he Contract, advise the Bu yer by _of the Cont mract No., com modity, quant ity,amount, packages, gro ss weight, me asurement, an d the date of s

16、hipment in order that th e Buyer can c harter a vess el/book shipp ing space. In the event of the Seller's failure to e ffect loading when the ves sel arrives d uly at the lo ading port, a ll expenses i ncluding dead freight and/ or demurrage charges thus incurred shal l be for the Seller's

17、acco unt.(2) CIF 須或 CFR 交貨方式賣方須裝按時在裝運期限內(nèi)將貨物由裝 運港裝船至目的港。在CFR天術(shù)語下, 賣方應(yīng)在裝船前2天同以方式通知買方合同日號、品名、發(fā)票價值及開船日期, 以便 買方 安排 保 險The Seller sh all ship the goods duly wi thin the ship ping duration from the por t of loading to the port o f destination . Under CFR t erms, the Sel ler shall adv ise the Buyer by of th

18、e Contr m act No., comm odity, invoic evalue and t he date of di spatch two da ys before the shipment for the Buyer to arrange insu rance in time .16. 裝運 通知 ( S hipping Advic 賣 e):一俟裝載完畢,賣方應(yīng)在小時內(nèi)以名方式通知買方合同編號品名、已發(fā)運數(shù)量、發(fā)票總金額、程毛重、船名 /車/機(jī)號及啟程 日期等。The Sel mler shall, im mediately upo n the complet ion of t

19、he lo ading of the goods, advise the Buyer of the Contract No., names o f commodity, loading quant ity, invoice values, gross weight, name of vessel an d shipment da te by _ within _hours.17. 質(zhì)量保 證( Qual ity Guarantee 符) 貨物品質(zhì)規(guī)格必須符合本合同及質(zhì)量保證書之規(guī)定,品質(zhì)保證期為貨到目 的港個月內(nèi)。在保 證期限內(nèi),因制造廠商在設(shè)計制造過程中的方缺陷造 成的 貨物 損害 應(yīng)由 賣

20、 方 負(fù) 責(zé)賠 償。The Se ller shall gu arantee that the commodity must be in c onformity wit h the quatity , specificati ons and quant ity specified in this Cont ract and Lett er of Quality Guarantee. T he guarantee period shall be mon ths after thearrival of t he goods at t he port of de stination, an d du

21、ring the period the Se ller shall be responsible for the damag e due to the defects in de msigning and m anufacturing of the manufa cturer.18. 檢驗(Inspection :)(以下 兩項 任選一項):(1)賣方須在裝運前機(jī)日委托檢驗機(jī)構(gòu)對本合同之貨物進(jìn)行檢驗并后出具檢驗證書,貨到目的港后,由買方委托檢驗機(jī) 構(gòu)進(jìn) 行檢 驗。The Seller sha ll have the g oods inspecte d by d ays before th e

22、shipmentand have the In spection Cert ificate issue d by. The Buyer may ha ve thegoods reinspected b y af ter the goods 誥 rrival at th e destination 造 .(2) 發(fā)貨前,制造性廠應(yīng)對貨物的質(zhì)量、規(guī)格、性的能和數(shù)量/重量作精密全面 的說檢驗,出具檢驗證明書 ,并說貨明檢驗的技術(shù)數(shù)據(jù)和結(jié)論。貨國到目 的港后,買方將申請中 國局商品檢驗局(以下簡稱商檢局量)對貨物 的規(guī)格和數(shù)量/重量 或 進(jìn)行檢驗,如 發(fā)現(xiàn)貨物殘損或,規(guī)格、數(shù)量與合同規(guī)定不符,任除保險

23、公司 或 輪船公司的責(zé)任港外,買方得在貨物到達(dá)目的港后日內(nèi)憑商檢局出具的檢貨驗證 書向 賣方 索賠或 拒收 該貨 設(shè)。在 保證 期內(nèi),如貨 物由 于設(shè) 壞計或制 造上 的缺 陷而 發(fā)生 損壞 符 或品 質(zhì)和 性能 與合 同 規(guī)定 不符 進(jìn) 時 ,買 方 將委 托中 國商 檢 局 進(jìn) 行 檢驗 。The man ufacturers sh all, before d elivery, make a precise an d comprehensi ve inspection of the goods with regard to its qualit y, specificat m ions,

24、perform ance and quan tity/weight, and issue ins pection certi ficates certi fying the tec hnical data a nd conclusion of the inspe ction. After arrival of th e goods at th e port of des tination, the Buyer shall apply to Chin a Commodity I nspection Bur eau (hereinaf ter referred to as CCIB) f or a

25、 further inspection as to the speci fications and quantity/wei ght of the go ods. If damag es of the goods are found, or the speci fications and /or quantity are not in co nformity with the stipulat ions in this Contract, exc ept when the responsibilit ies lies with Insurance Co mpany or Ship ping C

26、ompany, the Buyer sh all, within _ days aft er arrival of the goods at the port of destination, claim against the Seller, or reject the goods accord ing to the in spection cert ificate issue d by CCIB. In case of dama ge of the goo ds incurred d ue to the des ign or manufa cture defects and/or in ca

27、 se the qualit my and perform ance are not in conformity with the Con tract, the Bu yer shall, du ring the guar antee period, request CCIB to make a su 賠 rvey.19. 索賠 憑( Claim ) : 買方憑驗其委托的檢驗機(jī)構(gòu)出具的檢驗括證明書向賣方提出 索賠(包括用換貨), 由此 引起的全 部費用上應(yīng)由賣方負(fù) 擔(dān)。若賣方收 到上 予述索賠后天未 予方答復(fù) ,則 認(rèn)為 賣方 已接受 買方 索賠 。The buye r shall make

28、a claim again st the Seller (including r eplacement of the goods) b y the further inspection c ertificate an d all the exp enses incurre d therefrom s hall be borne by the Selle r. The claims mentioned ab ove shall be regarded as b eing accepted if the Selle r fail to rep ly within _ _days after the

29、 Seller r eceived the B uyer's claim. (20. 遲交 貨與 罰款 ( Late delivery ) and Penalty ) 抗 :除合同第 21條不可抗同力原因外,如賣方不能按合同意規(guī)定的時間交貨,買方 應(yīng)同意期在賣方支付罰款的條件下延期交貨。罰款可由議付銀行在議付貨款 時扣除,罰款 率按每天收%,不足天時超以天計算。但罰款不得超%過遲交貨物總價的%規(guī)。如賣方延期交貨超過合同規(guī)合定天時, 買方有權(quán)撤銷合地同,此時, 賣方仍應(yīng)不遲延地。按上述規(guī)定向買方支付 罰款 。 其買方 有權(quán) 對因 此遭 受 的其 它損 失向 賣方 提出 索 賠。Shoul

30、d the Se ller fail to make delivery on time as s tipulated in the Contract, with the exc eption of For ce Majeure ca uses specifie d in Clause 2 1 of this Con tract, the Bu yer shall agr ee to postpon e the deliver y on the cond ition that the Seller agre e to pay a pe nalty which s hall be deduc te

31、d by the pa ying bank fro m the payment under negoti ation. The ra te of penalty is charged a t% for every days, odd day s less than _ days shou ld becounted as da ys. But the p enalty, howev er, shall not exceed _%of the tot al value of t he goods invo lved in the d elayed delive ry. In case t he S

32、eller fai l to make del ivery days later th an the time o f shipmentst ipulated in t he Contract, the Buyer sha ll have the r ight to cance l the Contrac t and the Sel ler, in spite of the cance llation, shal l nevertheles s pay the afo resaid penalt y to the Buye r without del ay.The buye r shall h

33、ave the right to mlodge a claim against the Seller for th e losses sust ained if any.21. 不可 抗力 ( Fo : rce Majeure )凡在制造或裝 船運輸過程能中,因不可抗力致使賣方不能任或推遲交貨時, 賣 方不負(fù)責(zé)任應(yīng)。在發(fā)生上述情況時,賣方應(yīng)內(nèi)立即通知買方,并在天內(nèi)地, 給買 方特快專遞一份由當(dāng)?shù)?。民間商會簽發(fā)的事故證明書。 采在此情況下, 賣 方仍有責(zé)任采如取一切必要措施加快交貨。如有事故延續(xù)天以上,買方有權(quán)撤 銷合 同。The S eller shall n ot be respons ib

34、le for the delay of ship ment or non-d elivery of th e goods due t o Force Majeu re, which mig ht occur duri ng the proces s of manufact uring or in t he course of loading or tr ansit. The Se ller shall ad vise the Buye r immediately of the occur rence mention ed above and withindays thereafte r the

35、 Seller shall send a notice by cou rier to the B uyer for thei r acceptance of a certific ate of the ac cident issued by the local chamber of c ommerce under whose jurisd iction the ac cident occurs as evidence thereof. Unde mr such circum stances the S eller, howeve r, are still under the obl igati

36、on to take all necess ary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods. In case the acc ident lasts f or more than days th e Buyer shall have the rig ht tocancel the Contract.22. 爭議 的解 決 ( Arbitration):凡因本合同引起的或與本解合同有關(guān)的任何爭議應(yīng)協(xié)商解國決。若協(xié)商不成, 應(yīng)提交中國圳國際經(jīng)濟(jì)貿(mào)易仲裁委員會深圳現(xiàn)分會,按照申請仲裁時該會現(xiàn) 。Any di spute arising from or in c onnection wit h the Contrac t shall be se ttled through friendly neg otiation. In case no settl ement is reac hed, the disp ute shall be submitted to China Interna mtional Econom ic and Trade Arbitration C ommission (CI ETAC),Shenzhe n Commission for arbitrati on in acco


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