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1、Monday, March 14, 2022Monday, March 14, 2022English CollegeChinese-English TranslationChinese-English TranslationFor International BusinessFor International BusinessEnglish CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022商務(wù)信函的漢英翻譯English CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022Contents of Lecture TwoContents of Lecture TwovPart

2、1Part 1 Introduction of Business Introduction of Business LetterLettervPart 2 Translation of Business LetterPart 2 Translation of Business LettervPart 3 AssignmentPart 3 AssignmentEnglish CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022Introduction of Business LetterEnglish CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022商務(wù)信函的分類:Types o

3、f Business Letter:Types of Business Letterv1.1.建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系函vSet new business relationshipSet new business relationshipv2.2.詢盤函vMake an inquiryMake an inquiry v3.3.報(bào)盤函vMake an offerMake an offerv4.4.還盤函vMake a counter-offerMake a counter-offerv5.5.接受函vAcceptanceAcceptance v6.6.付款函vPayment Payment v(1)(1)匯

4、付(RemittanceRemittance),包括信匯(Mail Transfer, M/T Mail Transfer, M/T ),電匯(Telegraphic Telegraphic TransferTransfer)和票匯(Demand DraftDemand Draft);(2)2)托收(Collection )(Collection )(3 3)信用證(L/C)(L/C)v7.7.裝運(yùn)通知函vShipmentShipmentv8.8.保險(xiǎn)函vInsuranceInsurancev9.9.索賠函vClaimClaimEnglish CollegeMonday, March 14,

5、2022商務(wù)信函格式Full Blocked Style(Full Blocked Style(完全齊頭式) )English CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022商務(wù)信函基本格式v 1. 1. 信頭 (Heading/The letter headHeading/The letter head), ,即寄信人的地址v 2. 2. 日期(DateDate)v 3.3.信內(nèi)地址(Inside addressInside address),即收信人的地址v 4.4.稱呼(SalutationSalutation)v 5.5.正文(The BodyThe Body)v 6.6.

6、結(jié)束語/ /函尾套語(Complimentary closeComplimentary close)v 7.7.發(fā)信人姓名(Signature Signature )v7 Essential Parts7 Essential PartsEnglish CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022商務(wù)信函可忽略部分v 1. 1. 文檔號(ReferenceReference),如:Our ref: WFX/SQ, Our ref: WFX/SQ, Your ref: JS201/SD707Your ref: JS201/SD707v 2.2.主辦人(AttentionAttenti

7、on), , 如:Attention: The Attention: The Sales ManagerSales Managerv 3.3.事由(SubjectSubject)v 4,4,附件(EnclosureEnclosure)v 5.5.副本/ /抄送(CC.CC.,即Carbon CopyCarbon Copy)v 6.6.附言/ /又及事項(xiàng)(P.S.P.S.,即PostscriptPostscript)v6 Parts that can be omitted6 Parts that can be omittedEnglish CollegeMonday, March 14, 202

8、2English CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022外貿(mào)信函基本原則v 1 1、Courtesy Courtesy 禮貌 v 2 2、Consideration Consideration 體諒 v 3 3、Completeness Completeness 完整 v 4 4、Clarity Clarity 清楚 v 5 5、Conciseness Conciseness 簡潔v 6 6、Concreteness Concreteness 具體 v 7 7、Correctness Correctness 正確 Seven “C”English CollegeMonday

9、, March 14, 2022中英文商務(wù)信函的共同問題特點(diǎn)及翻譯English CollegeMonday, March 14, 20221.1.詞匯特點(diǎn)及翻譯English CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022(1 1)用詞禮貌客氣1. 1. 貴公司X X年X X月X X日的貿(mào)易查詢函收悉。vWe are We are pleasedpleased to have received your trade to have received your trade inquiry ofinquiry of2.2.敬請告知貴方是否需要更多的宣傳手冊或在展示會場發(fā)放的其他材料。

10、Please kindly Please kindly let us know whether you let us know whether you wouldwould like additional brochures or any of the materials like additional brochures or any of the materials that were handed at the convention.that were handed at the convention.English CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022v3.3.可

11、能因一時(shí)疏忽,支票還未簽名,現(xiàn)寄還貴方,煩請補(bǔ)簽。vProbably through an Probably through an oversightoversight, the check was , the check was not signed, and we are returning it to you for not signed, and we are returning it to you for youryour kind kind signature.signature.v4.4. 茲回復(fù)貴方20102010年9 9月2020日來函,特隨函奉上我方最新報(bào)價(jià)。vIn rep

12、ly to your enquiry of September 20, 2010, In reply to your enquiry of September 20, 2010, I I respectfully offer respectfully offer my latest quotation my latest quotation herewith.herewith.English CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022v5.5.敬請優(yōu)先考慮上述請求。vYour priority to the consideration of the above Your pri

13、ority to the consideration of the above request will be appreciated.request will be appreciated.v6.6.懇請寄給我方貴方價(jià)格單和產(chǎn)品目錄。v Please Please kindly kindly send us your price list and send us your price list and catalogue.catalogue.v7.7.承蒙早日回復(fù),不勝感激。 vYour early reply is Your early reply is highly appreciate

14、d.highly appreciated.English CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022v8. 8. 我們高興地通知你們:第105105號訂單貨物已遵照你方指示運(yùn)出。vWe are pleased to We are pleased to adviseadvise you that your order you that your order N0.105 has been N0.105 has been dispatcheddispatched in accordance with in accordance with your instruction.your

15、instruction.v9. 9. 隨函寄給貴方訂貨單和印有我公司地址的信封,供參考備用。vAn order blank and addressed envelope are An order blank and addressed envelope are enclosedenclosed hereinherein for your convenience. (Cf P49) for your convenience. (Cf P49)English CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022(2 2)用詞莊重規(guī)范商務(wù)信函用語日常用語中譯文in accordance wit

16、h /as in accordance with /as perperaccording toaccording to根據(jù)in advance of / prior toin advance of / prior to before before 之前inform / adviseinform / advisetelltell通知duplicateduplicatecopycopy副本dispatchdispatchsendsend發(fā)貨otherwiseotherwiseoror否則thereforethereforesoso因此In connection with/ in In connec

17、tion with/ in view ofview ofaboutabout鑒于English CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022v 10.10.現(xiàn)確認(rèn)已向貴方電發(fā)實(shí)盤,1010月1010日前復(fù)到有效。v 我們確認(rèn)已經(jīng)以電報(bào)的方式給你們發(fā)出了一項(xiàng)實(shí)盤,該實(shí)盤成立的條件就是你們的答復(fù)在1010月1010日之前到達(dá)我們這里。v We confirm having cabled you a firm offer We confirm having cabled you a firm offer subject subject toto your reply reaching

18、us by October 10. your reply reaching us by October 10.English CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022v 11.11.茲答復(fù)貴方8 8月6 6日詢盤,并報(bào)盤如下。v 作為對你們8 8月6 6日詢盤的答復(fù),我們很高興地為你們作如下報(bào)盤。v In reply to your inquiry of 6th August, we are In reply to your inquiry of 6th August, we are pleased to offer you the following.pleased to

19、offer you the following.English CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022(3 3)用詞專業(yè)準(zhǔn)確v 12.12.我們將為貴方貨物投盜竊和提貨不著險(xiǎn)。v We shall cover Theft, Pilferage and Non-Delivery We shall cover Theft, Pilferage and Non-Delivery (TPNDTPND) on your order. on your order.v 13.13.由于艙位嚴(yán)重不足,我們無法在1010月1111日之前發(fā)貨。 v Due to a serious short

20、age of Due to a serious shortage of shipping spaceshipping space, we , we cannot deliver these goods until October 11. (Cf cannot deliver these goods until October 11. (Cf P50)P50)English CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022v 14.14.貨款必須用以我方為受益人而開立的、不可撤銷的即期信用證支付。v PaymentPayment shall be made by irrevocable

21、 shall be made by irrevocable L/C aL/C at sight t sight to be opened in our favour.(P50)to be opened in our favour.(P50)v 到岸價(jià)CIF (cost, freight and insurance)CIF (cost, freight and insurance)v 離岸價(jià)FOB(free on board)FOB(free on board)v 成本加運(yùn)費(fèi)CFR (cost and freight)CFR (cost and freight)v 形式發(fā)票proforma in

22、voiceproforma invoiceEnglish CollegeMonday, March 14, 20222. 2. 語法及其翻譯English CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022(1 1)句法完整,多用復(fù)雜句v 1.1.為使我方替貴方打開一片市場,真誠希望貴方給予我方更多優(yōu)惠,譬如, 按貴方計(jì)劃,訂單總值約1000010000美元,給予我方15%15%的折扣,而非10%10%。 v In order to enable us to In order to enable us to capturecapture a part of the a part of

23、the market for you, we sincerely hope that you will market for you, we sincerely hope that you will make us a further concession, for example, a make us a further concession, for example, a discount of 15% instead of 10% as you discount of 15% instead of 10% as you planned to give us on an order wor

24、th planned to give us on an order worth approximately US$ 10,000.approximately US$ 10,000.English CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022v 2.2.貴公司擁有一支由軟件專家組成的龐大隊(duì)伍,技術(shù)力量相當(dāng)雄厚,必定能夠開發(fā)出具有競爭力的軟件系統(tǒng)。v Your company is made up of a strong team of Your company is made up of a strong team of software experts, so you will

25、surely succeed in software experts, so you will surely succeed in developing developing competitivecompetitive systems with such systems with such powerful technical forces. powerful technical forces. English CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022(2 2)多用肯定句,少用否定句v 請貴方來函內(nèi)容更清楚些,這樣我方便可立即接受貴方報(bào)盤。 v a. Your letter

26、 is not clear at all and I cannot a. Your letter is not clear at all and I cannot understand it.understand it.v b. If I understood your letter correctly, I would b. If I understood your letter correctly, I would immediately accept your offer.immediately accept your offer. English CollegeMonday, Marc

27、h 14, 2022v 一旦我方收到貴方支票,會馬上填寫訂貨單。v a. We cannot fill your order because you failed a. We cannot fill your order because you failed to send your check.to send your check.v b. We shall be glad to fill your order as soon b. We shall be glad to fill your order as soon as we receive your check.as we recei

28、ve your check. English CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022(3)多用套語v 收到對方來函時(shí)用:v 貴函敬悉/ /貴函收悉v We are in receipt of your letter/ We We are in receipt of your letter/ We acknowledge receipt of your letter/ We admit acknowledge receipt of your letter/ We admit receipt of your letter receipt of your letter v 表示通

29、知對方時(shí):v 特此奉告We are pleased to inform youWe are pleased to inform youv 特此函告Notice is hereby given thatNotice is hereby given thatEnglish CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022v回復(fù)對方的來信時(shí)用:v茲回復(fù)貴方(某日)來函In reply to your letter In reply to your letter of (+of (+日期)/ Regarding your letter of (+)/ Regarding your lette

30、r of (+日期)/ )/ Referring to your letter of (+Referring to your letter of (+日期) )v希望對方回復(fù)時(shí)用:v如蒙答復(fù),當(dāng)不勝感激。/ /敬請回復(fù)。/ /敬請(速)回復(fù)。vYour kind reply will greatly oblige us. Your Your kind reply will greatly oblige us. Your (prompt) reply would be appreciated.(prompt) reply would be appreciated.v盼復(fù)Looking forwa

31、rd to your Looking forward to your positive/favourable/affirmative replypositive/favourable/affirmative replyEnglish CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022v隨函附上某物時(shí)用:v同函奉上/ / 隨函附上 Enclosed we hand/ Enclosed we hand/ Enclosed please find/ We are enclosingEnclosed please find/ We are enclosingv表示禮貌委婉的語氣用:v感謝貴方

32、Thank you for Thank you forv很高興We are glad/ pleased to We are glad/ pleased to v對深表感激We are grateful (obliged) We are grateful (obliged) forforv非常遺憾 We regret to We regret tov甚為遺憾 We are very sorry to We are very sorry toEnglish CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022v 其他套語v 惠請 Have the kindness to Have the k

33、indness tov 如下列所述As stated belowAs stated below,v 茲報(bào)盤We offer youWe offer youEnglish CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022商務(wù)信函的語氣特點(diǎn)及其翻譯v 若貴方立即發(fā)予我方船運(yùn)指令,我方甚為感激。 v We would appreciate it if you could send us We would appreciate it if you could send us the shipping instructions immediately.the shipping instruct

34、ions immediately.v 能否告知我方訂貨的發(fā)貨時(shí)間? v Would you please kindly advise us when our Would you please kindly advise us when our order will be shipped?order will be shipped?English CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022中英文商務(wù)信函的不同文體特點(diǎn)及其翻譯English CollegeMonday, March 14, 20221. 1. 詞匯v (1 1)英文有些普通詞匯在商務(wù)信函中有了商務(wù)專業(yè)詞義v cei

35、ling ceiling v 天花板? 最高費(fèi)用v 我們將寫信詢問他們廣告項(xiàng)目的最高費(fèi)用,然后相應(yīng)做出預(yù)算。 v We shall write and ask for their ceiling for the We shall write and ask for their ceiling for the advertising project and then we can budget advertising project and then we can budget accordingly.accordingly.English CollegeMonday, March 14, 20

36、22v coveragecoveragev 覆蓋? 險(xiǎn)種 險(xiǎn)別v 敬請告知貴方希望的險(xiǎn)種。 v Your information as to the coverage you Your information as to the coverage you would like would be appreciated.would like would be appreciated.v draftdraftv 草稿 ? 匯票v 有關(guān)匯票之承兌事宜,本公司希望由臺北的臺灣銀行完成。 v As to the affairs on negotiation of draft, we As to the

37、affairs on negotiation of draft, we would like to have them preformed at the would like to have them preformed at the Bank of Taiwan, Taipei.Bank of Taiwan, Taipei.English CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022v against against v 反對? 憑v 信用證憑開戶銀行所開匯票和第十三款規(guī)定的裝運(yùn)單據(jù)支付。v The The creditcredit shall be payable shall

38、 be payable againstagainst presentation of presentation of draftdraft drawn on the drawn on the opening opening bankbank and the and the shipping documents shipping documents specified in specified in Article 13 hereof.Article 13 hereof.English CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022v (2 2)英文信函多使用情態(tài)動詞v 因此,若貴方

39、第100100號訂單訂貨數(shù)量能增加到10001000噸, 則不勝感激。 v Therefore weTherefore we shall shall be obliged if you be obliged if you will will increase the order No.100 to a quantity of 1,000 increase the order No.100 to a quantity of 1,000 tons.tons.English CollegeMonday, March 14, 20222.語法(1 1)英語商務(wù)信函多用陳述句,少用祈使句;漢語多使用祈使

40、句。v 敬請立刻修改信用證以便我方及時(shí)發(fā)貨。v Please immediately amend the L/C to enable Please immediately amend the L/C to enable us to make timely shipment.us to make timely shipment.v We should be obliged for your immediate We should be obliged for your immediate amendment of the L/C to enable us to make amendment of

41、 the L/C to enable us to make timely shipment.timely shipment.English CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022v 請貴方告知該產(chǎn)品的價(jià)格、船期和其他交易條件。v We would like you to let us have your price, We would like you to let us have your price, shipping date and other terms of business for shipping date and other terms of busine

42、ss for this article.this article.v It would be appreciated if you let us knowIt would be appreciated if you let us knowEnglish CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022v (2 2)英語商務(wù)信函適當(dāng)使用被動語態(tài);漢語則很少使用被動語態(tài)v 望盡快報(bào)盤。v Make the offer as soon as possible.Make the offer as soon as possible.v It is hoped that the offer is

43、 made as soon as It is hoped that the offer is made as soon as possible.possible.English CollegeMonday, March 14, 2022v 貴公司所提供的價(jià)格已經(jīng)同意,但有一項(xiàng)例外。v Your prices have Your prices have been agreedbeen agreed on with one on with one exception.exception.v 敬請告知貴公司628628型100100套、CIFCIF紐約的最低價(jià)格。v We We shall be obligedshall be obliged if


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