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1、英語練習第一課元音練習1 單元音練習/i:/bee/bi:/ feet/fi:t/ keep/ki:p/ key/ki:/team/ti:m/ meet/mi:t/i/it /it/ big/big/ city/siti/ give/giv/ sick/sik/e/get/get/ best/best/ text/tekst/ help/help/?/fat/f?t/ have/h?v/ cat/k?t/ back/b?k/ hat/h?t/a:/laugh/la:f/ glass/gla:s/ half/ha:f/ farm/fa:m/ park/pa:k/ ?:/horse/h?: s/

2、saw/s?:/ corn/k?:n/ course/k?:s/ salt/s?:t/ ? /dog/d?g/ pot/p?t/ cost/k?st/ what/w?t/ honest/?nist/u:/food/fu:d/ moon/mu:n/ rule/ru:l/ loose/lu:s/ noon/nu:n/u/book/buk/ put/put/ good/gud/ would/wud/ could/kud/ ? /must/m?st/ does/d?z/ money/m?ni/ ugly/?gli/come/k?m/?:/nurse/n?:s/ bird/b?:d/ burn/b?:n

3、/ turn/t?:n/ girl/g?:l/? /better/bet?/ never/nev?/ worker/w?:k?/ welcome/welk?m/2 雙元音練習/ei/may/mei/name/neim/ game/geim/ eight/eit/ age/eid?/?u/no/n?u/ home/h?um/ hope/h?up/ wrote/r?ut/ note/n?ut/ pose/p?uz/ai/eye/ai/ time/taim/ buy/bai/ right/rait/ bike/baik/ kite/kait/au/now/nau/out/aut/how/hau/ab

4、out/?baut/ south/sau / house/haus/?i/boy/b?i/toy/t?i/noise/n?iz/voice/v?is/point/p?int/ coin/k?in/i?/ear/i?/ near/ni?/ idea/aidi?/ hear/hi?/ mere/mi?/ spear/spi?/ ?/air/?/ tear/t?/ care/k?/ dare/d?/ fair/f?/ there/e?/u?/tour/tu?/ poor/pu?/ sure/?u?/ moor/mu?/(停泊 ) your/ju?/音標綜合練習1./i:/ /i/ /e/ /?/bi

5、t/wi:k/di:l/ri?l/kid/dig/kwik/tip/zip/rid/wil/ /fil/bitweek dealrealkiddigquicktipzipridwill fill/pet/p?k/g?p/k?g/n?g/r?m/b?tl/sed/ h?pi/ten/red/pet packgapcapnagrambattle saidhappytenred/ setl/ /tr?/ /dipend/settle trash depend2./a:/ / ?:/ / ? / /u:/ /u/a:sk/ma:sk/pa:st/fra:ns/?d/l?:n/n?:t/p?:z/f?k

6、s/s?k/askmaskpastFrance odd lawn naught pausefoxsock/fa:/la:d?/ma:k/l?:d/t?:/st?:m/p?t/kr?p/ ?t/pr?mis/far largemarkLordtorchstormpotcrop thoughtpromise/huk/lu:s/sut/tuk/mud/ru:/pul/ /wud/hookloosesoottookmoodthroughpullwood3./?/?/ /?/b?z/d?l/ h?ri/g?lf/ tr?bl/?:n/s?:f/ t?:n?/ beg?/t?k/bussdullhurry

7、gulftrouble earnsurfturnerbeggertuck/k?:b/?:k/? merik/ s?k?/ k?mp?/s? vei/p? veid/p? h?ps/curbirkAmericasoccer campersurveypervadeperhaps/b?: lesk/ m?:d?/burlesquemurder3./ei/ /?u/ /ai/ /au/ /?i/keip/greit/mein/pr?p?uz/ m?u?n/st?un/ ?uv?/sait/kapegreatmainproposemotionstoneoversight/raim/daut/ taipi

8、st/aust/m?ist/?ist?/rhyme doubttypistoustmoistoyster4./i?/?/u?/vi?/? f?/d?/sk?/bu?n/gu?d/ ru?r?l/? pi?/k?l?mbi?/veeraffairdarescarebourngourdruralappearColombia/m?ti?ri?l/misti?ri?s/materialmysterious第二課輔音練習/p/pea/pi:/ pie/pai/top/t?p/cap/k?p/ people/pi:pl/ pride/praid/b/bee/bi:/ by/bai/ buy/bai/ bl

9、ack/bl?k/bear/b?/t/let/let/ sat/s?t/ feet/fi:t/ team/ti:m/ tide/taid/d/led/led/ sad/s?d/ feed/fi:d/ do/du:/ dear/di?/k/lack/l?k/ take/teik/ clock/kl?k/ class/kla:s/ weekend/wi:kend/g/big/big/ lag/l?g/ glass/gla:s/ gum/g?m/ good/gud/ guest/gest/f/face/feis/ fast/fa:st/ leaf/li:f/ surf/s?:f/ favorite/

10、 feiv?rit/v/very/ veri/ five/faiv/fever/fi:v?/serve/s?:v/ never/nev?/ /bath/ba: /(v洗澡 )thick/ik/ mouth/mau/breath/bre/(n呼吸 )thought/?:t/ author/? ?/truth/tru: /e/the/ e?/they/eei/that/e?t/mother/m?e?/thus/e ?s/ then/een/s/face/feis/mouse/maus/cakes/keiks/caps/k?ps/likes/laiks/stops/st?ps/z/close/kl?

11、uz/ keys/ki:z/ boys/b?iz/ pens/penz/ halves/ha:vz/t?/catch/k?t?/cheep/t?i:p/rich/rit?/watch/wt?/child/t?aild/question/kwest?n/teach/ti:t?/ challenge/t?lind?/d?/orange/?rid?/ large/la:d?/juice/d?u:s/ job/d?b/tr/tree/tri:/try/trai/true/tru:/trouble/traubl/ track/tr?k/dr/dry/drai/ dream/dri:m/ dress/dr

12、es/ drink/dri?k/ hundred/h?ndrid/?/she/?i:/ sharp/?a:p/ fish/fi?/ shock/?k/ shoe/?u:/?/pleasure/ple?/ measure/me?/ television/telivi?n/ts/dz/h/l/m/n/?/let s/lets/ sports/sp?:ts/ puts/puts/ writes/raits/ seats/si:ts/hands/h?ndz/ birds/b?:dz/ friends/freindz/ beds/bedz/ stands/st?ndz/he/ hi:/ hard/ha:

13、d/ him/him/ heard/h?:d/ half/ha:f/like/laik/ late/leit/ learn/l?:n/ lead/li:d/ light/lait/my/mai/ more/m?:/ seem/si:m/ meat/mi:t/ mind/maind/ men/men/nice/nais/ wind/waind/ mind/maind/ rain/rein/ fine/fain/sing/si?/ wing/wi?/ ring/ri?/ long/l?/beautiful/bju:t?fl/j/you/ju:/few/fju:/yard/ja:d/music/ m

14、ju:zik/student/ stju:dnt/excuse/ik skju:z/w/work/w?:k/ way/wei/ well/wel/ what/w?t/twelve/twelv/twin/twin/r/red/red/ road/r?ud/ write/rait/ wrong/r?/ problem/pr?bl?m/清輔音濁輔音對比練習p-bt-d k-gf-v s-t?-d? tr-dr/p/: penmaphelpcheappencilpaperapplez happy-e ?-? ts-dz appear/b/: bagbybedboy busbluerabbitcabba

15、ge/t/: ten time not get table bottle bottom little pretty watched washed/d/: deskdoordaydog adddaddymiddleplayedcleanedclimbedanswered/k/: catcomecutclock crypictureschool Christmaschemistrybook bikecakekite Katelook/g/: gogirlbiggetegg biggerbiggestguessgreatgladgame golfagain glass grassgoat Goddo

16、ggoal/f/: fivefishfinefamily fifteenphotophone elephantlaughenough offcoffee/v/: veryfivehaveofleavevoicevisitvisitor themselves/s/: nicecitycyclesitsix somebususeusdeskbooksmissclass/z/: ishispleasemusic losehusbandapplesleavesthievesknivessizeexerciseprizezooreason/ /: three thank month thin thoug

17、ht three throw tooth teeth south north month mouth through/e/: thisthewiththanbreathethoughmotherfatherthere thatthesethose/?/: sheshoeshortshop washsureAsiaspecial sufficientdelicious/?/: usuallytelevision pleasuregarage/ts/: shirtshurtscoatscostsgoatsLetskitesgatesdatespizza/dz/: bedsbirdshands fr

18、iendsdecides/t?/: chair much lunch China watch picture question teach teacher rich future each reach/d?/: agepagehugeorangegentle gentlemangeneral bridgeporridgejudge jumpjacketjustJune Jimsandwich/tr/: treetriptrytruetruthtrain/dr/: dressdrivehundred childrendrinkdrydrawdreamThe sun Tongue Twister(

19、繞口令 )(1)There are thirty-three trees there. (, e)(2)A big black bug bit the back of the big black bear. The bigblack bear beat back the big black bug.(/b/)(3)She sells seashells on the seashore,and the shells she sells areseashells. Im sure because ifshe sells shells at the seashore,theshells she se

20、lls are seashells for sure.(/ /,/s/,/z/,/?/)(4)Thereis a kittenin the kitchen.Inthe kitchen,Ifly the chicken.A flyfliesinto the kitchen while I m frying the chicken.( /t?/)(5)You are no need to light a night light on a light night like tonight.For anight,lights a slight light and tonights a night th

21、ats light.When anight s light like tonights light,itsreally not quit right tolight night lights with their slight lights on the light night liketonight.(/n/-/l/)(6)The sun shines on the small shop signs.(/s/-/?/)(7)Why didnt you do that what I told you to do? (/ /-/ /)(8)The doctor s daughter knocke

22、d at the locked door.(9)Mike likes to write by the nice bright light at night.(10)Is this pair of scissors of his sisters? Yes,this is the pairof scissors of his sister s . (/s/-/z/)(11)Pete picked up a piece of paper and put it into the paperbasket. (/p/)(12)William wants to know whether the weathe

23、r will be wettertomorrow.(/w/)常見的字母與字母組合發(fā)音規(guī)則元音字母的發(fā)音(一)元音字母a(1) ei paper; late; make; lake ; face(2) ? bag; fat; cat; ladder; mass(3) ? ago; along; among; above; aloud(4) i comrade; village; manager; palace; private(5)a: dance; France; chance;ask; mask; task; basket( 二) 元音字母 e( 1) i: me; he; she; the

24、se; evening( 2) e hen; get; set; tell; echo( 3) i useless; ticket; basket; pocket; before; below(三)元音字母i( 1) ai China; hi; time; guide;( 2) i sit; hit; ill; little ;( 3) i unit( 四) 元音字母 o( 1) ?u no; so; go; home; photo;( 2) ? not; hot; box; fox; cock; cost;( 3) ? purpose; concern( 4) ? son; month; c

25、ome; love; dove; glove; mother(五)元音字母u( 1) ju: pupil; student; use; cube( 2) ? cut; luck; umbrella; us( 3) u put; full; pull元音字母組合的拼讀規(guī)則(一)元音字母a 的字母組合( 1) ai 或 ay ei rain; train; brain; pain; day; may( 2) al ?: small; wall; call; talk; walk; chalk( 3) -ance a: ns chance; dance; France( 4) -ant ?nt as

26、sistant; important;peasant( 5) -ange eind? change; danger; strange( 二 ) 元音字母 e 的組合( 1) -ea-eai: team; meat; lead; teach; read; please ;-eae threat; bread; peasant-eai? real; really-eaei great; break( 2) -eei: feel; week; keep; three; street; sweep( 3) -er?: her; term; service; Germany? worker; paper

27、; western; teacher(三)元音字母i 的組合( 1) -ie i: field; piece; achieve ai lie; die; tie( 2) -igh(t) ai high; night; light; bright( 3) -ir ?: girl; firm; circle; first; third ( 四) 元音字母 o 的組合( 1) -oa?u boat; coat; road; goat( 2) -oi?i point; join; oil( 3) -oo u: soon; too; zoo; room; noon; food( 4) -or?: for

28、; horse; important; morning; born(五)元音字母u 的組合( 1) -u u full; bull; pull; push; bush(2) -ueju: argue; continue輔音字母及輔音字母組合的拼讀規(guī)則1. b b back; big; lab; brother2. c s city; Bruce; juice; bicycle; face; central3. d d did; made; desk; duck; doubt; damage4. f f five; flag; life; leaf5. g d? large; general;

29、gymnastics; age; energy6. h h help; behave; hello; hit; hurry7. j d? joy; judge; injure; journey; January; jar; just8. k k king; milk; kick; kiss; lock; knock9. l l light; look; let; lab ; live10. m m meet ; meat ; mother ; come ; make ; Tom11. n n in ; now ; next ; ton ; nest12. p p map ; cap ; peo

30、ple ; pest13. q k unique14. r r room; read ; rest ; around15. s s see ; some ; set ; sister ; works ; lips ; newspaper16. t t tooth; cat ; teach ; tool ; hit; cut ; let ; ten17. v v very ; live ; vehicle ; vase ; valley ; village18. w w wear ; window ; widow ; week ; weak ; wisdom19. x ks box ; fox

31、; next ; textile20. y j you ; youth ; yes ; young21. z z zoo ; quiz ; zebra ; zero第三課名次練習名詞練習題1.( ) 1 She was very happy. She_in the maths test.A. makes a few mistake B. made a few mistakesC. made few mistakes D. makes few mistake( ) 2 We need some more_. Can you go and get some, please?A. potato B.

32、 potatos C. potatoes D. potatoe( ) 3 _are_for cutting things.A. Knife/used B. Knives/used C. Knife/using D. Knives/using( ) 4 What big_ the tiger has!A. tooth B. teeth C. tooths D. toothes( ) 5 Please remember to give the horse some tree_.A. leafs B. leaves C. leaf D. leave( ) 6 -Can we have some _?

33、-Yes, please.A. banana B. oranges C.apple D. pear( ) 7 On the table there are five_.A. tomatos B. piece of tomatoes C. tomatoes D. tomato2.( ) 1 They got much _ from those new books.A. ideas B. photos C. information D. stories( ) 2 He gave us_ on how to keep fit.A. some advices B. some advice C. an

34、advice D. a advice( ) 3 When we saw his face, we knew_ was bad.A. some news B. a news C. the news P. news( ) 4 What_ lovely weather it is!A. / B. the C. an D. a3.( ) 1 -Would you like_tea?-No, thanks. I have drunk two_.A. any, bottles of orange B. some, bottles of orangeC. many, bottles of oranges D

35、. few, bottle of oranges( ) 2 He is hungry. Give him _ to eat.A. two breads B. two piece of breadC. two pieces of bread D. two pieces of breads( ) 3 It really took him:_ to draw the nice horse.A. sometimes B. hour C. long time D. some time( ) 4 I would like to have_.A. two glasses of milk B. two gla

36、ss of milk IC. two glasses of milks D. two glass of milks( ) 5 Can you give me _?A. a tea B. some cup of tea C. a cup tea D. a cup of tea( ) 6 Please give me _ paper. A. one B. a piece C. a D. a piece of( ) 7 John bought_for himself yesterday.A. two pairs of shoes B. two pair of shoe C. two pair of

37、shoes D. two pairs shoes4.( ) 1 -How many _ have you got on your farm?-I've got five.A. sheeps B. sheep C. pig D. chicken( ) 2 Some _ came to our school for a visit that day.A. Germans B. Germen C. Germany D. Germanies( ) 3 In the picture there are many_ and two.A. sheep; foxes C. sheeps; foxesB

38、. sheeps; fox D. sheep;foxs( ) 4 A group of_ will visit the museum tomorrow.A. Hungarian B. Australian C. JapaneseD. American5.( ) 1 This table is made of_.A. many glass B. glasses C. some glasses D. glass( ) 2 -What would you like to have for lunch, sir?-I'd like_. !A. chicken B. a chicken C. c

39、hickens D. the chicken( ) 3 Children should make_ for old people in a bus.A. room B. a room C. rooms D. the room6.( ) 1 Tables are made of_.A. wood B. some woods C. wooden D. woods( ) 2 I wonder why _ are so interested in action (武打片 ) films.A. people B. peoples C. the people D. the peoples( ) 3I ha

40、ve read_ of the young writer.A. works B. work C. this works D. the works7.( ) 1 Let's meet at 7: 30 outside the gate of_?A. the People's Park B. the Peoples' ParkC. the People Park D. People's Park( ) 2 _ Chinese people are _ hard working people.A. /; a B. We; the C. The; the D. The;

41、 a( ) 3 How many? were there in the street when the accident happened?A. policeman B. polices C. police D. peoples8.( ) 1 If these trousers are too big, buy a smaller_.A. set B. one C. piece D. pair( ) 2 Last week I bought a TV_.A. pair . B. set C. piece D. block( ) 3 There is a of wood left on the

42、ground.A. cup B. piece , C. box D. pair9.( ) 1 There are sixty-seven_ in our school.A. women's teacher B. women teachers C. woman teachers D. women teacher( ) 2 There are five_in our factory.A. woman driver B, women driver C. woman drivers D. women drivers( ) 3 These _ were sent to the villages

43、to help the farmers.A. women doctor B. women doctors C. woman doctors D. woman doctor10.( ) 1 They write most of their_ in English.A. business letter B. business letters C. businesses D. businesses letters( ) 2 We came to a _ at last .and went in.A. watch shop B. watches shop ,'C. watching shop

44、D. watchs shop( ) 3 This shop sells apples, bananas and things like these. It's a_.A. food shop B. book shop C. fruit shop D. vegetable shop( ) 4 She broke a_while she was washing up.A. glass of wine B. glass for wine C. glass wine D. wine glass( ) 5 I've forgotten both of the_.A. room numbers . B. rooms number C. rooms numbers D. room number11.1. September 10th is_in C


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