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1、牛津譯林版7B春季班Unit 7導(dǎo)學(xué)案(無(wú)答案)7B Unit 7 AbilitiesIntegrated skills語(yǔ)法回顧1、-good time we had at the party last night!-Yes. It was exciting party that I would never forget it.A. What, soB. How, suchC. What a, such anD. How a, so an2、-day it is!- Let' s go out and enjoy the sunshine!A. What a lovely B. How

2、 windy C. What a rainy D. How lovely3、terrible weather we had last Sunday!A. WhatB. What aC. SuchD. How4、 useful the book is! We can know well about the city from it.A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. What an5、Look!building the Bird Nest is!A. What a greatB. What great C. How a great D. How great6、 -good news

3、 it is! The pandas are found alive after the earthquake.-It ' s soA. What a, excitedB. What, exciting C. How a, excited D. How, exciting7、-beautiful day! Shall we go for a picnic?- Good idea.A. WhatB. HowC. What aD.How a8、 fun it isto be with girls of mu age in the summercourse in Britain!A. How

4、B. WhatC. What a9、-clever the girl is!- So she is.A. HowB. WhatC. What a10、nice hat it is!A. How B. WhatC. What a11、interesting talk Mr. Black gave us!A. How B. What aC. What an12、music she is playing!A. What nice B. How nice C. What a nice D. How nice a13、Mary got good grades in school.excited she

5、is!A. What B. What a C. How D. How a14、What a funny person! We all like talking with him.A. it is B. is he C. is it D. he is15、- we will build a subway in Fuzhou before 2014.- Wow, ! Will it pass our place?A. what an excited newsB. how excited the news isC. what exciting news D. how exciting news16、

6、information he offered us! We all thank him.A. What useful B. What useless C. How useful D. How useless17、dangerous it is to ride fast on a busy road.A. What B. What a C. How D. How a18、-kind girl Nancy is !- Yes, she is always ready to help others.A. What B. What a C. How D. How a19、Mrs. Smith is!A

7、. How kind woman B. What a kind woman C. What kind woman D. How a kind woman 20、it ' s blowing!A. What strongB. How strong C. How stronglyD. What strongly【知識(shí)拓展】1. hard adv.努力地;費(fèi)力地 -work hard on/ at sth.hard adj. 困難的,-(同義詞)difficult 數(shù)學(xué)有點(diǎn)難,所以我決定努力學(xué)習(xí)它。Maths is, so I decide to it.2. do one ' s b

8、est (to do)=try one' s best (to do )盡某人最大的努力(去做某事)1)英語(yǔ)很有用,我們應(yīng)該盡我們的最大努力。English is very useful and we should.3. careful 反義詞 careless adj.carefully carelessly adv.How(care) you are! You left your homework at home again.I always drive(care) at night because I can' t see cteOfiy(4. do well in &q

9、uot;做得好 " do better in ”做得更好”do well in sth/doing sth.=be good at sth/doing1)邁克小提琴拉得好,尼克鋼琴?gòu)椀酶?。Mikethe violin, but Nick thepiano. 5.動(dòng)詞play與樂(lè)器類名詞連用,表示演奏某種樂(lè)器時(shí),樂(lè)器前需要加上定冠詞the ;但與球類名詞連用,表示從事某項(xiàng)體育活動(dòng)時(shí),球類名詞前不加冠詞。( )I don ' t like playing piano, but I like playing football very much.A. /, the B. /, /

10、 C. the, / D. the , the( )We should stop children from playing fire.A. / B. at C. with6. at the age of 在歲的時(shí)候,與 at,when was -years old 意義相同,可以互相轉(zhuǎn)換。孫楊六歲時(shí)開(kāi)始學(xué)習(xí)游泳。Sun Yang began to learn swimming.Sun Yang began to learn swimming.Sun Yang began to learn swimming.【當(dāng)堂展示】一、根據(jù)首字母及句意寫單詞。1. We will learn Book E

11、ight next t.2. Mike has a good m.3. Thanking you for o the trip.4. He has good g in English.5. You will know the r of the exam tomorrow.6. How h is the building?7. It is d for him to finish reading the book this evening.8. -Can you help me with my homework? -No p.二、單項(xiàng)選擇()1. An boy drew this picture.

12、A. 8 years oldB. 8 years C. 8 year oldD. 8-year-old()2. My mother heard her the piano in the next room at 10:00 last night.A. played B. to play C. playing D. plays()3. Mrs Smith be at home now. She flew to Hainan this morning.A. mustn' tB. can' t C. may not D. needn' t()4. It ; impossibl

13、e for him to work out this Maths problem. He is very Maths.A. good at B. good for C. bad for D. weak in()5. How did the girl the fire and help Mr Sun out?A. put on B. put off C. put out D. puts out()6. The piece of music sounds.A. well B. heavily C. good D. wonderfully()7. Look out! The knife is ver

14、y sharp. You cut your finger.A. must B. should C. may D. need()8. It ' not a good line. I you well.A. can hear B. can listen to C. can' hear D. can' listen to()9.Will you go fishing this afternoon? No, I ' go boating.A. instead of B. insteadC. instead that D. instead it()10. What the

15、 weather?A. is; look like B. do; likeC. is; like D. are; like()11.the girl is playing!A. How well; piano B. What good ; the pianoC. How well; the piano D. What good; piano()12. These cards belong to the.A. boys B. boy' t C. girls ' D. girl ' s()13. When Mary was young, she able to dance

16、very well.A. could be B. can be C. was D. could()14. Is there in today' newspaper ?A. something importantB. anything importantC. important somethingD. important anything()15. When you cross the road, you should be. and walk.A. carefully; careful B. careful; carefully C. careful;, careful D. care

17、fully; carefully()16. It ' hard for Daniel and to work without a car.A. I to go B. me to go C. I going D. me going()17. He said he swim when he was six.A. mightB. couldC. canD. would()18. You go and ask Simon. He know the way.A. must; can B. must; may C. need; can D. can; may()19. -May I come in

18、? -A. Yes, please B. No, you couldn ' C. Yes, you must D. No, you needn ' t ()20. - Can I borrow your eraser? -. It ' s not here.A. All right B. Sorry C. Certainly D. That ' s OK三、動(dòng)詞填空1. Yesterday our teacher told us the earth(go) around the sun.2. Where ' s Jack? He(play) in the

19、 basketball court3. I(catch) a very bad cold last week.4. He(leave) for shanghai tomorrow.5. Please be quiet. We(have) a class meeting.6. There is something wrong with my watch. It(not work)7. You(be) free next Saturday ?8. Please be quiet. Class 7(have) a class meeting.9. Remember(call) me when you

20、(come) tomorrow.10. People aren ' t sure who(invent) the TV.11. If you(not be) careful, you(make) more mistakes.12. Nick(watch) the game this weekend? No, h e isn ' t.13. There(not be) much milk in the bottle. |四、句型轉(zhuǎn)換1. May made six mistakes in the homework.(劃線部分提問(wèn))mistakes May in the homewo

21、rk?2. These are her books.(同義句)These books.3. Jack does well in maths.(同義句)Jack maths.4. My grandpa remembers things well.(同義句)5. The fish is very delicious.(改為兩種句型的感嘆句)6. They can dance very well.(同義句)五、翻譯句子1 .教孩子如何畫畫的人士。I need a the children to2 一位五歲的男孩迷了路,正在街上哭。A boy and was in the street .3我們熱切盼

22、望收到你的來(lái)信。We lookfrom you soon .4我做電腦工作。有時(shí)他幫助俱樂(lè)部在網(wǎng)上獲取資料。二|He does computer work. Sometimes he gets from the for the club .5陳丹正在上學(xué)路上,他把那個(gè)孩子送到派出所去了。Chen Dan was his way school. He the boy to the police station.Study skills一、選擇填空:()1. They couldn ' play football because all of them forgot _ a footbal

23、l this afternoon.A. bringing B. bring C. brought D. to bring()2. How you to school tomorrow?A. do, coming B. are, coming C. are, come D. do, come()3. I buy the recorder because I had no money with me then.A. can B. can not C. could D. couldn ' t()4. Listen! Can you hear someone?A. whisper B. to

24、whisper C. whispering D. whispered()5. Wood catches fire easily. So fire.A. keep it away from B. don' keep it away fromC. keep it away D. don' keep it away()6. A car hit her yesterday and she is now. Let ' her this afternoon.A. in hospital, go and to see B. in hospital, go and seeC. in h

25、ospital, go and seeing D. in the hospital, to go and to see()7. What? Walking on the ice? That sounds.A. danger B. well C. dangerous D. dangerously()8. His sister didn ' know the time because she her watch at home.A. leave B. left C. forget D. forgot()9. The sunlight can reach the vegetables the

26、 glass.A. across B. through C. past D. by()10. Tom was born a cold spring morning.A. in B. of C. at D. on()11. We look forward to you come back soon.A. seeing B. saw C. sees D. see()12. He found possible for him to pass the exam.A. that B. it ' s C was D. that ' s()13. The sun is shining.fin

27、e day it is!A. How B. How a C. What D. What a()14. I heard they went skiing in the mountain last winter. It true ( 真的)because there was little snow there.A. couldn ' be B. mustn' be C. won' tbe D. can' be()15. Father told me too much time playing.A. not to take B. don' spend C. n

28、ot cost D. not to spend二、用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1. He is quite(think) and thinks(care) when he works.2. What will he do when he(lose) his way in a strange place?3. He(plan) everything well just now.4. Don' you think he is very ,(help)?5. I hear he was ill. Is he feeling(well) now?6. The swimming pool(not o

29、pen) on Monday.7. Tom and his friend are(member) of the Helping Hands Club.8. We are going to visit a home for the(elder) this Sunday.9. Thank you for(collect) so much information for me.10. When I turned around I saw him(across) the street.11. You' dbetter(not go)outside. It 'too late.12. T

30、hey' re(worry) about their children.Task【知識(shí)拓展】1. take part in 參加(活動(dòng))join多指參加某組織,成為其中的一個(gè)成員join in 二take part in 1)她經(jīng)常參加學(xué)校的各項(xiàng)活動(dòng)。She often/all kinds of our school.2)她去年參加了音樂(lè)俱樂(lè)部。She the Music Club last year.=She became the Music Club last year.2. lose vt. loses lost lose sth. lose one ' s way=ge

31、t lost 迷路如果你在城里迷路了,你可以向警察求助。If you/in the city, you can the policemen help.3. look forward to sth/ doing sth.我們正期望放學(xué)后聽(tīng)音樂(lè)。We areto music after school.4. hear from sb.= get a letter from sb.收至 U某人的來(lái)信hear of/hear about 聽(tīng)說(shuō)1)我昨天沒(méi)有收到她的來(lái)信。Yesterd ay I didn "t.Yesterday I didn ' t.2)你聽(tīng)說(shuō)過(guò)那個(gè)名叫林濤的勇敢年輕

32、人的故事嗎? you that young man Lin Tao?5. people in need 有需要的人們我們應(yīng)該盡最大努力幫助那些有需要的人。We shouldhelp people.6. recommend sb. for推薦某人獲 .獎(jiǎng)recommend sb. as 推薦某人做 1)他們想推薦林濤獲今年的新星獎(jiǎng)。They want to Lin Tao this year' s Young Star Award.2)上學(xué)期所有學(xué)生都推薦他做班長(zhǎng)。All the students him the monitor( 班長(zhǎng)).【當(dāng)堂反饋】一、根據(jù)所給單詞,首字母和括號(hào)提示完

33、成句子。1. Do you often get information from the I?2. My mother often does h alone at home, sometimes my father helps her.3. Amy(can) read Chinese when she was five.4. Millie likes(read) books while Kitty enjoys(listen) to music.5. You must keep your eyes(close) when you play the game.6. Sandy looks for

34、ward to(see) grandma tomorrow.7. Daniel lives on the(twelve) floor in Beijing.8. Walking is good for your.You must keep. (health)9. Daniel is very clever and he can learn things(quick).10. Last week, Lucy(lose) her way and(cry) in the street.11. We can get a lot of( 信息)from the Internet.12. She is a

35、 t teacher. She thinks things carefully.13. There aren ' ( 一些)toilets in the school.14. There is o one teacher ' desk in our classroom.15. She is an(H一'歲大)girl.二、用括號(hào)中所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1. The members recommend Daniel for this year' s (young) Award.2. Daniel is very clever and he can learn thi

36、ngs (quick ).3. You' retoo careless. You should be (think).4. He thinks (careful ) and makes few mistakes in exams.5. She is (real) kind to others.6. Fujian is in the(south) part of China.7. Children,(not be) late next time.8. He often spends half of her money(buy) fashionable clothes.9. Listen,

37、 I can hear someone(call) for help.10. Who first(think) of the idea? Daniel did.11. We (look) forward to your coming.12. They are all good players. It (not be ) possible that they lost y esterday ' game.13. I ' like (take) some seafood to him tomorrow.14. You' reweak at writing. You need

38、 (read) more.15. He (teach) me how to dance last week.三、選擇填空:()1. She ate the vegetables, it rained for a _day.A. whole, all B. all, all C. whole, whole D. all, whole()2. Can you this story in English.A. say B. speak C. tell D. talk()3. I don' like this coat, would you please show me?A. other B.

39、 the other C. the others D. another()4. He' l stay in Beijing for.A. sometime B. sometimes C. some time D. some times()5. - Is the English book yours? - No, it Simon' s.A. can B. can be C. maybe D. might is( )6.Work hard,you may catch up with your classmates soon.A. or B. but C. and D. yet()

40、7. Lily will go to Japan.A. by air B. by a plane C. on planes D. on plane()8. It 'about 500 meters her home.A. far B. away C. from D. far from ()9. It made me when I thought of my sick uncle.A. worry B. worrying C. be worried D. worried about()10. The Yellow River is one of the in the world.A. l

41、ongest river B. longest rivers C. much longer river D. much longer rivers()11. Tom is taller than in his class.A. any other student B. any other students C. any student D. any students()12. Don' smoke. It ' bad for your health.A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too ()13. Her English

42、 is poor so she her English.A. need help with B. need to help with C. need for help D. need helping()14. He likes to plant trees in April,his father and mother.A. as well as B. as well C. as D. well()15. His grandpa lives in the country but she doesn' feel.A. alone; alone B. alone; lonely C. lon

43、ely; alone D. lonely; lonely()16.he told me!A. What bad news B. How a bad news C. How bad news D. What a bad news ()17. The pair of trousers them 30 dollars.A. costs B. takes C. costed D. took()18. This is a new shirt. He yesterday.A. tried it on B. tried on it C. tried it up D. tried up it()19. - H

44、ow many people are there in the room? - .A. A little B. Anyone C. Somebody D. None()20. You must keep your eyes when you play this game.A. closed B. closing C. close D. closes 四、翻譯句子 1.他學(xué)習(xí)東西很快。He can quickly.2 .對(duì)任何人來(lái)說(shuō)都很容易在森林里迷路。It is easy for to in the forest.3 .他一星期收到一次他姐姐的來(lái)信。He his sister.4 .沒(méi)有人愿意

45、和這個(gè)14歲的男孩玩。No one to play this boy.5 . Daniel考慮很周到,他總是在自己之前先想到別人Daniel, and he always【課外作業(yè)】一、根據(jù)句意,首字母或者中英文釋義寫單詞1. I like reading Mo Yan ' s a yvmuch.2. The( 照相機(jī))in this shop don ' t cost much . You can choose one from them.3. By the w, could you take your mobile with you, Amy?4. He got a lot

46、 of( 獎(jiǎng)品)for his composition.5. He plays the p very well and he wants to be a pianist.6. I would like to( 推薦)Daniel to be our monitor.7. He h from his parents twice a month last year and he often wrote to them too.8. You must take a map with you when you travel, or you will your way.9. We should take

47、 in activities like colleting books for children in n.10. He is a m of the Helping Hands Club and he always teach us how to help others.11. The fire(hurt sb. with fire) his legs and he had to be in h for two months.12. Tom( 忘t己)his mobile phone in his office yesterday.13. -Can you( 借)your bike to me

48、? - No p.14. I could ride a horse at the of 13. What about you?二、用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空piano, good, care, much, help, quiet, lose, life, quick1. We must read and use English often .2. I always get in this city because I' m new here.3. You should keep in the dining room and talk.4. Look, the boy is so. He i

49、s helping the old cross the road5. He ran back to his room as as he could.6. You don ' t do your homework. It ' s of you to make so many mistakes.7. There are many in the music room.8. Don ' t worry. I will do my to help you .9. He wants to be a doctor and save people' s.三、選擇合適的動(dòng)詞并用它

50、們的適當(dāng)形式填空not open, be , begin, not be, cry, get1. At last, Tom climbed the big tree the kite down.2. Did you see him at 8 yesterday evening?3. Shops in that town on Mondays.4. You ' d better try your best late next time.5. One of the students born in Canada.6. We all look forward to our English e

51、vening.go, not play, get, not cross, fly , read,1. I wash my face after up every day.2. Tom , like his father,newspapers in the sitting room at the moment.3. Be careful the road alone.4. -Where is the bird?- It away a moment ago.5. in the street. It ' s dangerous.6. The girl with two dogs always

52、 out for a walk after supper.四、單項(xiàng)選擇D. not be careless()1. He often tells his students when they are on the way home.A. be carefulB. to be careful with C. to be careful()2. If there is a bike, we go to the countryside for a trip tomorrow.A. will ableB. are able toC. can able toD. will be able to()3.

53、-My English teacher speaks too fast. Sometimes, I can-Don' t worry.can help you a lot .t follow her.A. Listen much B. Writing much C. Write moreD. Listening more()4. You shouldnA. opent leave the TV when you go out.B. onC. closeD. closed()5. Everyone thinks that Simon should getA . the, ofB. a,

54、for()6 How the baby looks!A. softlyB. beautifully()7.great fun they had yesterday!A . How aB. Howaward his hard work.C. /, forD. an, forC. nicelyD. lovelyC. What aD. What()8 .-Can I return the book to the libraryA. No problemB. No waynext week? -.C. I'm sorry D. That's sad10 / 10()9. He does

55、n ' t speak English, and he needs more practice.A good enough B. enough good C. well enoughD. enough well()10. -Could I bring my dog here? -.A. Yes, you could.B. No, you can ' t. C. Yes, I can. D. No, I can ' t.()11.Don ' t smoke. It ' s bad for you health.A. too manyB. too much C. much tooD. many too()12. He went to Japan to visit his parents. Don' t go to hisHheme. at home.A. can be B. can ' t be C. must be D. mustn ' t be()13. I


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